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Crucified males

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Interesting point. For me one of the most "attractive" aspects in the classic christian crucifixion, as depicted in art and/or movies and culture, even books and stories, was the "diversity" of the three victims (Jesus and the two "thieves"). And in a certain sense the "build" is related to a certain "character" (according to the myth of the good or bad thief). In my case, as some of you may already know, I like younger victims with skinny body and slender build and in surprisingly many cases one of the three falls (more or less) in this category. The other "thief" is often older and of fat build or very hunky and muscular - but whatever your "taste" is, I am in most cases satisfied how possible victim types are represented in classic depictions. A good example that comes just to my mind is from this Italian clip - these two guys represent very well the characters you may meet in the "two thieves" myth.

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Really fantastic work, nightfall, reminds me of Jerkbots renderings. Even if the bodies are more or less identical, I absolutely love the facial expressions of horrific pain and agony and the different hairstyles, too.
Crucifixion was not part of a beauty contest. Whether you were a slave, captured leader or criminal, you were treated the same - stripped naked, tied, nailed or both, and had your body "arranged" on the cross in as degrading and humiliating position as possible to serve as an example to others. Your modesty would be the least of your worries as you continued to struggle and cry. Whatever shortcomings, blemishes you have, or too much hair growing in the wrong places, you are displayed just as an animal, nothing more.
Crucifixion was not part of a beauty contest. .

Yes, that may be true for the view on "historic reality" in ancient times, but for "us" here living this "special interest" in our fantasy as a sexual fetish the physical attractivity of victims, may they be male or female, is obviously an important factor, I would presume.
I was only pointing out, that the diversity of attractivity measured depends on a very different taste of the person interested in such stuff. You, culus, may like victims of a "natural build", as you called it, and I may have a different taste. Thats OK and the huge world out there with all different depictions of crucifixions is diverse enough to offer everybody of us what he may like. The classic Jesus crucifixion, where it "all" started, may have been already the first one showing this "diversity" (unintentionally?).
And thats fine for me.
To be honest, I also like the opposition of bodies, a young and hairless, another older and shaved, another a little fat, if I have to put 3 subjects, if they are more, unlimited imagination!
Frankly, does anybody have some pictures of real hunky, bear male being crucified nude? I would love to share a cross with those old boys!

As you wish - Plinio, who used to post on the old Crucim group years ago.

To be honest, I also like the opposition of bodies, a young and hairless, another older and shaved, another a little fat, if I have to put 3 subjects, if they are more, unlimited imagination!

Now these are truly delicious pics Phlebas! The man on the left in pic #5, getting his balls tied off, looks just like my MASTER, right down to his eyes, his beard, and that big beautiful outie belly button on his magnificent belly! Thanks for sharing! These made my day!
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I was discussing with a bud the BDSM Power Exchange, wherein by role play, fantasy, or even real life, one person subjugates completely another, either by mutual agreement or non voluntarily(extremely hot). It is often by just the utterance of a few words, for example STRIP!. One of my favorite role plays or fantasies is to be a judge or magistrate sentencing a prisoner, and I see myself in both roles. There is nothing like having complete power over another, especially as the judge or jury member over the person on trial, having the entire fate of the condemned one in his/her hands(Notice I'm not gender specific though with me it's an all guy scene). My scenario is a criminal somehow had a knife in his possession when taken to the court room for sentencing, and attacked, stabbed and killed the judge when given the death penalty.

As a security measure all are now to be sentenced naked, and in the assumed spread eagle position. Naked and exposed, no place to conceal a weapon. Of course the judge did not need to take things this far; a thorough search would have sufficed. No one's really complaining though, the court room is always packed, front row seats given to families of the victims; and the execution vendors attending like the idea of nudity, they can take pictures(modern times) or make etchings, pass out bulletins or even advertise on the court house bulletin board, citizens can take a look at who's to go up on the cross and when.

One by one the prisoners are presented to the judge who looks them up and down while listening to the charges presented. Sometimes he/she has them turn around, comes closer to inspect the "goods". There is a moment or so of silence as the Judge decides, then those two powerful words uttered almost casually with little emotion. CRUCIFY HIM, CRUCIFY HER. Guilt is not necessarily the determining factor. Sometimes our sadistic magistrate condemns the pretty ones out of capricious whim, as he wants to attend their executions, watch them die on the cross.

This could apply also to the jury as well as judge, our prisoner presented naked as we jurors examine and vote on the manner of his/her execution. So scared, so naked and vulnerable; a mouse in the clinches of a cat pondering the slow sadistic kill. Also this works for a tribunal type situation, as per some of the pictures below.

Prisoner Ashley is done for. His crucifixion will be standing room only as they say. Also some snippets of Brad Davis. The fear and anguish as he learns his fate, i.e, the power exchange. Judge, jury or tribunal, so naked and vulnerable the prisoner, I bet those officers are rock hard. And with an ass like that he's bound to be scourged first.

One by one the prisoners presented. CRUCIFY HIM! CRUCIFY HER! CRUCIFY HIM! For this jury duty, I'm not trying to be exempt!!!!!

It is a very busy day on Golgotha, more prisoners to be executed than there are executioners. The sentenced ones are guarded and stand waiting beneath their death wood, in dreadful anticipation of what is soon to come. It's a hot windy day and onlookers giggle at the comical sight of prisoner Joseph's blowing hair. CLANG!!! CLANG!!!! IEEEEEEHHHH. Those sounds emanate from nearby, oh so close, and poor Joseph stands shuddering in his loin cloth. "Must make a dash for it now" he mutters to himself. "Far better to be killed in an escape attempt than to hang from the dreadful thing above me and die slowly". The centurion senses the prisoner's intent and makes a threatening gesture with his spear. Joseph freezes, dares not make a move. He's no longer a man or free soul, now crumbling into a helpless animal, almost a non entity. Self survival is his singular goal in life now, if only to postpone the inevitable.

The guard looks over our condemned one, perusing the flesh, envisioning the torment to come, and discreetly strokes himself. Almost casually he utters that routine edict which he's spoken many a time yet never loses the thrill of doing so. Joseph's heart sinks. STRIP!!!!, you're going up on the wood next!.

Naked, so naked as he's never been before he waits, as the spectators titter. Complete despair, all hope is lost. The power exchange is complete.


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It is a very busy day on Golgotha, more prisoners to be executed than there are executioners. The sentenced ones are guarded and stand waiting beneath their death wood, in dreadful anticipation of what is soon to come. It's a hot windy day and onlookers giggle at the comical sight of prisoner Joseph's blowing hair. CLANG!!! CLANG!!!! IEEEEEEHHHH. Those sounds emanate from nearby, oh so close, and poor Joseph stands shuddering in his loin cloth. "Must make a dash for it now" he mutters to himself. "Far better to be killed in an escape attempt than to hang from the dreadful thing above me and die slowly". The centurion senses the prisoner's intent and makes a threatening gesture with his spear. Joseph freezes, dares not make a move. He's no longer a man or free soul, now crumbling into a helpless animal, almost a non entity. Self survival is his singular goal in life now, if only to postpone the inevitable.

The guard looks over our condemned one, perusing the flesh, envisioning the torment to come, and discreetly strokes himself. Almost casually he utters that routine edict which he's spoken many a time yet never loses the thrill of doing so. Joseph's heart sinks. STRIP!!!!, you're going up on the wood next!.

Naked, so naked as he's never been before he waits, as the spectators titter. Complete despair, all hope is lost. The power exchange is complete.

Good story and nice image!
I'm silently visiting this great forum for a few weeks now and want to contribute today. Here are a few views from a scene I created recently.
Superb piece of work, Nightfall, and I'll add my voice to the chorus of those who're urging to you come back soon with more fine images. Have you considered doing a crucifixion in modern dress?

One minor quibble concerning the images, though: Judging by the titulus on the middle cross, this is the crucifixion of Jesus between the two robbers, who're presumably Jewish as well. However, it appears that the young man suffering so beautifully at stage left still has his foreskin.
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A few weeks ago I saw this figure in the Louvre, attributed to Michelangelo. Here is my poor photo, and some more professional ones.


This only one one of several known nude crucified figures from centuries past, not every age was as prudish as we and our immediate predecessors!

Thank you for all the comments and welcome suggestions about my renderings. I'm trying to integrate the max of them but the 3D tool has its limitations. And I need also to create several new poses. I hope to finish not too late but give me some time :)
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Here is part 2, the best is yet to come(cum).


To continue the serial, or the long slow decline of the Ranger Jesse.

Pic 10. Prisoner Jake cap 8. Black Hawk stops to visit the neighboring chieftain White Claw and Jesse gazes in horror, knowing he's to be next. The chief laughs. "Pony Express rider should have known better, his letters are no more than edicts from the white men invaders to force us off our lands. Let us rest and watch in suspense. Will the shrinking raw hide tear him apart, snap his spine before he meets the earth dwellers below"?

Pic 11. Prisoner Jake cap 9. The chieftain turns away from the Pony Express rider and surveys Jesse's with his icy hands. So many options for this young ranger, and all the time in the world.

Pic 12. Prisoner Jake cap 10. The inviting orifice is probed and Black Hawk pulls his fingers out,white and sticky now. Jesse yelps as the watching sadist white claw jests. "I can see you have have had some choice private moments with our young prisoner And so too should some of the young braves waiting for us in the camp. A good Comanche always shares the bounty of the hunt".

Pic 13. Prisoner Jake cap 11. White Claw slaps the quivering buttocks of his new found prey. He does not penetrate yet this is rape; Jesse is truly humiliated as he's never been before.

Pic 14. Prisoner Jake cap 12. White Claw continues. "Ever taken a whipping young Jesse? You're daddy went easy on you but not me. See those bones on the whip,dried blood? That was the last Ranger passing through. I've a notion to add you to the collection". Black Hawk holds his hand up. "No don't whip him yet, I've plans for him much worse than that".

Pic 15. Prisoner Jake cap 27. Our beautiful young porn star in the role of his life time. Such beautiful smooth fair skin soon to be slowly demolished. So sad he will not be around to watch the premier.

Pic 16..Prisoner Jake cap 13. Back to the story. The beautiful face now ugly as our hero grimaces in pain and horror as the torture now begins. White Claw points to the Pony Express rider still stretching and twisting on the frame. "Watch and enjoy the Express riders execution white man, get a preview of your own fate. You're up next boy, and we'll make sure you suffer longer and slower. What we are doing to this lad is nothing in comparison to what is coming up for you".

Pic 17. Prisoner Jake cap 14. They've arrived at the camp early evening and young Jess is now under guard, tightly bound. The young brave "protecting" our hero licks his lips lasciviously, "Your day of execution is tomorrow and a long hot day it will be for you". He strokes himself as looking Jesse over, envisioning the gruesome torture to come, praying to the earth goods that he will be invited to participate. Yes it will be a long sleepless night for our Jesse, and an even longer day tomorrow.

End of part 2. More to come(cum).
Here is part 3 of the continuing saga of our young Jesse. Beware he's in their grasp completely now. This is starting to get gruesome.

Pic 18. Prisoner Jake cap 15. The eager young braves have come for Jesse. "Today is to the be day of your execution". They admire Jesse's body, so boyish and lithe, yet muscular. Surely this young Ranger will put up a good struggle before the earth dwellers pull him under.

Pic 19. Prisoner Jake cap 16. The whole tribe gathers to watch as Jesse is prepared for his torture, spread eagle and staked with the wet raw rawhide. Jesse has a long long day ahead, but oh so short for those who partake in the torment and watch.

Pic 20. Prisoner Jake cap 17. Jesse looks on in horror; his brave front erodes as he surveys the waiting earth dwellers. The young braves feel and grasp the beautiful skin, soon to be parched by the sun above. To bad Jesse, skin block has not been invented yet.

Pic 21. Prisoner Jake cap 18. Craning his neck up to try to see his ankles, Jesse notices the low mound between his spread legs, festering with large red desert ants. They start to explore him now, their appetites whetted.

Pic 22. Prisoner Jake cap 19. Spread eagle, naked as he's never been so naked in his short life. The young brave eagerly tells Jesse how he shall die; idly tracing a circle around the ant hill with a stick. "If we leave the nest alone, they will come in greater numbers and with more purpose as your skin blisters and peels in the sun, or when they smell your rich blood. When the scouts report that you are food for the winter, more will come to carry small pieces of you away.

Pic 23. Prisoner Jake cap 20 (2). The young braves now dive in for the torture, before the ants have their turn with young Jesse. His body is exceptionally limber, and the Comanches note his extraordinary ability to stretch with admiration.

Pic 24. Prisoner Jake cap 21. The young brave supervising the execution looks on in admiration. "Your skin is becoming parched young Jesse though no blisters yet. The wet rawhide is drying and stretching you apart and closer to the ant mount, You are strong and supple, your shoulders and hips still intact. I shall new award you for your perseverance, and you seem so thirsty. Ahh oops I have missed. Not to worry, the cool water loosens the dirt, a much easier path for the earth dwellers as they come for the water and then you".

"I shall now sit back and relax a bit and you must try also. A long day still waits you and much worse is yet to come"

End of part 3. Part 4 to come(cum).


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Here is part 3 of the continuing saga of our young Jesse. Beware he's in their grasp completely now. This is starting to get gruesome.

Pic 18. Prisoner Jake cap 15. The eager young braves have come for Jesse. "Today is to the be day of your execution". They admire Jesse's body, so boyish and lithe, yet muscular. Surely this young Ranger will put up a good struggle before the earth dwellers pull him under.

Pic 19. Prisoner Jake cap 16. The whole tribe gathers to watch as Jesse is prepared for his torture, spread eagle and staked with the wet raw rawhide. Jesse has a long long day ahead, but oh so short for those who partake in the torment and watch.

Pic 20. Prisoner Jake cap 17. Jesse looks on in horror; his brave front erodes as he surveys the waiting earth dwellers. The young braves feel and grasp the beautiful skin, soon to be parched by the sun above. To bad Jesse, skin block has not been invented yet.

Pic 21. Prisoner Jake cap 18. Craning his neck up to try to see his ankles, Jesse notices the low mound between his spread legs, festering with large red desert ants. They start to explore him now, their appetites whetted.

Pic 22. Prisoner Jake cap 19. Spread eagle, naked as he's never been so naked in his short life. The young brave eagerly tells Jesse how he shall die; idly tracing a circle around the ant hill with a stick. "If we leave the nest alone, they will come in greater numbers and with more purpose as your skin blisters and peels in the sun, or when they smell your rich blood. When the scouts report that you are food for the winter, more will come to carry small pieces of you away.

Pic 23. Prisoner Jake cap 20 (2). The young braves now dive in for the torture, before the ants have their turn with young Jesse. His body is exceptionally limber, and the Comanches note his extraordinary ability to stretch with admiration.

Pic 24. Prisoner Jake cap 21. The young brave supervising the execution looks on in admiration. "Your skin is becoming parched young Jesse though no blisters yet. The wet rawhide is drying and stretching you apart and closer to the ant mount, You are strong and supple, your shoulders and hips still intact. I shall new award you for your perseverance, and you seem so thirsty. Ahh oops I have missed. Not to worry, the cool water loosens the dirt, a much easier path for the earth dwellers as they come for the water and then you".

"I shall now sit back and relax a bit and you must try also. A long day still waits you and much worse is yet to come"

End of part 3. Part 4 to come(cum).
Death of our young lawman. Here is the finale, part 4, and a grand finale it is. For a postlude a screen test of our porn star Jake, to play the part of Jesse. Definitely a role he should have turned down.

Pic 25. Prisoner Jake cap 29. Four lucky young braves participate in the torture. The returned warrior White Feather is impressed as he grasps Jesse's ample pecs and twists his nipples, admiring the crawling ants below. He smiles at the other braves."I'm now glad that I did not hang him when he was captured, this torment is so much better. I'll make sure each of you gets a turn with him before he finally goes under". Jesse entertains the savages with grunts and screams, and the cracking sounds of the muscle fibers in his neck, back, chest and shoulders as he is slowly, slowly, pulled apart.

Pic 26. Prisoner Jake 24(2). Chief Black Hawk inspects the progress of Jesse's execution, listens to the piercing screams, then the silence as our poor hero's vocal chords give out on him. The silence lasts not long though, soon the sounds of braves openly stroking and all listen in admiration to the cracking and popping sounds of the final dislocation. The chief then laughs, commenting to the watching braves. "Much like the sound of that white man's invention popcorn". Jesse starts to scream again as he's never screamed in his life. Still he has a long ways to go, the braves will be sure of that.

Pic 27. Prisoner Jake Cap 30. All braves participate in the execution of Jake. All watch now in quiet admiration as this sadistic young warrior contemplates his next move, how he can out do Black Hawk, White Feather and the others. "It's feeding time for the ants white man".

Pic 28. Prisoner Jake 23. Solar intervention has reduced Jesse from a fair skinned beauty to a scorched mess. The young brave deliberates on his next torture as eyes are his specialty. He explains as positioning his knife. "We do not want to cut off his entire eyelids as he will be too quickly blinded by the powerful sun gods". The sadist then slits the lids in three places, causing them to flap hilariously as Jesse's reflexes force him to blink repeatedly. Honey is applied here also, and the savage stands back and watches as the ants start to devour the soft orbs. Jesse twitches in fear as he feels a knife on his balls. Our brave explains. "Soon you will be blinded white man, but we want to be sure that you see what we do to you below. Your torture is just beginning".

Pic 29. Prisoner Jake cap 22. Jesse's last sight on earth is the smiling braves above; all come in close now to witness the "feeding". The warrior carefully slits open the scrotum and quickly pops off the testicles which fall to the dry ground. He motions another brave to pour honey water on the two raw balls, and a dozen ants busily check out the moist and tender morsels. The earth dwellers are very much interested in our young Ranger now and so too those watching braves, stroking wildly, Jesse's last screams are complemented by the ecstatic moans and groans of those above him.

Pic 30. Prisoner Jake cap 25. The crowd now dwindles as there's not much left to see of young Jesse. White Feather and the sadist warrior remain though, the terrified last grimace and silent screams are stimulation enough. The chieftain and Black Hawk nod in approval and step forward to provide their own semen offerings. Black Hawk speaks. "The gods of the earth dwellers have spoken from below, you two young warriors shall be passed on the torch, become rulers of the Comanches as White Claw and I depart from the earth, job well done."

Pic 31. Prisoner Jake 31, "So sorry young Jesse, to have spent your 19th birthday in such agony. Now you are with the earth gods, and they will start afresh with you, your torment to continue for an eternity".

Pic 32. Prisoner Jake cap 26. The cycle continues, they earth gods will award the Comanches from below.

Pic 33. Prisoner Jake 5(4). The screen test. Porn star Jake is so beautiful. There is nothing like destroying someone so perfect in torture porn. Probably a role he should have turned down, It seemed like easy money, but this was not one of those typical Cowboys and Indians epics.


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Goodwin Scott is a great describer of dystopian scenarios, the frightening not to distance future when death penalties will be the norm, and frequent and quite gruesome, to sate the appetites of an angry and bloodthirsty citizenry. My additions are some pictures in color and descriptive captions(which are in smaller font). The rest is all Scott. Still to come is the 2nd week of circuit court, where I believe an actual crucifixion, to get back on topic, lol.


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Hmmm, I may include that singer in part 2. Know wouldn't he look great on that rotating wheel? Only this time in warm weather. 2 hours is too short a time for this death. The public must savor and enjoy his execution which is apparent here.


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Here are my new renderings of the Golgotha. I made much more than planned at first but it was so exciting that I couldn't stop lol. Many hours of work but very arousing. I hope the result is worth the wait.
I made them for this board only, please don't repost elsewhere.

Part 1:


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Part 2:


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