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Crucified males

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this is the flogging scene from the ancient "good friday"-children book, illustrated by Angus McBride.
I like especially, that the result of the flogging is not as overdone as in the Gibson-movie.
The different conditions of the skin, from "just" bruised to "ripped open" and bloody, illustrate the agony as well as the cramped fingers and the slowly blood-stained loincloth of the Jesus-figure.
The attention to details is once again very good, like the drops of blood on the skin splashed by the force of the strokes or the wood of the pole being almost as ruined as the body of the victim. The torturer is pulling Jesus by his hair, maybe to bring him back to his feet again or to inflict addition pain.


and here the overview of "Golgatha" - Jesus was obviously the first to be crucified, the "thieves" have been stripped as well and the right one has already been nailed to the crossbeam and is just being raised upon the pole, screaming in agony, while the left one is just being nailed down.
I like that the "thieves" are being crucified in the same manner as Jesus. Good view for details is here again, like the discarded clothing and sandals, the soldiers holding the left prisoners legs to prevent him from kicking while getting nailed down.
Finally I admire the depiction of the Roman soldiers as clean shaven buzz-cut brutal hunks caring not one inch about their victims while doing their everydays-soldiers-work with torture and crucifixion.


Sorry for the partially bad quality, but the book was, as metioned, rather old, parts got lost in different movings and these pics have been...eh.. "used" frequently ;-)

best regards
I am wanting to be crucified outdoors and i'm really wanting to be crucified with nails. I think that after getting nailed my crucifixion desires will decrease. Only need to avoid nerve/premanent damage.

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I really feel like I am there looking up at him!


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Thank you Tygorn for sharing those wonderful images! They bring back a lot of memories of when I was a young boy, spending hours in my room looking at pictures of the Crucifixion in my Children's Bible. The images were not as spectacular as yours, but they definitely aroused my curiosity in the whole aspect of crucifixion. The style of loincloth that is shown is very similar to what I used to wrap myself in, using a strip of linen from an old bed sheet that my Mother used for dusting rags. I always wanted my "bedroom crucifixions" to be authentic, so I opted for a loincloth instead of my "tighty whities". Had I had access to images like yours they would have been "used" frequently in the privacy of my bedroom after school.
Yeah, it is a great story, maybe some of my pictures enhanced it. What I like most is the participation of the executioner, tormenting his prisoner prior to the crucifixion and throughout. Crucifixion was very much a public event, it's punishment not enough for the prisoner to suffer in privacy, provide him any dignity in the form of any clothing. Naked and completely accessible, he is to be tortured at the whimsy of either executioner or any lascivious sadist passing by.


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Yeah, it is a great story, maybe some of my pictures enhanced it. What I like most is the participation of the executioner, tormenting his prisoner prior to the crucifixion and throughout. Crucifixion was very much a public event, it's punishment not enough for the prisoner to suffer in privacy, provide him any dignity in the form of any clothing. Naked and completely accessible, he is to be tortured at the whimsy of either executioner or any lascivious sadist passing by.

Yes, Mahoney. He does a good line in what you're talking about, the helpless indignity. That #4, the man straining on his cross, his efforts casually witnessed by random strangers. And #5, their naked agony enhanced by the crowd throwing stones at them. Imagine stretched naked on a cross and having stones thrown at you, helpless to avoid them.

I've always liked this one, a very lively raising scene.

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Yes, Mahoney. He does a good line in what you're talking about, the helpless indignity. That #4, the man straining on his cross, his efforts casually witnessed by random strangers. And #5, their naked agony enhanced by the crowd throwing stones at them. Imagine stretched naked on a cross and having stones thrown at you, helpless to avoid them.

I've always liked this one, a very lively raising scene.

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The ideea with the rape while the slave is crucified by the writs is so so Sooo exciting i like to Ser a fantasy like that in image or a video but i'm a bad drawer

for those who are interested in actual passion play crucifixion presentations I found something which may be of interest:

The 2016 release of the "Jacksonville Passion Play"

The "interesting part" is going to start at 1:12:00. You can switch to 1080p to see more "details"....
The actor playing the Jesus character is really a hunk, compared to the slender "thieves" on the crosses he looks more like a gladiator than a preacher.
Check it out if it meets your "taste".

best regards
Tygorn - for you...... They are photos of the book, not scans, so some weren't quite focused due to the book not being quite flat. Did the best I could.... hope you like them.....


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Wow, thats fantastic! I almost cant believe, that after all these years somebody else got that book, too - and in such a pristine quality. Looks like brand-new.
Yes, these were the original pages (I had it in German language, obviously).
May I ask, did you get it recently or have you owned it all these years, too?

Too see the Golgotha overview in its full "glory" once again is especially great, since that was pretty destroyed in my version already.
As I wrote in my posting already, I preferred the Jesus figure with longer hair, but thats a matter of taste, of course.
Also I would have preferred Jesus and the "thieves" being barefoot while carrying the crossbeam, but on the other hand, how else should the soldiers play for their sandals....

thanks again for bringing back "hot" youth cross memories and fantasies

best regards
Wow, thats fantastic! I almost cant believe, that after all these years somebody else got that book, too - and in such a pristine quality. Looks like brand-new.
Yes, these were the original pages (I had it in German language, obviously).
May I ask, did you get it recently or have you owned it all these years, too?

Too see the Golgotha overview in its full "glory" once again is especially great, since that was pretty destroyed in my version already.
As I wrote in my posting already, I preferred the Jesus figure with longer hair, but thats a matter of taste, of course.
Also I would have preferred Jesus and the "thieves" being barefoot while carrying the crossbeam, but on the other hand, how else should the soldiers play for their sandals....

thanks again for bringing back "hot" youth cross memories and fantasies

best regards

I too will also say "THANK YOU" for sharing these! Like Tygorn, these photos bring back a lot of memories of when I was a young boy delving into my fantasies of crucifixion. Had I had an illustrated version of this particular book/bible I'm sure it would have provided me with hours of enjoyment, focusing only on those few pages. The children's bible I was given at the time of my first communion has long since disappeared but I distinctly remember Jesus having bright yellow/blonde hair! In spite of that, the detail in the pictures wasn't nearly as good of quality as these, although my "blonde Jesus" had a very small loincloth held in place by a piece of rope worn low on the waist, while the thieves were wearing something almost resembling boxer shorts! As a youngster I tried to duplicate the loincloth, spending hours in my room with a piece of rope and a scrap of cloth and after a few attempts was able to do so. Then I would lay on my bed grabbing the posts of my headboard and sticking my feet through the foot board, close my eyes and imagine that I was a young boy crucified.

yes, I think, these early impressions can be very important to the "evolution" of any S/M fetish. The connection between (christian) "religion" and our favor topic is obviously "closer" than in other cases, since the most famous crucifixion was the one of the presumed "founder" of christian religion and many of "us" got their impressions during the process of "religous education" when watching crucifixes in churches, religous movies, browsing classic religous art, visiting passion plays ... or looking at these "special" pictures with violent crucifixion depictions about this poor, almost-naked, good-looking man with handsome face and well-built body being executed 33 A.D.in our favorite "good friday" youth/children books, like in this case...

Since you, BondageBoy, are a member of our yahoo/google-"brother"-group, too, you probably know that, but this one from another youth-good-friday-book has never been posted here at cruxforums, as far as I know, so I present it here, too. I did not have that book myself and its the only one from the book actually. I only know that it was called "Tom´s Book".

If anybody here at the forum knows more about it (or even has that book or more pictures from it), please let me know.


Its a very rare one with this "naked" crucifixion, Yehohanan-style crucifixion with a huge nail through the ankles and legs bent to the side, wooden washers with spikes through the wrists, no foot-rest, but some type of sedile. I considered it extremely "hot" over all the years since I got it. Thanks again, by the way, to the original poster, who posted it about 15 years ago.

best regards
Wow, thats fantastic! I almost cant believe, that after all these years somebody else got that book, too - and in such a pristine quality. Looks like brand-new.
Yes, these were the original pages (I had it in German language, obviously).
May I ask, did you get it recently or have you owned it all these years, too?

Ty, I only acquired it in 2007. It was something that I had seen as a child. I managed to purchase it from http://www.alibris.com/ Occasionally they have second hand copies. I have also seen it a couple of times since on ebay.

Does anyone here have access to pictures by Paula Nash Giltner? You can see all the pictures on this youtube video,
but I would love to get a copy of all the pictures. Long shot I know but you never know.... Its from this book: https://www.amazon.com/Pictorial-Li...=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1468017029&sr=1-3
I know that video, but I dont have the book.
Its different in style, but a good one, too.
Good luck on your search.

best regards
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