@patbeer hope you are happy with the result
Based on an panel from the Alix/Alex comic about Spartacus?
Gave my spin on the pic, hopefully keeping some of the atmospere of the original pic.
Crassus knew how to properly celebrate Crosstober, didn't make him popular though!
Along the Via Appia
After the battle, Crassus had the fortification of his camps taken down,
as well as the fortification the slaves build.
The beams and the survivors send up north.
Once past Capua, all surviving rebels were crucified along the Appian way ont the same beams.
Nailed by hastely converted metal of captured tools and weapons used by the slavearmy.
None of the captured were spared, man or woman,
not even those who claimed they were prisoners taken by the rebels.
All hanging from the makeshift crosses and suffering a gruesome and slow death.
One of the reasons of Crassus was being denied a triumph:
There had been full roman citizens hostages among the crucified,
even a few citizens who thought it was safe and came out of hiding,
when legions defeated the slave army.
More then a handfull of them were later recognized,
then taken down: two alive, the rest already dead.
Added original picture from the comic