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Death of the Tomb Raider

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Hello everyone. I have read stories on this site for years and joined a few months ago. I have been a writer for years but never written any fantasy or erotica. I have been inspired by those here and thought I would give it a go and write out some of my favorite ideas that have floated in my head.

This story is base off Angelina Jolie’s performance as Lara Croft Tomb Raider. It will have several parts as I do tend to be long winded, but I thought I would post the first part, to kind of get it out there before I talk myself out of it.


Death of the Tomb Raider

Lara Croft had no idea why she was doing this. Since she had turned eighteen, she had beaten death more times than she could count. She had killed, nearly been killed, fought monsters most people believed were myths and made discoveries that were unimaginable.

Now, she was walking calmly to her death.

Lara wasn’t certain why she had taken the job. She certainly didn’t need the money. The University was esteemed and paid well for lecturers, but she could have taught anywhere. At thirty-five she was famous around the world, in her physical and mental prime.

She had also been bored.

Dayton University had a long history. Unlike many religious private universities, Dayton was founded by pagans. From their earliest days three hundred years ago, a celebration happened at the end of the Fall term and the End of the Spring term. A celebration of life and death.

Every student and faculty member under the age of forty signed an agreement on admittance or hiring by the University. It was nonnegotiable and completely legal.

Twenty students or faculty would be randomly drawn in a lottery each semester. It was always ten women and ten men.

The sacrifices would be hung on a cross until death, while their fellow students and colleagues celebrated around them.

The celebrations were full of drunken merriment, sex and music. The celebration would go on until the last victim died on his or her cross.

The victims of the cross would hang in pain, and shame, completely nude and at the mercy of the jibes and occasional caresses of those around them.

To make their shame worse, the would be given drugs constantly that kept them turned on, able to have orgasms through the pain, the females, rubbing against any friendly student who wished to please them, or grinding against a sedile, while the males maintained huge erections no matter how often they came.

The males usually ground themselves on cornus, seeking pleasure in the pain. These devices were not traditional wooden torture devices but latex dildos that gave them pleasure, humping themselves to the amusement of the crowd.

Lara had received her summons a week ago. She was to report this morning to the school gym and makeshift prison, where she along with nineteen others would receive cleansings, body hair removal if needed and be prepared for execution the next morning.

Preparation was a poorly kept secret. The women and men were raped by the volunteers who guarded the victims, the execution teams who would carry out the nailing and any faculty who wished to take part.

Lara had been a member of the faculty for the past three years. She had seen and taken part in every festival, watched the victims moan in agony and ecstasy. She had even relieved a few male students of their massive erections if only for a moment. She had a few friends on the faculty she partook in public sex with and always caught the attention of everyone around. Why wouldn’t she?

Now it would be her turn.

Lara didn’t have to do this. Of course, she became legal property of the University when her name was drawn. She was at that time, a prisoner. She no longer had human rights.

She was also the Tomb Raider. She could fight her way off campus, kill anyone who got in her way. She could travel the world, disappear if she wished to places she would never be found. It would be quite the adventure.

Yet she wasn’t. Instead, she was walking to her doom. She was walking to a makeshift prison to be stripped, cleansed, given aphrodisiacs, and taken by whoever wished. It would be the ultimate submission from a woman who had never submitted in her life.

Was that the allure? She had put herself in danger so many times, yet no one could best her. She was stronger, faster, braver than any of her nemesis. Now she was facing the one nemesis she could not beat. Once she was nailed to the cross, she was not coming down alive.

She knew how she would look from previous festivals. Her feet would be nailed apart, her legs forced open and her bald pussy on display to students who had wanted to fuck her since they laid eyes on her as well as colleagues who wanted to fuck her for years, even before she arrived here.

The muscles in her legs would ripple. The sedile would be between her legs, high up splitting her lips when she sat on it. She would rise on her tortured feet just to breath, wiggle constantly, trying to find a position where she wasn’t driven crazy by agony or ecstasy.

People would record her dance of death. It would be all over the internet. Her body would be bathed in sweat, her abs would be rippling, her shoulders flexing, her proud breast heaving.

The physical fitness that had always served her well would work against her now. Her body would survive long after her mind was ready for death.

She reached the glass door and took a deep breath.

“It was a fun ride, Lara.” She muttered to herself.

Despite the calmness on her face, her heart rate picked up and she fought to control her breath.

Opening the door, she turned to her right and approached a blonde, slightly greying woman at a portable table. Lara recognized her as the Dean of Anthropology’s secretary.

“Name? Oh…Professor Croft! I saw your name on the roll.”

“Professor no more, Abby.” Lara reminded her with a small smile. Her body was shivering thought the room was comfortable. She could feel her nipples hardening, something that happened often when she found herself in perilous situations.

“Yes, I suppose so. We will miss you on campus, but I have to say…of course…never mind.”

Lara nearly smirked. What was a polite way to tell someone you will miss them, but you will enjoy watching them die painfully in a humiliating fashion, masturbation fodder for thousands and perhaps ten thousand or more on the internet?

“Where shall I go?” Lara asked politely, since Abby appeared flustered.

Abby reached below the table and brought out a pill and a cup of water.

“Take the pill. It will help you get into the mood. The rest of your required drugs will be given in injections every couple hours.”

“Already?” Lara asked. “I thought they wouldn’t be given till the morning.”

Abby turned red with embarrassment. “You are going to want them for tonight. Things get very intense. Remember not to fight. Anyone who fights gets whipped before the main event and it is painful and unnecessary.”

Lara smiled. “I understand. Thanks for the advice.”

She swallowed the pill and drank the water in one shot, then pointed to a door behind Abby.

“Yes, go through and into room ten. Dr. Parnell will be waiting. I think you will like her. She has warm hands I’ve heard.

Lara chuckled to herself, ignored her racing heart, forced herself to take deep breaths and opened the door.

She found herself in a hallway and moved to the right, finding a well-marked door number ten.

She knocked and was told to come in.

The room was larger than she was prepared for. It had a shower with floor drain and a short bench on front of it as well as an examination chair. Its white walls and floors were a bit blinding, but she supposed she could become used to it. It was the Spring Festival, and the day was sure to be bright tomorrow.

“Lara. I wasn’t sure I would see you.” The red headed doctor said. Her name was Angela Parnell and Lara knew her from faculty dinners, but not well. She was an attractive red head, with short hair and a petite body, almost a foot shorter than Lara’s five foot ten inches.

“I was chosen.” Lara said simply.

The woman nodded. “Yes, you were. And you are here.”

Angela looked her up and down with hunger. It was a look Lara had become used to from both women and men and she had enjoyed her pick of both.

“So, what shall I do?” Lara asked, to snap the woman out of her trance.

“Undress.” The doctor said immediately.

Lara smirked. She had worn her favorite clothes today, a simple black pair of skintight shorts and a blue sleeveless top. She had left the guns and other weapons she had packed in her room, ready to be shipped back to Croft Manor and her uncle.

Her hands shook as she pulled her shirt over her head, but she forced herself to remain calm. She never suffered from modesty, but this was different. She once her clothes were off, she would never wear clothes again.

Lara unclipped her bra, revealing painfully hard nipples. She wasn’t sure if it was the situation or the pill already beginning its work but the submissiveness, she was feeling was causing her body to tingle.

She slipped her black lace panties off and kicked them aside. Dr. Parnell watched them, and Lara suspected the doctor would be collecting them to take home tonight.

Angela walked up to Lara and touched her breast gently, teasing her nipple then ran her hand down her rock-hard abdomen.

She smiled when she reached Lara’s pussy.

“I see we won’t be removing any body hair this morning.”

Lara smiled. “No, I thought I would take care of that myself. I had a few lovers with me last night to enjoy my last night of freedom and they were eager to rise early and help me. I only let Celeste shave me though. Men can be so rough.”

“I have to admit I was looking forward to shaving you.” The doctor told her. “I suppose we can move to the internal cleansing. If you would take your position over the shower floor and drain on all fours, we can begin.”

Lara closed her eyes, having suspected this might be part of the process and hating it.

It was one less humiliation to face on the cross.

Lara took her position and was prepared. Her submission was complete. She was here, no longer her own, the property of an institution, to be used and killed for the entertainment of others.

She would live for days in agony, but her death had already begun.
Hello everyone. I have read stories on this site for years and joined a few months ago. I have been a writer for years but never written any fantasy or erotica. I have been inspired by those here and thought I would give it a go and write out some of my favorite ideas that have floated in my head.

This story is base off Angelina Jolie’s performance as Lara Croft Tomb Raider. It will have several parts as I do tend to be long winded, but I thought I would post the first part, to kind of get it out there before I talk myself out of it.


Death of the Tomb Raider

Lara Croft had no idea why she was doing this. Since she had turned eighteen, she had beaten death more times than she could count. She had killed, nearly been killed, fought monsters most people believed were myths and made discoveries that were unimaginable.

Now, she was walking calmly to her death.

Lara wasn’t certain why she had taken the job. She certainly didn’t need the money. The University was esteemed and paid well for lecturers, but she could have taught anywhere. At thirty-five she was famous around the world, in her physical and mental prime.

She had also been bored.

Dayton University had a long history. Unlike many religious private universities, Dayton was founded by pagans. From their earliest days three hundred years ago, a celebration happened at the end of the Fall term and the End of the Spring term. A celebration of life and death.

Every student and faculty member under the age of forty signed an agreement on admittance or hiring by the University. It was nonnegotiable and completely legal.

Twenty students or faculty would be randomly drawn in a lottery each semester. It was always ten women and ten men.

The sacrifices would be hung on a cross until death, while their fellow students and colleagues celebrated around them.

The celebrations were full of drunken merriment, sex and music. The celebration would go on until the last victim died on his or her cross.

The victims of the cross would hang in pain, and shame, completely nude and at the mercy of the jibes and occasional caresses of those around them.

To make their shame worse, the would be given drugs constantly that kept them turned on, able to have orgasms through the pain, the females, rubbing against any friendly student who wished to please them, or grinding against a sedile, while the males maintained huge erections no matter how often they came.

The males usually ground themselves on cornus, seeking pleasure in the pain. These devices were not traditional wooden torture devices but latex dildos that gave them pleasure, humping themselves to the amusement of the crowd.

Lara had received her summons a week ago. She was to report this morning to the school gym and makeshift prison, where she along with nineteen others would receive cleansings, body hair removal if needed and be prepared for execution the next morning.

Preparation was a poorly kept secret. The women and men were raped by the volunteers who guarded the victims, the execution teams who would carry out the nailing and any faculty who wished to take part.

Lara had been a member of the faculty for the past three years. She had seen and taken part in every festival, watched the victims moan in agony and ecstasy. She had even relieved a few male students of their massive erections if only for a moment. She had a few friends on the faculty she partook in public sex with and always caught the attention of everyone around. Why wouldn’t she?

Now it would be her turn.

Lara didn’t have to do this. Of course, she became legal property of the University when her name was drawn. She was at that time, a prisoner. She no longer had human rights.

She was also the Tomb Raider. She could fight her way off campus, kill anyone who got in her way. She could travel the world, disappear if she wished to places she would never be found. It would be quite the adventure.

Yet she wasn’t. Instead, she was walking to her doom. She was walking to a makeshift prison to be stripped, cleansed, given aphrodisiacs, and taken by whoever wished. It would be the ultimate submission from a woman who had never submitted in her life.

Was that the allure? She had put herself in danger so many times, yet no one could best her. She was stronger, faster, braver than any of her nemesis. Now she was facing the one nemesis she could not beat. Once she was nailed to the cross, she was not coming down alive.

She knew how she would look from previous festivals. Her feet would be nailed apart, her legs forced open and her bald pussy on display to students who had wanted to fuck her since they laid eyes on her as well as colleagues who wanted to fuck her for years, even before she arrived here.

The muscles in her legs would ripple. The sedile would be between her legs, high up splitting her lips when she sat on it. She would rise on her tortured feet just to breath, wiggle constantly, trying to find a position where she wasn’t driven crazy by agony or ecstasy.

People would record her dance of death. It would be all over the internet. Her body would be bathed in sweat, her abs would be rippling, her shoulders flexing, her proud breast heaving.

The physical fitness that had always served her well would work against her now. Her body would survive long after her mind was ready for death.

She reached the glass door and took a deep breath.

“It was a fun ride, Lara.” She muttered to herself.

Despite the calmness on her face, her heart rate picked up and she fought to control her breath.

Opening the door, she turned to her right and approached a blonde, slightly greying woman at a portable table. Lara recognized her as the Dean of Anthropology’s secretary.

“Name? Oh…Professor Croft! I saw your name on the roll.”

“Professor no more, Abby.” Lara reminded her with a small smile. Her body was shivering thought the room was comfortable. She could feel her nipples hardening, something that happened often when she found herself in perilous situations.

“Yes, I suppose so. We will miss you on campus, but I have to say…of course…never mind.”

Lara nearly smirked. What was a polite way to tell someone you will miss them, but you will enjoy watching them die painfully in a humiliating fashion, masturbation fodder for thousands and perhaps ten thousand or more on the internet?

“Where shall I go?” Lara asked politely, since Abby appeared flustered.

Abby reached below the table and brought out a pill and a cup of water.

“Take the pill. It will help you get into the mood. The rest of your required drugs will be given in injections every couple hours.”

“Already?” Lara asked. “I thought they wouldn’t be given till the morning.”

Abby turned red with embarrassment. “You are going to want them for tonight. Things get very intense. Remember not to fight. Anyone who fights gets whipped before the main event and it is painful and unnecessary.”

Lara smiled. “I understand. Thanks for the advice.”

She swallowed the pill and drank the water in one shot, then pointed to a door behind Abby.

“Yes, go through and into room ten. Dr. Parnell will be waiting. I think you will like her. She has warm hands I’ve heard.

Lara chuckled to herself, ignored her racing heart, forced herself to take deep breaths and opened the door.

She found herself in a hallway and moved to the right, finding a well-marked door number ten.

She knocked and was told to come in.

The room was larger than she was prepared for. It had a shower with floor drain and a short bench on front of it as well as an examination chair. Its white walls and floors were a bit blinding, but she supposed she could become used to it. It was the Spring Festival, and the day was sure to be bright tomorrow.

“Lara. I wasn’t sure I would see you.” The red headed doctor said. Her name was Angela Parnell and Lara knew her from faculty dinners, but not well. She was an attractive red head, with short hair and a petite body, almost a foot shorter than Lara’s five foot ten inches.

“I was chosen.” Lara said simply.

The woman nodded. “Yes, you were. And you are here.”

Angela looked her up and down with hunger. It was a look Lara had become used to from both women and men and she had enjoyed her pick of both.

“So, what shall I do?” Lara asked, to snap the woman out of her trance.

“Undress.” The doctor said immediately.

Lara smirked. She had worn her favorite clothes today, a simple black pair of skintight shorts and a blue sleeveless top. She had left the guns and other weapons she had packed in her room, ready to be shipped back to Croft Manor and her uncle.

Her hands shook as she pulled her shirt over her head, but she forced herself to remain calm. She never suffered from modesty, but this was different. She once her clothes were off, she would never wear clothes again.

Lara unclipped her bra, revealing painfully hard nipples. She wasn’t sure if it was the situation or the pill already beginning its work but the submissiveness, she was feeling was causing her body to tingle.

She slipped her black lace panties off and kicked them aside. Dr. Parnell watched them, and Lara suspected the doctor would be collecting them to take home tonight.

Angela walked up to Lara and touched her breast gently, teasing her nipple then ran her hand down her rock-hard abdomen.

She smiled when she reached Lara’s pussy.

“I see we won’t be removing any body hair this morning.”

Lara smiled. “No, I thought I would take care of that myself. I had a few lovers with me last night to enjoy my last night of freedom and they were eager to rise early and help me. I only let Celeste shave me though. Men can be so rough.”

“I have to admit I was looking forward to shaving you.” The doctor told her. “I suppose we can move to the internal cleansing. If you would take your position over the shower floor and drain on all fours, we can begin.”

Lara closed her eyes, having suspected this might be part of the process and hating it.

It was one less humiliation to face on the cross.

Lara took her position and was prepared. Her submission was complete. She was here, no longer her own, the property of an institution, to be used and killed for the entertainment of others.

She would live for days in agony, but her death had already begun.
That looks like a very promising start, Tygavin! :)
Thank you for the encouraging feedback. I honestly wasn’t sure how this would be received but when I saw the responses, I was motivated to continue within ten minutes of waking. I work nights. I plan on working on this story all night and hope to have multiple parts done. Here is part two. I hope I am putting this in the right place.

Part 2

Lara was relieved, literally and emotionally when she had finished her cleansing and examination. The doctor has assured her due to her physical strength, she would possibly four days on the cross, maybe five, making this the longest festival in school history.

“Glad to know my body can be put to such wonderful use before it expires.” She said dryly

The truth was she was ready to get out of the office. The pills were beginning to work, and she had taken a perverse joy in the enema. No doubt any moment the doctor would notice, and she would be begging Ava to get her off. It wasn’t that she wasn’t attracted to the tiny doctor. She would just rather be in whatever cage they planned to put her in and take care of her own business until she was bombarded by faculty and guards, planning to use her, likely until she couldn’t walk.

Rather than being shown to a cell or given instructions, Ava pulled a metal collar from a small desk holding medical supplies, complete with a small lock in the back. The collar was an inch tall and while not thick, obviously very strong.

“Stand straight please, head up.”

Lara did as she was told and shivered when the cool metal touched the skin of her vulnerable throat and was locked in place. It was a snug fit as if it had been custom made, just for her. There was a tiny loop on the front as well. The doctor attached a four-foot, thin chain to the collar.

She then reached back into the medical supply chest and brought out a pair of iron shackles. She pulled back Lara’s arms quickly and snapped the manacles on her wrists, then connected them behind her back with a foot long chain.

“A leash. Am I a puppy now?” Lara asked.

Ava shook her head. “There are laws governing the treatment of animals. No such laws protect you now. The collar will stay on until you are ready to meet your doom as will the manacles. Your wrists will likely be unattached once you are required to entertain the staff. I would suggest you not fight them.

Lara nodded. “Abby told me the same. I understand what I am now. So, am I to be taken to my cage?”

Ava smiled fondly and grabbed Lara’s mound, making her gasp. The doctor slid two fingers inside her.


“The drug is working. Or is it your natural response? Have you ever been bound Lady Croft?”

Lara nodded, her eyes closed, trying to control her breathing and not squirm. She was already clenching around the short redhead’s fingers.

“More times than I can count.” Lara admitted.

“It must have broken your heart to escape, didn’t it? You react to chains as if you were born for them.”

Ava removed her fingers and licked the juices, then stepped behind the tall brunette. Her fingers gently took the ponytail holder from her hair, allowing it to fall free.

She returned to Lara’s front and ran her finger through the thick, dark wavy locks surrounding her face.

“I would’ve kept your hair in a ponytail so nothing could distract from your pretty face, but the Dean of your college insisted it be down, at least to start your crucifixion. Your lips are so gorgeous. Its unfair that we can only kill you once.”

Ava grabbed the chain close to her throat and bent her down. Lara opened her mouth, blessing the doctor with her taste as their lips met sensually. The doctor was a fine kisser and the feel of her lips, the languid wetness pressed into her own mouth, sent a shock of pleasure through Lara’s body. She eagerly opened her mouth and invited Ava’s tongue inside.

After a few moments that felt like hours, the two broke apart.

“You will go to a cell with all the others. Before that, your presence has been requested. I’ll walk you to the office.”

Lara didn’t ask who wanted to see her. No doubt it was the Dean who had already decided how he wanted her hair to look while on the cross. Perhaps it was Lana, the raven-haired beauty who taught next to her lecture hall. The two had made love one night but never got together again. Lana was married and her moment of passion left her with guilty feelings and no repeat performance. Perhaps since Lara was technically declared dead and soon would be, she would no longer see this as cheating.

The door opened and the last person she expected to see was inside. Of course, she would show. Humiliation was a part of crucifixion and how she could be more humiliated than for her nemesis to see her wet, wanton, in heat, naked and chained like a pet?

The doctor handed the leash to the blonde female who had been waiting and gave Lara’s hard right nipple and caress with her finger then left the room.

Lara stood straight, forcing herself to meet Amanda’s eyes.

“Amanda. I must admit…I didn’t expect you.”

“Why would you? The last we saw of each other I was falling over a cliff in the Congo. You left me to die.”

Lara snorted. “You tried to kill me first. It was only fair.”

Amanda smiled, admitting to herself and Lara that she had a fair point. The woman had once been Lara’s best friend until an accident in Peru. As similar as they were, they were also opposites.

Amanda did not have the muscle tone Lara had but was nearly as tall. She was thinner with long hair that was as blonde as Lara’s was dark.

The two had been close, sometime lovers, best friends and colleagues until Peru. After that, Amanda swore she would be the one to kill Lara and had tried on many occasions, coming close many times but always failing.

Today she was dressed in a tight leather dress that ended above her thigh and at her bust, showing off ample cleavage similar to Lara’s own.

Amanda walked around Lara slowly, running her hand gently around her waist, her ass and finishing at her belly button.

“If I had known all it would take was an aphrodisiac and a public display I would have arranged this much sooner.” She said, the humor evident, hiding the disbelief she still held. “Lara Croft, voluntarily nude, chained, a mare in heat, offering herself up to be raped and then nailed to a piece of wood, dancing for the masses in agony and ecstasy, until her toned muscles fail her, and she can no longer lift herself to breathe.”

Lara began shaking in fear and lust listening to this woman she had fought so often, describe her fate. She fought to maintain and air of nonchalance she had carried this far.

“I made an agreement when I joined this University. Luck of the draw.”

Amanda barked out a surprised laugh. “Luck of the draw? If you had been chosen to report to the basement fully clothed with only your executioner, placed on your knees and shot in the back of the head, you would not be here.”

Lara wanted to deny those words, but they were true. She would have never allowed herself to be killed in private in such a callous and cold way. A painless death no one would witness. What would be the point?

Rather than confirming the truth she stayed quiet.

“There is no need to confirm my words. You know it is true. You want to be masturbation fodder for thousands of men and women. The idea excites you. Luckily for you, I will do my part as well. I have hired a camera man who will follow you until your death. I don’t believe the University’s coverage is enough. The video will be for my personal use and then released for anyone and everyone to see on the internet.”

Amanda sat on the desk and pulled up her dress, what little skirt there was to it. Lara noted immediately she was not wearing panties and was completely bald.

“On your knees, Croft. I suggest you behave before your beauty is marred by whip marks before you make it to your cross. If you do well, I may do something for you.”

Lara gently made her way to her knees and shuffled to the desk, between Amanda’s thighs. She landed forward as Amanda grabbed her head and roughly wrapped Lara’s hair in her fist and pressed her face in her pussy.

“Oh, I have missed your lips and tongue, Lara.” Amanda gasped as Lara did what she was told.

For Lara this was only the beginning of what she was sure would be many humiliations. She was a slave to her nemesis. For the first time in her life, she was completely submissive, chained, with no change or desire for escape. Amanda’s juices were driving her wild and causing her own to drip down her legs. Her face was drenched, her scalp was stinging, and all Lara could think of was pleasing her nemesis no matter how humiliating it was.

It did not take Amanda long to climax, squirting onto Lara’s face. Luckily her eyes had been closed as she was lost in the scent and taste.

“I’m going to enjoy watching you die.” Amanda said breathlessly. “I’ve already arranged to take possession of your corpse. No mass grave for you my dear. You will be stuffed like all the creatures in my trophy room and given a place of honor, so all my friends can see what happened to the famous Tomb Raider. Perhaps I will display your body on a cross. Would you like that?”

Lara did not answer, not having the heart to. A mass grave with the fellow victims had sounded nice, even poetic. To be displayed in Amanda’s trophy room was humiliating.

She loved the idea but would never admit it to her former lover and friend turned enemy.

Amanda dragged her up by her hair and bent he over the desk.

“Never say I didn’t do anything for you.”

Amanda shoved three fingers into Lara’s sopping wet cunt brutally. Lara screamed in pain and ecstasy, unable to tell one from the other. She hadn’t made it to her cell, and she had already endured the embarrassment of being cleansed inside and out, being chackled like an animal and pleasuring her enemy. Now she was being finger fucked by her, her face soaked in her juices and moaning.

Lara soon began humping back, grinding herself onto Amanda’s fingers that had not let up. The two were in a frenzy when Lara could no longer hold back, screaming as an orgasm rocked her body, one more intense than she had felt in her life.

Amanda pulled out and slapped Lara on her ass.

“Let’s go, pet. Its not time for your cell and a night of living out your inner slut’s wildest dreams. I understand you have rehearsal first.”
Amanda walked Lara by the leash as if she were her pet, which in a manner of speaking, she was. They entered a makeshift door where a large young man waited for them.

“Number 10 for sizing.” Amanda told him. She turned to Lara and kissed her gently.

“I won’t be seeing you until you are on the cross. You have made this life interesting, Lara. It will be difficult to find a challenger as worthy as you once were. The next time you see and feel me, you will be permanently attached to wood, slowly dying.”

Amanda handed the chain to the young man and left. A rough jerk of her chain snapped Lara from her thoughts of Amanda and pulled her along.

The room was large, no doubt the open space of a basketball court before being converted for the festival. On the ground were twenty crosses, labeled on the nearby floor one through twenty.

Lara took a good look around and saw many nude students. She appeared to be the only faculty member. She hadn’t given much thought to the list once she had been given her notice. The students, nine females and ten males were all attractive. They all looked terrified, their hands chained behind their backs, their nipples hard, wearing similar collars like her, chains running down their torso.

Despite the fear on their faces, the naked young women were rubbing their thighs together and the nude men sported huge erections.

Lara couldn’t help but admire the physiques of everyone present. It was a side effect of attending or working at a college where twice a year you could be randomly selected to die nude on full display in front of thousands and recorded for live broadcasting. Not only that, but personal cameras were used and encouraged.

“May I ask what…”

Lara never got to finish her question. The large man beside her slapped her hard, twisting her head around. She glared at the man, anger obvious, muscles tense.

“I suppose you weren’t in your cage when brought out or the blonde forgot to tell you. From this point on, you do not speak unless spoken to. If you are feeling that chatty wait until you are back in your cells.”

Lara continued to glare, her impressive muscles straining. The man noticed.

“I thought when you actually arrived you had accepted your spot, Croft. You look like you want to fight. Would you like to go next door to the whipping post and have some of that excess anger beat out of you?”

Lara clenched her jaw, then forced her body to relax. She had surrendered. She knew what that entailed and had no wish to be whipped.

Or perhaps she did.

No, she wanted to go to the cross unblemished if possible. She had watched festivals before. The victims or condemned as the University liked to call them, were mostly mark free. They were covered in dry sperm, both males and females, mostly their hair. A few males had come out two festivals ago, their backs red, sporting bullwhip marks. They weren’t very attractive.

Lara lowered her head, showing her submissiveness.

“Good girl. We are your execution team. We are going to fit you for your cross and sedile. Lay down and stretch your arms out.”

He unshackled her wrists, and she did as she was told, sitting on the smooth wooden beam then taking a deep breath as she leaned back. She spread her arms down the length of the patibulum.

The cross sat on three concrete blocks and straps were immediately wrapped round her wrists.

Lara saw the large blonde man who had already slapped her, a gorgeous dark-haired man, perhaps six feet tall with rippling muscles and a girl who could have been his twin, judging by her eyes and hair color. She was gorgeous as well. These were the people who would put her to death.

The thought began to terrify her. These beautiful young people would drive nails through her body.

After her wrists were secured, the dark-haired man wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her down the stipes so her arms were under the patibulum, the position she would hang. He spread her feet on the stipes, to the edge of the extra wide board, then bent her legs up, nearly resting on her ass. Lara would have just enough space to stand on her nailed feet and breathe, allowing her to lift herself over shoulder height.

The dark-haired girl spread Lara’s pussy and shoved a piece of wood between her outer lips. The wood touched her clit and she bucked on the cross then back down and again, rubbing her wet pussy on the smooth wood.

“I think we found the spot for the sedile.” The large blonde laughed.

Lara heard a moan and looked to her right. A young smaller man, with good muscle tone was fucking a cornu while his execution team looked on. She could tell by his cheeks and the tears in his eyes that he was humiliated to be putting a show on for those tasked with killing him.

The room was filling with moans and one agonized grunt when Lara’s sedile was taken away.

“Mark the spots for her wrists and feet and the sedile. We still have ten minutes with her.” The blonde ordered the dark-haired man.

The girl knelt by Lara and began talking about her, not to her.

“She is gorgeous. Everything we heard about her is true.”

“I know Liz,” the man Lara suspected as her brother said, “how lucky are we?”

He began stroking her breasts and nipples softly then twisted one hard, causing her to hiss and flex her body.

He leaned over to kiss her and despite her annoyance at her nipple being twisted, she let him.

“There isn’t a mark on her. Her body is perfectly smooth. There are a few thing scars on her back from cuts, but nothing noticeable.” Liz observed.

The blonde placed his foot on her belly. “Why would there be?”

“Because this is Lady Lara Croft, the Tomb Raider. I heard she has killed over a hundred people, survived shootouts and traps all over the world. When she came here, I did everything I could to join her class, but it was always full. She is a legend, supposedly indestructible.” Liz explained.

“And now she is just a condemned teacher, who is going to be raped over and over tonight then nailed to wood and left to perform a dance for the masses while begging for dick and dying slowly.” The blonde pointed out humorously. “Not so indestructible. I wish she would say something. I would love to whip her.”

The dark-haired man patted the blonde on the back. “Calm down, Matt. In a few hours we get first shot at her. Let’s not mark her up yet. Look at her. She is perfect.”

“Yeah. I know, Jace. Something about her, I just want to break her.”

“It’s because you hate strong women.” Liz told him, rolling her eyes. “I think I’ll take her to her cage before you fuck her on the cross right now. Save it for later. She is due her second shot.”

Lara found herself being led by the chain to the cellblock. Her hands had been reshackled behind her back to her great frustration. To her surprise, there were no single cells but one large cell. There were mats placed all around, no doubt for the guards’ comfort later. Attached to the floor were eyelets. As Lara stood in front of the door, Ava walked up to her and injected needled into her ass cheek.

“Second dose.” The doctor told her with a sly grin.

The door was open, and Liz led Lara to a spot with an eyelet and motioned her to the floor. Lara knelt than sat on her ass, while Liz attached the chain to the ring in the floor.

“This is going to suck for you, but you really aren’t supposed to get off until the … breaking begins. Your hands must remain cuffed.” Liz said, almost apologetically. “If it weren’t for the rules, I would be fucking you right now. At least you will have company. The fun starts in two hours. Its going to be a long night but considering you only have so many left to live, enjoy it. My brother Jace, and Matt are going to have first shot at you. See you soon Lady Croft.”

Lara watched her go as other students were brought in. She was wet, horny, squeezing her thighs and seconds away from humping the air as nineteen students were brought in.

“Bloody hell.” She whispered, frustrated.
Amanda walked Lara by the leash as if she were her pet, which in a manner of speaking, she was. They entered a makeshift door where a large young man waited for them.

“Number 10 for sizing.” Amanda told him. She turned to Lara and kissed her gently.

“I won’t be seeing you until you are on the cross. You have made this life interesting, Lara. It will be difficult to find a challenger as worthy as you once were. The next time you see and feel me, you will be permanently attached to wood, slowly dying.”

Amanda handed the chain to the young man and left. A rough jerk of her chain snapped Lara from her thoughts of Amanda and pulled her along.

The room was large, no doubt the open space of a basketball court before being converted for the festival. On the ground were twenty crosses, labeled on the nearby floor one through twenty.

Lara took a good look around and saw many nude students. She appeared to be the only faculty member. She hadn’t given much thought to the list once she had been given her notice. The students, nine females and ten males were all attractive. They all looked terrified, their hands chained behind their backs, their nipples hard, wearing similar collars like her, chains running down their torso.

Despite the fear on their faces, the naked young women were rubbing their thighs together and the nude men sported huge erections.

Lara couldn’t help but admire the physiques of everyone present. It was a side effect of attending or working at a college where twice a year you could be randomly selected to die nude on full display in front of thousands and recorded for live broadcasting. Not only that, but personal cameras were used and encouraged.

“May I ask what…”

Lara never got to finish her question. The large man beside her slapped her hard, twisting her head around. She glared at the man, anger obvious, muscles tense.

“I suppose you weren’t in your cage when brought out or the blonde forgot to tell you. From this point on, you do not speak unless spoken to. If you are feeling that chatty wait until you are back in your cells.”

Lara continued to glare, her impressive muscles straining. The man noticed.

“I thought when you actually arrived you had accepted your spot, Croft. You look like you want to fight. Would you like to go next door to the whipping post and have some of that excess anger beat out of you?”

Lara clenched her jaw, then forced her body to relax. She had surrendered. She knew what that entailed and had no wish to be whipped.

Or perhaps she did.

No, she wanted to go to the cross unblemished if possible. She had watched festivals before. The victims or condemned as the University liked to call them, were mostly mark free. They were covered in dry sperm, both males and females, mostly their hair. A few males had come out two festivals ago, their backs red, sporting bullwhip marks. They weren’t very attractive.

Lara lowered her head, showing her submissiveness.

“Good girl. We are your execution team. We are going to fit you for your cross and sedile. Lay down and stretch your arms out.”

He unshackled her wrists, and she did as she was told, sitting on the smooth wooden beam then taking a deep breath as she leaned back. She spread her arms down the length of the patibulum.

The cross sat on three concrete blocks and straps were immediately wrapped round her wrists.

Lara saw the large blonde man who had already slapped her, a gorgeous dark-haired man, perhaps six feet tall with rippling muscles and a girl who could have been his twin, judging by her eyes and hair color. She was gorgeous as well. These were the people who would put her to death.

The thought began to terrify her. These beautiful young people would drive nails through her body.

After her wrists were secured, the dark-haired man wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her down the stipes so her arms were under the patibulum, the position she would hang. He spread her feet on the stipes, to the edge of the extra wide board, then bent her legs up, nearly resting on her ass. Lara would have just enough space to stand on her nailed feet and breathe, allowing her to lift herself over shoulder height.

The dark-haired girl spread Lara’s pussy and shoved a piece of wood between her outer lips. The wood touched her clit and she bucked on the cross then back down and again, rubbing her wet pussy on the smooth wood.

“I think we found the spot for the sedile.” The large blonde laughed.

Lara heard a moan and looked to her right. A young smaller man, with good muscle tone was fucking a cornu while his execution team looked on. She could tell by his cheeks and the tears in his eyes that he was humiliated to be putting a show on for those tasked with killing him.

The room was filling with moans and one agonized grunt when Lara’s sedile was taken away.

“Mark the spots for her wrists and feet and the sedile. We still have ten minutes with her.” The blonde ordered the dark-haired man.

The girl knelt by Lara and began talking about her, not to her.

“She is gorgeous. Everything we heard about her is true.”

“I know Liz,” the man Lara suspected as her brother said, “how lucky are we?”

He began stroking her breasts and nipples softly then twisted one hard, causing her to hiss and flex her body.

He leaned over to kiss her and despite her annoyance at her nipple being twisted, she let him.

“There isn’t a mark on her. Her body is perfectly smooth. There are a few thing scars on her back from cuts, but nothing noticeable.” Liz observed.

The blonde placed his foot on her belly. “Why would there be?”

“Because this is Lady Lara Croft, the Tomb Raider. I heard she has killed over a hundred people, survived shootouts and traps all over the world. When she came here, I did everything I could to join her class, but it was always full. She is a legend, supposedly indestructible.” Liz explained.

“And now she is just a condemned teacher, who is going to be raped over and over tonight then nailed to wood and left to perform a dance for the masses while begging for dick and dying slowly.” The blonde pointed out humorously. “Not so indestructible. I wish she would say something. I would love to whip her.”

The dark-haired man patted the blonde on the back. “Calm down, Matt. In a few hours we get first shot at her. Let’s not mark her up yet. Look at her. She is perfect.”

“Yeah. I know, Jace. Something about her, I just want to break her.”

“It’s because you hate strong women.” Liz told him, rolling her eyes. “I think I’ll take her to her cage before you fuck her on the cross right now. Save it for later. She is due her second shot.”

Lara found herself being led by the chain to the cellblock. Her hands had been reshackled behind her back to her great frustration. To her surprise, there were no single cells but one large cell. There were mats placed all around, no doubt for the guards’ comfort later. Attached to the floor were eyelets. As Lara stood in front of the door, Ava walked up to her and injected needled into her ass cheek.

“Second dose.” The doctor told her with a sly grin.

The door was open, and Liz led Lara to a spot with an eyelet and motioned her to the floor. Lara knelt than sat on her ass, while Liz attached the chain to the ring in the floor.

“This is going to suck for you, but you really aren’t supposed to get off until the … breaking begins. Your hands must remain cuffed.” Liz said, almost apologetically. “If it weren’t for the rules, I would be fucking you right now. At least you will have company. The fun starts in two hours. Its going to be a long night but considering you only have so many left to live, enjoy it. My brother Jace, and Matt are going to have first shot at you. See you soon Lady Croft.”

Lara watched her go as other students were brought in. She was wet, horny, squeezing her thighs and seconds away from humping the air as nineteen students were brought in.

“Bloody hell.” She whispered, frustrated.
AS LCS said, a terrific yarn.

I particularly like how she is acquiescent to what is being done and what is planned ... for mine, BDSM without consent doesn't do it for me.

That said, I also like how she keeps making discoveries about her conflicting nature ... maybe she's been over compensating with her Tomb Raider persona.

Keep up the good work ...
This is my last entry for the night. I’ve been writing since I woke up last night and have ignored my other writings. This is the last part before the big day. Thank you for all the support. I wasn’t sure how my first story would go. I’ve never written anything erotic before or anything with executions. I am glad it seems to be turning out okay.

Part 4

Lara sat uncomfortably on the floor, squirming as much as possible to be comfortable. Sitting with your neck chained to the floor with only a limited amount of chain, your arms shackled behind your back, was not an easy thing to do. Compounded was the fire burning in her loins from her latest injection.

The large cell had filled quickly with the condemned chained to the floor as she was, four to five feet apart in split rows. Despite the closeness and twenty people locked together in close proximity, the area was quiet. Only whispers crossing from one person to the next.

Lara could understand the problem. They were scared and when scared, many people tend to make themselves as small as possible.

“Are you going to escape?” a small female voice asked her. She looked to her left and saw a light brown skin girl, slim but strong, dancer’s muscles. Her breasts were small but firm, tiny nipples like pebbles in a stream.

“I’ve seen you before. Katya Leonis, from France. You are the head ballerina of the dance program.”

“I was. You are Lady Lara Croft.”

“I was.” Lara said with a laugh. “Unfortunately, I am just a condemned woman in heat who can do nothing about it. To answer your question, no I do not plan to escape. If I had, I would never have come in the first place.”

The man next to her snorted. “Of course, you aren’t scared. You are you.” The boy said. Like her female neighbor, she recognized this man as well. Scott McCall, swimmer for the University. He had a lean swimmer’s body and a shaved head.

“Of course, I am frightened.” She told him. “Since I walked into this facility, I have been poked, prodded, deep cleaned, collared and shackled like a slave. I have eaten out a woman how despises me, tasted her juices on my face and moaned like a dog in heat while she fingerfucked me. If you look closely, I am sure you can see the evidence of her orgasm on my face.”

Katya and Scott looked at her as closely as possible, considering their distance and the dim light of the room.

“Afterwards I was slapped in the face by a man whose balls I could serve to him on a platter, had my body pawed at and spoken about as if I weren’t there and then brought here and shackled to the floor. To make matters worse, despite the humiliation, all my mind can think about is someone fucking me.”

Katya sighed. “My head executioner stuck a finger up my ass and told me to prepare for something much larger. I’ve never been fucked in the ass, but I am so horny I don’t think it will matter.”

Lara felt for the girl but was a bit proud of the acceptance in her voice.

“It will be uncomfortable, even painful at first but after the fourth or fifth man fucks your ass, you may start to enjoy it. I’m sure your pussy will get attention to. Focus on that.”

Scott shivered. “Easy for you to say. I’m not gay.”

“Its not required.” Lara assured him.

Scott shook his head. “A friend on the swim team my freshman year was chosen. I talked to him on the cross. He told me he was raped by men, not just the female executioners. They fucked his ass, made him suck dick…he was covered in dry cum all over his body. I’ve never even experimented with a guy. I’ve never given a hand job or sucked a dick. I’ve certainly never been fucked in the ass.”

Lara sighed, feeling for him but also a bit envious. She was frightened. She had never been gangbanged but there was nothing no single individual could do to her that had not been done. One night on the plains of Africa she had even been double penetrated.

This man, while frightened would have new experiences tonight.

“I can only offer advice. From what I understand, any resistance will be beaten out of you at the whipping post. I did a bit of research when I found out my life would be ending on a crucifix. Some believe a scourging was for the best as it made a victim bleed, sent them into shock, tore the muscles and led to death quicker on the cross.”

Lara stopped, making sure she had his attention. She fought of the smile at the twitching of his erection as she described the scourging.

“This isn’t like that. I suspect this is just a painful whipping that burns at the best. No skin will be torn so there will be no lessening of the time on the cross. The best thing you can do is remember your life is over. You are just a toy now. In many ways that can be freeing.”

“Freeing? It’s terrifying.”

Lara shrugged and felt for the boy as his eyes locked in on her heaving breasts, not something that would lessen the erection he sported.

She could smell sex in the air. The scent of excited females, the sight of bulging hard ons. Tonight, would be an orgy between predators and prey and for once in her life Lara would find herself prey.

She could not wait.

“You have no worries any longer. You aren’t getting out of this alive. You don’t have to worry about grades, or the future. No worries about finding a job, paying a mortgage, taking care of children who will grow to resent you.”

The man looked at her for a moment and met her eyes instead of gazing at her body. She could see he was thinking about a future he would never have and wasn’t sure if she had made things better or worse. Lara had always worked alone, and motivational speeches were not her thing.

“When a dick is thrust in front of you, close your eyes, open your mouth and relax your throat. Keep your teeth away by covering with your lips. Lay your tongue on the shaft and bob your head back and forth. Use your tongue on the head.”

Scott smiled. “A crash course on blowjobs before I’m gang raped?”

“Preparation is nine tenths of the battle.” Lara chirped. “And other cocks around you, grab with your hands and stroke, just like you would stroke yourself. Keep your eyes closed. If the cocks around you are about to spurt, open your mouth. I won’t say you will enjoy the taste, but it might not make you vomit. If it does taste horrible to you, keep your mouth closed and let it drop on you.”

“And my ass?”

Lara laughed. “Grin and bear it. Hope somebody gives you a hand job. Speaking of, would you like a little relief from your problem?”

Scott shook his head. “We aren’t supposed to touch ourselves. That’s why they locked our hands behind our backs.”

Lara shrugged. “They never said we couldn’t touch each other.”

Lara lay on her shoulders and slid as far as her chain would allow. She reached out with her feet and grasped his cock; her toes curling and immediately began stroking. Scott gasped, the touch shocking him.

Lara continued pumping him up and down and he didn’t last long. With a loud moan he tried to hold in, a steam of cum jetted into the air and landed on his chest and face.

Lara laughed at the sight. “At least you got the first shot at your face.”

Scott lay on the ground, his body shaking.

The room was quiet, everyone having watched what occurred.

“Nice job, Lady Croft.” A voice from outside the cage called out. Lara turned and saw a middle aged balding thin man, carrying a camera over his shoulder.

“Amanda Evert’s personal cameraman? Enjoy the show.” Lara said with as much bravado as she could muster.

Despite the boastful words, Lara did turn on her side and faced Katya to avoid the camera. They traded smiles and Lara closed her eyes, trying to relax for what was sure to be a long night. She doubted she would get sleep if she could and instead settles for resting her eyes.

Despite her assertation that it was impossible, she seemed to have dozed long enough that two hours had passed because the gate was opening.

Multitudes of nude people walked in, none wearing collars, meaning they were mostly guards. There were some adults older than college age, fellow faculty members.

Lara swung her body up and prepared. The tall blonde she had forgotten his name, walked in and zeroed in on her. She had never felt so helpless in her life.

Once again, Lara realized this was it. Not even she could fight her way out of this. She had doomed herself. These people she had once taught and those she taught beside were going to destroy her. She didn’t see respect or awe now. They looked at her like a very attractive piece of meat.

The blonde, she remembered was Matt, unclipped her leash from the floor, grabbed her hair and stood her up. Lara hurried to comply, hoping and failing to avoid the pain. He unlocked the shackles from her wrists and then pushed her back to the ground, pressing her back until she was on all fours.

The dark haired on, Jace was in front of her and laid his cock on her forehead. Lara was about to open her mouth when her eyes caught Amanda by the cameraman. Not only was she there but she had guests. Larson Conway and Pierre Dupont stood by her side, arms crossed and large smiles on their faces.

The humiliation Lara felt being in this position in front of Amanda was nothing compared to the humiliation she felt now. Two men who had tried to kill her often, two men she had bested every time had finally bested her.

She heard Scott choke as a cock was forced down his throat and remembered her words. There was nothing she could do now. She was dead, but at least she had the knowledge that it was her choice. She may be humiliated, used and discarded many times tonight, reduced to nothing more than a sperm bin, but at least they hadn’t beaten her personally.

A cock slapped her cheek and she remembered Jace was in front of her. She opened her mouth, and he wasted no time stuffing it in her mouth. At the same time, a huge cock was slammed inside her and she moaned, finally feeling relief. Her pussy clenched, grabbing and milking the blonde’s cock.

The girl, Liz, knelt beside her and reached for her clit. Lara felt the cock leave her pussy. Thankfully she was very wet because Matt’s dick was shoved into her ass with no warning, causing her to scream around Jace’s cock. Liz rolled underneath her and began licking her pussy, and Lara screamed in ecstasy. She wished she had discovered this drug long ago.

She didn’t care about the humiliation. All she cared about was being fucked, abused, used. Matt had slapped her ass hard as he fucked her. Liz was pinching her clit while licking her labia and Jace’s cock was growing in her mouth as she hungrily sucked it.

He finally exploded in her mouth, not having bothered to pull out. Not that it mattered. She felt Matt pull out of her ass and cum on her ass and back.

The large blonde flipped her to the mat on her back. Lara took a look to her left and saw Katya had cocks in both hands, one in her mouth and one belonging to the gentleman underneath her in her pussy. She was bouncing and moaning in pleasure.

Lara looked to her left and saw poor Scott was not having as much luck. His erection was back in full force, but it was obvious by the tears on his cheeks that the dick in his mouth and the one in his ass were not welcome. She felt for him but had her own problems to worry about.

Lara saw a beautiful pussy with a small landing strip of hair above it, lowering onto her face.

“You know what to do, Lady Croft. Lay that tongue out and go to work.” Liz told her

Lara flattened her tongue as Liz’s pussy descended on it. As soon as she began lapping, her face covered by the girl’s pussy and ass, she felt her legs pulled up. She suspected Matt was fucking her. Someone grabbed her hand and wrapped it around a cock she couldn’t see, and she began stroking.

Despite Liz’s thighs muffling her ears, she could hear the sounds of sex all around her. There were screams of ecstasy, the slapping of flesh on flesh, the slurping of mouths, moans of pleasure. There were also gags and wails, no doubt from those who had never been fucked in the ass before or those who had never sucked cock. Despite her own horrible realization that not only was she enjoying her treatment but also in front of students and three people she despised, she felt sorry for the males who were being introduced to methods of sex they had never dreamed of. At least they were being well prepared for the cornus tomorrow.

Whoever was inside her pulled out and cum splashed on her belly. The cock that had been in her hand was gone and a moment later she felt a hot stream on the top of her head, mixing and being wiped off in her hair.

Liz came, grinding her face to the point Lara couldn’t breathe and began to slightly panic.

“Nice job, Lady Croft.” Liz told her when she finally lifted her crotch from Lara’s face. She kissed her gently on the lips. “I will never forget that as long as I live.”

Lara lay on her back, wondering what was next. She took a moment to look around the room. Scott seemed to have calmed down. The man fucking his ass had reached around and was stroking him. A female looked to be next in line.

Lara reluctantly looked at her own crowd of fans. To her embarrassment and anger, both Larson and Amanda were openly masturbating outside the cell. Pierre still stood with his arms crossed and that irritating smirk on his lips.

A shriek caught her attention. She saw Katya take a huge cock up her ass. Her eyes were bulging but she settled down quickly enough.

A hand grabbed Lara’s chin and forced her to look up.

It was Professor Lana Mills, a forty-year-old woman with dark hair and ample breasts she often covered in the tightest blouses she could find. She was wearing a white one today and a black tight skirt, along with six-inch heels.

“I’m going to take a moment alone with you Lady Croft.”

Lara nodded and stood, beginning to unbutton her blouse, something she had dreamed of doing every time she saw the woman.

Lana had come prepared, no bra. Lara began sucking her nipples gently, then running her tongue up and down her beautiful globes.

Encouraged by Lana’s soft hands and gentle push, she dropped to her knees and pushed her skirt up her legs, leaning forward to taste the woman. She was as hot as Lara had imagined her.

Lana sat on the edge of the mat and spread her legs. Lara laid out and dove in, giving the woman all her wanton lust.

Lara was in heaven. For a moment, she forgot about her humiliation, the aching in her loins the need to be fucked roughly and those watching her, even the one recording her.

When Lana pulled back, her body shaking from a massive orgasm, she leaned forward and kissed Lara softly and sensuously.

“Do you know why we had to wait? We were both alphas. I knew you would make such a beautiful submissive but it could never be. It took your execution to bring you to me. I will miss your beauty, but I will enjoy your death. Thank you, Lara.”

“Good luck with your adventures, Lana. I will see you in the next world. Perhaps you will be my prisoner there.”

“One can only hope.” Lana said with a wink and walked out of Lara’s life. She may see her tomorrow, but it wouldn’t be the same. For a moment in the midst of group sex, forced sex and welcome sex, they had their own moment alone.

The moment was over. Another man bent her on all fours and began fucking her, another cock was placed in front of her. She was thrown on her back, used her hands, over and over until she lost count.

She was on fire, her body drenched in sweat and cum, her face sticky, her hair crusted. She felt used, exhausted and had never felt to right. This had been the right decision. This was her destiny. She had nothing left any longer, she had no pride, no strength, only a body that was sore, aching and still wanted more cocks and pussies to devour.

Then Larson was in front of her.

Lara shook her head. “You aren’t faculty or staff.” She whispered. The idea of servicing a man who she had bested so often, a chauvinistic pig, a womanizing braggart was too much.

“Dean gave special permission. He said if you don’t behave like a good little condemned slut, its to the whipping post for you. I might take some of these other girls with me and whip them. You really aren’t in a spot to decide who does what to your body. On all fours, now Croft.”

A tear slid down Lara’s throat as she realizes she truly did have no pride left. If the cross was meant to break her how much worse would it be than this moment.

When she turned, she found a nude Amanda sitting on the mat with her legs spread.

Lara locked her mouth onto Lara’s pussy and began licking and sucking, trying to forget about a man she despised fucking her in the ass and making her like it. Soon she would be begging for more.

Her prediction turned out to be true. Amanda had cum twice and pushed Lara’s face away from her. Lara had a final orgasm from Larson then he pulled out and grabbed her hair. She was twisted on her knees to find his cock as well as Pierre’s at her face.

She closed her eyes just as Larson shot a load onto her eyelids and felt Pierre’s cum leak onto the top of her head and dribble onto her forehead.

She wiped the cum from her eyes and met Larson’s eyes. She was too exhausted and humiliated to be angry at the smirk on his face.

“You are finally where you belong, Lara. You should have let me kill you long ago. It would have been just the two of us. Now you are going to be on display for the whole world to see. Your legacy won’t be your discoveries and finds, or even the monsters and men you have defeated. Your legacy will be as a slut, dying for the world’s entertainment, a sex object for others to enjoy your agony.”

Amanda slapped her and Lara collapsed to the mat, unable to say anything, or wanting to. She was done. She was well on her way to being broken and the nails hadn’t been brought into play. Just three people she despised, using her as a condemned slut with a short time to live and no rights.

The cells emptied, leaving sex ravaged college students and one once world-famous explorer. Attendants came in to give the condemned water and lock the leashes back to the floors. Their hands were reshackled behind their backs.

Lara met Katya’s eyes, The girl was embarrassed, a mess, but she had enjoyed every minute of it and that made it so much worse.

The attendants walked in once more with needles. Lara begged her attendant not to, but it didn’t matter. The condemned were given another injection. Despite being used as sex dolls; they would spend their last restful hours sexually frustrated.
Wonderful, I can tell you have story writing experience. Keep it up!
This is really great! I love institutional execution, the processing (“cross10 for the one”) and the idea of being pre-fitted for cross- brilliant!

I like the the way you describe the conflicting feelings of Lara vis-a-vis the injections.

I am loving this piece and can’t wait to read the next installment!
AS LCS said, a terrific yarn.

I particularly like how she is acquiescent to what is being done and what is planned ... for mine, BDSM without consent doesn't do it for me.

That said, I also like how she keeps making discoveries about her conflicting nature ... maybe she's been over compensating with her Tomb Raider persona.

Keep up the good work ...
Thank you!
Thank you for all the support. It means a lot to me and is really helping me. This has been a unique experience for me and I’ve unlocked a style of writing I knew was in me but I held back. It has been reading the stories and seeing the fellowship here that has given me the courage to let loose.

Part 5

Lara was woken by the sounds of chains falling in the room. She opened her eyes, wondering how she fell asleep. She remembered getting another injection, her heart racing her body heating up despite its exhaustion and frantically rubbing her thighs together.

She thought she may have had one more orgasm or had passed out from the effort of trying.

She slowly rolled to her side and curled up, mindful of her cramped arms being shackled once again before she had slept.

The cage filled with some she recognized from the night before as guards. They were walking around, unlocking shackles and collars.

One man bent down in front of her and reached for the back of her collar, unlocking the small lock with a key. He used another key to unlock the bracelets from her wrists.

Lara brought her hands in front of her and began rubbing them together.

She looked towards Katya who was doing the same. Katya looked like Lara imagined she looked. Well used and abused.

Lara ran her hands gently over her body and could feel the patches of skin that were tight and crusty. She ran her fingers through her long hair but knew it would do no good. Lara’s hair reached her waist, and she doubted an inch of hit hadn’t been came on a few hours before. She must have looked like she had snow in her hair, just like Katya.

Scott looked shellshocked and Larta doubted he had slept at all. His cock was only semi hard and still an impressive size. He sat gingerly, leaning on his hip more and she suspected his ass must have been sore.

A woman cleared her throat. The room quieted and gave their attention to a woman, Lara recognized as the Dean’s wife, Sandra.

“Good morning, my condemned little students and teacher. For those of you who don’t know me, I am Dean Crane’s wife, Sandra. It is now five thirty AM. Our little party ended at midnight so hopefully you have all gotten some rest. When I am finished you will be given injections again. I would like all your attention so you all know exactly what will be happening the remainder of the day.”

Sandra looked over the room, assured she had their attention.

“The bonds and collars are no longer needed. I believe if any of you had any more fight it was most likely fucked out of you last night. For the next two hours you will have time to yourselves. I would suggest you pleasure yourself as much as possible. When you are nailed, you will never use your hands again, or be able to touch your own body. Enjoy the time.”

Lara was momentarily stunned, and she knew the others were as well. The mention that she would never use her hands again was a stark reminder this morning that they were being put to death. She had known and accepted this of course but little reminders were stinging. A part of you accepted death while another part of you remembered that you had to pay your water bill next week, or there was a book you had planned on picking up. It would never happen.

As Lara had told Scott the night before, it was terrifying but also freeing. She forced her mind to remember how freeing it was and ignore how terrifying it was.

Lara had been to these events more than once. A sadistic part of her had enjoyed watching these young bodies and even her esteemed colleagues, scream as they were nailed to the cross, cry as they danced for the crowds and cameras, struggling to breathe one moment and grinding their pussies against the sedile.

She had enjoyed seeing the men, giving into their urges and fuck themselves on the cross, cum involuntarily when the right spot was hit.

Every year she would take lovers or find them in the crowd and fuck while enjoying the pagan festivities around her. She would walk among the crosses and caress the girls, make them quiver in her hand. On occasion if she found a worthy male, she would suck his cock and swallow, her step up on a ladder and kiss him, returning his own cum to him.

Lara was no innocent victim of this. Perhaps that was another reason she had given in. She had enjoyed the event and now it was only fair she suffers for others.

The crosses were not as high as she had originally thought. When the crucifix slammed into its final resting place, a woman’s pussy was usually level with an average size person’s shoulder. There were also small boxes and step stools if one were inclined to play with a victim above the waist more comfortably.

“I checked the roster this week and know that all of you have been to at least one festival, or at least attended class here in the Fall. You all have an idea but here we will go over details.

“You will be taken to the grounds in two hours. Twenty crosses are laid out. You will all be nailed one at a time. Your execution team will escort you when your number is called.

“Once number one is nailed, number two will be taken to his or her cross.”

Sandra looked across the room and smirked, obviously enjoying the terrified looks on some of the students faces and defeated acceptance on others.

“You shall remain nailed to your cross until all twenty have been completed. Only then shall the crosses be raised.”

Lara tried to remember how long it took to nail a victim. She would be nailed, then lay on the ground waiting for the others. If she was ten, how long would she wait on the ground?

“When the crosses are raised, you will feel a jolt. Never experiencing it myself, I can only tell from secondhand knowledge that it is painful.

“At that point, you are on your own. You may wish to not perform, to maintain dignity, but it is pointless. The need to breathe and your body’s need for pleasure in the midst of pain will be too much.”

Lara started breathing heavily and tried to control herself. Her body was tingling and despite what she had been through, this wonder drug was making her body betray her mind.

“The rules. Your execution team is in charge of you. They are the one who determines who gets to touch you, or anything else a student of faculty member may wish to do. They hold your death in their hands so do not offend them.

“Spectators will not be allowed to inflict bodily harm that could shorten your time on the cross. No permanent marks shall be left by any spectator that will mar your beauty on the cross. Again, your execution team are your protectors. I hope you all treated them well last night.

“You have all been cleansed. You will be given water with vitamins and minerals to drink this morning and through the process. Do not turn away water. When you are told to drink, you will drink.

“When you need to relieve yourself, let your execution team know. They will step out of the way, and you can take care of your business. Don’t bother holding it in. You have no dignity left. No point in holding onto something you don’t have. Once you have relieved yourself, the team will clean you. Others may wish to have a taste of you and we keep the experience pleasant for our valued student body and faculty.”

Sandra began walking around the room, and all eyes stayed on her.

“Do any of you have any questions?”

Despite, or perhaps because of the terror in the room, no one said anything. Lara did not have any questions. She just wanted to get started.

“Good. You have the next two hours to enjoy yourself. You are not allowed to force yourselves onto each other. You are all equally nothing and we cannot have any of your bodies being damaged without spectators watching. Thank you all for joining our university and being a part of this experience.”

The woman walked out, and a group of nurses walked in. Lara winced as another injection was given, this time in her right thigh. She then turned to check on Katya. The girl looked petrified. She crawled over to her, and Katya curled into her lap easily, clutching onto Lara’s waist, her fingers digging in.

“Are you okay?”

“Last night was horrible. My…I’m hurting.”

“It isn’t easy. I have never been used like that either. I am sore everywhere.” Lara admitted.

“And I still want more.” Katya whispered. “You…I watched you when I could. You were amazing. Even when they were…you looked so beautiful.”

Lara smirked and pulled the ballerina closer, running her fingers through her hair while the other harm held her.

“You look beautiful as well. Did any women take you?”

Katya nodded. “My dance instructor. She was a volunteer guard. She used a strap on then made me… you know.”

Lara nodded. “Was that your first time with a woman?”

Katya shook her head.

“Do you want me?” Lara asked.

Katya reached up and kissed her gently. Compared to the rough sex, the rapes, the physical brutality of the gangbang they had endured, this was a shock. She felt like she was making love.

“Let me take care of you. Lay back and spread your legs.” Lara told her. She then turned to Scott, who was curled on the ground but stroking his cock as he watched his fellow students begin masturbating around him.

“Scott, come here. Take me from behind. I’ll be damned if Lawson will be the last dick in me while I’m alive.”

“Really?” he asked, his erection growing.

“Yes, and feel free to cum inside me. I want to feel that warmth one more time. I won’t ask twice. I have to take care of Katya.”

Katya leaned back and gasped when Lara’s plump lips kissed her belly and began moving lower. Lara grunted when Scott entered her.

For the next two hours, the three made love. Unlike before, they were gentle, they brought pleasure to each other. Lara taught them things she had learned in her life they never would have had the chance otherwise.

Others watched them and followed their examples, pairs and trios, until an orgy had started again, only much gentler. For these students it would be the last bit of kind pleasure they would ever have.

The cell door opened, and the Dean walked inside. Time was up. Execution teams were behind him.

“Condemned, line up by number. It is time for your executions to commence.”
It felt like months since Lara had last seen the sun. It was hard to believe it had only been twenty-four hours before. She had entered the gymnasium with much less fanfare than she had exited from.

She also felt like a different person. She looked like one. Her hair was wild, her face and hair covered in dry sperm. She had bruises on her pelvis and her ass, remnants of the multitude of men and women who had used her in the past twenty-four hours.

The biggest change was how she felt about herself. She had gone into this with a mindset that her life was over, she would submit to whatever fate had planned for her. She would hang on the cross, hump and dance, cum in front of thousands and so forth. In her mind she was allowing this.

Now her mind was different. She had been broken. She no longer felt he was allowing this to be done. Now she knew it was being done to her and she was helpless. A small difference but huge in her mind. What had broken her was not bending over for an enema, allowing herself to be washed so thoroughly, then fingered by the doctor and collared, her arms bound behind her back.

It wasn’t the man who had slapped her for speaking, or the three students who strapped her to a cross, marked spots where they would nail her and talked about her as nothing, but a hot body made for breaking.

It wasn’t even Amanda and her cameraman, or her claim to her body.

It was when she had turned last night after Lawson had fucked her from behind. She turned on her knees and saw two men she absolutely could not stand, degrading her in the worst way possible and realized she could do nothing. That cum splashing across her eyes and cheeks, the cum dribbling onto her hair and dripping onto her forehead, which was the moment she realized she was broken.

She held on to hope that it could not get worse than that. It was a slim hope that she knew was false, the moment she stepped outside.

She was in line, her execution team beside her. She was number ten. Katya was nine and Lara would have to watch the sweet young girl, the beautiful dancer who was one of her last lovers, scream as her beautiful body was pinned forever to the cross. She would be next, and she knew she would scream. It was pointless not to. She had nothing to prove. Her life was over, her shame complete and there was no point in trying to be tough.

Lara had risked this when she joined the staff. It was probably the reason she joined, though she doubted it would happen. The risk was enough. Then the call came, and she could have easily left, but she surrendered. She felt it fated.

Scott would be nailed after her. The last man to fuck her…she hoped. She could still feel his warm cum inside her and knew it was dripping down her thigh. Rather than being embarrassed, she took pleasure in it.

The lawn was crowded in the thousands, as far as Lara could see. Cameras were set up and stadium sized screens placed all over the fields for close ups of those condemned. A security rope and security guards kept the masses away until the nailing would be complete but the ones in front were very close, perhaps only twenty feet away from the crucifixes.

Inside the roped off area were the cameramen who filmed for the University. She saw Amanda’s cameraman and he waved at her.

She also saw a news anchor making her way to the line Lara was in. Lara recognized her from a British TV station. She also had a cameraman behind her.

The woman approached Lara with a microphone and motioned to her cameraman to start rolling.

“Lady Lara Croft, Cynthia Newhouse, British Daily news channel. We are here to cover your execution.”

Lara raised an eyebrow, surprised.

“We received special permission from the broadcast commission to show nudity as this is a special case. We will be recording and reporting on you and asking for comments occasionally.”

“I have no comment.” Lara said and turned away. She knew the University would be covering it, knew footage would be on the internet and knew Amanda would personally get off on her death. Now the entire nation had declared it legal for a public station to televise her in this predicament.

Her hope that her destruction could not be worse was over.

She ignored the newswoman and focused on the grounds and the Dean. He was speaking to the University about the rules, or lack of rules. Drug use, alcohol use and public nudity and sex were legal until an hour after the last victim had died.

Without further ado, the first victim, a well-built Spanish man, with a beautiful v shape and a long cock, was taken to his cross.

Lara closed her eyes for a moment and blocked out the crowd, focused only on herself.

She felt the warmth on her naked skin. She hadn’t been this naked outdoors in years. Even during these festivals, she kept some amount of clothes on. The breeze was nice. It even chilled her a bit. She enjoyed the way it caressed her body, tickled her nipples and ran between her legs, soothing her aching pussy.

She ran her hands over her body gently, taking in every inch of herself. These were the last minutes she could use her hands and she wasn’t going to let pride get in the way of her feeling and caressing herself. Pride left long ago. The entire nation could watch. It didn’t matter any longer.

She was snapped out of her revery and the world she had briefly retreated to, when a hammer slammed down followed by a savage scream.

She looked at the man on the cross and wished she hadn’t. She had seen these before at a distance, but never paid mind, more interested in public sex at night with her lovers and enjoying the sight of the dancing doomed bodies. Seeing it from this vantage point was very different and it terrified her.

Two men held his arms, while a third sat on his torso. Despite the man on his torso, the victim still lifted his waist up, screaming. Another laid down on his legs, helping to hold him down.

It took four hits to drive the spike through the thick wood of one hand. The man had stopped screaming and was crying, begging while trying to pry his left arm away from the man holding it down.

His please fell on deaf ears as the executioner did the same to his other wrist. He screamed as the nails went in once again.

He was reduced to blubbering and moans when his feet were nailed.

“Oh god.” Katya whispered.

Lara wanted to comfort her, hearing the terror in her voice. All around her, the victims whispered in terror.

She felt it as well. Her pride had been broken, her fire, but soon her body would be broken and that was a different type of horror.

The blonde executioner, she thought his name was Matt, but it was hazy, grabbed her ass and squeezed.

“As much as I loved hammering you last night and want to watch you suffer, I want you to know that I’m good. I’ve been practicing. Three hits and I will have you secured. Its going to hurt like hell but I won’t make it last any longer than it has to. Consider it a thank you for that amazing blow job you gave me.”

Lara didn’t nod, didn’t acknowledge him. He was groping her, standing behind her now with an arm around her chest and the bulge in his pants was pressed into her lower back. She would have fucked him then. Anything to take her eyes off the nailing. He didn’t offer and she couldn’t stop watching.

Despite the horror, there was a beauty to it. Those who had been nailed, still lay on the ground and turned their heads to watch the others suffer the fate they had just suffered.

Then Katya was called.

Katya turned as if to run, but instead took Lara’s face, caressing her cheeks and kissing her gently.

“Thank you.” She whispered, then was pulled away by her execution team.

Lara touched her left nipple with one hand and allowed her other to move between her legs, softly touching herself, watching the bronze-skinned beauty lay down voluntarily on the cross despite the tears in her eyes and her shaking body.

She spread herself out and was held down.

Katya turned to catch Lara’s eyes and Lara met hers, continuing to play with herself. Katya gave a small smile and then screamed when the hammer fail. She tried to buck up but the female on her waist was much stronger and held her down with ease.

Unlike some of the others, Katya was not reduced to whimpering by the time they got to her feet. She continued to shake her head and scream, constantly moving.

Once it was done, she stilled, and Lara watched her closely. Katya must have decided that it was less painful to stay still. She was breathing rapidly, and her thighs were opening and closing but she had calmed somewhat.

Somehow Lara was surprised when Matt pulled her arm and Jace grabbed the other. She realized it was her turn. This was happening. The medical exams, the humiliation, the rapes had all led up to this. Now she would truly start dying.

She walked on shaky legs towards the cross and reached it too quickly. Everything was surreal. She could feel every blade of grass on her feet, feel the molecules of air caressing her body. She heard voices but they were far off. She could hear her own heart beating loudly, heard every breath she took as if it were coming through a tunnel.

When she reached it, she straddled her instrument of death.

“On all fours, Lara.”

Lara turned to the girl, she thought her name was…Liz, wondering what she meant. The others lay on their crosses.

Liz took a shiny silver butt plug from her pocket and put it in her mouth. “Dr. Evert made a huge donation to the University. It vibrates and is remote controlled. Don’t make us force you.”

Lara shook her head and dropped to her knees beside her cross, then bent forward, aware that she was presenting her ass for all to see. Liz’s brother spread her ass cheek and Liz wasted no time, shoving the instrument deep into her.

Lara didn’t even flinch. Her body was nothing except a sex toy now, and a well-used one at that. What was one more indignity.

The men grabbed her by her waist and flipped her onto the cross and Lara was looking at the sky, felt the sanded cross under her, the wood slightly smooth but smelt of fresh sawdust. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she realized her ass would make it a lot smoother before she died.

Jace grabbed her right arm and held it out. Liz straddled her waist and placed her small hands on Lara’s breasts.

“I will never fuck a woman as beautiful as you. I’m going to miss you Professor Croft.” She told her sweetly and pinched her nipples gently.

Lara turned to look at her arm.

“Take a look at your hand Lara.” Jace told her. “You are never going to touch yourself again.”

Matt winked at her and she felt the point of the first nail press into her wrist.

She tried to remember meditation techniques an Indian Shaman had taught her years ago, tried to find her inner peace but failed quickly. Her eyes were glued to the wreckage that was seconds away.

The hammer struck and she screamed as the others did. Her waist jerked up and Liz was thrown from her.

The pain was unlike she had ever experienced. She had the power of an Atlantean Queen pass through her once in a battle and it was nothing.

Her wrist was destroyed. It had gone through her easily and into the wood. Matt took the hammer once again and swung down, nearly hammering it into the wood completely.

For Lara, it was as time stood still. Everything was happening in slow motion. She tried to make her believe this wasn’t real but couldn’t.

A third strike and the nail head was pressed against her, joining her to the cross forever.

She didn’t realize she was still screaming until Matt stood up.

“Can you stay on her Liz?” Jace asked.

Liz smirked. “She is strong as hell. I’m ready this time. I can’t believe Lara Croft pissed on me. That will be one to tell the grandchildren.”

Lara fought to control her breathing. Out of instinct she tried to move her arm off the cross. Her wrist wouldn’t budge. Her hand felt on fire. Her fingers felt broken.

“Please stop. Please stop. I’m begging you, fuck me, beat me, do what you want, just please stop!”

Matt smirked. “The Tomb Raider, killer of hundreds, begging for mercy. My day is getting better and better. Hold her down Jace. Liz, try not to get pissed on again. Unless you are into that or something.”

Lara watched Jace hold her left arm down. If she had any sense of pride left it was shattered. She was not going bravely to her death. She was terrified, in pain, just like the students who were being crucified felt. She was nothing more than a woman being tortured.

She felt her skin tear when the nail drove through her left wrist. The hammer blow jolted the wood and sent fresh fire in her right arm while her left was crushed.

She twisted her hips, lifted her waist but Liz was ready, pressing her body down and preventing Lara from trying to jump off the cross.

“Hold still, Croft. You will only make it worse.” Jace told her.

Another blow. She hadn’t understood. She knew it would be painful. of course, it would. Pain was nothing. She would dance on the cross until her muscles gave out then she would suffocate.

This was different. This was hell. She was nothing. Her strength did her no good. When the second nail head flushed with her wrist and pinned her to the wood, it came with startling clarity that she wanted to die, she wanted to be shot. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Lara accepted this. She would show the world how to die.

“Please stop. Don’t…no more.” She begged in a small voice she had not used since she was a girl, scared of the storm in her big empty manor.

“Trust me, Lara,” Matt told her, “Its gonna suck but you are going to want your feet nailed. All these other little girls can handle it. I thought you were supposed to be tough. You gave as good as you got last night. Don’t make me lose respect for you now. The whole world is watching.”

“Fuck the world!” Lara screamed.

Jace grabbed her legs and bent them in a familiar position, once she had been placed in the day before.

“Liz, try to help.” Jace said.

Lara tried to jerk her feet away but the two had a good handle. She wanted to use one to kick the executioners, but Liz was strong enough to keep it in place.

Lara stopped struggling, realizing her arms were on fire the more she moved. She took deep, quick breaths and prepared herself.

She didn’t hear the hammer this time. The pain was all she felt. Her foot was crushed. How could she possibly stand on this when she was lifted.

Her throat was sore, and her scream turned into a wheeze, voice cracking.

“She pissed again.” Liz said. “I’ll be taking off my clothes when this is done anyway.”

Three more blows and her foot was forever part of her crucifix.

She thought she may have passed out. She wasn’t sure of the passage of time, but she felt Jace slap her face.

“Wakey, wakey. You don’t get to miss this.”

Another blow and Lara opened her mouth, but it was a silent scream. She couldn’t even lift her hips off the cross.

When Jace and Matt stood, Lara looked down her body. Her breasts were heaving, she was covered in sweat and her legs were bent and slightly parted. She couldn’t see her feet under her bent legs but knew they were there. She tried not to move, but her nerves kept jumping, every little movement she felt.

Then Liz bent down next to her and screwed in a piece of wood inches below her pussy. Lara understood that when she was lifted, this would be her most intimate lover. Then she remembered the plug up her ass.

“Take advantage. In about ten more minutes we lift you and you learn a new meaning of pain.” Liz told her.

“This might be you one day.” Lara told her quietly. Her voice was hoarse, and she couldn’t control her breathing, but it was important to remind her torturers that this could be them. It happened to Lara, it happened to the best dancer at the school, a top swimmer, and it could happen to any of them.

Liz’s face seemed to lose color for a moment, then she stood up and stepped back.
Lara lay on her cross, trying to maintain her breathing. She carefully turned her head toward Katya, who was lying still. A nurse had just given her an injection.

The nurse knelt next to Lara and gave her another shot.

“Forget about them. You are going to spend the rest of your life in agony. The only reprieve you have is an orgasm. It doesn’t matter whose watching. In a few days you won’t be around to care what people think.” The nurse whispered. She caressed Lara’s abs and legs.

“So beautiful.”

Lara winced at the sound of Scott being nailed next to her. Her body was on fire, she was spread out naked on the ground, unable to move with only the sky above her. She was now the ultimate submissive. She could ground herself against a sedile, beg Amanda to vibrate the plug but every pleasure would come with pain and deeper humiliation if possible.

The news reporter who had spoken to Lara earlier knelt down beside her. Lara looked up at the woman’ beautiful face covered heavily with makeup. Three leering cameramen stood over her, Amanda’s, the news agency and the campus cameraman.

“I want shots of her entire body, close ups, especially her vagina and breasts. I can see the point of the plug between her ass cheeks. Get a shot of that.” The woman instructed her man.

“I am Cynthia Newhouse, here at the Dayton University Pagan Festival. Twenty young men and women are in the process of being crucified. Lady Lara Croft was one of the chosen and has just been nailed. In approximately ten to fifteen minutes, she will be raised and begin the crucifixion dance. For those unfamiliar with this type of ancient execution, the victim will be unable to breath easy in a hanging position. She will have to lift herself up on the cross, using her nailed feet.

“Lady Croft, you knew this was a possibility when you joined the faculty three years ago. Why did you join the faculty, knowing you could be chosen to die barbarically? Is this what you wanted?”

Lara shook her head, not wanting to have anything to do with the interview but unable to stop. The question was instinctual. Had she wanted it? Perhaps but not now.

“Judging by her heavy breathing I assume she is already having difficulty. Lara, I understand that as part of the process you were involved in intercourse with several perhaps over twenty individuals last night. Judging by the bruising to your thighs it must have been a long night. Did you enjoy yourself?”

Lara said nothing, looking away towards Katya and meeting her eyes.

“We also heard you had voluntary sex with two students only a couple hours ago, the couple on either side of you. Is this true?”

Lara said nothing, closing her eyes and feeling the tears rolling down her cheeks.

“You have been given medication that enables you to feel pleasure, even crave it, despite the agony you must be in. Is this true?”

Lara shook her head, wanting to scream.

Then Cynthia placed a hand between her leg and found her clit. Interspersed with the pain, a burst of pleasure welled up. Cynthia’s hand began moving quicker and quicker. Lara’s pleasure centers burst through, and her hips rose, grinding into the woman’s hand, her orgasm gushing.

She collapsed back onto her cross in greater pain than before.

Cynthia laughed and licked her fingers. “It’s a shame we can’t use that. We should get some film before they lift her up.”

Cynthia knelt by Lara once again. “Here she is, one of Britain’s heroes, nailed permantely to a cross. The Tomb Raider will be dead in days, and the process has already begun. Lady Croft, I would like you to answer one question for the viewers. What would your mother and father say if they could see you now?”

Lara closed her eyes and wailed, her body shaking, the pain becoming too much. Her parents would be ashamed, and she had not just thrown away her own life but their legacy. She was in greater pain than any human should ever feel, and it would only get worse. Three men had just watched a newswoman force her to orgasm despite the pain.

She heard the Dean’s voice once again. The cameraman and Cynthia had backed off.

It was time to be lifted.
Climbing had been an essential part of Lara’s life. She loved the freedom of rock climbing, scaling mountains with no ropes, hanging from ledges hundreds of feet above the ground by only her feet. As such, Lara’s shoulders necessarily had to be strong. Her shoulders were more than strong, they were works of art, as if chiseled from marble.

As part of her regular workout routine, Lara would hold onto still rings and lift herself from the ground, hanging from nothing but her shoulders.

Her body in its trauma seemed to forget that her shoulders were strong, perhaps the toughest body part she possessed. In her body’s defense, her palms usually faced down, as opposed to her present position. She also used her hands. Now her palms were facing outward, her hands were useless, and her wrists were pinned to wood. The slight change placed a strain on her muscles that had never been used.

She lost herself for a moment when the lift began. It was a strange feeling, being lifted against your will towards the sky, but her main concern was not moving and causing herself more pain.

Then she saw the thousands looking at her and realized she her cross was vertical. Then the fall came. When the cross hit the ground, her shoulders felt as if they were ripped apart, adding a fresh pain to her already ravaged body.

She screamed, finding her voice once again. Her ass sat nearly atop her nailed calves, placing a tremendous amount of pressure on her feet. She could feel her bones rubbing against the metal inside her feet.

There was also the sedile that had just parted her labia and was at once uncomfortable, but nothing compared to the other sufferings she had.

Lara threw her head back and yelled in frustration and despair.

She stopped when she realized she couldn’t regain her breath as easily after her vocal outburst.

Her mind raced, wondering why she couldn’t breathe before she regained some sense. Lara had studied this in preparation. She knew she would have difficulty breathing in this position. It was what would ultimately kill her. She knew this.

The reality that she would need to place more pressure on the bones of her feet made her wish an angel would come down to Earth and stab her in the heart. Knowing something in her head and experiencing it were very different things.

She began to moan when her cross began vibrating. She looked at the ground and saw Jace and Matt securing her cross and pounding some sort of support wedges.

It finally stopped and Lara took a second, forced herself to calm down. Every part of her hurt yet she managed to stay still, knowing the more agitated she became, the quicker she would need to breathe.

The fire in her legs and her shoulders were the worst of her pain but her labia needed some room so her pelvis wouldn’t feel as if a foot was constantly standing on it.

She whimpered a bit as she pressed her feet, just giving an inch to slide her hips to the side. That didn’t work so she pushed her pelvis out, letting the sedile land in the middle of her lower back, causing her to grunt.

Nothing she did made herself any comfortable.

Lara was getting dizzy and though she wished she could avoid it, make herself suffocate, the human body was stubborn. It fought to live, and she gritted her teeth and pushed up.

The pressure came off her shoulders, her wrist pain alleviated a bit, but her thighs shook with the pain. Lara came to understand she had no feet any long. She just had a spot of fire she could lift from.

As she rose over the stipes, she took a deep breath and then another, her legs shaking and struggling to keep her high. She instinctively wanted to move her arms, to wipe her eyes or the snot she was sure was running down her nose. When she jerked, her body remembered that her arm did not belong to her any longer. It sent a fresh wave of pain, and her legs gave out.

The sedile was placed perfectly. When Lara collapsed the piece of polished wood, parted her labia but did not break her pelvis.

“The Tomb Raider’s dance of death has begun.” She heard the newswoman say. “As you can see, Lara as well as all the college students have begun pushing their bodies up their crosses, in order to breathe deeply. This is called a crux dance and will go on for days. The time a person lives on a cross is dependent on their physical fitness. I spoke to the technical organizer of the event, and she explained that a person could last anywhere from twenty-four hours to as long as four days.”

The newscaster stepped towards Lara; her face was at Lara’s waist level.

“According to gambling authorities, Lara Croft is a two to one favorite to live the longest. Her closest challenger is a cheerleader. If you look closely at Lara’s legs, you can see her finely developed muscles are rippling, as if small shocks as coursing through her constantly. The doctor in charge of the condemned is making her rounds and nearing Lara Croft now.”

The short red headed doctor who had prepared Kara when she turned herself over was next to her now.

“Doctor, what will happen now?”

Ava looked at Lara and rubbed her naked thigh then patted the side of her ass.

“Now, her execution team will clean her up. She urinated while being nailed. This is common and she is far from the only one to have done so. Then we will give her water with minerals and vitamins to keep her energy up. It is important to stay hydrated. Attendees prefer to have their way with the victims, and we like our condemned to have as much pleasure as possible. Being dehydrated makes it difficult for a woman to become…lubricated. Lara will be given water all day along with injections to give her pleasure despite the pain.”

Cynthia looked doubtfully at Lara. “She has done nothing but scream and curse since the first blow. She is in obvious extreme physical pain. Is it truly possible for her to orgasm?”

“Of course. Our medication was developed at our university and has proven effective for years. I can give you a demonstration but I’m not sure that is allowed on television.”

“For the purposes of education, it will be allowed. If not, we can always edit it out later. Please do so.”

The doctor reached into her coat pocket and pulled out a small silver vibrator.

“Please don’t.” Lara whispered.

Instead of acknowledging her, Ava spread Lara’s thighs wide, exposing her pussy more widely for the cameraman and the world. She placed the small vibrator on her clit.

Lara’s eyes rolled back in her head, and she bucked forward. The smooth wood between her labia gave her a different sensation now. In spite of the pain, she could feel a spark of pleasure. Her body was shaking, her arms on fire as well as her feet while she jerked on the cross, humping her sedile.

Lara understood she looked like an animal in heat, humping wood but she could not stop. She began begging for more, moving her cunt faster and faster on the wood that was suddenly not long enough.

She cried out when she came, light bursting behind her eyes. She was wet, soaking and the pleasure filled her.

Then it was gone, and Lara woke to reality. The post orgasmic bliss was gone, and the pain of her body’s actions lit up her world. She couldn’t breathe and closed her eyes, gritted her teeth and pushed off her feet, taking in huge gulps of air and looking out over the crowds who were cheering for her. Camera phones were everywhere. Men and women were undressing, some laying out blankets. Men had their cocks out and were jerking themselves, watching her and no doubt others displays. There were others of course but Lara had a feeling they were all watching her.

She turned her head toward Katya and saw she was also in a raised position.

Lara’s legs gave out but this time she was able to control her descent.

“Amazing. Despite the pain, Lady Lara Croft, an aristocrat, nailed to wood, had an orgasm in front of the whole world, despite the pain, because of this drug.”

“We are very proud of it. We regulate it for recreational use but on these occasions, it is fun for the crowd and is not only a benefit for the condemned. Humiliation is a part of crucifixion. Lara, would you say you were humiliated?”

Lara looked at the doctor in disgust.

The cameraman stopped filming for a moment and Liz walked up with a bottle of water.

“If you would give us a minute, we need to prepare her She has a long journey ahead.”

Liz stepped on a stool and tilted Lara’s head back. “This won’t be easier in a standing position. Take small drinks but you have to drink it all. You don’t want water forced down your throat.”

“Drown me.” Lara whispered.

“If you don’t do as we say, I am going to personally take a branding iron and have fun with Katya.” Liz told her.

Lara closed her eyes and opened her mouth. She did her best to swallow, though quite a bit poured on her chest.

“Good little slave.” Liz told her.

“Excellent job, Liz.” Ava commended her. “Give her a half gallon at the top of every hour. Clean her up. The crowd will want to get a closer look.”

Ava jabbed a needle in Lara’s ass, but Lara didn’t feel it, too focused on her other pain.

She tried to take her mind off the mixed feelings again. The pain was there but now she felt the pleasure of being sponged off by Liz. So much dried cum was being cleaned off her finally.

Liz stood on the stool again and began fixing her hair away from her face and tying it back.

Lara met her eyes, not sure what was going on.

“The Dean changed his mind. Dr. Evert wants to see your face clearly. Your hair was getting in the way and blocked a few shots of your tits. I can’t believe they are natural. I swear you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, even in this state. Listen, we have five hundred bucks riding on you to be the last to die. We are also going to be collecting money from students who want some one-on-one time with you. Be a good girl. You don’t have to do anything but respond like your body demands it. Cry or cum, its all the same to them. Just give them a show.”

Lara groaned when the sponge left her pussy. She turned away from the ever-closing crowds and checked on Scott.

He was fucking himself on the cornu and it appeared he had already cum once. His execution team were all filming him and cheering him on while he cried in pain and worked for pleasure.

She then looked at Katya.

Despite the pain, Katya smiled at her. Lara found herself wishing she had found this girl long before this all happened. She could have taken her as a full-time lover. Lara had on qualms about having sex with students but found them a bit lacking in the skills department, especially college men, most of whom had never heard of the female orgasm or knew what a clit was.

Before Lara could encourage her, the plug in her ass hummed to life, causing her to jerk once again and scream in pain and pleasure.
Lara finally managed to come to her senses long enough for her to check the sun. She could have sworn she had been hanging all day and had no idea why the sun hadn’t set. To her despair, it appeared only one to one thirty. She had been hanging less than two hours.

Since the moment Amanda had activated the anal plug, Lara had been bucking, rubbing against the wooden sedile, looking for any escape from the pain. She hadn’t been able to orgasm as easily as the newswoman had triggered her earlier, but it had eventually come, and once it had, the feeling was gone again, leaving her with pain. Liz had thankfully oiled the sedile so the pain in her pelvis was the only discomfort to that particular part of her body. Everything else hurt. Fresh blood trickled down from her wrists and feet due to her movement but one of her fellows had politely assured her that the placement of the nails between her bones guaranteed that she could jerk as much as she wanted without falling off.

There was no escape.

She raised herself once her orgasm was over, trying to find a rhythm to her torture. Two breaths cost her unimaginable pain, but she was becoming intimate with it, no longer screaming with every lift.

Amanda had not approached her but was watching smugly with Lawson and Dupont next to her. The pig Lawson was videotaping her demise, but she couldn’t work up the anger to scowl at him. Her anger was gone, all that was left was humiliation and pain.

The festival was in full swing already. Lara remembered in the past, she would arrive for the crucifixion and raising then retire to her apartment until evening, once the weather had cooled down. She would have some drinks, meet some friends and fuck while watching the students and teachers dance, then turn in around one or two AM, repeating the process until the last victim expired.

She could admit to herself that while watching the condemned she had given thought to what it felt like more than once. The nailed were beautiful in their dances. When she inspected them closely, she found them breathtaking in their victimhood. The women’s hair was wild, their faces and bodies covered in flakes of dry sperm, their hair matted in places. Their bodies were always sweaty, and the nipples always hard, both men and women. When she would grab a cock and gently stroke it, she was amazed at how much life remained, how full it was, and when she took it in her mouth and swallowed, the amount of sum she received, despite the activity of the boys all day.

The women were mostly warm on the first two days but shivered constantly. Every tiny muscle rippled with every breath. The pain was written on their faces.

Yet the aroma of their pussies was too much for Lara to resist. They tasted delicious and when she kissed a woman, they often kissed her back, melting into her.

They were nothing, bodies dying that those around them celebrated. They were decoration. They had no pride, only pain and relied on the good will of others for pleasure, lower than beggars.

Yet in their pain there was a beauty. The ultimate submission. These people were stripped down to their cores. Nothing was hidden. Every part of their body was on display for the world. They were literally stretched out and at the world’s mercy. Perhaps they didn’t volunteer but they knew the risks when coming to this university. They had nothing left. They simply lived in the moment, experienced something no other would never know. They knew a secret the rest of the world didn’t.

Lara understood now. If she was rescued from this cross, taken down at this moment, she may as well kill herself. Despite the agony, despite the utter shame, nothing in her life would ever compare to this experience. Despite all she had seen and done, nothing would ever come close to this feeling. It was hell and she wished she weren’t here now, but knew if she were let down, she would spend the rest of her life chasing this feeling. She would be submissive. She would never be the dominate person she had always been. That person died when she walked into a door and took a pill that made her a slave to her desires.

Now she was the ultimate submissive and all that left was the beauty and escape of death.

But that beauty and escape was days away. Lara knew her body. Yes, she was in great pain, excruciating pain she had never endured, but the pain was not fatal. Her body would survive, keep fighting to live despite her wishes. The body she had always loved, she now hated.

She hung by her arms, cunt on the sedile, trying to keep pressure off her feet and watched the crowd. The sex had started early. Girls were already blowing their boyfriends. Some girls were masturbating, others had already wandered to the crucifixes and were inspecting hard cocks, some stroking them. Scott had a short girl, perhaps a gymnast, stroking his cock from below.

Then the crowd started to form around her and Matt and Jace took their spots in front of her. She foolishly thought for a second that they wanted her for themselves and would protect her body from others.

Instead, they began taking money. Twenty for a photo, fifty to touch and one hundred to make her cum. If they wanted to borrow Liz’s vibrator, it would cost an extra ten.

“How much to fuck her with my favorite dildo?” a cute young blonde with a pixie cut asked.

“One hundred.” Matt told her.

“How about I suck your dick instead?”


The cute girl approached Lara. “Would you spread your thighs wide please? I really want you to cum on this. You have always been a hero of mine, and this is my favorite. Once I get your juices on it, I’m going to retire it and keep it as a trophy.”

Lara thought of telling her to go fuck herself but realized it was pointless. The pain was becoming overwhelming again and she needed a fuck. The dildo was huge, but she had been well used and stuffed with bigger cocks like Matt and Scott’s, in the last twenty-four hours.

“Let me lube it and remove the sedile.” Liz said. “We don’t want her tearing.”

Lara spread her legs and the girl reached up and placed the dildo in her, then began a steady fucking. She was grateful the girl was not being rough, instead working her to an orgasm. It didn’t take long for her to cum. Amanda had turned on the anal plug at some point and Lara’s eyes rolled up in her head and she gave into the girls skilled fucking. She gushed all over the dildo.

Before the bliss was over, she pushed herself up, taking three breaths, then dropping.

She felt Liz’s hands under her ass and lifted her slightly, while Jace screwed the sedile back in.

“Thank you so much. I’m sorry you are dying but this is the coolest thing ever. I knew you dressed like a slut, but I never knew you really were one. You are the best!” the blonde told her and walked over to Matt, dropping to her knees and taking his waiting dick.

Liz had taken off her clothes and sat on the ground at Lara’s feet masturbating.

Jace began taking money and a new level of humiliation began. College frat boys, posed for pictures with her. A few grabbed her nipples, twisted and pulled her breasts to the side, while a third placed his head back between her legs. Faculty she never would have given the time of day to, began approaching her, running fingers all over her body, talking about her as if she were already dead, poking and prodding her.

A few college students gently but firmly slapped her face. One climbed onto a box and stuck his dick in her mouth. She nearly bit, not out of anger. She was passed that. He was obstructing the breaths she already had difficulty receiving while lowered. Liz noticed and told him to back off before he killed her. The man finished jerking off and coming on her forehead. Liz didn’t bother cleaning her up until an hour later when she was forced to drink water once again. She received another injection and this one was felt stronger. She squirmed on the cross and came close to begging for attention.

At some point she heard grunting and turned to see a man fucking Katya on her cross. The pain on her arms and legs must have been terrible.

She soon found out it was as that man’s friend paid two hundred to fuck Lara on camera. Despite the pain, Lara came. As the rules of her execution team, he pulled out and came on her thighs.

Liz kept her clean and watered. Lara noted that Amanda’s cameraman was always around, but she hadn’t seen Amanda closely yet. Through the day the anal plug that she clenched so often would vibrate until she craved it constantly.

The sun finally fell, and the party continued with no signs of slowing down. Lara was able to take in more. A whipping post had been set up and men were paying naked girls in the crowd to volunteer. There were more volunteers and though the girls left the posts striped in red and in tears, more wanted to go.

She saw Lana, fucking her husband on the lawn, on all fours, her eyes locked onto Lara. Despite the situation Lara managed to smile at her.

After a sorority girl used a rabbit on her, Lara’s exhaustion overcame the pain, and she began dozing. The dozing only last as long until her body demanded air, but moments of sleep were better than none.

A burning slash cut across her chest and she yelled as a leather tip struck her nipple.

It was dark and Liz was on the ground with Matt on top of her and Jace was watching a man, use a whip on her. The beating continued for ten more strokes. He exchanged cash with Jace, bit her nipple and walked away.

The sun had gone down, and Lara was wide awake. The sweat on her body had cooled and she began to shiver. It would be a cool night and she had a few more to look for. Lara knew she would lose her mind long before her death.

A naked Matt stood up off Liz and helped her up. Jace was stroking the inside of Lara’s thigh, closer to her pussy and Lara just stopped from begging him to finger her hard.

“Hey, you want to know the prices?” Matt asked.

Lara wondered what would be done to her this time.

“I’ll do what I want to her.”

“I don’t think so… Ahhhh!”

Lara’s eyes found Matt forced to the ground by his wrist, an unbreakable and simple hold. Jace moved towards the man and found a gun barrel in his mouth.

The dark shaggy haired man looked at a surprised Liz.

“Little lady, you and your friends are going to take a break while I have a word with Lady Croft. You need to make it clear to your boys that it is in your best interests. You do that and I won’t bring up how messed up it is that you are fucking in front of your brother.”

The three scrambled away.

The man lifted Lara’s chin and smirked.

“Croft, what the hell have you done now?”

Lara managed a grin.

“Its good to see you too, Trent.”
The man shook his head. “Your feet and hands are fucked. Even if I get you out of here, your life is over.”

“I know.” Lara admitted. “I knew when I walked into the prison yesterday.”

Trent sighed. “You know Amanda set this up, right?”

Lara sighed and nodded. “I knew when I saw her here yesterday. She had already laid claim to my body. It’s okay. I joined here, knowing what could happen. I’m surprised it took her so long.”

Kurtis Trent winced at how rough Lara’s voice sounded. He had hurried here when he found out the night before that Britain’s number one news channel would be covering the crucifixion of Lara Croft, wondering why she had allowed herself to be captured and what the hell she was thinking.

“I should have known when you quit the job and became a teacher at this place of all places that you had something in mind. If you told me you had a masochistic inner slut, we could have arranged something. I wouldn’t have minded having you prance around my place, nude in a collar, spanking you when I got home.”

Lara sadly shook her head. “You would never have me like this. We both know it. You would never want this side of me.”

Lara lifted herself up with a loud groan, taking in breaths. Kurtis placed his hands under her ass and held her up, taking pressure off her feet. Lara took advantage of the breather. She whispered to let her down after a minute.

“You wanted this, huh? Do you have any idea how many gods you have pissed off? Natla has a claim to your soul already, Lara.”

Lara’s eyes widened. “She is dead.”

“You couldn’t kill her with Thor’s hammer. You thought burying her underground would do the trick? She offered you the chance to be her co ruler and lover, to make you immortal. You turned her down and tried to kill her multiple times. Now she will have your soul. You will belong to her for eternity, her plaything. I can’t stop it.”

Lara closed her eyes, tears forming as a new sense of hopelessness fell over her. She had wondered when she reached the other side how she would explain this to her mother and father. If Kurt was telling the truth, she would be a slave to that monster. He had no reason to lie. It wasn’t his style.

She felt a sponge washing her face and then her body. She opened her eyes, wondering it Kurtis had left. Instead, she found him there, gently washing her body.

“I thought we would say goodbye properly, but I don’t want Gamma Delta assholes’ spunk all over your face when I do. Thought I would wash the rest of you while I was here.”

“Fuck me.” Lara told him.

“That’s gonna hurt like hell.”

“Everything hurts like hell. Do it.”

Kurtis Trent did as asked. He unscrewed the sedile, took a small box, spread her legs only as far as necessary and entered her. To Lara’s surprise, the plug in her began vibrating.

“You want me to take that plug and shove it down Amanda’s throat until its clean?” he asked as he fucked her slowly, his hands under her ass.

“No,” she told him breathlessly. “It’s perfect.”

For a while, Lara was lost in his body, his cock inside her, his lips on her mouth, his tongue intertwined in hers. They had done this dance before but never like this. It would be the last time. Usually, it was a battle for dominance when they fucked but not this time. This time he owned her, and she loved it.

He filled her up and that set her off.

When he gently exited her body, he gave her one more slow kiss.

“The clock tower is a hundred yards or so. Want me to make it quick? One shot in the heart and this can be over. I can’t save you from Natla, but I can end this pain.”

Lara shook her head. “No. I will die as I have chosen. I wish I hadn’t, but I did. This wood will kill me.”

Kurt nodded. “Anything I can do when you are gone?”

“Kill Lawson and Dupont.” Lara said immediately.

“Done. Amanda?”

Lara shook her head. “Leave her.”

Kurt grunted. “No matter what that woman does, you will never stop loving her, will you?”

Lara’s eyes said it all. Trent nodded, kissed her on the cheek. “Goodbye Lara. Life won’t be the same without you.”

Kurtis Trent walked out of her life.

“That was amazing!” Liz said. “He was so hot. Who was he?”

“Go away, Liz. Sleep.”

Liz screwed the sedile back in and to Lara’s annoyance at herself, she began rubbing herself, spreading Kurtis’s seed all over it.

“After that, its time for your injection and some water. Matt and Jace are trying to regain their manhood. The night partiers are showing up. I just talked to the news lady, and she said your ratings are through the roof. Your death is setting records. I heard you broke the internet. You deserve it. You saved the world so many times and now…even like this, used up, embarrassed, you are so beautiful. I taped you fucking that guy and will be watching it for a long time.”



“Give me some fucking water.”

The night was slow for Lara. She was left alone for the most part. Campfires were lit all around the crucified. She was caressed, she danced on her cross, trying to breathe and fight off cramps, she thought she was dead at one point. Her legs cramped and her muscles seized to the point she couldn’t move her legs. Matt and Jace had to lift her to breath while Liz massaged her. They didn’t do this out of kindness. They simply had a lot of money riding on her to live as long as possible.

At some point, the pictures ended. Drunks began spitting on her, a few slapped her in the face, and one jerked off in front of her then finished on her feet.

Lara didn’t care. She was beyond care. The news woman had approached her several times for a quote or to hear her beg but Lara didn’t give in. She had nothing to give. What would she say? She would have welcomed death, but knowing where she would go, who she would be in the hands of…her whole being was in despair.

Perhaps this had always been her fate. She had been born to suffer and fought so long to deny it.

The sun came up and her execution team woke from the campfire they had passed out around. She heard Katya crying and turned to check on her.


“My parents just left. I begged them not to come. My mother was…she was…”

Lara nodded. She could imagine the dilemma. No one wanted to see their daughter in this state yet when she was dying could they stay away to save her dignity or would the urge to be here be too strong.

“It will be over soon.” Lara told her, knowing it wouldn’t be true.

Her body warmed and she became more alert. Pain was a constant friend of hers now. That evening as the sun went down once again, after a day of the usual torture, Amanda finally approached her. She stepped up beside her, placed her slim hand between the sedile and Lara and dug her fingers inside her.

Lara gasped but didn’t back away, instead rubbing against her.

“I always loved you.” Amada whispered.

“I know.” Lara told her in a sad and broken voice.

“Did you ever love me?”

“I never stopped.”

“I don’t regret doing this to you. I won’t regret mounting your body. I’ll have you with me forever.”

Lara snorted. “I feel sorry for you.”

Amanda squeezed Lara’s pussy causing the crucified woman to gasp.

“You are the one humiliated in front of the world, a sperm collector, a sex doll, suffering in horrible agony. You feel sorry for me?”

Lara nodded, continuing to rub herself against Amanda’s hand.

“One day, you will miss a ledge and fall in a cavern, broken and forgotten. Your men might turn against you, shoot you in the back if you find something valuable. A stray bullet shot by some no name lackey may end you. Wherever you are, you will just disappear. Even if you live to an old age, you will just die in your sleep. This Is hell but it is an experience you will never go through.”

Amanda laughed and squeezed her once again. “Judging by your screams and your humiliation, I wouldn’t want to.”

“And that is why I feel sorry for you. You will never know the pain, the helplessness, the feeling of giving your life away. I am in pain, but its mine. Nothing can take it from me. The world will always remember me. Even as a sex object, I will be remembered.”

Lara reluctantly pushed herself away from Amanda’s hand and lifted herself to breath. Amanda was waiting for her when she returned.

Instead of arguing, Amanda kissed her, Lara responded in kind. She took off her clothes and in front of thousands, parted Lara’s thighs, pleasured her, licked every inch of her body. The two came together, Amanda taking care of both of them. It was dark and Lara’s energy was gone. She had gotten her injection while making love to Amanda but missed the water.

After Amanda finished with her, she gave her water through a straw.

“Do you want me to take the plug out?”

“Know. Leave it vibrating. Please Amanda.”

Amanda nodded in agreement. “I’m going to leave you, but I will be watching until you die.”

Lara weakly nodded.

“I love you, Lara.”

“I love you to, Amanda.”
On the third morning Lara woke, afraid her body was paralyzed. Liz began rubbing her muscles and the pain replaced the numbness.

She checked on Katya and saw the girl exhausted but still breathing.

She turned to Scott and saw for the first time; his cock was soft, and he was hanging peacefully.

“He died about an hour ago.” Liz told her. “Eight men and three women died during the night. This is the third day if you lost count. The sedile are being taken off this morning. No more water. No more injections. Just pain. We are only allowing pics and groping. You want one last orgasm?”

Lara looked at Amanda, lying on a blanket, wearing a summer dress. She looked like she hadn’t slept all night.

Lara shook her head. “I’ve had my last one.”

Liz respected her wishes and true to her word, the sedile was removed, no injections or water were given. As the day wore one, the party atmosphere seemed to spike, as if the revelers knew the end was coming.

Now more women were approaching the condemned. Many of them stared at Lara, not bothering to touch her.

For the first time, Lara felt her body go cold even in the sun.

Sometime that night, she had called out Katya’s name. Hearing nothing, she turned to the girl and saw her execution team taking her broken body from the cross.

Lara closed her eyes once again.

She remembered the sun rising, and perhaps pushing herself up on instinct but her chest ached from lack of air. She was in haze.

“You are the last one.” She thought Liz said. She opened her eyes, and it was dark. Her lips were dry, her body shivering. Her body felt truly paralyzed. She switched between bouts of pain and numbness.

Lara looked around once more, barely able to lift her head.

The crosses from what she could tell were empty. Camera men were in front of her along with thousands. The yard was silent.

She sighed and closed her eyes. At six in the morning, just before sunrise on the fourth day, Lara Croft took her last breath.

Lara herself woke, feeling refreshed. She remembered the pain of the cross but now it was gone. Her hands and feet were whole.

She took stock of herself, and fear raced through her. She was wearing a heavy metal collar with a large chain attached to cuffs on her wrists on the front. She was in a palace she recognized, one that she had fought Natla in.

Then she saw the ruler goddess. She was as beautiful as ever, her long blonde hair, her sharp features and her large wings spread out behind her. She stood in front of her throne, and to Lara’s shock, Katya was beside her, on her knees and nude, wearing chains identical to Lara’s.

“What are you doing here?!” Lara cried out.

Katya met Lara’s eyes but didn’t answer. She probably wasn’t allowed to speak.

“I gave her a choice before she passed over to paradise. I told her she could be with you forever, if she were my slave like you. She fell in love with you, Lara. She offered herself freely.”

“Natla let her go!”

The woman smirked and snapped her fingers. Demons approached Lara and lifted her up.

“You belong to me, Lara Croft, for eternity. The first rule you must learn is never speak unless I give permission and certainly not to make demands. To the whipping post.”

Lara was unable to resist. She tried but her body, whatever body this was refused to strike against the demons. She was strapped to a whipping post, her arms chained over her head, her legs spread.

The demon showed her the heavy spiked bullwhip then took his place behind her.

“Give her two hundred. Rip the skin from her back, heal her and hang her from a cross until she learns her lesson.” Natla told the demons then sat on her throne, petting Katya’s head.

When the first blow struck, Lara screamed.

The End
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