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Crucified males

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How many times did you cum?

During that particular session twice - first from being fucked and then later on the cross.

One of the most memorable outdoor sessions required me to already be crucified on a cross not long before the guests arrived. It was quite surreal because lunch was served and the guests enjoyed wine and finger foods while I hung on the cross. My energies were exhausted early on and I recall just hanging there - slumped down - and having kind of an out-of-body experience.
Subject change, sorry.

Always considering methods that were practical & easy for crucifixions, I have been interested in this way since I saw this picture long ago.

It would be so much easier not to haul struggling & kicking victims nailed to the crossbar up to locate the mortices & tenons on top of the upright timber, or to raise a complete cross up from the base with the victim nailed wrists & feet to it (at least no kicking & struggling there). So getting the victim to use their own effort to go up the cross on a ladder seems very practical.

Imagine as well the ordeal of being stripped at the foot of the ladder surrounded & somewhat hidden amongst guards, executing squad etc. to then be made to ascend the ladder. Up up you climb knowing that with every step you are coming more & more in full view of the watching crowd, aware that your naked back & buttocks are exposed to full view.

Then at the top you are ordered to turn round to display your full-frontal nakedness to the crowd. Your arms are pulled up and held against the crossbar, your wrists nailed to the wood.

Then viciously the ladder you are standing on is pulled away. You drop (note the height difference between the rung Christ is standing on & the block his feet will be nailed to, a nasty drop!) your arms most likely dislocating at the shoulders. Then your feet or ankles nailed to fix you in the final pose.

Seems like a rather good way of doing the job!


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Subject change, sorry.

Always considering methods that were practical & easy for crucifixions, I have been interested in this way since I saw this picture long ago.

It would be so much easier not to haul struggling & kicking victims nailed to the crossbar up to locate the mortices & tenons on top of the upright timber, or to raise a complete cross up from the base with the victim nailed wrists & feet to it (at least no kicking & struggling there). So getting the victim to use their own effort to go up the cross on a ladder seems very practical.

Imagine as well the ordeal of being stripped at the foot of the ladder surrounded & somewhat hidden amongst guards, executing squad etc. to then be made to ascend the ladder. Up up you climb knowing that with every step you are coming more & more in full view of the watching crowd, aware that your naked back & buttocks are exposed to full view.

Then at the top you are ordered to turn round to display your full-frontal nakedness to the crowd. Your arms are pulled up and held against the crossbar, your wrists nailed to the wood.

Then viciously the ladder you are standing on is pulled away. You drop (note the height difference between the rung Christ is standing on & the block his feet will be nailed to, a nasty drop!) your arms most likely dislocating at the shoulders. Then your feet or ankles nailed to fix you in the final pose.

Seems like a rather good way of doing the job!
If I was being crucified I'd make the executioners earn their money. No climbing a ladder for me! They'd have to strip me naked (If I wasn't already) and drag me to the cross, struggling and fighting all the way, then lift and carry me to be tied or nailed. Knowing I was going to suffer a horrible, humiliating death would be a powerful incentive to resist until I was unable to, abandoning every shred of dignity. Once restrained in whatever obscene pose had been ordered for my crucifixion I would eventually surrender to pain and inability to breathe, but scream loud curses at the crowd and my tormentors as long as I had the strength.
Good points Culus.

But there are ways to goad an unwilling victim. Yes I imagine the stripping would be done by the executing squad, & exceedingly violently at that. A rope round the chest that was hauled from the two nailing guys up top would be difficult to resist together with jabs in the buttocks with a gladius or when higher a pilum once they were higher up. Though how to get the victim to turn round to face the crowd once up is not so easy to solve, I'd have to think of that problem. Yes there are problems with the method, but it would work wonderfully in a movie if ever anyone dared to film a crucifixion with an attempt at veracity.
Good points Culus.

But there are ways to goad an unwilling victim. Yes I imagine the stripping would be done by the executing squad, & exceedingly violently at that. A rope round the chest that was hauled from the two nailing guys up top would be difficult to resist together with jabs in the buttocks with a gladius or when higher a pilum once they were higher up. Though how to get the victim to turn round to face the crowd once up is not so easy to solve, I'd have to think of that problem. Yes there are problems with the method, but it would work wonderfully in a movie if ever anyone dared to film a crucifixion with an attempt at veracity.

Yes, you would be under complete control of the guards/executioner as you were brought to the cross for crucifixion. Your subjugation would be complete and played out for the crowd. The inevitability and finality would wash over you and time would freeze for a few minutes as the guards went about the task of binding or nailing you to the cross - just another job for them. You feel their strong arms as they lift and stretch your naked body. Are you aroused? Do you crave one last human touch as you face a certain death?

When you are properly hung on the cross and displayed for the crowd there will be an eerie quiet for a while. You are still alive and thinking. If you are seated on the cornu and it has found its mark, then you will feel an erection as pressure is applied to the prostate, and your embarrassment is complete. This most intimate arousal is now exposed to the crowd and becomes a source of humor and entertainment for the spectators. Your struggles and cries only feed their appetite for your suffering. Among the crowd are those who you have made love to. You look at their faces and remember, but they offer no pity now.

Time goes slowly and there is only pain, misery and a lingering death to come.
I posted this in another crucifixion group. I guess as a method of horizontal crux, the elements of nature taking part I wrote a more "fleshed out" story years ago, and also a condensed version, focusing on the pictures and captions. The basic fantasy theme was to take a contemporary porn star back him time to have him play a role of his lifetime. Or in this case a short lifespan it is. As there are quite a few pics, I will present them in serialized format much in the style of an adventure comic book, though here with a very adult theme. This may take 2 or three days of posting. Let me now what you think of this idea. Presenting this as a new innovation, a beef cake celebrity would also fit the bill for this part.

I take you now to the adventures of the young Texas Ranger Jesse, in pursuit of an outlaw, only to be captured by the Comanches.

Pic 1. Prisoner Jake 6. Meet our hero Jake, the porn star. We are taking him back in time to the wild west for his next picture. Unfortunately a sadistic tribe of Texas Comanches will find him as delectable a morsel as we do. He is to be taken captive, stripped naked and shall meet a most unfortunate end.

Pic 2. Prisoner Jake 2. Jake is to play the part of Jesse, a naive young Texas Ranger in pursuit of an outlaw, only to fall into the spider's lair of a savage Comanche tribe.

Pic 3. Prisoner Jake cap 1. Young Jesse with his horse and "colt". Brave, macho, out to conquer. Little does he know what awaits him ahead; that his trigger finger will not be fast enough, nor his equine companion.

Pic 4. Prisoner Jake cap 2. The warrior Black Hawk looks through his spy glass and salivates. He's amazed that one so young would be assigned to such a risky mission. Yes, fun times are soon to come, and not at all to Jesse's liking.

Pic 5. Prisoner Jake cap 3. Black Hawk orders. "By all means he must be taken alive". Poor Jesse, so much better for him they'd just shot him from his horse, scalped and killed immediately.

Pic 6. Prisoner Jake cap 4. Jesse is made to strip as the sadistically lascivious Indians watch. As each article of clothing comes off, so too weakens his tenuous grasp on civilization. Our brave young Ranger is lost to the world now.

Pic 7. Prisoner Jake cap 5.. The sadistic brave White Hawk holds Jesse and laughs. "We'll let you choose, do you want to hang from your neck or balls". The teasing begins now, and things will get much worse for Jesse.

Pic 8. Prisoner Jake cap 6. Jesse moves quickly. "Yes, the watering hole, I'll drown myself, better that than what these savage beasts will do to me". Too late though, these sadistic predators are one step ahead of him.

Pic 9. Prisoner Jake cap 7. Our ranger's long last Journey begins. Black Hawk delights in telling Jesse of the torments to come. Many times our boy falls, always yanked up roughly by his neck noose. The savage sees brush ahead, a perfect rest stop and ample opportunity for some quality moments with young Jesse.

That is it for the day, sorry to leave you dangling, but that is what a serial is all about. But, we shall see, Jesse's torment is just beginning.


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I posted this on the Tortured Women thread a few days ago as an example of women being the torturers, but perhaps it fits better here. While I am writing this from a woman's point of view as she watches - and participates in - the torture of a man, there is male crucifixion in it as well as torture on the cross.

I'm working on some story/art right now where a woman is the torturer. When I wrote The Serpent's Eye, Sabina, the main character, told about an episode where she met Verina, a slave and a prostitute, just prior to the crucifixion of Lucilla (the girl sentenced to be crucified twelve times) along with two men. One of the men, Publius, had raped, sodomized, beaten and nearly killed Verina. She was there to see him crucified, but mentioned how she'd like to be allowed to do other things to him on the cross but they wouldn't let her.

That bothered me some. Why shouldn't they let her? After all, Publius was a slave being crucified by order of his and Verina's master. Couldn't she pretty easily convince him to let her take her vengeance on Publius? What things might she do to him if she had permission? Here's some idea - details will be in the story:

Verina preparing to strike Publius' balls with a cane as Sabina watches:

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Why is Verina naked? Sabina asked her. Verina's answer: Because she doesn't want to get stuff on her good dress, and besides, this is good advertising for what she's selling.

Yes, she has forced Publius to get an erection. She used an ancient Egyptian potion for that, something they sometimes used in the brothel where she worked. Unfortunately, that formula has been lost over the ages. She cinched a cord tightly around the root of his penis to close off the dorsal vein and keep it erect - like a cock ring. Then she drove a small nail through it, attached a cord to that and is pulling on the nail to torture him and hold his testicles in position so that he's helpless to protect them when she she swings her cane.

He can only watch in panic as the cane whistles toward his dangling testicles:

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She strikes Publius' testicles with the cane - I love the way her ponytail flies up:

A woman has no way to comprehend the agony that twists his guts, and that's on top of the agony of crucifixion. Publius faints. Verina prods his bruised testicles with the cane to see if he is faking.

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Satisfied that he is really unconscious, Verina waits for him to awaken so she can start again.

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Let me know if this is of interest here. This is kind of a sideline off of the main story, which is about female crucifixion, but the more I thought about it, the more I thought I'd expand on it some.
great story, great pics.
He should be properly punished for his crimes. If he sodomized her then he should have the cornu rape his ass in addition to the tortures she inflicts upon his exposed genitals.

Really great CG work! Would love to see more with more guys and no girls, but the quality of the work is really impressive nevertheless.
Yes I would like ti all guys but consider some of the advantages of the female executioner. Firstly the humiliation aspect, tortured and displayed in front of a woman. Also, a mixed crucifixion draws a larger crowd; some come to see the two guys crucified, others the lass. And it is not always the guys watching the girl, or vice versa. As they say, "each to his own liking".


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Firstly the humiliation aspect, tortured and displayed in front of a woman. Also, a mixed crucifixion draws a larger crowd; some come to see the two guys crucified, others the lass. And it is not always the guys watching the girl, or vice versa. As they say, "each to his own liking".

Tortured and displayed in front of a woman, yes, this is a fantastically powerful situation. Wife, mother, lover, enemy, stranger, each brings a different and delicious spice to the ordeal. The woman as executioner, callous and uncaring, interested only in extracting pain from the male flesh under her control. The woman as witness, watching with interest as a man suffers in front of her. Imagine the victim, stretched naked on his cross, seeing a woman in the crowd who he had been sexually interested in. Now she sees him displayed before her, is he shamed, is he aroused, either way he must be fantastically humiliated.

Tortured and displayed in front of a woman, yes, this is a fantastically powerful situation. Wife, mother, lover, enemy, stranger, each brings a different and delicious spice to the ordeal. The woman as executioner, callous and uncaring, interested only in extracting pain from the male flesh under her control. The woman as witness, watching with interest as a man suffers in front of her. Imagine the victim, stretched naked on his cross, seeing a woman in the crowd who he had been sexually interested in. Now she sees him displayed before her, is he shamed, is he aroused, either way he must be fantastically humiliated.

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The inevitability of the situation, combined with the pain and humiliation, must have been mind-altering for the victim. Stripping him completely naked was a psychological necessity. Even the most perfect male body can be rendered grotesque and obscene when stretched and distorted upon the cross. Splaying the legs as widely as possible and tying or nailing him in more or less a squatting position, with genitals thrust forward, would have exposed him mercilessly and offered up his penis and testicles and open anus to any tortures imaginable at the hands of spectators.
The woman as executioner, callous and uncaring, interested only in extracting pain from the male flesh under her control.
Let's say, the woman leaves the dirty work of nailing to men, but women are present as Judge, as prosecutor, as conductor of the execution. Not without job satisfaction about the power they have, to bring a man in a situation of complete humiliation and loss of power and status, in face of a hostile crowd.
Tortured and displayed in front of a woman, yes, this is a fantastically powerful situation. Wife, mother, lover, enemy, stranger, each brings a different and delicious spice to the ordeal. The woman as executioner, callous and uncaring, interested only in extracting pain from the male flesh under her control. The woman as witness, watching with interest as a man suffers in front of her. Imagine the victim, stretched naked on his cross, seeing a woman in the crowd who he had been sexually interested in. Now she sees him displayed before her, is he shamed, is he aroused, either way he must be fantastically humiliated.

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This still remains my favorite crux pic, so many possibilities come to mind. Perhaps a female crucified with husband and son. They shudder in fear at the approach of the torturer, the infamous Lictor Antonius. No shame has he, nude in in front of men and women, on the cross and crowd alike; he wants not to soil his fine garb in the carrying out of his duties. He looks his prey over lasciviously as sharpening his tools of torment. He eyes them up and and ponders, finally speaks. "I've an impaling spear and pussy spreader. Which you you wants to go first".


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This still remains my favorite crux pic, so many possibilities come to mind. Perhaps a female crucified with husband and son. They shudder in fear at the approach of the torturer, the infamous Lictor Antonius. No shame has he, nude in in front of men and women, on the cross and crowd alike; he wants not to soil his fine garb in the carrying out of his duties. He looks his prey over lasciviously as sharpening his tools of torment. He eyes them up and and ponders, finally speaks. "I've an impaling spear and pussy spreader. Which you you wants to go first".

We can see he's got "an impaling spear and pussy spreader" ! It doesn't leave much to the imagination :D

I'm glad you like the pick, Jack, it worked out well and it has been used by others, including Markus as a background.
I posted this in another crucifixion group. I guess as a method of horizontal crux, the elements of nature taking part I wrote a more "fleshed out" story years ago, and also a condensed version, focusing on the pictures and captions. The basic fantasy theme was to take a contemporary porn star back him time to have him play a role of his lifetime. Or in this case a short lifespan it is. As there are quite a few pics, I will present them in serialized format much in the style of an adventure comic book, though here with a very adult theme. This may take 2 or three days of posting. Let me now what you think of this idea. Presenting this as a new innovation, a beef cake celebrity would also fit the bill for this part.

I take you now to the adventures of the young Texas Ranger Jesse, in pursuit of an outlaw, only to be captured by the Comanches.

Pic 1. Prisoner Jake 6. Meet our hero Jake, the porn star. We are taking him back in time to the wild west for his next picture. Unfortunately a sadistic tribe of Texas Comanches will find him as delectable a morsel as we do. He is to be taken captive, stripped naked and shall meet a most unfortunate end.

Pic 2. Prisoner Jake 2. Jake is to play the part of Jesse, a naive young Texas Ranger in pursuit of an outlaw, only to fall into the spider's lair of a savage Comanche tribe.

Pic 3. Prisoner Jake cap 1. Young Jesse with his horse and "colt". Brave, macho, out to conquer. Little does he know what awaits him ahead; that his trigger finger will not be fast enough, nor his equine companion.

Pic 4. Prisoner Jake cap 2. The warrior Black Hawk looks through his spy glass and salivates. He's amazed that one so young would be assigned to such a risky mission. Yes, fun times are soon to come, and not at all to Jesse's liking.

Pic 5. Prisoner Jake cap 3. Black Hawk orders. "By all means he must be taken alive". Poor Jesse, so much better for him they'd just shot him from his horse, scalped and killed immediately.

Pic 6. Prisoner Jake cap 4. Jesse is made to strip as the sadistically lascivious Indians watch. As each article of clothing comes off, so too weakens his tenuous grasp on civilization. Our brave young Ranger is lost to the world now.

Pic 7. Prisoner Jake cap 5.. The sadistic brave White Hawk holds Jesse and laughs. "We'll let you choose, do you want to hang from your neck or balls". The teasing begins now, and things will get much worse for Jesse.

Pic 8. Prisoner Jake cap 6. Jesse moves quickly. "Yes, the watering hole, I'll drown myself, better that than what these savage beasts will do to me". Too late though, these sadistic predators are one step ahead of him.

Pic 9. Prisoner Jake cap 7. Our ranger's long last Journey begins. Black Hawk delights in telling Jesse of the torments to come. Many times our boy falls, always yanked up roughly by his neck noose. The savage sees brush ahead, a perfect rest stop and ample opportunity for some quality moments with young Jesse.

That is it for the day, sorry to leave you dangling, but that is what a serial is all about. But, we shall see, Jesse's torment is just beginning.
Here is part 2, the best is yet to come(cum).

To continue the serial, or the long slow decline of the Ranger Jesse.

Pic 10. Prisoner Jake cap 8. Black Hawk stops to visit the neighboring chieftain White Claw and Jesse gazes in horror, knowing he's to be next. The chief laughs. "Pony Express rider should have known better, his letters are no more than edicts from the white men invaders to force us off our lands. Let us rest and watch in suspense. Will the shrinking raw hide tear him apart, snap his spine before he meets the earth dwellers below"?

Pic 11. Prisoner Jake cap 9. The chieftain turns away from the Pony Express rider and surveys Jesse's with his icy hands. So many options for this young ranger, and all the time in the world.

Pic 12. Prisoner Jake cap 10. The inviting orifice is probed and Black Hawk pulls his fingers out,white and sticky now. Jesse yelps as the watching sadist white claw jests. "I can see you have have had some choice private moments with our young prisoner And so too should some of the young braves waiting for us in the camp. A good Comanche always shares the bounty of the hunt".

Pic 13. Prisoner Jake cap 11. White Claw slaps the quivering buttocks of his new found prey. He does not penetrate yet this is rape; Jesse is truly humiliated as he's never been before.

Pic 14. Prisoner Jake cap 12. White Claw continues. "Ever taken a whipping young Jesse? You're daddy went easy on you but not me. See those bones on the whip,dried blood? That was the last Ranger passing through. I've a notion to add you to the collection". Black Hawk holds his hand up. "No don't whip him yet, I've plans for him much worse than that".

Pic 15. Prisoner Jake cap 27. Our beautiful young porn star in the role of his life time. Such beautiful smooth fair skin soon to be slowly demolished. So sad he will not be around to watch the premier.

Pic 16..Prisoner Jake cap 13. Back to the story. The beautiful face now ugly as our hero grimaces in pain and horror as the torture now begins. White Claw points to the Pony Express rider still stretching and twisting on the frame. "Watch and enjoy the Express riders execution white man, get a preview of your own fate. You're up next boy, and we'll make sure you suffer longer and slower. What we are doing to this lad is nothing in comparison to what is coming up for you".

Pic 17. Prisoner Jake cap 14. They've arrived at the camp early evening and young Jess is now under guard, tightly bound. The young brave "protecting" our hero licks his lips lasciviously, "Your day of execution is tomorrow and a long hot day it will be for you". He strokes himself as looking Jesse over, envisioning the gruesome torture to come, praying to the earth goods that he will be invited to participate. Yes it will be a long sleepless night for our Jesse, and an even longer day tomorrow.

End of part 2. More to come(cum).


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Here is part 2, the best is yet to come(cum).

To continue the serial, or the long slow decline of the Ranger Jesse.

Pic 10. Prisoner Jake cap 8. Black Hawk stops to visit the neighboring chieftain White Claw and Jesse gazes in horror, knowing he's to be next. The chief laughs. "Pony Express rider should have known better, his letters are no more than edicts from the white men invaders to force us off our lands. Let us rest and watch in suspense. Will the shrinking raw hide tear him apart, snap his spine before he meets the earth dwellers below"?

Pic 11. Prisoner Jake cap 9. The chieftain turns away from the Pony Express rider and surveys Jesse's with his icy hands. So many options for this young ranger, and all the time in the world.

Pic 12. Prisoner Jake cap 10. The inviting orifice is probed and Black Hawk pulls his fingers out,white and sticky now. Jesse yelps as the watching sadist white claw jests. "I can see you have have had some choice private moments with our young prisoner And so too should some of the young braves waiting for us in the camp. A good Comanche always shares the bounty of the hunt".

Pic 13. Prisoner Jake cap 11. White Claw slaps the quivering buttocks of his new found prey. He does not penetrate yet this is rape; Jesse is truly humiliated as he's never been before.

Pic 14. Prisoner Jake cap 12. White Claw continues. "Ever taken a whipping young Jesse? You're daddy went easy on you but not me. See those bones on the whip,dried blood? That was the last Ranger passing through. I've a notion to add you to the collection". Black Hawk holds his hand up. "No don't whip him yet, I've plans for him much worse than that".

Pic 15. Prisoner Jake cap 27. Our beautiful young porn star in the role of his life time. Such beautiful smooth fair skin soon to be slowly demolished. So sad he will not be around to watch the premier.

Pic 16..Prisoner Jake cap 13. Back to the story. The beautiful face now ugly as our hero grimaces in pain and horror as the torture now begins. White Claw points to the Pony Express rider still stretching and twisting on the frame. "Watch and enjoy the Express riders execution white man, get a preview of your own fate. You're up next boy, and we'll make sure you suffer longer and slower. What we are doing to this lad is nothing in comparison to what is coming up for you".

Pic 17. Prisoner Jake cap 14. They've arrived at the camp early evening and young Jess is now under guard, tightly bound. The young brave "protecting" our hero licks his lips lasciviously, "Your day of execution is tomorrow and a long hot day it will be for you". He strokes himself as looking Jesse over, envisioning the gruesome torture to come, praying to the earth goods that he will be invited to participate. Yes it will be a long sleepless night for our Jesse, and an even longer day tomorrow.

End of part 2. More to come(cum).
Deliciously sadistic Sir! I have cum!
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