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Bridewell, my Penance, my Pain

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Bridewell, My Penance, my Pain Pt 26 abbr

I regain consciousness as I am being released from the shackles that have held me in the immobile spread position for the past several hours. I am very stiff as they try to straighten me to stand but as soon as my beaten feet touch the hard surface of the platform, the pain is unbearable. My legs buckle and the guards are able to grab hold of me before I fall to the platform. I hear the catcalls and jeering from the crowd. They are obviously entertained by my immobility.

The guards and the Governor discuss what to do with me. I want to beg out to them, please don’t make me crawl in front of all these people but I remain quiet. They finally put me down on all fours and poke me with their canes. Davey calls out “move it girl” as he smacks my bottom with the palm of his hand-guiding my crawl around the whole of the platform right in front of the seated aristocrats. I try not to look at them as I crawl by but I can see them pointing and gesturing and I hear their lewd comments about my reddened bottom and the breasts that sway beneath me as I crawl.

I am so ashamed and tears fill my eyes but I refuse to bow my head. I try to keep my head high as I am made to crawl for the amusement of the assemblage. When I finally get to the platform steps I think that I am finished but instead they make me crawl once more around the whole platform in the opposite direction. This second circuit, I find to be more embarrassing than the first. The lewd comments cut more deeply, I feel every eye trained on my nakedness. I lower my head a bit as I feel a crimson blush splash over my naked body.

This time when I reach the top of the steps, Davey makes me stop. Two guards pick me up in a sitting position, one on each side with one arm under my buttocks and the other arm supporting my knee hollows. I put each of my arms around the neck of the man on that side. As they carry me down the steps I realize that my bobbing breasts are right in front of their faces. I can feel their fingers on my bottom, moving, searching for an orifice to enter. I feel Davey, behind me on the steps, reach around me with both hands. I feel his hands brush my sides and slide over my breasts. I feel him grasp a breast with each hand and jiggle them much to the delight of the crowd. He earns another roar of laughter when he begins to pinch and pull at my hardening nipples.

I am carried thusly through the crowd of commoners. My legs spread while being diddled by the guards who are there to protect me,Finally we reach the door of Bridewell but not before we pass the small group of male prisoners tasked with cleaning the platform after todays festivities. The men ogle my nakedness, except for one man. It is the man with the kind eyes that I have seen before. This is the second time he has shown me kindness and made me feel better without ever uttering a word. ( to be continued)

**Note: I will be away on holiday for two weeks so I thought that I would send out this brief chapter before I leave.**
Wow Aslin.
Crawling after bastinado is another good idea in your story of woman humilation.

Maybe in the future Alice Baxter scarred body (and other girls so severely punished) should be exposed to every new inmates to show them how they will punished for trying escape or stubborn rule-breaking. This is the first step in breaking their resistance.
Bridewell, My Penance, My Pain. Pt 28

I had to wait in bed at the prison hospital for quite a long time before anyone came to tend to my wounded feet. The Doctor was busy ministering to those who were whipped with the cat and bleeding like Elsbeth and Phyllis Potter. He was taking especially a long time trying to stop the bleeding of the suffering Alice Baxter who screamed out each time the astringent was applied to her open wounds.

It was during that time that I noticed two of Phyllis Potters accomplices sneak into the room to speak to their leader. I happened to be lying in the next bed so I feigned a swoon and listened to their conversation. They planned another caper for this very night. They will be be let loose by Mrs Barker, the guard that had supervised my capstan session with Livia Cowerd and her friends. I am able to relay that message to Ashley Miller in the bed next to me, who is there probably for show, since her punishment was relatively mild. Since she had something stolen previously by the group she seeks revenge , and will hatch a plan to expose this group of thieves. She told me that she has a precious token given to her by Governor Abbott that she will use as bait. Within an hour Ashley is released back to our work group.

I am told that I am to stay overnight and possibly longer if I can not yet walk. I am sure Elsbeth, Phyllis, and especially Alice Baxter will remain hospitalized for multiple days. I sleep anxiously that first night, my feet are still very tender and if I don’t move much I can take the pain. My dreams alternate between dreaming about the handsome male prisoner with the kind eyes and about the capture and exposure of Phyllis Potter and her gang of thieves.

I awaken to Phyllis Potter staring at me from the next bed. “Pennyworth”, she says “you are such a stupid sott. You have a long time left to serve on your sentence. You could serve it comfortably and even have some money when you get released. Come over to Phylis’s bed and we can get to know each other better. I can always use another capable member in my gang.” I sit up abruptly, “That is never going to happen. I will never fall into your criminal ways.” Potter laughs at me, “ But you are already a criminal, Pennyworth, or you wouldn’t be spending time with us at Bridewell. Don’t hold your nose up. Don’t give me no Aires. You are no better than the rest of us. You’re a criminal through and through, you are, no better than the rest of us here.”

She is probably right, I think. I am no better than anyone else. I went to trial and was convicted just like them. I believe I did no wrong but the law says I did. Everyone here thinks they are innocent and everyone here has been found guilty. I am no different than the rest. But I do still have my dignity and I will not give up my self worth for some petty crime scheme. Nor will I give my body to another. I think I’ve proven that with the Governor and Miles Cowerd.

I turn away from her smirking face, hoping that the plan that Ashley and I devised comes to fruition and Phyllis and her cohorts will be sent far away. I pray that the governor listens to Ashley and is not part of the thievery himself. I know of at least two of the guards involved but is there anyone else involved on the supervisory level? I am not sure, but it is the only way I can see, to stop the thieves.

When I awake the next morning, unbeknownst to me, our plan is already in place and working. Ashley did get to the governor and inform him of our plan, he agreed to it and even sent some of his men to help collect evidence. Phyllis’ gang did their part by committing robberies that night both from the prisoners personal belongings, including a brooch given to Ashley by the governor and from the prison stores.

The governors men silently followed the guard Mrs Parker when she left the prison with the stolen loot. They saw the guard exchange the stolen goods for silver coins from four well dressed women on the street in a wealthy part of London. The men followed the women to one of their homes and alerted the constables. The four women were caught red handed with the stolen loot and questioned long into the night. They were taken before the magistrate the next day. The four implicated Phyllis and her gang as well as the two prison guards.
In light of the women being wealthy and of means the magistrate set a trial date in two weeks to give their barristers enough time to collect evidence.

I heard nothing about the results of the plan for two weeks, although the guards Mrs Parker and Mrs Wilson were no longer around. I did not see Phyllis again and her cohorts were all ushered away one day. It wasn’t until Ashley Miller returned to the workgroup after her stint as the governor’s bed warmer, that I found out the specifics. There were four women from the outside involved with the thievery. They all went to trial along with the guards involved. All were found guilty and given prison sentences. The governor was unhappy with the length of the sentences for the rich women but was able to get the guilty women sent to Bridewell. The two guards received 5 year sentences but the wealthy women received only nine month sentences. Ashley did not know the names of the guilty women.

Little did I know that I was in for a big surprise when the guilty women were delivered to Bridewell by the prison wagon the following Wednesday. I did not see the wagon enter Bridewell and the prisoners had to meet the governor and go through the stripping of clothing, bathing, and prison issued uniforms before they were brought to meet the other prisoners.

As the six women are led into the work room, I recognize Mrs Parker and Mrs Wilson immediately. But much to my surprise the next person to enter the room is Lyvia’s friend Agnes, followed closely by her friend Violet, and finally her friend Prudence. There is a slight delay then non other than my nemesis Lyvia Cowerd , fighting against the guards steady hold and crying out her innocence, is pushed into the room by othe guards. It is funny, I think of the conversation I had with Phyllis in the hospital about all of us being guilty….. Lyvia, you are no longer rich and influential. You are now no better than the rest of us. You were found guilty. You are a criminal, just like us, in prison for your misdeeds to society. It will be interesting to see how you and your friends learn how to handle Bridewell. ( to be continued )
Bridewell, My Penance, My Pain. Pt 28

I had to wait in bed at the prison hospital for quite a long time before anyone came to tend to my wounded feet. The Doctor was busy ministering to those who were whipped with the cat and bleeding like Elsbeth and Phyllis Potter. He was taking especially a long time trying to stop the bleeding of the suffering Alice Baxter who screamed out each time the astringent was applied to her open wounds.

It was during that time that I noticed two of Phyllis Potters accomplices sneak into the room to speak to their leader. I happened to be lying in the next bed so I feigned a swoon and listened to their conversation. They planned another caper for this very night. They will be be let loose by Mrs Barker, the guard that had supervised my capstan session with Livia Cowerd and her friends. I am able to relay that message to Ashley Miller in the bed next to me, who is there probably for show, since her punishment was relatively mild. Since she had something stolen previously by the group she seeks revenge , and will hatch a plan to expose this group of thieves. She told me that she has a precious token given to her by Governor Abbott that she will use as bait. Within an hour Ashley is released back to our work group.

I am told that I am to stay overnight and possibly longer if I can not yet walk. I am sure Elsbeth, Phyllis, and especially Alice Baxter will remain hospitalized for multiple days. I sleep anxiously that first night, my feet are still very tender and if I don’t move much I can take the pain. My dreams alternate between dreaming about the handsome male prisoner with the kind eyes and about the capture and exposure of Phyllis Potter and her gang of thieves.

I awaken to Phyllis Potter staring at me from the next bed. “Pennyworth”, she says “you are such a stupid sott. You have a long time left to serve on your sentence. You could serve it comfortably and even have some money when you get released. Come over to Phylis’s bed and we can get to know each other better. I can always use another capable member in my gang.” I sit up abruptly, “That is never going to happen. I will never fall into your criminal ways.” Potter laughs at me, “ But you are already a criminal, Pennyworth, or you wouldn’t be spending time with us at Bridewell. Don’t hold your nose up. Don’t give me no Aires. You are no better than the rest of us. You’re a criminal through and through, you are, no better than the rest of us here.”

She is probably right, I think. I am no better than anyone else. I went to trial and was convicted just like them. I believe I did no wrong but the law says I did. Everyone here thinks they are innocent and everyone here has been found guilty. I am no different than the rest. But I do still have my dignity and I will not give up my self worth for some petty crime scheme. Nor will I give my body to another. I think I’ve proven that with the Governor and Miles Cowerd.

I turn away from her smirking face, hoping that the plan that Ashley and I devised comes to fruition and Phyllis and her cohorts will be sent far away. I pray that the governor listens to Ashley and is not part of the thievery himself. I know of at least two of the guards involved but is there anyone else involved on the supervisory level? I am not sure, but it is the only way I can see, to stop the thieves.

When I awake the next morning, unbeknownst to me, our plan is already in place and working. Ashley did get to the governor and inform him of our plan, he agreed to it and even sent some of his men to help collect evidence. Phyllis’ gang did their part by committing robberies that night both from the prisoners personal belongings, including a brooch given to Ashley by the governor and from the prison stores.

The governors men silently followed the guard Mrs Parker when she left the prison with the stolen loot. They saw the guard exchange the stolen goods for silver coins from four well dressed women on the street in a wealthy part of London. The men followed the women to one of their homes and alerted the constables. The four women were caught red handed with the stolen loot and questioned long into the night. They were taken before the magistrate the next day. The four implicated Phyllis and her gang as well as the two prison guards.
In light of the women being wealthy and of means the magistrate set a trial date in two weeks to give their barristers enough time to collect evidence.

I heard nothing about the results of the plan for two weeks, although the guards Mrs Parker and Mrs Wilson were no longer around. I did not see Phyllis again and her cohorts were all ushered away one day. It wasn’t until Ashley Miller returned to the workgroup after her stint as the governor’s bed warmer, that I found out the specifics. There were four women from the outside involved with the thievery. They all went to trial along with the guards involved. All were found guilty and given prison sentences. The governor was unhappy with the length of the sentences for the rich women but was able to get the guilty women sent to Bridewell. The two guards received 5 year sentences but the wealthy women received only nine month sentences. Ashley did not know the names of the guilty women.

Little did I know that I was in for a big surprise when the guilty women were delivered to Bridewell by the prison wagon the following Wednesday. I did not see the wagon enter Bridewell and the prisoners had to meet the governor and go through the stripping of clothing, bathing, and prison issued uniforms before they were brought to meet the other prisoners.

As the six women are led into the work room, I recognize Mrs Parker and Mrs Wilson immediately. But much to my surprise the next person to enter the room is Lyvia’s friend Agnes, followed closely by her friend Violet, and finally her friend Prudence. There is a slight delay then non other than my nemesis Lyvia Cowerd , fighting against the guards steady hold and crying out her innocence, is pushed into the room by othe guards. It is funny, I think of the conversation I had with Phyllis in the hospital about all of us being guilty….. Lyvia, you are no longer rich and influential. You are now no better than the rest of us. You were found guilty. You are a criminal, just like us, in prison for your misdeeds to society. It will be interesting to see how you and your friends learn how to handle Bridewell. ( to be continued )
I hope those women have the bottoms soundly flogged.
Bridewell, My Penance, My Pain. Part 29

Within minutes of the new inmates entry into the workroom, in walks the Matron. All eyes in the room go to Matron Wilby as she addresses the all the women in the room. “As most of you know, I am not the type of person that you want to anger but all of these new prisoners have chosen to do just that. Parker and Wilson, once my trusted employees have chosen to break the law and make some extra coin on the side. Well now they will have five long years to regret that choice and learn what it’s like to be on the business end of the cane instead of weilding it. They will have double work quotas starting on day one and we will reconcile, with the cane, on a weekly basis. These other four high society bitches , with all the money in the world, felt it would be amusing to terrorize and steal from those of us at Bridewell.

“ But auntie Wilby” pleaded Livia, “ We are family… I’m innocent, you believe me don’t you?” I could see The Matron stiffen as she yelled. “ We are not family! How dare you besmirch my family name. You tramp. My nephew Miles has divorced you. He has thrown all of your possessions into the street. You will rue the day that you decided to cast a shadow upon the Cowerd family name.”

“ Now Wilson and Parker, you know the drill. Pull up your dresses, drop your drawers, and bend over and grab your ankles.” Ordered the Matron as she turned away from Livia. “ But we don’t deserve this” cried out Wilson. “Oh you two deserve much worse than this. Just a taste of what you two can expect.”
Mrs Wilby didn’t waist any time as her arm shot out and the bulls puzzle it held struck the middle of Wilson’s bottom just as she was leaning over. A loud crack of the rod striking bare flesh is soon followed by a loud yelp from the victim.

“I want you two to count each stroke out loud. Miscounts ,failure to count, or not maintaining the punishment position and we start all over again at zero” the matron explained as she struck the behind of the other guard Parker with a particularly harsh stroke. They both yelled out “one” almost simultaneously. I could tell that the matron wasnt holding back as each prisoner cried out the number of each brutal strike.
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By the time each woman had received a half dozen strokes, their bottoms were beet red with welts decorating both hemispheres of each bottom. The two women, especially Parker, was struggling to maintain her position. She straightened to rub her butt three times during the last six strokes of the full dozen and forgot to count twice. Wilson screamed with each stroke but maintained her counting and position. After the dozen strokes Wilson’s bottom looked raw and was covered with bluish- purple welts. She was ordered to pull up her knickers and stand with the other prisoners.

“What about me?” Sobbed Parker. The matron just smiled. “ Guards pull up a table. Bend Parker over the edge and hold her arms and ankles. “No, No, No,” Parker yelled. “Yes, Yes,Yes” replied Mrs Wilby “ You didn’t follow my directions like Wilson so now you get another dozen. No need to count this time. Your screams will suffice.” With that the big woman reached back and stepped into a brutal stroke that split the swollen skin of one of the welts. Parker screamed mightily as she tried to pull away from the hands that held her down on the table. Each new blow seemed harder than the previous blow. Blood was trickling down the clambering legs of the the woman as she screamed out, begging for mercy. I thought of the many times Mrs Parker and Mrs Wilson had struck blows upon my body, never showing the least bit of mercy for me. By the time the second dozen blows were completed, Parker had lost consciousness, her bottom a raw mass of bleeding welts.
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Wilson and Parker were taken to the infirmary but that was not the end of the days festivities. “Lester, step forward.” The matron ordered. No one moved. “ Thats you Livia. Don’t act ignorant. That was your maiden name before you bewitched my nephew. Now step forward girl and strip to the waist immediately or there will be hell to pay.” Livia did step forward and for the first time the defiance in her eyes turned to abject fear. “ Please don’t whip my back, Auntie Wilby.” She begged. The matron smiled again and replied “ oh don’t worry girl, it’s not your back that will feel the lash. I told you not to call me Auntie again. You just gained yourself six extra lashes.”

Livia Lester fell to her knees, begging the matron to forgive her punishment. Matron wilby just shook her head and nodded to the guards who quickly lifted Livia to her feet and tore her dress and undergarments until she was bared to the waist. Her hands were pulled above her and secured to waiting ropes. Livia, my tormentor stood before us bare breasted and ashamed. I could see the blush come over her skin as she realized her nakedness. I know that I should have pity for her predicament but I have none. I wanted to see her punished not necessarily for her crimes but for her treatment of me. Her continual goading and demeaning comments. Her superior attitude. Her rich pampered and entitled lifestyle. I looked at her face, her breasts, they are beautiful. I want to see her hurt. I want to see her face as the pain courses through her body. I want to see her long blonde hair flailing. I want to hear her screams.

What has this place done to me. I have always had compassion for others. I consider myself a good person, a kind person.Has Bridewell hardened me to the point that I care only about myself? Has the constant survival mode that is Bridewell, made me so self centered that nothing else matters to me but my own well-being. How can I ever be a productive part of society again when I have these feelings.

“ Look at those pretty titties! I can see why the rich, fancy gents fall for your spell, Lester. I’m sure you shook them in front of my nephews face to tempt him, get him under your bewitching control.” Shouted the Matron. “No that’s not true” sputtered Livia her eyes widening as she saw her former auntie pick up a viscous looking multi tail whip. “ Betsy here” says the matron as she runs her fingers thru the leather strands, “don’t let the looks of her fool you . She packs quite a punch. Burns like the fires of hell the prisoners tell me. I’ve seen her peal the skin off woman’s behind in no time at all. I wonder how long the tender skin on those titties will last when Betsy starts to show them her bite. After she’s thru with you, shake em all you want, No men are ever gonna wanna look at those titties again!”

“No auntie, please no! I will never do anything like this again. Please spare me. I’ll do anything. I’ll lie with you. You can do anything you want with me.” I can’t deny that I was enjoying the way she begs.The tears that fill her eyes. The way her lips quiver when she speaks.
“I told you I ain’t your auntie” the matron screamed as her arm shot forward. The room went silent as the leather strands hurdled toward Livia’s chest. The loud crack of hardened leather on human flesh filled the room, followed by the first of Livia’s screams. I’m not sure if it was the pain or the surprise of the blow that made her scream out. I could see her open mouthed scream turn to a harsh grimace as the pain scorched her tender breasts. I could see the flesh redden and tiny abrasions were evident on both breasts. The blows continued to rain upon her unprotected bubbies. Lucia’s face is now a constant grimace broken only by her full throated screaming.
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Livia tries to beg for mercy but the blows are coming so fast she is unable to finish any of her pleas as the pleas are interrupted by her screams. I can see abrasions now on both nipples.
Her breasts are beginning to swell and turn a bright red with bluish purple wheals. The screams are almost continual now. The pace at which the matron is delivering the blows has slowed somewhat, she appears to be tiring. She moves to the other side of the bound Livia and begins to send backhanded blows across Livia’s breasts.
The reason is obvious to me. Old Betsy is now impacting flesh that has until now has been able to escape the tips of the lash but also to criss-cross wheals previously left by the lash.
Soon I can see flecks of blood on the abrasions and the screams become ear-splitting. The site of blood seems to rejuvenate the matron as she begins to put more force into her blows. Livia is screaming and struggling so much that she appears to be dancing about in her bonds. The blows keep striking her inflamed breasts until the hardened tip of one of old Betsy’s tails splits her right nipple and the woman loses consciousness.

I do feel sorry for Livia. Her punishment has been brutal. She hangs limply in her bonds, her breasts almost unrecognizable. Rivulets of blood flow down her bare abdomen onto the torn dress bunched at her waist. I feel sorry for her but I am also pretty sure that she deserves it. ( to be continued)


  • D4415ACD-F9F5-41B4-87EC-9E73631289D7.gif
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@Aslin nee 8ball thank you for another amazing chapter. It is particularly gratifying to see Livia receive a nice tit whipping! Especially nice that the “skirt” was left on- perfect!

But given she fears a lashing to the back, I hope she also gets the opportunity to feel the bullwhip upon her back! Crying and whimpering, she would piss herself in fear! Ruining that pretty white skirt!
Bridewell, My Penance, My Pain. Part 30

I am sure that Livia will long remember the punishment of her breasts by the Matron. I am also sure that it will leave a lasting impression on the the rest of us at Bridewell. The staff here now know that if they are tempted by outside influences and succumb to those influences, they will not escape the Matron’s ire. The prisoners
have seen once again, what happens when you dare to anger Matron Wilby .

But there appears to be one individual at Bridewell that even the Matron fears, governor Abbott. Evidently the governor was not at all thrilled with the over-zealous punishment of Livia Lester. The governor with a keen eye for comely women had hoped to add Livia to his stable of young fillies. He had dreamed of fondling her luscious breast’s since the first time she had accompanied Miles to punishment day.
Now, with the damage that the Matron has delivered to those lovely bubbies, the woman will be out of commission for quite some time. With only a 9 month sentence, his opportunity to bed her is limited. He may now have to delay the next punishment day because Livia and the two guards will need to heal before they are subjected to their “welcome” punishments.

Ashley returned from her “week” with the governor with the story of how the governor had taken the Matron to task over her beating of Livia. She heard the governor was shouting that he would “take old Betsy to the Matrons fat titties if she ever did anything so stupid again.” That explains why Matron Wilby has been so on edge lately. She has been very quick to anger and is using her cane liberally on anyone who happens to be in her path. It seems all of us are walking on eggshells since the new prisoners have arrived.

Wilson and Parker are especially inclined to feel the Matrons wrath as they are subjected to some form of punishment on almost a daily basis. Elsbeth also became a victim of the matron’s vitriol and temper, often singled out and punished for nothing. One time she was punished for not putting her head down and casting her eyes to the floor when the Matron entered the workroom. She took 6 hard strokes from the Matron’s cane upon her back and another six, 3 strokes each, on her upturned palms. I had not seen that punishment used before at Bridewell.

I am not immune to the matrons anger, either. I am struck randomly a number of times across my bent back while working at the spinning wheel. Told to pick up the pace even though I was well ahead of the others with product produced.I keep my mouth shut. I am thankful that I am no longer subject of the worst punishments and I hope to keep it that way for at least the time being.

After several weeks Livia is finally reunited with the work group. She like the two guards, is ostracized by the rest of the prisoners, except for her friends Violet, Prudence, and Agnes. For some reason Livia’s friends have been accepted by the other prisoners. Maybe it has something to do with the anger the Matron showed while punishing Livia and the two former guards. I believe most of the prisoners fear that associating with any of the three will gain them further punishment and there is enough of that going around already.

Livia is obviously still in pain from her whipping, she is moving around gingerly and is very protective of her chest. Matron Wilby being very aware of this, tasked her with carrying large rolls of hemp rope from the storage area of the prison down the long steps to the dungeon area where unlucky prisoners would beat the hemp with heavy mallets. The rolls of hemp rope were too heavy to drag normally and the only way to get them to to the bottom is to wrap a number of strands around her torso and pull like a plow horse. This put great strain and pressure on her chest and chafed and pressed against the skin on her breasts, still raw from her flogging. Just the threat of another breast fogging caused the spoiled young woman to scrabble her feet and pull all the harder. Although her breasts hurt like hell, Livia will do whatever it takes to avoid another beating of her tender breasts.

In less than a week Ashley comes storming back into the prison dormitory earlier than usual, upset about being sent away from the governors bed earlier than expected. Coincidently, I noticed the absence of Livia from the dormitory. Could it be that my antagonist Livia is trying to ease her stay at Bridewell by sleeping with the governor of the prison. I shudder to think what such an alliance could mean for me. Two of my biggest protagonists plotting together could only translate to bad things for Aslin Pennyworth.

When Ashley finally comes to the realization that she has been replaced by Livia, she is livid. She stomps around the dormitory screaming that she will scratch the bitches eyes from her face, that she will tear her hair out by the roots, that she will smother her while she sleeps with her own pillow. Being one of the governors favorites means certain perks that Ashley is unwilling to give up. Especially to a rich bitch who is part of the gang who has stolen from everyone at Bridewell.

Instead of biding her time and waiting for the opportunity to confront the newcomer, Ashley cons one of the guards, who is ignorant of the situation, into letting her return to the governors quarters, saying she forgot something. Reaching the governors quarters, she comes upon Livia alone in the room. Immediately Ashley confronts her. “You bitch. Stay away from governor Adams. He’s mine.” Livia, knows that an alliance with the governor is her ticket to an easy stay at Bridewell, just laughs at her ,
“ Maybe the governor wants a real woman now. Not a skinny inexperienced waif like you girl. You can stay and watch if you want to learn a thing or two.”

Livia could see red as she thrusts herself at the rich bitch. But Livia is more streetwise than Ashley expects. True, she was born into a rich family but her father had gambled away the family fortune and Livia had escaped debtors prison to live on the streets, using her wits to survive. Survive she did, even thriving, as one of the few educated street urchins. Many successful cons and schemes led her to enough wealth to re-assume society status, which is how she came to meet Miles Cowerd. She used her wiles and body to quickly woo a marriage proposal from Matron Wilby’s nephew.

Livia puts up a good fight and thinks that she will have little trouble subduing the thin girl who is several years her junior. But after a short scuffle, Ashley is atop her slamming her head against the floor. Governor Abbot can hear the commotion and the women’s verbal exchange as he rushes toward his bedchamber. “ What is going on here?” he yells as he enters the room. Seeing Ashley Miller back when he had sent her away angers him greatly. “ I’ll scratch this bitches eyes out” yells Ashley… “She won’t take my place, she won’t.” The governor stamps his foot loudly on the wooden floor and yells
“ Your place is where I say it is. I would have thought your little caning on Punishment Day last, would have taught you a lesson but I guess you need further convincing. Tonight I will share my bed with Livia Lester and tomorrow you will get a lesson you won’t soon forget when you get a chance to make the acquaintance of “old Betsy.”

” Guards “ he yelled “ Bring this prisoner back to the dormitory and alert the matron to assemble the prisoners in the morning to witness punishment.” As Ashley is forcibly led from the room, she cries out “ You have not seen the last of me Livia Lester. The governor can’t protect you forever.” (To be continued)
Bridewell, My Penance, My Pain. Pt 31

Ashley is returned to the workgroup but I can tell that things had not gone well. Her look was quite surly and I think it best not to ask her how things have gone. She occupies the spinning wheel closest to mine and must feel the need to vent.
“ She’s ruining everything, the slut. Because of her, I am to be whipped in the morning. We need to stop her. Once she gains the favor of the Governor, she will make him rid himself of me and Nita. Then she will come for you, Aslin. I know her type, soon she will be calling the shots around here. How can we even try to compete with a rich, high learned bitch like her. I hate her and I’m going to get her if it’s last thing I do.” The blond girl exclaimed.

I believe that what she says makes a lot of sense. Livia Cowerd is a manipulative witch and I wouldn’t put it past her to try to get rid of her rivals for the governors affection. Once they are out of the picture, she can work on putting the governor fully under her spell. I come to the realization that I need to help Ashley Miller maintain her place with the governor and to make sure that Livia Cowerd never gains the status of “governess” of Bridewell.

I sleep fitfully that night trying to come up with a plan to help Ashley with her dilemma and hopefully save myself any further pain and suffering at the hands of my detractor Livia Cowerd. I can only imagine what little sleep Ashley Miller got that night, anxious about the whipping she is to receive when morning finally comes. She had only gotten a “tickling” on punishment day with the cane. But this was for real, this time Governor Abbott was really angry.

Morning seemed to come early as the “wake-up” bell told us it was time to arise. Ashley looked shaken as she freshened up and combed her long blond hair. I approached her quietly, not wanting to draw too much attention to her. If anyone can give her some advice for surviving this ordeal, it would be me. In my short time at Bridewell I have faced many harrowing and severe punishments. I assure her that she will survive and she will be all the stronger for it.

Ashley looked at me, her face pale and with tears in her eyes, “ I’m so afraid. I’m not strong like you Aslin. I can’t take pain and I know that this time the governor means to hurt me. I probably deserve it , I’ve overstepped my grounds. But I think I actually love him. Maybe that’s hard for you to understand but he can be gentle and caring. That woman has taken my place. Not only that but now I m to be whipped in front of all the other prisoners. I know I can’t take the pain and embarrassment. I’m afraid I won’t survive it.”

I let her quiet down for a moment before I take her into my arms. “ It will be OK, Ashley. It will hurt, probably a lot, but you will survive it. Fight the pain with your thoughts of how you will get your revenge on the woman who put you in this position. Focus on her. Make her help you thru your ordeal.” Ashley shivers as she nods her head.

Soon the guards are calling all prisoners to assemble in the courtyard of the prison. Ashley is led to the tall post. She seems resigned to her fate, no longer crying, her head bent. I hear her begin to sob as the guards have her unbutton her prison dress and pull all of her garments down until she is bared to the waist. I remember how I felt the first time I stood naked in front of the other prisoners. The embarrassment is numbing. You just want to crawl into a hole and die. Quietly the guards raised each of Ashley’s arms am secured each to waiting ropes on each side of the post.
The governor walks up to the group of prisoners and makes his way thru to stand beside the bound woman. He turns to address the crowd “ Let this be a lesson to all of you. Never forget who in charge at Bridewell. This girl did forget. But she will remember this day for a long time. I think things have become too lax at Bridewell, and if we have to repeat punishments like this to get your attention then so be it.”

The governor walks up to the bound blond girl and in a low voice only she could hear says “ Brace yourself girl. Old Betsy burns like hell-fire. I won’t damage you too badly but you will feel every bit of pain that my right arm can muster. If you ever cross me again I will take off every inch of skin from your neck to your ankles.”
He stepped back quickly and let the lash fly. The tails of old Betsy spread across Ashley’s upper back and her body went rigid as she tried to hold back a scream. The second lash landed just a little lower and the burning pain brought forth the first of many screams. The third stroke struck her mid back and he body began to fight against the ropes that held her. The next blow caressed her lower back and she screamed loudly, as her bottom began to weave to and fro.
The governor steps into a particularly hard stroke that wraps around the bound girls rib cage with the tips snapping onto her right breast. She screams out pulling hard at her bonds trying unsuccessfully to free herself. The blows keep falling, the body keeps gyrating, and the screams keep reverberating across the prison yard. The governor moves to the other side and starts backhanding blows upon the naked young body. “ Please sir. Please stop. I will never do anything wrong again.” She pleads.
But the blows keep falling. By the time Governor Abbott has stopped raining blows upon her, the skin on Ashley’s back is bright red and angry looking. Her breast’s are decorated with numerous red stripes, one even bisecting her left nipple.Ashley hangs limply at the post, her body drenched in sweat. She has survived, her scalded back would pain her for long while but she survived the whip. She has taken Aslin’s advice. She has focused on Livia Cowerd and it worked. But she knows what she has to do. She had to take down that thieving bitch for a second time. (To be continued)


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Bridewell, My Penance, My Pain. Part 32

Ashley only spends two days in the prison hospital. She tells the story of the surgeon personally rubbing her breasts with healing salve, some things never change. The day that she returns to the workgroup we get together and try our hardest to concoct a plan to discredit Livia, remove her from the governors bed and his confidence, and return Ashley to the governors favor. We come up with a plan similar to what had exposed Livia and her gang of thieves. The plan depends on the cooperation of a third prisoner, the other concubine Nita. If she refuses to help, there is no way that our plan can come to fruition.

Luckily Nita is currently with us in the dormitory because it is Livia who is spending this week with the governor. Ashley and I are able to explain our plan to her and with some coaxing we are able convince her that it is to our benefit to keep Livia as far away from Governor Abbott as possible. Nita has already recognized that Livia is a master manipulator and will do whatever she deems necessary to put the governor under her spell and share him with no other woman. Now we have to wait until it is once again Nita’s week with the governor, to execute the plan.

It is several days before Livia Cowerd returns to the workgroup, haughty and confident as ever. Evidently she feels she already has governor Abbott under her thumb and honestly I believe most of us feel that way too. No one wants to ruffle her feathers and face the governor’s ire. Ashley keeps her distance from Livia as we have planned but I can feel the tension between the two grow as the week goes on. I hope that Nita is able to complete the task that we have given her without any problems. Livia tries to rile Ashley at just about every opportunity. When the two of them were tasked with moving the lunch tables to the center of the room yesterday, Livia couldn’t resist digging at Ashley, “ Its almost time for me to be with the governor again. He told me he appreciates finally having a real woman in his bed.” I could tell that Ashley was ready to rip her head off but showed a lot of restraint and just walked away. Livia would get hers but not quite yet.

With Nita’s return from her week with the governor came the news that we were waiting for. Nita had been able to remove something from the governor’s bedroom and hide it in with Livia personal items. The object was a cherished, engraved snuff box that had been given to Governor Abbott by his late wife.
When the governor discovered the snuff box missing, he ordered his staff to search everywhere in the prison. While searching the dormitory, the snuff box was found hidden among Livia’s personal belongings. Livia was immediately grabbed by the guards and held securely as she claimed her innocence. It was only a matter of minutes before the governor arrived and I could tell he was in a surly mood.

Livia pleads with the governor, claiming her innocence, saying she was framed by someone in the workgroup. But the governor will have none of it.
“ I should have known better than to trust you, you lying conniving bitch. Once a thief, always a thief. I’m about to teach you a lesson that you will not soon forget. Two weeks hence is punishment day and believe me your welcome punishment will be one that the crowd will talk about for a very long time. You seek attention, on that day you will be the center of attention.So I won’t damage you today. I want your aristocratic body to be pristine when I begin your punishment because I guarantee it will be unrecognizable when I am through.” Livia gasps “ It wasn’t me. James, please don’t do this.”

Governor Abbott glares at her “ From now on you will address me as Governor Abbott sir !” Guards, fetch the perch. I’m sure that the parrots perch will get the attention of our little thief” . It took a few moments before the guards brought some rope and a stout wooden rod. “ Strip the bitch. I want her hanging naked for all to see.” The guards roughly lifted the dress over the struggling and screeching Livia’s head. Her undergarments have to be torn from her as the guards try to avoid her swinging arms and kicking legs. I have never heard such language come from a woman’s mouth as she curses the guards and the governor.

Soon she is naked, trying to cover herself with her arms and hands. She is forced by the guards to the floor onto her back. With one guard at each arm and one at each arm they held her still while a fifth guard placed the stout wooden rod under her knees which were then bent with the rod forced up into her knee hollows. Her arm were pulled forward up over her knees so that it looked like she was hugging her knees and tied her wrists together. This left her in a sitting position with the stout rod firmly situated between her knee hollows and the inside of her elbows.

The blond woman looked quizzically at the guards as ropes from the ceiling were attached to each end of the wooden rod. It wasn’t until the guards began pulling on the ends of the ropes that had been looped over the beams on the ceiling, that Livia realized what was happening. Soon all of her weight was being supported by that wooden rod behind knees. The pain began to course through her body. The painful force of her whole weight being bourn by her knee hollows, the cramping in her ultra-bent back and her pinioned arms, the pain in her neck as she tries so hard to hold her head up. Livia knows she cannot bear this pain for very long, so she begins to plead. “ Governor Abbott did I not please you this past week. Do not punish me for something I did not do. My womanhood is yours to do with what you like. I am dedicated to providing you pleasure.” Again I am shocked by the way this woman talks.
The governor smiles. Please don’t give in to her , I think. She is using all of her wiles to escape this punishment and return to the favor of the governor. He winks at Livia “ Since your womanhood seeks my attention, I will give it much attention. Guard get me the strap. Let’s see if we can make this tramp sing. Livia shakes her head violently back and forth. “No, No please sir, not that. I am sorry. Please sir.” This time I feel no pity for Livia Cowerd. She has made her bed and now she must sleep in it. Governor Abbot reaches back and with a flick of his wrist sends the strap hurdling toward that unprotected spot at the juncture of the pretty woman’s thighs. The narrow leather strap cracks as it makes its impact on the tender flesh of her nether lips. Livia rears back her head and screams loudly. Two more blows follow in quick succession, drawing some movement on Livia’s part and more loud screams.
Soon her body is bobbing and weaving as the expert strokes of the governor strike home again and again. Livia is trying to plead between her screams but she is unable to finish her sentences before the next lash strikes it’s target. Within minutes her body is bouncing to and fro, her pleading is reduced to babbling gibberish,and her screams echo through the chamber.
Finally the governor is satisfied and throws down the strap. “ I hope this lesson has taught you to never mess with me again, woman. Guards let her hang for all to see for the rest of the day.” ( to be continued)


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