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Bridewell, my Penance, my Pain

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Bridewell, My Penance, My Pain. Part 23

I feel very apprehensive about reading the Punishment day posting. I expect to get beaten not for misbehavior, but rather for my refusal to sign the indentured servitude contract. I have disobeyed the governor by not signing. I have taken money away from Bridewell and probably the governors pocket as well. I have angered one of Bridewell’s biggest benefactors, Miles Coward. I expect the worst .

All of the other prisoners are crowded around the posted handbill and I have to push my way through the group of women to get a look. The poster reads as follows:
On Thursday next, it will be the next scheduled punishment day at Bridewell. Governor Abbott has decried the following punishments:


Phyllis Potter. 18 lashes with the cat

*Disciplinary Punishments*

Aslin Pennyworth. 6 hours in the stocks
Plus the Bastinado
Elsbeth Barker 18 lashes with the cat

Ashley Miller. 12 strokes with no 1 cane


Lois Bane. 18 strokes of the bulls
Pizzle plus brand

Cate Watson. 12 strokes of the bulls
Pizzle plus brand

Alice Baxter. Two trips at the carttail
and the cat plus brand

I am taken back as I read the posting. It appears that I will once again suffer the embarrassment of being held captive in a wooden device as visitors mill around me, taunting me and ogling me. I can remember the shame of being naked in front of these people. My god, will I be naked, sitting in the stocks in front of all these people once again? And I wonder, what is this thing called Bastinado. I am unfamiliar with it and none of the others seem to know either.
Elsbeth has to face the cat once again and she will suffer the same number of strokes as her protagonist, Phyllis Potter. Of course, Ashley Miller, the governors concubine, gets only a token punishment. The number 1 cane is a mild instrument and only 12 strokes may not even draw any tears. The governor must just plan to embarrass her, not really punish her.

This is the first time since I have been at Bridewell that punishment day includes some farewells. Yes, there are three prisoners scheduled to receive a final punishment before being released from prison. One last whipping to help remind the prisoner that this place is not someplace that they will wish to return to. I recognize the last name, Alice Baxter, as the woman whipped at the capstan, my first night at Bridewell. She will suffer at the cart tail, a brutal farewell punishment. All of the prisoners are surprised that the three farewells include branding, a new wrinkle added by the governor.
The next day brought three new prisoners Lois Peters, Penelope Pope, and Lucy Waters. Their arrival turned the somewhat predictable daily life at Bridewell to that of turmoil. Suddenly things began happening. There were more fights between inmates usually involving one of the new inmates. Things also started disappearing from the women's dormitory and the work areas. I beginto notice that all of the new girls were friendly with Phyllis Potter so I started to look for my opportunity to eavesdrop on one of their conversations.
It happened one night before lights out . I was just outside the bathroom area when I heard the three new girls talking to Phyllis. Phyllis mapped out a plan for the other three with who was to confront another prisoner and start a fight as a diversion. While all the other prisoners were cheering on the combatants, Phyllis and the other two new prisoners would raid one of the female dormitories and steal whatever they could get their hands on. The loot would be stashed until one of the guards could move it outside the prison to be sold.

Now that I know what was going on I can report them to the Matron or the Governor. But I am not in the good favor of either and I have to go through the guards to see either. If the guards are involved, I can not dare let them know that I am privy to their scheme. If all of the guards are truly involved, might not the Matron be involved too. Maybe Governor Abbott is part of the operation, maybe the mastermind. At any rate we have a gang of thieves in Bridewell and they have to be stopped.

The gang picked fights with one of the other inmates almost every day and most of the time with Elsbeth who was quicker to fight since she had banged her head. The guards usually let the fights go on for a while before breaking them up and usually Elsbeth got a lot more cane strokes from the guards and the gang member usually got off with a warning. Then one day one of the gang members picked a fight with Ashley Miller. This led me to surmise that maybe governor Abbott was not involved in the scheme, other wise they would not have picked on one of his favorites.

This gave me an idea but tomorrow is punishment day and I will have to wait to implement my plan. The morning of punishment day is bright, sunny , and very warm. They bring me out three hours before the festivities are to begin. My heart sinks as The governor orders me to strip naked and take a seat on a heavily timbered perch. They lift each leg and place my ankles in the waiting half circles of iron high above where I sit. I hear a clicking sound and both of my ankles are trapped against the vertical wooden post. My arms are pulled behind my back and they lock my wrists below me to the same stout vertical post directly behind me. Then they place a gag in my mouth.
I feel very vulnerable as I sit with my legs raised and spread, my bare feet sticking out above me. All of my weight is on my bare back and I am already feeling uncomfortable. The way my hands are tied behind me to the post is very painful. That, and the way my legs are lewdly spread, embarrasses me greatly. If the idea is to display my naked body in an obscene fashion, they have succeeded in their task. My whole body begins to blush as the visitors begin to arrive and they see my naked body on display. I shudder and close my eyes as I see my nemesis’ Miles and Livia Coward climb the platform steps and make their way towards me. ( to be continued)
I have read the penalty schedule carefully and have a few questions. Why did Alice Baxter try to escape from Bridewell and was brutally flogged for it if now a few weeks later she is to be released and go free? I don't understand her decision. And what happened to the second part of Aslin's "Welcome" (with paddling), which was postponed earlier?
Bridewell, MyPenance, My Pain Part 24

I keep my eyes closed but that does not stop Miles Coward and his haughty wife Livia from stopping to mock me. I see Miles shaking his head in feigned disgust “ I must say, that is quite the unladylike pose Pennyworth, it looks like you have angered the wrong people once again. Livia, are you sure that you would even want such a servant who can’t seem to follow the rules?” Livia is smiling at me as she replies “ That is precisely the reason I want her Miles. What fun we could have whipping her into shape.” I cringe and shake my head, trying unsuccessfully to wish them away.

Livia continues to mock me. “ Your cunny looks like it is recovering well, Aslin. May I call you Aslin? I feel like we have become quite close. My friends are asking me to arrange another visit. What do you think girl? Wouldn’t you like to have another go with us, you were the perfect hostess.”
Miles had to have his piece of flesh “ Aslin, I just reminded the governor that you got a reprieve on your punishment the last punishment day. He assures me that he will add back those twenty strokes on your bottom this very day. Isn’t that good news? Shackled as you are, you are in perfect position for the strap. I may even ask them to remove your gag. Wouldn't want anyone to miss your screams.” They turn and walk away and I am thankful that they don’t see the grimace on my face.

As the aristocrats made their way to the prime seats, they were all drawn to the spot that I occupied on the platform. The women shaking their heads in disgust at my lewd pose, Their menfolk ogling that spot at the juncture of my wide spread legs. I flush with embarrassment. The mental anguish I feel is overwhelming. I Am not sure which is worse, the pain from my cramping muscles or the anguish of being on naked display. But I am pretty sure that even these will pale in comparison to what the governor and Miles Coward have in store for me.

The crowd finally finishes ambling into the courtyard of Bridewell. From what I can tell the crowd looks much bigger than on the last scheduled punishment day. I can see the seating for the aristocrats, it seems to be full even beyond capacity as more chairs have been added around the edge of the stage. Because of the way I am secured I can only see about 1/3 of the standing crowd but it looks much deeper than the last time and I can tell it is much louder. Maybe people told their friends or maybe the rumors of the new governor and his cruelty have spread. I try to close my ears to the lewd comments from the commoners but of course I can’t.

The crowd began to roar as the governor leads the women prisoners to be punished this day onto the platform. Each woman is held at the elbow by the guard who will be delivering their punishment. A new wrinkle is added, each woman is made to kneel facing the center of the platform and a short chain is affixed , one end to a collar the woman wears and the other to a bolt on the floor of the platform.

The governor introduces himself and his staff ,explaining to the crowd that prisoners are like children. Spare the rod and spoil the prisoner. Those who choose to disobey must pay dearly for the error in their ways. Governor Abbott reads the roster of punishments scheduled for today as it had been posted on our walls. The crowd becomes more loud and animated in anticipation. He adds as an aside that before we get to todays scheduled punishments that there is a matter that had not been completed several months ago. “To start off todays festivities, prisoner Aslin Pennyworth, who you see secured naked before you, will receive 20 strokes of the heavy strap on her bottom to complete her welcome from the last punishment day.” The crowd roared in approval.

He continues “ I may have forgotten about this had it not been for one of our benefactors bringing it to my attention. To thank him, I bestow upon him the honor of delivering the prisoners punishment, himself . Please step forward sir. Please welcome Sir Miles Coward.” Again the crowd roars as I see Miles hand his jacket to his wife Livia and roll up his sleeves as he makes his way toward me.

He bows as he is handed the strap and takes his place to the my right. I can see him clearly, his face determined, a slight smiled on his lips. Just as he is ready to rock into his first blow he stops and addresses the crowd “should we remove the gag? Wouldn’t you rather hear her scream?” The audience roared out “aye” in unison. As Miles removed the gag, I could hear him whisper,” Aslin, Aslin only a fool would continue to suffer pain in this wretched place when a chance to get back outside these walls can be had with a mere signature. I can let you off easy if you agree to sign.” “Never” I yell out, but I am drowned out by the yells of the crowd.

I hear the first stroke crack against my bottom before I feel it. But when I feel it, it is nothing like the last time I was strapped. This is the heavy strap and it stings with a fury beyond anything I had imagined. I’m sure that the fact that the skin of my bottom was stretched so tightly is a factor. Try as I might I couldn’t suppress a scream. Two more strokes in the same spot has tears running down my cheeks as my screams echo in the courtyard. The crowd is engaged in my suffering…I can hear the aristocrats cheering on the efforts of one of their own, as Miles Coward continues to blister my bottom.

By the tenth stroke my bottom is ablaze with pain. Then Miles begins to aim for a spot he has not yet struck. Suddenly the end of the strap snaps dead center on my most sensitive nether-lips. Secured as I am, I can’t move much but I jump against my bonds in response to the fire in my groin. Four more strikes in the same area and I feel like I’m losing my mind. My teeth are clenched between my screams. Everything is now a red haze of pain. I can’t breath, I can’t think. I can only feel the relentless burn.
There is a respite. I open my eyes and see Miles Coward move from my right to my left. He smiles at me and whispers as he moves past me “ Are you ready to sign yet, Pennyworth?” I weakly answer, no. He responds quickly “ Well then you foolish girl let’s see how you like my backhand”. I closed my eyes again as he backhanded a stroke that hits dead center. This time from the other direction, the pain is worse as the strap tears into my already wounded flesh.
The last of the twenty strokes strikes home and I think I lose consciousness for a short time as the loud roar of the crowd seems to disappear. But what doesn’t go away is the firey pain between my legs. I want so much to rub the pain away but with my hands pinioned below my I am unable to do it.

I squirm and moan in pain on my perch as Phyllis Potter is released from her chained kneeling position and led to the whipping post. I hope the attention of the audience, especially those in close proximate, is focused on Phyllis as her dress is pulled down over her shoulders leaving her naked to the waist. But I know that a fair number of eyes are glued to my writhing bottom and the gaping lips of my punished cunny. Governor Abbott announces that Phyllis will receive 18 strokes of the cat as her welcome. A harsh welcome due to her confrontational behavior. If only the governor knew of her gang activity. I’m sure if he knew, Phyllis would receive many more strokes….maybe even tied to the cart tail.

Phyllis Potter is not a big woman by any means but she is blessed with a rather large set of breasts that belied her thin frame. This was not lost on the crowd as they hooted and shouted out crude comments.
When tied stretched at the post the woman’s large breasts seemed to encompass the sturdy post that now rested against the middle of her chest. Davey was the guard who had the honor of wielding the whip for this welcome. I am sure that he notices those breasts and will make sure they receive his full attention.

Davey spreads the nine tails across the shoulder blades of the woman on the first stroke. She stiffens but makes no sound. The second stroke mid-back draws forth an audible grunt. Stroke number three just above the waist makes her cry out as her head snaps back. Davey repeats the same stroke and Phyllis squeals loudly as she pulls at her bonds. Strokes five and six repeat previous strokes mid back and upper back. The next half dozen bring forth some serious screams as her body begins to jump and shake making her breasts quiver much to the enjoyment of the crowd. The blood begins to trickle down her back from the many inflicted wounds .
Davey takes two steps closer to the woman and reaches back for a viscous stroke that wraps around the convicts back causing the nine tips of the lash to bite into her right breast. Two more of the same left her breast decorated with red steaks and droplets of blood. “How about we pay some attention to the other tittie” Davey yells to the raucous cheers of the assemblage. He quickly moves to the other side of Potter and sends a viscous backhand stroke that impacts the left breast. One of the tips makes a direct hit on the left nipple and splits the skin. Phyllis screams as blood begins to flow from the damaged teat. Her body shakes as the next two strokes attack the same breast. Her punishment complete, she slumps at the post.

Phyllis Potter is released from the post and the guards lead her toward the doorway to the prison hospital. I can’t say that I have any compassion for the woman as she has not earned any since her arrival at Bridewell. Next they bring Elsbeth to the post. Now she is one who I do care about. ( to be continued)

A new wrinkle is added, each woman is made to kneel facing the center of the platform and a short chain is affixed , one end to a collar the woman wears and the other to a bolt on the floor of the platform.
I do like the way this Governor thinks- force them to grovel.

Aslin the story is continuing beautifully for me, thanks again
I am inspired by the creativity in this story. I simultaneously feel awful for Aslin and want to see her beautiful suffering. The position she's in now makes me want to paint her predicament with the evil look on Cowerd's face as he's brandishing the heavy strap. Each new chapter contains interesting ideas, the characters feel very realistic, and having a sea captain graduate to managing a prison workhouse only makes sense. I especially appreciate the way we can see inside her mind as she suffers in the closet - hallucinating as the hours pass while she cannot stand or rest. Each device of torture is vividly imagined, and I am certain our talented author has much worse (or better ;) ) in store.
I am inspired by the creativity in this story. I simultaneously feel awful for Aslin and want to see her beautiful suffering. The position she's in now makes me want to paint her predicament with the evil look on Cowerd's face as he's brandishing the heavy strap. Each new chapter contains interesting ideas, the characters feel very realistic, and having a sea captain graduate to managing a prison workhouse only makes sense. I especially appreciate the way we can see inside her mind as she suffers in the closet - hallucinating as the hours pass while she cannot stand or rest. Each device of torture is vividly imagined, and I am certain our talented author has much worse (or better ;) ) in store.
Thank you for your kind words. It’s readers like you, and my other followers that make me want to create elaborate stories that I hope you all enjoy. I try to make my characters relatable by often writing in
“ first person” so that you can feel what I feel.
Bridewell, My Penance, My Pain. Pt 24

Two guards slam Elsbeth into the post before they secure her hands high above her head. They roughly pull her dress from her tearing it in several places until she is standing naked ready for the whip. I am amazed and dismayed that Elsbeth gets treated so brutally even when she is not showing any form of resistance. Maybe it’s her massive size, maybe her reputation, that makes them afraid. But ever since her accident there has been a change in the woman’s personality. She no longer looks for trouble but trouble seems to seek her out.

Maybe it is her brain being addled or maybe it’s finally having someone she can call a friend, but somehow there has been a change for the better in Elsbeth Barker. I have changed my opinion of Elsbeth and I feel for her wellbeing. It is not Davey who will whip her but a smallish man named Caleb who will wield the
Cat-of-nine tails. I am thankful it is not Davey, with his sadistic demeanor, who is tasked to whip my friend. But I am concerned, that this Caleb, may be just as brutal when I see the surly, all business, look on his face. His first stroke catches the big woman mid back. It is a viscous blow that causes Elsbeth to rise up on her toes and grunt loud enough for all to hear. “ I’ll have you singing by the third stroke, you big sow.” Caleb yells, loud enough for all to hear. The crowd gets involved and I hear someone yell out “ Look at that fat arse jiggle. Make her sing for us Caleb. Make the big woman dance.”

I am always saddened by the sadistic nature of the crowds that populate Bridewell on punishment day. Maybe I am too optimistic about what kinds of people that populate London in this day and age. I know there are many people with kind hearts, with compassion and caring, who exist outside these walls. But that is not the type of people that is attracted to the spectacle of punishment day. Whether it be the richest aristocrat sitting at the edge of the platform or the poorest commoner standing before the platform, they come for only one thing....to sate their sadistic desires. They wish that it was them wielding the whip and the rod, drawing the blood and the screams from the wretched female criminals. Some like Miles and Livia Coward are able to bring those fantasies to reality with the exchange of some coin. The rich can buy their fantasies. We are the unfortunate ones who get to suffer for their pleasure.

By the third stroke Elsbeth is screaming just as Caleb had predicted. Soon his strokes are drawing blood and my friend is fighting her bonds and her body is bobbing and weaving as she tries unsuccessfully to avoid the slicing tails of the lash. The guard Caleb spreads his strokes all over the big woman’s body, keeping her guessing where the next blow will land. The crowd applauds his efforts as Elsbeth begins cursing at the much smaller man beating her.

By the 18th and final blow Elsbeth has blood trickling down her back and into her many creases. Although still conscious, she slumps at the post, spent from trying to fight the burning kiss of the lash. The guards release her from her bonds and escort her to the prison hospital to the jeers of the crowd .

Next up is non-other than the governors own bedmate Ashley Miller. The audience quiets as the pretty, petite girl is led to the caning bench. I am sure that some are disappointed that they will not get to see such a beautiful girl naked. They will have to be satisfied to get a short look at the girls bare bottom. The light cane used on her barely elicits any sound from the prisoner. Her bottom is pink after all the strokes are delivered and there are tears in Ashley’s eyes. But I guess the governor just wants to embarrass his bedmate, put her in her place, but cause her no damage.

Since she had no reason to go to the prison hospital, there is a little confusion about where Ashley should go, so they bring her back to her original spot and as she kneels they clip the chain once again to her collar. The next prisoner Lois Bane, sentenced to the puzzle for her farewell, was quickly fastened to the bench and her bottom bared. She cried out as the first stroke of a very stern looking Bull’s puzzle creased her bottom. A large guard, Elton, stepped into the second and third strokes causing the poor woman to lift her body as far as her bonds would allow as her head tilted back. Her full throated screams seemed to energize the audience. This is what they came for, not the mild punishment the previous prisoner received.

Soon the whole crowd was engaged, calling out each strike from the pizzle. They cheered loudly as the woman’s body bobbed and weaved on the beach. They applauded Elton as the 8th blow drew blood. They roared after the last of the 18 strokes was delivered, leaving her bottom bloody. Suddenly they quiet down as a small brazier is carried onto the stage.

The prisoner Lois Bane was lifted from the beach and grabbed firmly by three guards. They forced her right arm forward so that the palm of the hand is facing upward. Her hand is secured in such a fashion and a hot iron if pressed into her palm. The woman’s bellering scream is cut short as she faints.

One of the guards hold her hand up for the audience to see. The poor woman will wear an old English B , the symbol for Bridewell , on her hand for eternity. I feel for her, she will never be able to forget this place, Bridewell will be with her forever.

The second farewell goes much like that of Lois Bane except it is only 12 strokes of the pizzle. After the beating, Cate Watson wanted nothing of the branding iron as she tried to bolt the stage, much to the delight of the audience, but one of the guards tripped her and soon the brand was burning into the flesh of her right palm. I realize that soon it will be my turn once again to entertain the audience. ( to be continued)
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Bridewell, My Penance, My Pain. Pt 24

Two guards slam Elsbeth into the post before they secure her hands high above her head. They roughly pull her dress from her tearing it in several places until she is standing naked ready for the whip. I am amazed and dismayed that Elsbeth gets treated so brutally even when she is not showing any form of resistance. Maybe it’s her massive size, maybe her reputation, that makes them afraid. But ever since her accident there has been a change in the woman’s personality. She no longer looks for trouble but trouble seems to seek her out.

Maybe it is her brain being addled or maybe it’s finally having someone she can call a friend, but somehow there has been a change for the better in Elsbeth Barker. I have changed my opinion of Elsbeth and I feel for her wellbeing. It is not Davey who will whip her but a smallish man named Caleb who will wield the
Cat-of-nine tails. I am thankful it is not Davey, with his sadistic demeanor, who is tasked to whip my friend. But I am concerned, that this Caleb, may be just as brutal when I see the surly, all business, look on his face. His first stroke catches the big woman mid back. It is a viscous blow that causes Elsbeth to rise up on her toes and grunt loud enough for all to hear. “ I’ll have you singing by the third stroke, you big sow.” Caleb yells, loud enough for all to hear. The crowd gets involved and I hear someone yell out “ Look at that fat arse jiggle. Make her sing for us Caleb. Make the big woman dance.”

I am always saddened by the sadistic nature of the crowds that populate Bridewell on punishment day. Maybe I am too optimistic about what kinds of people that populate London in this day and age. I know there are many people with kind hearts, with compassion and caring, who exist outside these walls. But that is not the type of people that is attracted to the spectacle of punishment day. Whether it be the richest aristocrat sitting at the edge of the platform or the poorest commoner standing before the platform, they come for only one thing....to sate their sadistic desires. They wish that it was them wielding the whip and the rod, drawing the blood and the screams from the wretched female criminals. Some like Miles and Livia Coward are able to bring those fantasies to reality with the exchange of some coin. The rich can buy their fantasies. We are the unfortunate ones who get to suffer for their pleasure.

By the third stroke Elsbeth is screaming just as Caleb had predicted. Soon his strokes are drawing blood and my friend is fighting her bonds and her body is bobbing and weaving as she tries unsuccessfully to avoid the slicing tails of the lash. The guard Caleb spreads his strokes all over the big woman’s body, keeping her guessing where the next blow will land. The crowd applauds his efforts as Elsbeth begins cursing at the much smaller man beating her.

By the 18th and final blow Elsbeth has blood trickling down her back and into her many creases. Although still conscious, she slumps at the post, spent from trying to fight the burning kiss of the lash. The guards release her from her bonds and escort her to the prison hospital to the jeers of the crowd .

Next up is non-other than the governors own bedmate Ashley Miller. The audience quiets as the pretty, petite girl is led to the caning bench. I am sure that some are disappointed that they will not get to see such a beautiful girl naked. They will have to be satisfied to get a short look at the girls bare bottom. The light cane used on her barely elicits any sound from the prisoner. Her bottom is pink after all the strokes are delivered and there are tears in Ashley’s eyes. But I guess the governor just wants to embarrass his bedmate, put her in her place, but cause her no damage.

Since she had no reason to go to the prison hospital, there is a little confusion about where Ashley should go, so they bring her back to her original spot and as she kneels they clip the chain once again to her collar. The next prisoner Lois Bane, sentenced to the puzzle for her farewell, was quickly fastened to the bench and her bottom bared. She cried out as the first stroke of a very stern looking Bull’s puzzle creased her bottom. A large guard, Elton, stepped into the second and third strokes causing the poor woman to lift her body as far as her bonds would allow as her head tilted back. Her full throated screams seemed to energize the audience. This is what they came for, not the mild punishment the previous prisoner received.

Soon the whole crowd was engaged, calling out each strike from the pizzle. They cheered loudly as the woman’s body bobbed and weaved on the beach. They applauded Elton as the 8th blow drew blood. They roared after the last of the 18 strokes was delivered, leaving her bottom bloody. Suddenly they quiet down as a small brazier is carried onto the stage.

The prisoner Lois Bane was lifted from the beach and grabbed firmly by three guards. They forced her right arm forward so that the palm of the hand is facing upward. Her hand is secured in such a fashion and a hot iron if pressed into her palm. The woman’s bellering scream is cut short as she faints.

One of the guards hold her hand up for the audience to see. The poor woman will wear an old English B , the symbol for Bridewell , on her hand for eternity. I feel for her, she will never be able to forget this place, Bridewell will be with her forever.

The second farewell goes much like that of Lois Bane except it is only 12 strokes of the pizzle. After the beating, Cate Watson wanted nothing of the branding iron as she tried to bolt the stage, much to the delight of the audience, but one of the guards tripped her and soon the brand was burning into the flesh of her right palm. I realize that soon it will be my turn once again to entertain the audience. ( to be continued)
Another fine episode, Aslin, in Pennyworth, you have created not only a brave and obdurate heroine, but an acute observer and narrator as well.
Bridewell, My Penance, My Pain. Part 25

There are only two of us left to receive our punishments, just Alice Baxter and myself. The governor calls for a brief respite as the cart and oxen are led into the prison courtyard. The people on the platform start milling about as refreshments are brought forth. Two finely dressed older ladies sidle over to me and look down at me through my spread legs. “ I just wanted to see up close what keeps bringing my Jonathon and your Malcolm to punishment day. I imagine even the older gents love to see a young comely lass like her caper under the lash, getting her just desserts.” The other replied “ She do be comely, with her young breasts and skinny ass. She be the reason they all come alright. Look at that big crowd wanting to get a peak at her lying there without a stitch of clothing, displaying her wares for all to see. It is so very shameful, even too shameful for a common convict whore.” They walk away so quickly they probably didn’t see me in full blush nor did they hear me cry out pitifully , “No.No.No I am no a whore!”
The old women are no sooner gone than three familiar faces take their place. Non other than my nemesis Livia Coward and two of her friends that “visited me” that night in the capstan room, Prudence and Agnes. It is Agnes who reaches out and traces her forefinger along the bare sole of my left foot. “ So soft and tender.” She says. “I just can’t imagine what it will do to such tender flesh” Prudence adds her insight “ Wouldn’t wish this on anyone Pennyworth, but since it’s you, you will put on a good show for us. Won’t you?”

I realize that they are referring to my feet and I shudder to think of what is going to happen to them. I still do not know what this thing called “Bastinado” is but thaks to Livia and her heinous friends I know it involves my feet. Before I can reply, Livia has to have her pound of flesh once again. “I’m disappointed , Miles asked if he could wield the cane but Governor Abbott insists on delivering the blows himself. He says it takes much expertise to be able to deliver maximum pain to such tender flesh while minimizing the damage to the delicate area.” Oh my god, they are gong to beat the bare soles of my feet. Livia continues, “ I have read that when delivered properly, the bastinado causes excruciating pain that can almost drive the victim to a state of madness. I understand that the pain lingers for weeks and often times the victim can not walk for many days and must crawl around to get about.” I begin to feel so anxious. Livia’s description of my punishment has shaken me to my core.

I will survive this ordeal, I tell myself over and over again. But this time there is a shadow of doubt lingering over me. Will I be able to take the pain, will I lose my mind? Will I be able to walk or will I have to crawl off this platform in front of the jeering crowd. In front of the insufferable Miles and Livia Cowerd. I finally snap out of it. I will not let them break me! They can take my freedom. They can shame me. They can beat my body but I will never let them take my pride, my self worth.
The respite is over and Alice Baxter is bared to the waist at the front of the platform and led down the steps to the cheers and jeers of the crowd. As her wrists are tied in front of her and she is secured to the back of the ox cart the governor reads a change toher sentence.
“ Alice Baxter the magistrate has rescinded your farewell due to your escape attempt. Instead you will receive the same punishment , but an additional three years have been added to your sentence at Bridewell”
Alice Baxter cried out in anguish as the reality of her extended sentence struck home. The Governor called out to the guard to ply his whip and to the cart driver to begin his circuit. I hadn’t noticed before but
the back of Alice Baxter is still not completely healed from the brutal flogging delivered by the governor after her escape attempt.
As the first lash of the cat strikes home, it tears away scabs from the previous flogging and blood begins to flow. By the time she reaches the first corner of the courtyard, her back is bloody and she is crying out in pain. By the second corner her screams have increased in volume, her body jerking violently with each strike. When she reaches the third corner she begins to stumble and the volume of her screams begins to wane. Alice Baxter is barely still afoot after the last stroke tears into her bloody back. She collapses as the cart returns to the place she started her journey. There is much blood and I can tell that her back will be scarred and never look the same. I feel sorry for her but suddenly a chill comes over me as I realize that I am next.
The crowd cheers and applauds the guard who has just finished flogging Alice Baxter. Then suddenly without any prompting I feel all eyes turn to me. I am not yet mentally prepared, I am not yet ready is the thought racing through my mind. But it is time…the governor walks up to me tapping my left sole with a whippy looking cane as he addressed the crowd. “ Do not be fooled by her comely face or her penitent demeanor. What we have here is a prisoner who continually refuses to follow the rules or obey the orders of her overseers, even when it benefits her and her fellow prisoners.” I could hear gasps of disgust come from the surrounding crowd. “ For this reason” he continues “ I have sentenced her to the bastinado. A brutal punishment used in the Orient and by the Moors. I will not set a number of strokes beforehand but I will beat this disrespectful prisoner until I have beaten the obstinance from her.”

The gathered crowd screams out their approval. Maybe the old lady was right, I am the reason they have gathered here.My reputation precedes me. They have heard that there is a prisoner at Bridewell who shows up every punishment day but refuses to be broken. All of them are here to see me punished. Most are here to see me broken but there are a few who want to see me beat this place. I won’t be broken, I assure myself. Not today.
I do not see the first stroke coming as the middle of my left sole explodes in fiery pain. My body bucks at the bonds that hold me. I scream . It hurts worse than anything I have ever experienced and it is only the first stroke. Suddenly doubt again creep over me. The second strike to the same sole expels any and all thoughts from my mind. Pain, only blistering searing pain, is all I can think about.

Four more strokes to the same sole has me writhing and I scream at the top of my lungs. The crowd is raucous, I can hear them cheering on the Governor as he moves to my right foot. No, no, no my mind screams as I see another half dozen stroke’s descend. I bite my lip, I taste blood, as the pain surges through my whole body. I scream continuously in response. I am straining, tearing at my bonds. I have to get away from here. I have to. I look up and I see him smile at me as the cane descends again. Everything turns a hazy red. I can barely hear the crowd now. I float into unconsciousness only to be returned to my pain filled world by the next stroke. Then miraculously I pass out completely. (To be continued)


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