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Eulalia's Ordeal With The Imf

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What is wrong with anal sex?
Anal sex in general takes lots of patience and anal fist takes lots of training, so either mother superior has very slim hands... or Eulalia is a naughty girl ;)
both, foe sure both:D
good nice turn in a great story attacked nunns by roman brutes :D go on govenor perhaps we will see crucified a whole convent cute girls ;) and a new invasion in great brittain
The other girls will be taken as slaves...but Eulalia is mine!
is it granted by Vatican? (because the cute ones who hold her in custody are nunns)
y're right; nobody dare argue with Judea's governor and for sure that german one in Vatican not, but it gives THT's story many possibilities
What is wrong with anal sex? (I would rather have guessed you were concerned about "nuns engaging in sex" :) )
Ok, I am aware that there are some places in the US (and elsewhere) where retarded laws are even banning it.

Er, anal sex, or nuns engaging in it? :confused:
Connie, how do you lay claim to this wretched slave when Melissa claims ownership?????
Oh and Hansi, and Helmut ...​
This girl's never had so many claiming possession of her!​
Oh and Hansi, and Helmut ...​
This girl's never had so many claiming possession of her!​
Should I join the queue?
Sure, join up. This next installment has no picture. Maybe some would like to illustrate...

It was a bit past 10 am when I got to the coffee shop. ‘Gunner’ had warned me outside that Melissa was ready to kill me. He asked if I wanted him to go in as back up. I waved him off and asked if Bob’s Bail had shown up. He asked if I saw any spent shell casings, which meant all had been quiet.

I hadn’t closed the door when Melissa stormed up to me yelling “Do you know where she is? Do you know what the IMF told me?”

She was wearing a robe with no belt and I must admit that fine body with the heaving breasts did distract my attention. I did take comfort knowing I could be 25 years young and built like a god and she still would not be interested in me. She was still screaming “They changed her sentence! The bastards changed it from corporal to capital punishment! Do you know what that means?”

I pushed Melissa aside and sat at a table. I asked one of the waitresses if she could get me a cup of coffee sometime before noon then turned to Melissa. She was glaring at me with her arms crossed just beneath those fine breasts of hers. As I pulled out my flask I said. “Of course I know what it means. Instead of tied to a cross for a couple of hours Eul’s going to be nailed to one and hang for a day. If she lives maybe she can grind coffee again, maybe not. At least you could put her on an X-cross and have her fucked by all the customers you won’t touch.”

“And did you know that when you came to get her?” Melissa demanded. My coffee arrived and I proceeded to ‘flavor’ it with the contents of my flask. I took a sip and looked up at Melissa. “Yeah, I did. So did Bob’s Bail. So I took her in. Sit down, Mel. You too, Julie. If you didn’t give her up all of you would be in the same boat she’s in. What’s the gain in that? (I took a sip and raised an eyebrow) Besides, it tastes like you’ve found a new slave already.”

“Look, Eulalia dies in half the threads she’s in. Why would this one be any different?” I asked. Melissa wasn’t happy with my explanation but she had calmed down a bit. She shook her head and ran her fingers through her hair. Then she said “I went to the IMA to see her. They said she wasn’t there. I thought I had a right to see my property.”

“You do and you can see her Thursday. But there’s a price” I said. I could see the look on her face and her eyes look down at my crotch. I could have been a prick and told that’s what she’d have to suck but that’s not the case and it’s not my style. But it was tempting. I sighed and said “You have to be naked and cuffed. And you’ll be blindfolded going there and coming back, unless you want to go in the meat wagon.”

Her face brightened. She asked if Julie could come along. I told her the same rules applied. Julie leaned forward and hissed “Tree, this better not be a trap.”

“It’s not a trap. Do you want to go or not? You can see her for an hour and you can do what you want to her as long as you don’t hurt or mark her.”

“What do you mean by that?” Melissa asked. I took another sip, shook my head, and said “You can offer her… um… comfort or, well, fuck, you can decide when you get there.”

“Where is she?” Julie demanded. Melissa was being more trusting of me. Why I don’t know. I poured more from the flask the said “She’s at the O.P.P.”

Melissa and Julie looked at each other. I could tell they had heard of it. Maybe one of their friends had been there. I started to get up and asked again “Do you want to go?”

Melissa looked up and shook her head ‘yes’. I finished my coffee and said “I’ll be her at 8:30 Thursday morning. Do you want the Caddy or the meat wagon?”

“If you promise not to freeze our tits off we’ll take the meat wagon” Melissa replied.

“Melissa!!!” Julie cried in protest.

“I’ll keep you comfy. See you Thursday.” I turned to leave. Melissa called out “Does she know about her sentence?”

As I walked out the door I said “Nope. I thought maybe you’d like to tell her…”

Should I join the queue?
I guess I'll be smarter and start negotiations with Connie on sale of the slave once she is tired of her services.
Once Connie discovers that Eulalia doesn't have the required green card, I'll be in a good position then... ;)
:D :D :D
I guess I'll be smarter and start negotiations with Connie on sale of the slave once she is tired of her services.
Once Connie discovers that Eulalia doesn't have the required green card, I'll be in a good position then... ;)
:D :D :D
Hmmmm,no green card eh,now thats a horse of a different color.
I guess I'll be smarter and start negotiations with Connie on sale of the slave once she is tired of her services.
Once Connie discovers that Eulalia doesn't have the required green card, I'll be in a good position then... ;)
:D :D :D
thought you that our Governor Connie has not the right connections for it?:D
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