I would like to know your opinion towards this topic, as we all know, crucifixion were extremely painful, expositive, shameful, the convict placed naked, being held by nails on the cross, for a crowd to watch him slowly defy.
The suffering is undeniably huge, but isn't it somehow admirable? Watching a condemned man, facing his crime, carrying his patibulum, and enduring the crucifixion, even though, against his will, isn't for you guys an exhibit of strength? Even pierced to the cross, body fully exposed, his crimes being shown on a sign, facing his condemnation, he is there, using all of his strength to survive and endure the crucifixion process.
My opinion is that, the crucifixion is painful, but not totally humiliating
In the real world obviously crucifixion was meant to humiliate and break people in both body and mind, and I imagine it perfectly reached those goals.
But I don't care about the real world: we are all here on a
forum exploring our
fantasies, so...
in my own fantasy, crucifixion lies in a paradox.
For me, crucifixion thrives on these ambiguities (like other methods of execution and torture, it must be said).
On the one hand, it humiliates the condemned man/woman, exposes him/her naked to the gaze and even touch of anyone, just as he/she is most vulnerable and shocked by sharing with everyone such an intimate emotion as pain and fear of his own certain death approaching.
On the other hand, the condemned person may feel, to some extent, even proud that he/she is putting on a great show, which few give in their own lives (
how many people are able to gather a crowd of hundreds, maybe thousands of people eager to witness their own performance? here it is...).
Yes, okay, he/she is naked and humiliated and in agony, but -- what if in being like this there is, after all, nothing really to be ashamed of? All that remains is the courage to do something very difficult and at the same time very attractive to the audience.
I will conclude with three citations, one from
@DjEtla 's crucifixion stories "Lily on the cross" and "Melita on the cross" that can be easily found in this forum too:
Sidney kept up her light touches. “You’ll have a good crowd today.
We’ll set you up in a few minutes so you can start your little show,” Sidney said.
“I know this is scary. Maybe you can take some pride about doing something difficult. You’re going to do fantastic. People are going to fall in love with you – most of the men will … and maybe some of the women too.”
“You're going to do great,” the soldier said.
“What does that mean?” she asked. “You mean I'm going to suffer a long time?”
“Well, yes,” he said cheerfully. “That's the point of a crucifixion, isn't it?”
The third citation is from a 22 years old story (!), from writer "Iphigenia at Aulis" from bdsmlibrary.com (a website now in disarray, sadly), specifically "War and Peace". This one is not about crucifixion, specifically, but on the humiliation and pain.
But what if I tried the opposite strategy? What if I focused all my attention
on the sensation of pain? Yes, I would turn and face the pain directly, not
trying to run away from it, not trying to be somewhere else. ...Not wanting to
be somewhere else. ...Not wanting, period. ...Just being where I was.
Or even more simply, just being. ...Is that the distillation of my existence,
just being?
It's strange... or maybe not so strange. As I fully entered into that pain, it
ceased to be pain. Pleasant or unpleasant were only labels that my thoughts
might attach to a sensation. They were not the sensation itself. The sensation
itself had nothing to do with thought.
Time had stopped. Silence was utter. I looked around the room. Everyone's
eyes were fixed on me. One by one I fixed on them, each of the students,
individually. Were they different from me? ...They were free. I was bound.
They had comfort. I had pain. They were clothed, shielded. I was naked,
revealed. They were secure. I was vulnerable. But were they really separate
from me? Did my mind not encompass them all?
I hope these lines might be of... interest for someone, who likes the complexities of the mind, especially of a mind during a certain type of torture.
PS: most of my own fantasies involve a female victim (for instance, all those excerpts are about girls either crucified or tortured for all to see), but the general principles of my reasoning are perfect for a male victim's too, I think.
When I fantasize about men tortured and snuffed,
I don't see them as a symbol of "strength" at all, at least not in the
traditional strength.
Their strength is in surrendering to their role of "tortured performer" of an intriguing show, and this kind of "strength" can be shown by
both male or female victims.