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Crucifixion And You: How Did The Idea Start?

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I love the idea that you will be watching my" horrific death" and we will both be enjoying it.
You will see my erection in every stage of my "death"
I think I look OK when I'm not fat and my penis is OK to look at.
I also look good for my age
And I am committed to looking my very best because I want show you a naked man " dying in ecstasy "
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How common or uncommon is this kink?

My guessing would be that it is fairly rare, but it might be more common than it seems. Truth is, this kink is heavily stigmatized due to being a literal torture/execution method and a religious symbol. Frankly, how many christians do you think are closeted crux-kinksters and why do you think so? In my case, I developed the kink because I grew up in a religious family and learning about the crucifixion left quite an impression on me, at first trauma, which soon enough turned into a passion.
How common or uncommon is this kink?

My guessing would be that it is fairly rare, but it might be more common than it seems. Truth is, this kink is heavily stigmatized due to being a literal torture/execution method and a religious symbol. Frankly, how many christians do you think are closeted crux-kinksters and why do you think so? In my case, I developed the kink because I grew up in a religious family and learning about the crucifixion left quite an impression on me, at first trauma, which soon enough turned into a passion.

I think the fact that it is an execution method designed to inflict pain and humiliation, and one of the most extreme ones ever conceived by man is why some people are so interested in it. Crucifixion strips away all pretense and leaves it's victims naked in every sense of the word, a raw human exposed for all to see. Grotesque but also fascinating. It's even harder to admit interest in it because of how raw it is. I think anyone might have interest in it for these reasons, but Christians especially because of how heavily it figures in to the religion. As for how many of them are closeted kinksters, who knows, but I would wager it's at least in the double digit percentage. Out of those I bet a large percentage would at least think about crux as a fantasy.

That's a tasteful profile pic by the way. Your work?
I think the fact that it is an execution method designed to inflict pain and humiliation, and one of the most extreme ones ever conceived by man is why some people are so interested in it. Crucifixion strips away all pretense and leaves it's victims naked in every sense of the word, a raw human exposed for all to see. Grotesque but also fascinating. It's even harder to admit interest in it because of how raw it is. I think anyone might have interest in it for these reasons, but Christians especially because of how heavily it figures in to the religion. As for how many of them are closeted kinksters, who knows, but I would wager it's at least in the double digit percentage. Out of those I bet a large percentage would at least think about crux as a fantasy.

That's a tasteful profile pic by the way. Your work?
As you said crucifixion is extremely raw and has an erotic quality to it. The victim being forcibly stripped and splayed out for everyone to see under the baking sun. However, laid bare isn't just their body, but the spectacle of their suffering, every drop of sweat and blood, every twitch of the body, every moan... The nudity combined with the extreme cruelty and humiliation rewired my impressionable brain at Sunday school, haha.

Glad you like my profile pic. Unfortunately it's not my work, it's something I found on gelbooru when I made this account. I'm planning on drawing crucifixion myself in the future though!
Meine katholische religiöse Erziehung war mein Ausgangspunkt. Es war meine erste Begegnung mit einem „fast nackten Mann“ in Fesseln. Meine Kirche hatte ein wunderschönes Kruzifix und in fast jedem Raum meines Hauses gab es ein Kruzifix. Das Kruzifix in meiner Kirche war ziemlich groß und ließ der Fantasie eines jungen Mädchens wenig Spielraum. Der Lendenschurz war perfekt positioniert, um gerade genug Sittsamkeit zu bieten, um die Genitalien zu bedecken, aber nicht viel mehr. Wir lernten den gesamten Prozess der Kreuzigung schon in sehr jungen Jahren. In meiner Schule beschrieben uns die Nonnen den Prozess sehr detailliert, einschließlich der Nacktheit und der erniedrigenden Aspekte der Kreuzigung.

Ich freute mich auf die Karwoche und den Karfreitag, weil wir dort immer den Kreuzweg lernten. Die Nonnen erzählten ausführlich, wie Jesus für die Kreuzigung nackt ausgezogen und ausgepeitscht wurde, und ich weiß noch, wie aufgeregt ich schon als kleines Kind war. Ich weiß noch, dass eine der Nonnen mit uns richtig ins Schwärmen geriet.

Als ich in die Pubertät kam, wurde die Kreuzigung für mich sehr erotisch und in manchen Fantasien nahm ich meinen Platz am Kreuz ein und in anderen meinen Platz in der Menge. Ich erinnere mich, wann immer ich wusste, dass meine Eltern für eine Weile außer Haus sein würden, zog ich alle meine Kleider aus und machte einen Lendenschurz aus alten Lumpen, die meine Mutter zum Staubwischen benutzte, ging auf den Dachboden und hing an einem der Dachsparren und tat so, als würde ich gekreuzigt.
and were you able to live it out in real life?
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When I hit puberty I started to fantasise about me naked and dead on a cross outside my house.

Then I used to sneak out at night , go into a small woodland, find a tree I could be "crucified " on
Strip naked and play dead , " crucified "

I felt soo beautiful as the night breeze carresed my naked body and my throbbing erection.

Later on I lay "dead" on the ground before masturbating
I feel out of place on this one. Growing up, I sometimes touched myself, but never thought it was sex. I saw pictures of Christ in Sunday school being crucified but didn't feel anything about that. I never thought about boys or girls when we showered after gym class. When I got married, I thought sex was a chore I was expected to do for my husband. I didn't start to bloom sexually until Marie taught about lesbian sex. and now, years later I am such a slut
I always have been fascinated by the idea that there was a time when wrongdoers got crucified. When all that horror was legal. There was no internet and I thought I'm a pretty strange kid.

In Kindergarden, I was maybe 5 (catholic, nuns running it), we used to play "Crucifixion". Some were Legionnaires, Spectators and I was the victim, sentenced and "Crucified", like little kids do it when they play. With the nuns watching, I was forced to step on a little wall with a board fence on top. They spread my arms and in play "nailed" my hands to the wood. The feeling was sensational, I was completely overwhelmed and tried not to show it. It was something like an orgasm, but much more intense.

In church on Sundays, probably 7 or 8 years old, I enjoyed watching Jesus and the thieves hanging on the crosses. They used nails for Jesus, but for the thieves they used ropes. Why is that?
One of the thieves had brown skin, while the other had very white skin like me. Oh, he looks sort of like me. Kneeling there, my cock got hard as I imagined being crucified next to Jesus.

Pretty shameful, despite the loin cloth one could see the root of the cock between the pubic hair from the thief.
Later I tried how I can look at myself and see myself with such a loin cloth. I was so ashamed, but didn't care, I loved the idea too much......
This is a piece I wrote soon after I came to the Forums,
it's in the Archive but not on a public thread any more,
so I'll copy it here:

Girly Games

by eulalia

Little girls' games – in Scotland and England, and surely bairns all over the world play the same! – often involve one girl being picked to kneel in the middle of the ring while the others mock my. Other girls used to hate it when they were picked, but this one used to hope it would be her! I loved chasing games, too, being hunted like a deer through the woods – I always loved it when I was the one counted out to be chased.

We used to play 'slaves' on our way to and from school – one girl had to carry everyone's bags, while the others smacked me and prodded me and shouted to make me hurry. Again, other girls used to moan, but this girl would say "Let me be the slave, please!"

Around puberty, of course I became more aware of my body, how I looked, what parts I should display, what parts I should hide. I wasn't a 'sexy' teenager, a little Lolita, I didn't try like some girls do to attract male attention – I used to hitch my skirt up over my belt on my way to school so the boys (and, I knew quite well, male teachers too) could get a good view of my nice legs, but all my friends did that too, and I just liked (and still like) the feeling of cool air on my skin.

I remember becoming very aware of my vulnerability, how the bare skin of my legs, back, waist – whatever parts were exposed, especially in summer, could be gazed at, touched and even whipped: yes, by 11 or 12 I was excited by whipping! In Scotland until very recently it wasn't unusual for girls to be beaten with the Tawse, a leather strap, on our hands, legs or buttocks – in England, where I went to secondary school, only a slipper was used, and less often. Still, this girl was regularly beaten on her bum wearing only thin cotton gym-knickers, for messing about in the changing-room!

But I wasn't frightened of being vulnerable, or even of the Tawse, I found it thrilling. It was this delight in being naked and vulnerable that made me like to sleep nude, no matter what my parents said to try to stop me – and I still do! So I enjoyed any activities where I could change into light clothing – shorts, briefs, leotard, swimsuit etc. At the swimming pool, for example, I'd get my friends to make me a 'human sacrifice', leading me ceremoniously up to the diving board and throwing me in!

My parents weren't very keen on organised religion, but I liked going to church! The local vicar (we were in England then) was Anglo-Catholic (= "high church" Episcopalian) and I loved the chanting, bells, candles, incense, bright windows and vestments, and - perhaps especially - the 'spiritual aerobics', standing up sitting, kneeling - yes, especially kneeling. I can remember as a young teenager getting quite orgasmic thrills from the whole business, I knew it was naughty, I ought not to be having such feelings and thoughts, but didn't understand why.

But crucifixes in church or elsewhere didn't have much impact on me, they were very stylised and just part of the decorations. The only crucifix incident that sticks in my memory was when I was 11 – I was with my parents on holiday in Spain when I was struck with acute appendicitis. I was rushed into a hospital that was run by an order of nuns. I remember lying on a trolley looking up at a life-size, brightly-painted image of Christ on the Cross. There was a livid bleeding wound across his lower abdomen, "Jesus!" I was thinking, "did they take out your appendix on the Cross!"

I first got excited about Crucifixion at school. A master thought it a good idea to give his 12 year olds a series of lessons, pretty well blow-by-blow, on the Crucifixion of Christ. He could hardly have guessed (or could he?!) the impact he was having on the dark-haired little kid near the back of the class whose big brown eyes grew wider at each gory detail! After that I did begin to look with more interest at crucifixes and pictures of Crucifixion, imagining how they did it, how it felt, experimenting with my own body in that position in the gym, at the swimming baths, etc.

And a bit later I discovered the story of St. Eulalia in a little book of saints belonging to a 'churchy' great-aunt. The idea of a 13-year-old girl like myself being scourged, racked, torn with Hooks, and tied on an X Cross to be roasted to death, while she went on being spunky and cheeky to her Tormentors, filled me with delight!

Stories and pictures about Classical women facing exciting fates, invariably more or less naked, also fed my appetite. I loved to imagine myself in such situations, e.g. leaning my bikini-clad body against a rock on the sea-shore, stretching up my arms to an old mooring ring, being Andromeda watching the waves and waiting for the monster who will come and devour me (I didn't want Perseus turning up to 'rescue' me and spoiling my fun, I wanted to meet my monster!)

There was a path on my way home from school that passed through rough woodland, where the bushes grew dense in summer. A gang of boys used to hide in there sometimes and ambush us girls, leaping out with long, prickly bramble-stems and wrapping them round our bodies and legs – it hurt like hell, and if you struggled it only made it much worse, so you were trapped, and they wouldn't let you go until they'd searched your bag and pockets for sweets, crisps or anything else they fancied for 'ransom' and you'd earned your freedom with kisses! You could go round another, longer way to avoid this trap, but if you didn't want to be teased and called a wimp, you just saved up the sweets and crisps your mum had put as treats in your lunchbox, hitched up your skirt, and walked bravely down what we girls called The Martyr's Path! I got 'captured' several times – it didn't upset me, I found it quite exciting, hurrying through the woods wondering if the boys were waiting for me, and when I was their captive they said I was 'good sport', 'cos I always made sure I'd got plenty of 'ransom' for them, and when they'd helped themselves to that I'd kiss them 'properly' to earn my freedom! The sight of brambles when I walk in the woods still sends a shiver up my thighs!

So, by the time I was entering adolescence, there's no doubt my true dharma, the most right and natural way for me to live, was emerging: to be naked and vulnerable, to be whipped and tortured and crucified, to be a victim – but not a pathetic one, I'm a brave, spunky kid like St. Eulalia, I'm eager to face monsters naked like Andromeda, I'm 'good sport' for my captors.

But of course, the 'normal' expectations, of parents, teachers, peer-group, hemmed me in and forced me to try to suppress my real self. It didn't work, it only made me unhappy, depressed, impossible to live with. Boyfriends, and later male partners, found me hard to understand – though I loved trying to please them, they either found my submissiveness irritating or an excuse to abuse me. So it's not surprising that I experienced a series of increasingly disastrous relationships. I felt there was something wrong with me, I felt guilty and ashamed. Yet I knew in my heart that it wasn't wrong, it couldn't be, it was – and is – my true self.

And at last I've discovered on Crux Forums a place where I can explore and express this important part of myself without feeling bad and ashamed and screwed up about it. Through my poems, stories and fantasies, I can be my true self, and if they give pleasure to my friends and visitors on the Forum, that makes me very, very happy!

I am curious, did the part with the boys ambushing you really happen or is that a fictional part of the story? We live in such a different time now, it's hard to imagine stuff like that happening nowadays in the West, but I am sure it used to happen quite a bit, and still happens every now and then. The question of whether it is morally right or wrong is a different one. Personally, I dislike genuinely non-consensual behavior as opposed to consensual non-consent. But I am aware enough of how kinks work to understand that even actually non-consensual behavior can be arousing in certain contexts.

Also I am curious, did you ever manage to find a man who you could successfully explore these things with? If so, what about him made it work? If not, what about a man would make it work, do you think? I don't mean literally crucifying you all the way, because even if you genuinely wanted that I think it would probably be a bad idea :D, I mean something in what a lover does with you or to you that would satisfy that deep need in you which makes you fantasize about these things. What is the closest that you have ever come to that?
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did the part with the boys ambushing you really happen or is that a fictional part of the story?
it did, though I admit it was consensual, in the sense of playing a game we'd invented together ;)

did you ever manage to find a man who you could successfully explore these things with?
Yes, at least in a Master/slave relationship, including some crux-like BDSM play, at times when we could get together. But I'm happy living alone, I learnt that's best for me.
it did, though I admit it was consensual, in the sense of playing a game we'd invented together ;)

Very hot. A description of how such a game was invented to begin with would be interesting. On a side note, one of my more unusual kinks is that I like the idea of an older woman teaching a young man how to punish women in general. "My mom invited her friend over to teach me how to really treat a woman" sort of thing. I'm in my 40s and this idea only came to me about a year ago, so it's not that I myself am young, but for some reason it gets me going. Maybe it's my mind making up for my years in the wilderness when I was younger and I was having sex with women, but was not yet comfortable enough about my kink to express it in bed.

Yes, at least in a Master/slave relationship, including some crux-like BDSM play, at times when we could get together. But I'm happy living alone, I learnt that's best for me.

I'm glad that you are happy and have also experienced fulfilling some of your deepest kinks in real life. I hope that going forward, you get all the real-life fulfillment you want, but obviously also, being happy is the most important thing. Relationships are complicated. I don't know why living alone is best for you, but I have read enough of your writings here just from reading various threads in which you posted that if you have decided that, it is probably for a good reason, given that you are remarkably intelligent and good at communication. Thanks for the response!
Pretty shameful, despite the loin cloth one could see the root of the cock between the pubic hair from the thief.
Later I tried how I can look at myself and see myself with such a loin cloth. I was so ashamed, but didn't care, I loved the idea too much......
......as a teen 13, 14 years old, I imagined friends and girlfriends being crucified. That was in the mid seventies, crucified women were uncommon. When people talked about crucifixion, they were talking about punishment for men. Of course with loin cloth on.

We'd go to the place where we hung out, tied one of our friends to a cross to watch his body. Playing around, he came up with the idea that it makes sense to crucify him naked. That's what we did, we stared at the naked body and were amazed as his cock hardened.

Until the, the the crucifixions that I imagined were carried out with ropes and the victims had a loin cloth. I had gained some experience about what it feels like when you crucify somebody. How the person is looking at you while you are doing the job. When you are holding the legs, arms, body and so on.

In my phantasie one day I was a guard, forced to crucify one of the girlfriends. The Centurion told me to use nails. So I laid her to her cross on the ground, nailed her arms to the crossbeam, placed legs and feet the way I wanted them. The left foot on top of the right, no suppedaneum. The Centurion holding legs and feet.

Back then I didn't have any knowledge about where to place the nail, so I placed it right on top in the middle of her left foot, like on the paintings in church. But even in my imagination, what a great feeling of domination and power. When I hit the nail the first time, I squirted off.....

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......as a teen 13, 14 years old, I imagined friends and girlfriends being crucified. That was in the mid seventies, crucified women were uncommon. When people talked about crucifixion, they were talking about punishment for men. Of course with loin cloth on.
I was not so inspired by the loincloth, so I had my torture fantasies with free front or free backsides of the victims....
We'd go to the place where we hung out, tied one of our friends to a cross to watch his body. Playing around, he came up with the idea that it makes sense to crucify him naked. That's what we did, we stared at the naked body and were amazed as his cock hardened.

That is really a hot and surprising story, you probably should work it out in details. I never experienced nude camerades/friends except the flashing which happens sometimes.
... what a great feeling of domination and power. When I hit the nail the first time, I squirted off.....
Though that I never was a crucificator, I beter understand why you find pleasure in crucifying somebody ...
In fact, I often viewed the reactions of those who were crucifying me ( roped, of course !) and I saw on their face the jubilation that visibly you're feeling ...
... I better understand, not only their pleasure, but also the pleasure that they can find in, when my cross is erected, tearing out my little loincloth to see my shame to be naked in front of their lustful eyes ...
Though that I never was a crucificator, I beter understand why you find pleasure in crucifying somebody ...
In fact, I often viewed the reactions of those who were crucifying me ( roped, of course !) and I saw on their face the jubilation that visibly you're feeling ...
... I better understand, not only their pleasure, but also the pleasure that they can find in, when my cross is erected, tearing out my little loincloth to see my shame to be naked in front of their lustful eyes ...
So do I when I was crucified with ropes by my mates when we rehearse the passion play we did at school I was stripped naked and tied to my bed and I went through the sentences jesus said pity I didn't have a camera I those days
Though that I never was a crucificator, I beter understand why you find pleasure in crucifying somebody ...
In fact, I often viewed the reactions of those who were crucifying me ( roped, of course !) and I saw on their face the jubilation that visibly you're feeling ...
... I better understand, not only their pleasure, but also the pleasure that they can find in, when my cross is erected, tearing out my little loincloth to see my shame to be naked in front of their lustful eyes ...
Not everyone sees you the same. Some feel for you, maybe have pity, fear. Still others are happy, excited. What happens next, how will she behave? But for all of them you are objectified.
I think how you see yourself on the cross plays a big role. All the fears when you look down at your flogged body, shiny with sweat. You are forced to see how your tits rise and fall as you breathe, how the nail in your feet expands the hole. Maybe your clothes are still lying on the ground in front of you?
You are a spectator yourself, just from a different perspective.
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......as a teen 13, 14 years old, I imagined friends and girlfriends being crucified. That was in the mid seventies, crucified women were uncommon. When people talked about crucifixion, they were talking about punishment for men. Of course with loin cloth on.
....at about the same time we had a younger pastor teaching religion classes. He explained to us how Jesus was crucified and how the pilum was pushed through his body.
He got a student at the front, asked him to raise his arms and explained to us how the upper body was stabbed diagonally from the side below the ribs until the tip emerged again under the armpit of the crucified man. He clearly enjoyed the explanations and his look at our horrified faces.

I acted shocked, but found the idea exciting. Then we had to paint the crucifixion group...
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