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Crucifixion Of The Bandit Modesto

Go to CruxDreams.com
He had a superb technique for this.
He used a rope tied to the ankles of the condemned.
The rope went through a ring behind the tree.

The executioner forced the condemned to bend their knees and in this way all
his weight was supported by his arms.
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Nicely done. 13 and 15 are excellent illustrations of the change in weight distribution as the feet become a secondary rather than primary support. We cast the net wide sometimes, but true crux is at its heart a wonderful form of suspension.
Nicely done. 13 and 15 are excellent illustrations of the change in weight distribution as the feet become a secondary rather than primary support. We cast the net wide sometimes, but true crux is at its heart a wonderful form of suspension.

In professional videos or photos never shows the time of placement on the cross.
How the crucified is placed and tied. His / her reaction, his struggle.
For me, it is a moment of most interest, Although I understand that is difficult for filming.
Well, so far the preparations (very long preparations. Sorry if they have been too long). Now the crucifixion.
No more words, just photos.
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