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Crucified males

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Image by @phlebas

Being crucified naked (but with nails), rich Roman females come to watch the show.
Against payment of silver coins, the guards allow certain whims.
The one who wishes can either masturbate you, or apply lashes to you, or both; that is to say that by ejaculating your sperm you have soiled his tunic.
Another paying whim is to ask the Roman guards to make you drink in order to force you to urinate, piss in front of them. This adds a lot to your humiliation. Some ladies take pleasure in masturbating while watching the spectacle of your degradation.
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I,too am an inherently Straight/Hetero Male,who LOVES being crucified....(that's a given !!)
A tiny part of me has this almost bi-sexual fantasy of being interfered with and being pleasured/sucked whilst helplessly crucified...either by a woman,or a gay man.
( Who in turn will also be crucified and pleasured...!! )
Am I the only one ??
No, somewhat comparable to my fantasy. Straight either, but once nailed to that cross, one does not have all details about what happens around you, under control anymore, right?:eek:
View attachment 893096
Image by @phlebas

Being crucified naked (but with nails), rich Roman females come to watch the show.
Against payment of silver coins, the guards allow certain whims.
The one who wishes can either masturbate you, or apply lashes to you, or both; that is to say that by ejaculating your sperm you have soiled his tunic.
Another paying whim is to ask the Roman guards to make you drink in order to force you to urinate, piss in front of them. This adds a lot to your humiliation. Some ladies take pleasure in masturbating while watching the spectacle of your degradation.

I love the idea of the female spectator, as you can see from some of my manips. This one is based on a performance of Jesus Christ Superstar, and again I love the idea of this being performed authentically like this. The actor would need to avoid getting too "into" the experience.

A quick one, two new manips by me for a member. Before and after. This german warrior is giving up his life in the arena, but before the end he is required to give up something dear to him. The priestess is experienced with a blade.

View attachment 893096
Image by @phlebas

Being crucified naked (but with nails), rich Roman females come to watch the show.
Against payment of silver coins, the guards allow certain whims.
The one who wishes can either masturbate you, or apply lashes to you, or both; that is to say that by ejaculating your sperm you have soiled his tunic.
Another paying whim is to ask the Roman guards to make you drink in order to force you to urinate, piss in front of them. This adds a lot to your humiliation. Some ladies take pleasure in masturbating while watching the spectacle of your degradation.

I am sure rich Roman women were carried out by their slaves on their litters to watch in fascination crucifixions. Those litters were discrete with curtains so that the identity of the women would have been kept hidden, also well concealed was what they did as they lounged amongst the cushions inside. Roman women would have been used to their men shaved of body hair (as they were themselves) so the sight of a nude male from the lower classes covered in body hair & most likely pretty filthy up on the crosses would have been quite novel if repulsive to them, most likely they had an emotion of horror at the sight of raw maleness so rampant. Also I believe that small male genitalia was a sign for the Roman aristocracy of cultural superiority, so a hairy bloodied man with a generous sized penis would have provoked a feeling of both disgust & interest to the rich woman watching from her private litter.
My picture, the Boy on the left, crucified with a sneer, for the seat used anal spike max, deep it went into the anus and rested in the prostate, irritating its stimulating sex organ, the cock swelled and let the grease at this point, the executioner pierces the stem member with a sharp rapier. The man in the background got his own, his cock already pricked by the needle.20200827_235829.jpg
Here is something I found depicting the initial stripping at the execution site, Then the humiliating crowning. I love the look of defiance of the prisoner as presented to the crowd. The guards in splendid regalia so eager to begin the proceedings. Here is how I envision all of this, though others may have good ideas also. Does anyone know the artist?

Picture 1. The guards feel the prisoner's body lustfully. This is their final intimate moment, the ripping of the robe in the initial stripping entices the crowd, they move forward for a closer look.
Picture 2. The guards have some fun. Very slowly the prisoner is dis-robed. A guard speaks up. "Prisoner Marcus, you have been sentenced to death by crucifixion."
Picture 3. The now naked prisoner is thrust against the fine metal and cloth of the centurion uniform. He stares down at the lad and feels the full power of his position, speaking to the spectators. "Do you wish him to die quickly or slowly on the wood?" All shout out, "CRUCIFY HIM SLOWLY."
Picture 4. Very slowly the guard applies the crown of thorns. The splendid uniform conceals his massive erection. Our lad clenches his fist in futile defiance, the anger in his face soon supplemented by agony. All is lost now.
Picture 5. So alone now, naked and exposed to the crowd who point and jeer. The guard examines the crown and is dissatisfied. 'I must tighten this now, the audience wants to see some blood."


  • Crucifixion stripping 1.JPG
    Crucifixion stripping 1.JPG
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  • Crucifixion stripping 2.JPG
    Crucifixion stripping 2.JPG
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  • Crucifixion stripping 5.JPG
    Crucifixion stripping 5.JPG
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  • Crucifixion stripping 4.JPG
    Crucifixion stripping 4.JPG
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  • Crucifixion stripping 3.JPG
    Crucifixion stripping 3.JPG
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Here is something I found depicting the initial stripping at the execution site, Then the humiliating crowning. I love the look of defiance of the prisoner as presented to the crowd. The guards in splendid regalia so eager to begin the proceedings. Here is how I envision all of this, though others may have good ideas also. Does anyone know the artist?

Picture 1. The guards feel the prisoner's body lustfully. This is their final intimate moment, the ripping of the robe in the initial stripping entices the crowd, they move forward for a closer look.
Picture 2. The guards have some fun. Very slowly the prisoner is dis-robed. A guard speaks up. "Prisoner Marcus, you have been sentenced to death by crucifixion."
Picture 3. The now naked prisoner is thrust against the fine metal and cloth of the centurion uniform. He stares down at the lad and feels the full power of his position, speaking to the spectators. "Do you wish him to die quickly or slowly on the wood?" All shout out, "CRUCIFY HIM SLOWLY."
Picture 4. Very slowly the guard applies the crown of thorns. The splendid uniform conceals his massive erection. Our lad clenches his fist in futile defiance, the anger in his face soon supplemented by agony. All is lost now.
Picture 5. So alone now, naked and exposed to the crowd who point and jeer. The guard examines the crown and is dissatisfied. 'I must tighten this now, the audience wants to see some blood."
I can picture this happening to me
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