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Crucifixion And You: How Did The Idea Start?

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So, we should reactivate the Island....
It never got deactivated, we crucified another dozen last Friday… you thinking of joining @vane in her Via Crucis? I’ve got spare patibuli. Master says it’s my turn as well, so I’ll meet you both at the Whipping Garden?
I acted shocked, but found the idea exciting. Then we had to paint the crucifixion group...
......as you can probably already see, the crucifixion kept coming back into my life.
I started working at the age of 15 in 1978, as used to be the norm in Germany for less well-off families. Apprenticeship as a fitter.

We had a lot of workers from Italy and one of the men left an Italian magazine in the break room with a photo of 4 or 5 naked crucified women. I was thrilled, I had never seen anything like it. "Jesus of Nazareth" from 77 was not bad, but that was a completely different quality.

Now it was part of the training to forge nails. Inspired by the photo I also forged a nail that I thought could be used for two feet in a crucifixion. I gave it a not too large head, the square shaft was about 8 mm thick, the nail perhaps 20 mm long with a slender point. While I was hardening my work in oil, the idea that this or a similar nail could be used to nail stacked feet to the wood without any problems gave me devilish pleasure.

Then I forged shorter ones that could be used for hands (I didn't know at that time that the nails had to be driven through the wrists) or just one foot.
The master came by and asked me what I needed them for.....:D
oh, I know that.
A few years ago I joined a group of historical reenactment and experimental archaeology on the ancient Roman period.
Of course, they also talk about the methods of execution, and the crucifixion stimulated me immediately.
......as you can probably already see, the crucifixion kept coming back into my life.
I started working at the age of 15 in 1978, as used to be the norm in Germany for less well-off families. Apprenticeship as a fitter.

We had a lot of workers from Italy and one of the men left an Italian magazine in the break room with a photo of 4 or 5 naked crucified women. I was thrilled, I had never seen anything like it. "Jesus of Nazareth" from 77 was not bad, but that was a completely different quality.

Now it was part of the training to forge nails. Inspired by the photo I also forged a nail that I thought could be used for two feet in a crucifixion. I gave it a not too large head, the square shaft was about 8 mm thick, the nail perhaps 20 cm long with a slender point. While I was hardening my work in oil, the idea that this or a similar nail could be used to nail stacked feet to the wood without any problems gave me devilish pleasure.

Then I forged shorter ones that could be used for hands (I didn't know at that time that the nails had to be driven through the wrists) or just one foot.
The master came by and asked me what I needed them for.....:D
........the years went by. I started to draw crucifixion scenes, victims mostly with loin cloth. I couldn't talk to anybody. I just wasn't able.
Other than that, I lived a quite regular live.
I had an awesome girfriend. We'd watch porno movies and fucked the brains out of our heads, but I kept my secret (today she is sometimes giving me a hand when I write about crucifixion). I was extra stupid, holding my kink back. Whatever, we had a good time.
Then one day, probably around 1985, there was this report in the newspaper. They wrote about the heel bone they had found in Israel and showed possible ways of how Jehohannan got crucified. These drawings showed him completely naked.......
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