The new photos are fantastic, Ulf! Since I prefer crucifixions in a modern setting, the use of a jockstrap instead of a loincloth doesn't trouble me at all.
I especially like the side views. I think this is the first time your photos have really shown the stomach pulled in under the rib cage, as we'd expect to see when the body is hanging from the arms. This is a problem with so many of the Passion-play videos and stills that we've seen here: the supposedly crucified person is actually standing on a platform, so he's holding himself up with his legs and not suspended by his arms at all. In the worst of these, the elbows are bent, and it's clear that the arms aren't carrying any of his weight.
A little trouble with the focus on one of the two side views, 474276: the end of the near arm of the cross is in sharp focus, but the body is slightly blurred. If you can use a smaller aperture (larger F-stop), you'll get more depth of field, and you might be able to get everything in focus. That might require brighter light. However, it might be that you could use a longer exposure time to buy a smaller aperture.