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Crucified males

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Its time King Yar ...... It is great of you to sacrifice yourself for your Kingdom. If not we would have killed them all.
Superb pics and the contrast between the weakness due to chains and ropes, and the penis and testicles once so powerful and henceforth useless to the slave..... Absolute vulnerability....
No I never used a cornu, nor had any desire to try it. I did not use a seat, but did tie ropes around my thighs to hold the weight of my body. The problem there was it cut off circulation in my legs.
I am convinced a cornu was used in crucifixions. There is argument as to whether the translation of crucifixion described a cross or an upright post or stake. Now as stakes were used for impaling victims the whole thing could be a cross with an impaling element for the anus or vagina. Crucifixion was described by a Roman commentator as being extremely disgusting, for folk used to nudity in the baths the naked victims couldn't be the cause of this disgust. However to watch the victims being intimately entered by a phalic device would have been fairly disgusting (though highly amusing at the same time). Was it the same Roman commentator who went on to describe those being crucified as resembling someone in the throes of copulation? well this most likely would describe the writhing grunting & gasping but also it would seem the presence of the phalic cornu that they would be riding up & down to ease breathing difficulties. The cornu would also require total nudity of course.
Proof of wha
I am convinced a cornu was used in crucifixions. There is argument as to whether the translation of crucifixion described a cross or an upright post or stake. Now as stakes were used for impaling victims the whole thing could be a cross with an impaling element for the anus or vagina. Crucifixion was described by a Roman commentator as being extremely disgusting, for folk used to nudity in the baths the naked victims couldn't be the cause of this disgust. However to watch the victims being intimately entered by a phalic device would have been fairly disgusting (though highly amusing at the same time). Was it the same Roman commentator who went on to describe those being crucified as resembling someone in the throes of copulation? well this most likely would describe the writhing grunting & gasping but also it would seem the presence of the phalic cornu that they would be riding up & down to ease breathing difficulties. The cornu would also require total nudity of course.
Proof of what you are saying: http://ifpeakoilwerenoobject.blogspot.com/2012/11/crucifixion-bodily-support-biblical.html
If crucified naked, in front of others, it's best to have a partner on a nearby cross, whose nudity is stimulating and whose moans of encouragement are consoling, as the poet Richard Crashaw wrote:

See, O Kinsman, what strange thing is this!
Chrisr in'a own country a great Stranger is,
The Thief who bled upon the Cross with Thee
Was more ally'd in Consanguinity.


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    Jesus and thieves naked.jpg
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If crucified naked, in front of others, it's best to have a partner on a nearby cross, whose nudity is stimulating and whose moans of encouragement is comforting, as the poet Richard Crashaw wrote:

See, O Kinsman, what strange thing is this!
Chrisr in'a own country a great Stranger is,
The Thief who bled upon the Cross with Thee
Was more ally'd in Consanguinity.
Richard Crashaw is the great Metaphysical poet of ecstatic contemplation of the wounded male body:

They have left Thee naked, Lord, O that they had!
This garment, too, I would they had denied,
Thee with Thyself they have too richly clad,
Opening the purple wardrobe in Thy side,
O never could there be garment too good
For Thee to wear, but this of Thine own blood.


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I am convinced a cornu was used in crucifixions. There is argument as to whether the translation of crucifixion described a cross or an upright post or stake. Now as stakes were used for impaling
Good that I never dated a catholic girl, since when she would tell me: "Let us make love in the Jesus way". She plans to take out a huge strap-on dildo, but fair enough if the catholic church had adopted the "cornu" as part of the Suffering of Christ, the catholic church would have a more relaxed way of treating sexuality, eg. homosexuality in particular and some people think even the sexual abuse seen in the catholic church would be smaller.

My personal view, I stated many times is that if the anal sexual intercourse would not be a natural part of live, GOD would have reconstructed the anal region, after all he is "all-knowing", don't forget.
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