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Crucified males

Go to CruxDreams.com
I just love your custom title, lovely!
I think you mean the custom title "Angel of God". I've NEVER described myself that way! While I was working in an organic gardening, a work mate from there once told me, that I looked like an angel of god . . . what, of course, I totally loved to hear. He was the one who told some later that we have enough hawthorn for a crown of thorns here. But if you are interested you can read all to this under my thread "Chris(tus) Crucified images" . . .
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From my 2011 archive

road_to_hell.jpgstreet crx final.jpgPPTrafalgar3_PAX1.jpgJust raised up!.jpglowered_onto_the_saddle_of_spikes.jpg
Ummmm, “Forever Condemned “

Your ranking!
THAT you mean! Admittedly, I have helped a bit. But I want to be a condemned and nothing other. For me, a masochist, it's absolutely unbearable to be here a "guard" or, even worse, an "executioner". And - last, but not least - my avatar absolutely doesn't fit in with it! I want to be hanged on the cross!!! I find it deeply repugnant to execute other people . . .


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La croix 2006 This is what it's like with a performance artist in a staged relatively controlled environment using needles. I can really feel his pain, and what he's doing is so greatly reduced from how it really would have been. Even with his level of anxiety, he knows he'll survive. The performance artist crucified himself exactly at the time of his birth aged 33.
Your images are great!
Thank you very much for your compliment! Even GREAT! That I didn't expect, after all. Here I have another little second serving. The one who exclaims on this image enthusiastically that I'm the sexiest man on the cross is my former Deviantart-Bosomfriend "vanvl" who told me in his first comment to one of my images that he would love it to crucify me with a red, velvet loincloth. Oooh, it was so wonderfully slutty! I totally LOVED this comment, not least, because I felt vindicated as hustler, as male hooker. The one who made unmistakably and emphatically clear to "vanvl" that I'm CHRISTUS(!!!) is again my former fellow trainee Peter. Of course, I totally LOVED this, too . . .
Chris . . . That's CHRISTUS!!! (2).jpg
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Absolutely, nothing like a little public humiliation to make a point. I'm sure it would be popular with the ladies voters, and keep those young men in line . . . . . unless some of them found that they liked it!

With a titulus like this one you could alternate between warning messages and advertising
Yes, bif car but small penis, is what that woman most probably says....
La croix 2006 This is what it's like with a performance artist in a staged relatively controlled environment using needles. I can really feel his pain, and what he's doing is so greatly reduced from how it really would have been. Even with his level of anxiety, he knows he'll survive. The performance artist crucified himself exactly at the time of his birth aged 33.
really a horror...... great one!
As a child, I came across a book about gladiators (https://www.amazon.com/Was-ist-was-Bd-82-Gladiatoren/dp/3788604220) one of those colorful, picture-filled volumes clearly meant for kids. Among its pages, I found an image that has stayed with me for decades. It showed gladiators being crucified after Spartacus' rebellion was crushed.

What captivated me, and what I still vividly remember, was how different this depiction was from the religious images I was used to seeing. Unlike the usual portrayals of Jesus on the cross, these gladiators were shown completely naked. It was a startling contrast to the more modest representations I'd encountered in church or religious books.

This unexpected glimpse into historical reality, presented in a children's book no less, left a lasting impression on my young mind. It opened my eyes to a rawer, more unfiltered version of ancient history than I'd ever been exposed to before. Even now, years later, I can recall the impact of that surprising discovery.

I managed to find this book online and borrowed that image:

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