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Crux Trek - A Taste Of Crucifixion

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View attachment 546291 Well, come a little closer. I’m sure we can work this out. The Captain is just a human (boring in the bedroom) and I have no interest in being flogged. But I understand that Vulcan sex is out of this galaxy. I’m hot and ready. Bring it on, but be careful not to rip my uniform. These short little red things are expensive and come out of my pay.
It's not pon farr for another five years, Moore, but maybe I'll make an exception for you;)
This seems a good place to pop in a clip from an - at present unfinished - space epic on DevArt
'Ticket to Ceres', by the very talented Anatoly Sennov -
essentially his heroine Olga has been captured on a spacecraft
by a rather incompetent villain who's screwed the technology and she's having to take control
to try to get them both out of the shit he's got them into...

View attachment 546283

could be Acting Lt Commander/ grindslave eul? :devil:
Woman-Picture-4_300 (3).jpg Re - Oooooh!
"Erm Lieutenant you are relieved to sick bay, Dr Bobinder please stand by for preliminary psyche evaluation,"
Aye aye, Commander - Cupid and Psyche are getting it on in my cabin right now - any chance of fixing that leak on the Holodeck?

Cupid and Psyche.jpg
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