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Crucified males

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I've just found that ! Surprising, no? crucifix-bbc12.jpg
Crucifix attributed to Michelangelo Buonarotti (scource: BBC)
I"m asking me a question: why, for a man, do you use such precaution to hide his sexe, and why, for a woman, do you like to see her front, and more, opened legs?
It seems to be interesting to know that...:)

It's possibly best explained by Tree's version of history polluted with catholic dogma...

In the beginning God created man and let him live in the Garden of Eden as long as he didn't eat the forbidden fruit. Man, in the embodiment of Adam thought 'sure, no big thing.' But soon God saw man was bored as man began playing with his wanker and getting spunk all over the garden.

So God created woman and soon found she was bored as man continued to play with his wheezer. Meanwhile Eve thought it was BS that this God was making rules she never agreed to. She became friends with the snake when the snake wrapped its body around leg and performed the first cunnilingus (with a forked tongue, I might add) and later the first vaginal penetration with his rattler which would throughout history would have men competing with women's 'little friend'.

Anyway, Eve tried the apple, God evicted them (even before he had a new tenant, believing there could be no real estate bubble) and men and women wallowed through history, mainly because man somehow was in charge over women.

Thoughts such as these were not easily discussed until Al Gore invented the internet and the personal computer finally go a modem.

In the meantime, Satan had grown tired of not getting any of the foxy ladies who were choosing the virgin martyr career, so he created Steve Job who created Apple and...

Sorry I got off track. In the US you can show an amazing amount of violence and the film gets rated PG-13, which still means anyone can get in to see it. Show more than a fleeting glimps of a breast and it is rated R where a kid under 17 can't get in without a parent and god forbid if they smoke on screen!!!

Since the ratings board is still more male than female they also protect the male actors by giving the most restrictive (thus least profitable) rating if a wheezer spends too much time on the screen even if it is just 'hangin' there'.

Movie sets tend to be well air conditioned to keep the actors from sweating under the lights. Cold air makes for a little willie.

Tree the writer also doubts that he could perform the the condemned woman's deflowering act in front of a crowd that Tree the executioner does. I think it's camera shy

I hope this helps...


Adam thought 'sure, no big thing.'
But soon God saw man was bored as man began playing with his wanker and getting spunk all over the garden.

Adam thought his wanker was no big thing? :confused::p
Mmmmm, If I 've well understood, God created pornography and now,human beeing grades it according to the size and the sexe?
You do explain to Messa, she's still so young...:confused:
Mmmmm, If I 've well understood, God created pornography and now,human beeing grades it according to the size and the sexe?
You do explain to Messa, she's still so young...:confused:

Maybe on another or new thread. Although he has yet to complain I don't wish to hijack this thread... anymore than I have already done...


Maybe on another or new thread. Although he has yet to complain I don't wish to hijack this thread... anymore than I have already done...


we didn't,................... it was our beloved eul who started a naughty discussion here
After being whipped on the chest and belly, I went back, hands tied in front, bended over a trestle, to present my back to the bites of the leather.​
The blows fall down while on my waist, my back, my shoulders. With each crack of the whip on my skin, I utter a groan. Tears come to my eyes, tears of pain or pleasure?​
And then I am straightened, his hands tied at the bottom of the trestle, to present my buttocks at the executioner who resumes immediately the flagellation.​
The blows fall, inexorably, in sharp crack.​
Some slamming on my testicles, pulling me with cries of extreme pain.​
I'm dizzy and my head is spinning, nearly to fainting.​
Sorry Dom - yes, Admi's right,​
all you've described above should be done to me as punishment​
(except the testicles bit, but I can offer subsTITutes! ;))​
we didn't,................... it was our beloved eul who started a naughty discussion here
Actually it was the lady Messaline that got me off on the rant. She is quite correct in asking why is it necessary to have the PENIS (there, I said it) 'implicit' when we demand the female genitalia exposed, often claiming it is to humiliate the woman when the reality is it is to satisfy the voyuerism in us.

Well Messaline, would you prefer if it were the other way round?​
:oops: Perhaps I should re-phrase that!​
If men were 'exposed' but women 'concealed'?​
Why not? but I'ld ask for me the same question...
In fact, I want to know: why not the same treatment for both ?;)
Why not? but I'ld ask for me the same question...
In fact, I want to know: why not the same treatment for both ?;)
indeed the same for both.......................nude
but that hurts........................because the women are women looks most lovelies and thus we guys will hide our most bad things in cloths:oops:
Why not? but I'ld ask for me the same question...
In fact, I want to know: why not the same treatment for both ?;)
Don't give up, Messa! See it is not an 'either or' situation? why not show it all- after all, GOD MADE IT!!! (i only did that because there is, like, zero chance of lightning tonight)

indeed the same for both.......................nude
but that hurts........................because the women are women looks most lovelies and thus we guys will hide our most bad things in cloths:oops:
And I will ask how many of the ladies looked N8D's picture and never noticed the guy's third leg???


eul taken dowen.jpg
Don't give up, Messa! See it is not an 'either or' situation? why not show it all- after all, GOD MADE IT!!! (i only did that because there is, like, zero chance of lightning tonight)

And I will ask how many of the ladies looked N8D's picture and never noticed the guy's third leg???


View attachment 46083
they look at the nice tits.............................j think:rolleyes:
Obviously, we can recognize that a man's body is not very beautiful: square shoulders, no attractive nipples (too hard pillow), "chocolate's bar (but no edible !)
Ah! we are coming to the interesting part:what can I say about?:rolleyes:
For me, nothing...Men confront them each other...Size is not the problem, they
would have to learn to use it...:D But ....put in the vagina, it's a pity!:D
Boum! Boum! In many cases, it's only that...:oops:
Woman is so tender:rolleyes::rolleyes:
tinamiller.jpg----Yep ! ERROR ! :confused:----:D----veronika_nude_1.jpg---:) BETTER !

Caress her--- whipped-women.jpg--;)---- spread her down tenderly--cwnadya04.jpg:oops:

Awake her inner fire--midsize.jpg:D--- make her screaming- women-orgasm.jpg :p

-----To the EXTASY---sexy-naked-women-crucified.jpg:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Then, perhaps, I could consider:) thCA4W40PX.jpg :)

Your sweet Messaline:cool:
The flagellation over, the torturer overloads me with the patibulum that I must to wear to the place of execution.
Aching all over by the lashes, I have difficulty walking, and stumble repeatedly.
I know what awaits me, I fear and hope at the same time.
The patibulum is placed on blocks on the floor, and it forces me to lie down, my back and my butt painful on the cold floor.
I shiver of apprehension and shame of being exposed and at the sight of everyone.
It open my arms, in order to lay hands on the beam, for there to be nailed.
Obviously, we can recognize that a man's body is not very beautiful: square shoulders, no attractive nipples (too hard pillow), "chocolate's bar (but no edible !)
Ah! we are coming to the interesting part:what can I say about?
For me, nothing...Men confront them each other...Size is not the problem, they
would have to learn to use it... But ....put in the vagina, it's a pity!
Boum! Boum! In many cases, it's only that...
Woman is so tender
Your sweet Messaline.

It is true that the body of man is not so beautiful as that of a woman. :rolleyes:
But this is not actually a reason that man can not show as his genitals! ;)
In fact, we are in a macho society, where it is man who decides everything, including the representation of the female body. At the same time he does not want to reveal himself by misplaced modesty, but also by affectation. That allows him to dominate the woman, without taking risks. :cool:
But that's just my opinion...:)
I"m asking me a question: why, for a man, do you use such precaution to hide his sexe, and why, for a woman, do you like to see her front, and more, opened legs?
It seems to be interesting to know that...:)

I'm equal opportunities, myself, I'm happy with male or female exposed crux. I've done male and female manips from behind as well. On the cross, a man's spread legs allow the genitals to hang that bit more freely, more exposed, more vulnerable. Nice to see, and nice to experience. All is good.

Do we hide male genitals as a society though? On one hand, male members (particularly aroused ones) tend to be off limits in film and TV in the English speaking world. On the other hand, shows like Big Brother happily display naked men in showers but ensure that the women cover up. I don't know.
Thanks PhilX. I think Last Temptation came close, went with naked crux but bailed on full exposure. I am playing with a couple of manips to address that lack, post them soon, but I have also found what appears to be an edited out pic of one of the thieves which is much more explicit that anything in my version of the film.

Here's a still which shows some of Willem Dafoe's tackle, a scene of all three crosses, and the exposed thief.


This is a great image Phlebas! I reckon it is exactly the way the legs would have been splayed out. I wonder if one day we will ever see a crucifixion in a movie done in this more convincing way?

Actually I think such a crucifixion could be done in a Jesus biopic without causing any blushes. All the editing would require is lots of back view sequences like your picture, the faces of the crowd, mocking or weeping, would show exactly the mood. Then the scenes could cut to face & chest only views of Jesus in agony without any full-frontal problems. A few other side angled shots can add to the variety. The whole thing would convey the shaming element of crucifixion without any actually-seen compromising nudity, it would all be implicit.
Is this discussion about male v. female genital exposure anything to do with what I wrote yesterday?

I am all in favour of equality, I'm sure a crowd came to see a crucifixion to see whoever was being executed man or woman, cruelly exposed with their genitals for all to see & to for those watching to make lewd shouts about. Insulting words can be as painful as scourges & nails!

I actually find a naked man as interesting & sometimes as beautiful as a naked woman. Then again many naked men AND women can be pretty disgusting! At an execution I doubt it mattered, beautiful or ugly a nude person is always of interest!

I just described yesterday my idea of a way to give a more real scenario of the Crucifixion in a religious movie. Obviously decorum would prohibit Jesus being shown full-frontally naked, but the idea of that can be created by clever film editing. Now movies like Spartacus, or a TV series like Rome where copulating & general nudity is acceptable have no excuse not to show full-frontal crucifixions.
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