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I think I will do some more pictures and videos for Easter…now the question is: should I stay hairy or shave? My armpit hair in particular has gotten quite long
Well my preference is always for shaving, but of course it must be your decision, not mine :p
whatever is your favorite choice @JudithJesus :D
I love both bush and shaved ;)
I think I will do some more pictures and videos for Easter…now the question is: should I stay hairy or shave? My armpit hair in particular has gotten quite long

As your decide, you can shave your armpit but please let your pussy unshaved it looks good and so natural!
obviously it's your decision, but I prefer shaved for imagery
It is your decision in the case of being here and doing what you like. It was not the decision of the historic events. However also there both possibilities are thinkable. Considering the situation the "civilized" Roman people would have been shaved and were shocked by the unshaven Barbarians on the cross, both males and females, naturaly. On the other hand, one would shave someone, here mostly females, to expose them more on the cross and therefore to humiliate her in that way. Considering the wishes of the audience, what I see here, is that both possibilites have its promoters. Me personaly, just find shaved females much more beautiful.
Thank you all for the responses! I apologize that I haven’t posted pictures yet. The week was unexpectedly busy. I think I will pose unshaven because that was the most popular request.
All up to you, so you decided to express the more traditionalistic view like the famous depictions
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I actually had to research the Jewish shaving tradition in the year zero, for males this was forbidden and considered "feminine" in some
torah interpretation. it seemed what I researched that indeed the jewish females shaved in their early history. On the other hand their is a story that a female violated
one of King David sons with their pubic hair, so it might be safer just to meet females which are shaven. I should put that in my tinder profile, if I would have one....

But when you do not shave probably another female (ick!) CF member may show of shaved, so not all the burden is on you! Else we found some in the


internet anyway.
I like to shave because in fantasies I like my abusers to have a completely clear view to apply their ingenious little instruments to maximum effect on my super sennitive bits during my pre-crux punishments.

Also shaved, I feel more exposed and ashamed up on the stake when my loin cloth is ripped off and I am leered at by the knuckle draggers (and jealously admired by the women). Altogether much more satisfying and erotic for me when shaved.
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