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Crucifixion In Video Games

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Got into a RP with one of our members on Friday and we played out a scenario where Boudicca, instead of cheating the Romans of their revenge by dying after being defeated, was captured, humiliated, tortured and crucified for the entertainment of the surviving Roman citizens.

I didn't know before I built her that he is really into redheads (maybe that's why he picked that scenario). Anyway, some photos in three parts so I don't go over the daily limit.



The before sex whipping was brutal_001.jpgraped before crucifition_002.jpgraped before crucifition_001.jpgCrucified 062324_002.jpgCrucified 062324_001.jpg
I have been playing a game called "Mad Island" on Steam.

It is a hentai-style survival game with added nudity, sex, cannibalism, rape, torture and execution! There is a patch to get rid of the annoying pixilation. If the female PC loses a fight she gets raped, even werewolves and giant spiders get in on the fun!

For revenge the male PC can creep into town at night and rape the local women, and then bring them back to base as captives. They can be tamed and used as labour around the base. For entertainment they can be put in the "Toilet" (which is really a pillory) and raped again.

If they get uppity, execution methods include hanging, guillotine and "Pillory" (which is really impalement). After death they go to the cooking fire, which has recipes for cooking male and female!
In "Mad Island" you can see all the sexy animations from the Title Screen by typing Shift P

Another interesting game to look for on Steam is "Slaves of Rome":

You have to log-in to Steam to see 18 rated games. This game is about playing a slave trader who buys, "trains" and sells slaves.
Training includes sex and whipping, although I don't think it has any executions. There is an X-cross option for discipline.
I have found the best clothing option in "Mad Island". You can cut off a woman's breasts and turn them into a hat!
Did a 2 part RP with Doc Fives over at Cruxwinds.

Basic premise is a Spartacus type rebellion and the leaders get captured, tortured and crucified. Multiple pictures which will be posted 5 a day and a video link in the last post.




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Oh I enjoyed that very much. Always a pleasure bringing enemies of the Empire to justice!
What wonderful pictures and video of her crucifixion. She is nailed and hangs completely exposed on the cross. The people who came to see her nailed and raised have now left- a crucified woman is interesting to look at only so long and they all know it will be a long time before she dies.
The video is only two and a half minutes long and she looks like she has been there for a while. A passer-by stops to look at her- a wonderful site she is even nailed and dying on the cross. The initial shock of being nailed to the wood and raised has passed. Now there is unending pain of hanging from her outstretched arms as the people passing by might pity her but probably wonder what she has done to deserve this brutal execution.
She wants to cover herself to spare her from the forced exposure and to ease the torment of her outstretched arms but the nails do not allow such comfort...

Great pictures, Willowfall. Tree passes by her and wonders how long she will suffer before her death ends her pain. He heads to a tavern to ease his thirst, something she cannot do...
It is tough to make a video while still playing. After all your playmate (particularly a Dominant) deserves your full attention while the play is going on.

Since I use a screen capture program I have to be careful to not allow dialogue to get into the video.

And actually AFTER the RP has come to an end (as far as the action is concerned) I have had some great conversations with the Dominant about likes, dislikes, fun, variations future play.

Consider it the crux version of pillow talk while you are hanging there and the Dominant is admiring their work.


What wonderful pictures and video of her crucifixion. She is nailed and hangs completely exposed on the cross. The people who came to see her nailed and raised have now left- a crucified woman is interesting to look at only so long and they all know it will be a long time before she dies.
The video is only two and a half minutes long and she looks like she has been there for a while. A passer-by stops to look at her- a wonderful site she is even nailed and dying on the cross. The initial shock of being nailed to the wood and raised has passed. Now there is unending pain of hanging from her outstretched arms as the people passing by might pity her but probably wonder what she has done to deserve this brutal execution.
She wants to cover herself to spare her from the forced exposure and to ease the torment of her outstretched arms but the nails do not allow such comfort...

Great pictures, Willowfall. Tree passes by her and wonders how long she will suffer before her death ends her pain. He heads to a tavern to ease his thirst, something she cannot do...
By the pass, I was using of this cross'session ( SL / Cruxwinds ) but didn't make a video ( alas ) ; anyway, it's a wonderful RP and always bringing so wonderful sensations to the crucified woman ...
Had a nice RP with Doc Fives and Possum doing a sort of knockoff of the mass execution along the road presented in the movie "Spartacus" (Kurt Douglas version). It was a challenging RP because we only had one Dominant and since he wanted to do as many as possible in one RP both Possum and I used our primary avis and out alts. Controlling two avis at once is a bit of a challenge.

Enough photos for 2 postings and a video. These were all shot when I had "down time". That is I had nothing to do as the RP involved Doc and Possum at these points. You really can not shoot photos and do justice to the RP acting at the same time.



The guards enjoy while others are torutred_001.jpgThe guards enjoy while others are torutred_002.jpgThe guards enjoy while others are torutred_003.jpgAwaiting their flogging after being raped_001.jpgJulia Crucified 062324_001.jpg
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