This is absolutely great! Phantastic!With Briccone authorization
Added features:
Terrible scourging with barbed whip full of small bones and pieces of shells. You cannot see it but the back is a raw hamburger with no skin.
Many strokes reached ribs and udders.
Standard crown of thorns, blood flows on the face.
Nails are not mosquitos bites: blood flows along the arms.
Note the bruises due the executors knees on her arms and their bloodish handprints to take the bitch down.
The bitch fell many times during the walk with patibulum on her shoulders.
Note the blood print of their ravaged flesh on the wood.
Knees are broken and bleeding,
Same the feet,
Eyes are swollen from blows received on the face.
Only thing I could not modify is her serene face as if were just out from her hairdresser
I hope you will process more of my work.
Go on please.
If you have a special request according "raw material" feel free to contact me via email: