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Ella's Obedience

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i shouldn't have done it. how could i have thought he wouldn't catch me???

i washed my hands of course, but it doesn't matter, he found out anyway. i feel myself blush. i feel like a schoolgirl, caught cheating at a test...
He is a bastard....
Harsh judgement Tree. Pp truly is an honourable and polite gentleman.

What a disappointment to hear this.
Naive as I am, I thought he might be something else, but ... aren't they all...?
Mostly he seems to be making a good effort though, of concealing his bastardly nature in his meetings with Ella... ;)
Please malins, don't judge him solely on Tree's comment on his unreliable parentage.
i shouldn't have done it. how could i have thought he wouldn't catch me???

i washed my hands of course, but it doesn't matter, he found out anyway. i feel myself blush. i feel like a schoolgirl, caught cheating at a test...
tree esspresso a.jpg
...or perhaps relieved he caught you...

...Only guessing, what do I know???

don't judge him solely on Tree's comment on his unreliable parentage.
I'll try to put aside my prejudices and misconceptions ;) it's not my position to judge anyway. And it appears to me, that being called a 'bastard' by Sir Tree, may be a secret word that indicates membership in a certain club. And now I don't know if that might be a far more ominous interpretation...
I'll try to put aside my prejudices and misconceptions ;) it's not my position to judge anyway. And it appears to me, that being called a 'bastard' by Sir Tree, may be a secret word that indicates membership in a certain club. And now I don't know if that might be a far more ominous interpretation...
I recently got called a bastard by Mr Tree on another thread. It felt like a promotion. tree.jpg
"You say this 'Ella' is an 'innocent'. No one is innocent... just less guilty.

You wish to break this girl I will not stand in your way and ask for nothing in return. But this the day of Granddaughter's wedding you come to me and ask a favor. Some day... and that day may never come... I will ask you a favor and you will grant it to me asking nothing in return..."

Tree GF.jpg


"who are these guys???"
Ella's Return
4. Ella's First Punishment

He gestures to Ella to stand beside his right knee then points to the floor. She is nervous but obeys and kneels as he has coached, knees as parted as her skirt allows, her wrists crossed behind her back, breasts upthrust, her eyes downcast.

His voice is calm but, for the first time, Ella notices an edge to it. “Your first evening back and you choose to disappointment me.”

"I am sorry Pp. It just that, umm, I was, well, so excited at the thought of coming to you and, when I dressed, I couldn't stop myself. I, I," she stammers, "I just couldn't. I am so sorry."

"Sorry is not sufficient Ella. You need to learn self-discipline."

As he touches her bottom, Ella rises; her body directly above her knees.

"Reach beneath your skirt Ella and lower your panties to your knees."

Ella looks towards the door, knowing she must obey, but worried.

"No one will come in Ella." He points to a button on a small box beside his wine glass. "Not until I call. And this room is quite soundproof."

He does not say how he knows that nor does he ask her to trust him but, despite her doubts, Ella accepts what he has said. With her eyes down again, Ella uncrosses her wrists, reaches beneath her skirt and wiggles her bottom as she slowly lowers her panties.

"Now raise your skirt to your hips and lean forwards, across my lap."

She finds it difficult to raise the snug-fitting skirt but, with some erotic wriggling of her hips, she succeeds then, finally, leans forwards and lays herself across the older man's lap, her breasts crushed against his left thigh. Ella carefully crosses her wrists behind her back, fingers clutching at the rucked-up hem of her raised skirt.

Pp's hand caresses Ella's firm bottom, fingers slipping into the furrow that separates the two globes.

"This is your first punishment Ella. I know that it is unlikely to be your last. Five. With my bare hand. And you will count them for me."

The young woman tenses. He waits. "Relax Ella." And, as she does, his bare hand claps against her right buttock. Ella bites off a squeal, breathes deeply through pursed lips and counts. "One, Pp."

Three more follow. Spaced. Deliberate. Waiting for her to relax between each blow. Two prints on each buttock. Red, palm-shaped marks. For the fifth, the last, he strikes upwards, low down, in the centre, his hand print a bright red mark just above her cleft.

Ella squeals. Breathes deeply and, with an effort, composes herself. "Five Pp."

He has not struck her hard, just enough to sting and to redden her firm bottom.

"Stand Ella. Turn and face away from me."

He traces the marks with his fingers, admiring the red against her paler skin. His fingers slip downwards through that warm furrow and brush her sex. He smiles.

"Dress Ella. Then sit."

He watches the young woman bend to gingerly raise her panties her sex, glistening with a sheen of moisture, so visible beneath her reddened skin. Panties in place Ella smooths her skirt down and moves to her chair opposite to his.

She lowers herself carefully, her bottom red, still stinging, beneath her snug skirt.

With Ella finally settled he touches the button and calls for the waiter.
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