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she lies there, no nails, no bondage, freely submitting,
letting the monstrous spider crawl across her skin,
seeking out the tender parts to bite, to pump the poison in
that will drive the girl to a living death, an endless orgasm...
It kind of bothers me when I see images of women being sexually stimulated on their crosses. The purpose of crucifixion is to cause pain. If sexual gratification happens anyway, so much the better, but IMHO it should not be added artificially


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mm - it depends - in BDSM play, it can be part of the pleasure,
the 'victim' is already getting pleasure from being crucified,
it's all the more when she's driven - willy nilly - to orgasm.

And in a 'real' crux scene, it may be an added humiliation?
Yes Eulalia, I believe in a real crux scene, sexual stimulation is a great way to humiliate the victim. Let's face it, the victim is nude, and has no control. I would think it could be humiliating for an executioner to sexually stimulate the victim, especially if witnessed by a crowd. I am fairly sure a female victim, made to orgasm for the crowd, could be humiliating.
Same goes for a male victim, stimulated to have a hard-on, and made to cum in front of total strangers, could be humiliating for some victims.
I posted it earlier somewhere: For my personal opinion I don't want to cum on the cross. Being crucified indeed makes me hot. But the fact, not being able to do something against drives me even crazier! :) My girlfriend and I found out that with coming during the crucifixion, we risk either that I feel bored after or it crashes the complete aftercare of my girlfriend once she takes me down from
the cross. I need her in that moment as never else. Need her embracing, her calm voice and the relaxation she gives to me. And
since I got sexually arroused by the crucifixion and these feelings need to be relaxed also, I often can reward her for her good hard work (what SHE then likes ;) ), offering feelings to me that no one else in my life could before...
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