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how manny us is from europe? is there interest to get toggether and organize crucifixion event for those that whant to be crucified by masters that are looking for victims to hang on cross?

Does anyone has any secure location for such event?
I'm sure a holiday home in the countryside can be arranged.
I like to play a character who actually dies on the Cross and their corpse is laid out on the ground for every one .
Would that be OK ?
I'm sure a open minded sex escort would be OK with bieng "put to death "
I hope you saw the quotation marks.
I mean acting death only.
I've acted out my death in private
I really want to "die" naked in front
Of like minded people
You can touch me when I'm playing dead
I "die" a very erotic death....
My " final " orgasm
And the aftermath
My cock is soo hard when I play dead naked
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What part of Europe are we talking about ??
I'm in the cold wet and rainy U,bloody K.
Would you "die" naked with me ?
We can be "dead" bodies
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