It will be a triple crucifixion and I will hang alongside two other men, hopefully on the center cross and mounted on a cornu.
I hope to see the photos!!!
It will be a triple crucifixion and I will hang alongside two other men, hopefully on the center cross and mounted on a cornu.
I hope to see the photos!!!
Being crucified is an amazing experience and I am a fortunate victim. My next turn on my Master's cross comes in an outdoor session in May with an invited audience and I am being prepared for that with graduated periods tied to the cross.
I read in a older Polly Plummer story also over use of a nail gun.Note the use of a nail gun, too.
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I would gladly give myself up for crucifixion if there was someone close enough to take it certainly has always apealled to me Phelbus. i adore giving myself up to be crucified.
I wish you all the best Culus and hope you can share something with
here's a modern 3d crucifixion by Homoeros. I like a lot of the features of this crux. The photographer making a record of the event, the woman with the clipboard/tablet, the impersonal way they go about their business, the viewing public with their camera. Note the use of a nail gun, too.
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Here's a modern 3d crucifixion by Homoeros. I like a lot of the features of this crux. The photographer making a record of the event, the woman with the clipboard/tablet, the impersonal way they go about their business, the viewing public with their camera. Note the use of a nail gun, too.
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give me an email address. Ropes and leather restraints holding me in position on the cross.If you want to see you crucified, put your photos, and I will crucify, just tell me how you want to be crucified, old style, modern, fantasy ...
Does someone know what movies are these pics from?
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Especially the last one. It's supposed to be from "Son of God-2015" but the scene doesn't happen.
#3 is very useful...#3 and #4 are new to me there Madi, and #6 is a manip of a picture I'm familiar with. I'll post it an some more from that series sometime.
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Meh. I'm going to nitpick, because the more I look at these renderings, the more problems come to mind.Your description of crucifixion is simply great, I want to be crucified by you. Maybe it's more arousing if the patibulum with the wrists already nailed is lifted first, so the victim first will be sitting, afterwards on knees and trying to stand up, the nailing of the feet would start when standing on tiptoes.
Problem the first: The subject is going along with this very willingly. In the first image, he's not restrained at all. In the second, no one's holding the left arm (the one being nailed) or either leg, and the guard on the right arm appears to be resting his hands lightly on the arm rather than throwing his weight onto it. Homoeros may have wanted to show as much body as possible, which wouldn't have worked very well if the subject had been under a dog-pile of guards. But a few strips of Velcro around forearms, upper arms, and thighs would've held him to the cross in a realistic way without ruining the view.
Problem numero dos: The nail gun. If you've just captured Jerusalem and need to crucify a lot of people in a hurry so that you can move on to beseige Masada, you might have to sacrifice cruelty for efficiency. With a single subject or a small group, there's no need for that. Use the nailing as an occasion to play with the subject. With his arms well restrained, bring the first nail in slowly and deliberately. Give it a few very light taps with the hammer to concentrate his attention, and to let him anticipate the first real blow. Once that falls, pace the hammer-blows out deliberately, with a second or two between them. Give him time to feel the pain of each blow before the next one comes. Much more effective, and more productive of crowd-pleasing writhing and struggling, than "BANG! There's the first nail in".
Third problem: We never see whether the feet are nailed at all, but if they are, it's while the subject is hanging from the nails through his wrists. That's counterproductive. A good crucifixion should be a crescendo of pain: The first nail goes into the wrist, and the subject deals with the pain of the nailing. Before the nail through the second wrist is driven into the pilot hole in the crossbar, the arms are pulled tight, against that first nail, giving the subject a small foretaste of what it'll be like when his weight's on the wrist nails. The nail through the first ankle goes through solid bone, and with every blow of the hammer the subject involuntarily pulls his arms against the nails in the wrists. We hold the foot so that the heel's slightly off the ground; that way, when the nail's in, it's bearing the whole weight of the leg, and the only way for the subject to relieve that pain is by straining his thigh and stomach to hold the leg slightly up. Ditto the second ankle, and then we step aside and let the subject lie there, trying to ease the pain by pushing his arms outward and raising his legs—a hard position to hold, and one that makes the muscles in the thighs and stomach stand out for the viewing pleasure of the spectators. Then we raise the cross; his body slides down it, bringing his weight onto the nails in the wrists; he tries to relieve them by pushing with his legs, which aggravrates the pain in the ankles and makes him let go, dropping onto the wrists again...
Nailing the feet while the subject's hanging from the crossbar interferes with that. We hang him from the nails through his wrists; then, instead of letting him focus on that pain, we start nailing the feet. The two sources of pain interfere with one another, and we get a jumble of unpleasant sensations instead of the steady buildup to the climactic moment when the cross drops into the posthole and our boy starts coming to terms with the reality of being crucified.
As a matter of personal taste, I agree with a comment that Tygorn made in response to another posting of Homoeros images: one wishes that his subjects looked more like actual human beings than muscle-magazine covers, and that their genitalia was more like what I've typically seen in a long career of surreptitious locker-room ogling , and less like something out of a livestock auction. But that's me: Homoeros is presumably depicting guys of the sort who excite him, and if I don't like it, I should develop some artistic talent myself. Which Homoeros definitely has: the facial expressions, supporting characters, and backgrounds are great.