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Fallenmystic's AI-assisted works

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I can learn so much from you! New techniques, an eye for composition and lighting. Masochistic perfectionism. ;)
Since things like composition or lighting don't depend on the tools that much, and you've shown mastery of them in your Daz3D works, I doubt there's anything you can learn from me in that regard.

As for AI stuff, however, I'm always willing to share what I've found with anyone who wants to create kinky art with it. :)
Hey Fallen Mystic! :Laie_22mini:

This is in response to a final post by you on another thread that Jucundus posted a link to, Matt Hardcore. You didn't get any response but I believe you certainly deserve one.

Regarding "limits" of what is posted and depicted on this website, the central iconology of my religion is an image of a man who is not only being tortured to death, but whom I am told is my " "God", Savior, Lord," etc.

My mind simply can't process this. But here is my certainty regarding myself and beliefs. If I witness anyone suffering the needless infliction of pain, man, woman, child, or animal, it's ON! Either the perpetrator will immediately cease or absolutely one of us will certainly be dead. And I have acted on this impulse on numerous occasions. If you are an unempathetic SuperBully, I am definitely your kryptonite.

I'm very comfortable with this identity. It allows me to separate any peculiar tastes or interests into the very distinct categories of fantasy vs. reality. My behavior clearly defines who I really am, not the "fantasy" depicted on a website such as this that I allow myself to enjoy so much.

Hope this helps you define yourself too. Cheers, best regards, and thanks for your work!
Hope this helps you define yourself too. Cheers, best regards, and thanks for your work!
Yes, it definitely does. :) As you probably have imagined, I don't have kinks involving excessive physical pain or death, unlike you and many other members of this community. But what you said above strengthened my belief that it's not their kinks but their attitudes towards them that determine if I can be a friend to a person in a place like CF.

I'm pretty sure that not every kink of mine would appeal to you since they are niche and controversial, but you never said anything judgmental about it. More importantly, you seem to have the same principle as I do regarding the separation between fantasy and reality. Those are two pillars that sustain my identity (as you put it) and my sanity while I explore all the shady corners of my darkest fantasies.

And since you seem to have the same attitude about the subject, I can see that we're very compatible to be fellow kinksters and friends, although not every individual kink of ours may not.

Thanks for the kind words! And I hope you can enjoy my works even though they might be too mild for your taste.
On a side note, I realised I've never even once depicted actual sexual intercourse in my works, even when including my Blender and Daz3D days. It felt odd, considering my obsession with naked slave girls, which pretty much every single work of mine shows.

But I can imagine why. To think of it, my main kink is that of racial slavery, or any similar situation in which you are regarded as inferior for you are. Because of this, I usually try not to make it look like "bad people tormenting a poor innocent girl". Instead, I try to make it look like "perfectly normal - or somewhat idealised - people living their lives, while you're not among them because you are not even a person".

As you can imagine, sexual intercourse can be tricky to deal with in such kind of a premise. For starters, if slaves are not even human beings, why would you want to have sex with them? If slaves are livestock, would you prefer to have sex with animals instead of proper human partners?

Of course, I can imagine there are a particular type of slaves highly skilled at providing sexual services. But how are they different from prostitutes, in this case, except for the payment? And how would free women of this world see you making love to inferior beings? Maybe I can think of a misogynistic society in which women don't have much say in this matter. But it also blurs the line between slaves and free women, which I'd rather avoid.

Again, what I'd like to depict is a world in which everything except you (and other slaves of the same race) are civilised, beautiful, happy, respected, etc., so it gives the greatest contrast to how you are treated as something inferior, disgusting, pathetic, dumb, dirty, and so on. As such, things like how a man has to be naked to "make love" to his slave or how women are treated as second-class citizens take away some of that contrast I want to maximise.

I'm thinking of making my first attempt at depicting a sex scene, but I don't have any good idea how to overcome this problem. Maybe something like a slave included in a supply package to a military unit could do if she's "installed" along with urinals in a toilet. In that case, it'd be more like you're using a tool instead of making love to a person, which is the overall theme I'd strive to maintain.

We'll see how it'll work out later.
Normally, I don't care for AI renders. They have always seemed...off. And, I generally don't like the way they tend to steal others work, and cheapen the various artforms.
Well... In fact AI is only tool, man can make pics without stealing, usually there are tools for this... But big part of users don't have objections...
I would feel happy, though, if what I post here may help encourage others to become more open-minded towards AI so that they could benefit from it in expressing their creativity or enhancing their art like have.
In fact my serie Solitary is AI creation... And difference in style between parts are effect of experiments with tool...
It shows AI as useful tool.
But a lot of people use it as tool for copying or stealing...
We can do nothing.
Tool is tool. Human is deciding.
Human can use hammer for building a house or for killing - still is not hammer's responsibility.
And if someone don't have imagination - AI can't help
So... Let's use tools as artists and all will be ok.
Converted from @emmaX's original work:

View attachment 1497151

EDIT: I discovered that the teeth got mangled during the upscaling process. Unfortunately, I don't have time to fix it right now, so I'll post the original (smaller) version as well:

View attachment 1497152
You've done such a nice job. I like how it came out with armpit hair. Even the teeth is realistic, since slaves are not considered human anymore; they may not provide them with a tooth brush and tooth paste. The addition of the leash is great. I wish you added the owner holding it.

My avatar revision is not complete in this version. I'm just working on it. But you went ahead of me with the labia majora. I'm working on it. I haven't found a good armpit hair, yet though.
You've done such a nice job. I like how it came out with armpit hair. Even the teeth is realistic, since slaves are not considered human anymore; they may not provide them with a tooth brush and tooth paste. The addition of the leash is great. I wish you added the owner holding it.

My avatar revision is not complete in this version. I'm just working on it. But you went ahead of me with the labia majora. I'm working on it. I haven't found a good armpit hair, yet though.
Thanks! I'm just glad that you aren't mad at me for making you so hairy. :p

I like imagining slaves are never washed except when they are about to be used and only the parts relevant to the service. After all, it's not for the slaves themselves that such a measure is necessary.

I imagine a sex slave chosen to provide a service would be given a small water bucket. And she would clean every orifice that may be used by the client/owner while he is watching, starting from her mouth. For this ritual, you don't need a toothbrush or paste; you only need your fingers and disinfectant.

Anyway, thanks again for the image! I'd love to see your avatar when you finish revising it with more details.
Thanks! I'm just glad that you aren't mad at me for making you so hairy. :p

I like imagining slaves are never washed except when they are about to be used and only the parts relevant to the service. After all, it's not for the slaves themselves that such a measure is necessary.

I imagine a sex slave chosen to provide a service would be given a small water bucket. And she would clean every orifice that may be used by the client/owner while he is watching, starting from her mouth. For this ritual, you don't need a toothbrush or paste; you only need your fingers and disinfectant.

Anyway, thanks again for the image! I'd love to see your avatar when you finish revising it with more details.
I do disagree, though, about sex slaves. I heard about dogs or sheep being used as a receptacle of human ejaculations. But I have a feeling it would be different with a human slave. The urination scene is not like having a dog pee while in a walk. It's scene of humiliation. A dog wouldn't feel humiliated. It's a power play of the dominant and submissive. You'd only wash the parts to be used when things are desperate. Owners are not desperate when they can go for a walk with a slave.

I think the hygiene of the slaves are very important for the owners. Most dog diseases don't transmit to humans, while most human disease will transmit. Besides, don't you want to suckle my nipples? :jump:
I do disagree, though, about sex slaves. I heard about dogs or sheep being used as a receptacle of human ejaculations. But I have a feeling it would be different with a human slave. The urination scene is not like having a dog pee while in a walk. It's scene of humiliation. A dog wouldn't feel humiliated. It's a power play of the dominant and submissive. You'd only wash the parts to be used when things are desperate. Owners are not desperate when they can go for a walk with a slave.

I think the hygiene of the slaves are very important for the owners. Most dog diseases don't transmit to humans, while most human disease will transmit. Besides, don't you want to suckle my nipples? :jump:
I believe it’s because my favourite slavery scenario is when a slave is treated as an animal without any malice, like letting her pee outside like a dog not because they want to humiliate her but because they don’t believe she has a sense of modesty, being an inferior animal made to serve humans by nature. For some reason, I feel more humiliation when I imagine to be the slave in such a scenario than otherwise.

But I admit it feels contrived to assume even the sex slaves are kept dirty. And of course, who wouldn’t want to suckle such perfect nipples? :D

I suppose it’s another case of my strong preference of the lowest grade slaves (i.e. “You aren’t even worthy to be a sex toy.”) making me neglect to refine the lore for better quality slaves, just like how I have never created a sex scene as I mentioned above.

I guess I really should try to change that, starting by making a sex scene for my next work. In fact, I’m already making one, although it still involves low grade slaves in a squalid condition. ;)
How I created the base image for my latest render, in case anyone feels curious:


I usually combine AI and hand drawing to make a base image. But when more precision is needed, I create a crude Blender scene for that purpose.

What's nice about this setup is that I don't need high-quality models like Daz Genesis or have to create all the details like hair or restraints in 3D. All I need to do is make a bare minimum scene that shows the overall composition and camera perspective, and I can fill out the rest using AI.
How I created the base image for my latest render, in case anyone feels curious:

View attachment 1505164

I usually combine AI and hand drawing to make a base image. But when more precision is needed, I create a crude Blender scene for that purpose.

What's nice about this setup is that I don't need high-quality models like Daz Genesis or have to create all the details like hair or restraints in 3D. All I need to do is make a bare minimum scene that shows the overall composition and camera perspective, and I can fill out the rest using AI.
Still some work to do, but I like to see the result in the end.
Here's my new avatar. I'd like it if you can use it, or I'll pose the way you want.View attachment 1521106
Ah, this gives me ideas. Let's see what I can do with it after I finish up the render I've been working on at the moment.

Thanks much for the image. You look beautiful in there. :)
I just generated the following story, matching my latest work which I posted above:
By the dog leash fastened around my neck, I trudged along behind my white mistress Natasha, my bare feet slapping against the cobblestones. Natasha's pretty blonde hair bounced with each purposeful step, while my own limp, dirty locks clung to my sweaty face and shoulders.

Natasha came to a stop in front of an upscale green-brick restaurant. The handsome waiter, dressed to the nines in a fitted black vest and tie, hurried over with a deferential bow. "You're dining with us tonight, Lady Natasha?" he asked deferentially, taking the leash from her dainty hands.

"Not tonight, Pierre," Natasha replied breezily, smoothing her delicate silk dress. "I'm dining alone. The usual table for one, please."

My eyes traced the flowing fabric that clung to her curves, then drifted down to my own nude, dingy brown body. Rivulets of sweat trickled between my small, unfettered breasts.

"Not a problem, my lady." Pierre bowed with a lascivious leer at Natasha's cleavage, then grabbed my leash, pulling me roughly. "Follow me."

Pierre marched me to a metal stand next to the entrance where other bare, dusky slaves were already leashed and splayed obscenely. He jerked my collar down, fastening it to a rung with a vicious wrench. "Comfy, rice monkey?" he sneered, shoving me to the cobblestones.

I yelped in pain, stumbling before kneeling in a humiliating wide-legged split. Pierre gave my rear a stinging slap that made me jump before sauntering inside.

Cheeks flaming, I peered through the window at the privileged humans dining within - humans like Natasha with their luminous porcelain skin, gleaming golden tresses and lavish silks and gemstones. Such status, such liberty - never to endure such degradation as I. Tears pricked my eyes.

My full bladder cramped urgently and I squirmed uncomfortably, feeling the cool night air caress my dripping sex and exposed anus. To have to beg Natasha for permission to piss, then debase myself over a filthy sewer grate like a rabid dog - oh the shame! I could feel the judgmental stares of the diners as they watched me relieve myself in my lewd position. Waves of humiliation washed over me.

I gazed up at the clear evening sky, hoping for rain that would let me wet myself discretely without my owner's approval or others' contempt. Anything to preserve a modicum of dignity in this degrading existence.

For now, I could only kneel obediently, naked and exposed, waiting for my owner to finish her meal and leash me once again. This was my life now - to serve Natasha, however demeaning. All because of the color of my skin and the luck of my birth. How I longed to be like Natasha, with her beauty and privilege. But that would never be me. I was her toy to torment as she saw fit, for the rest of my days.

@ moderators // By the way, I thought I once read a rule forbidding posting AI-generated text. I just rechecked the forum rules but couldn't find a relevant clause.

Maybe it has changed since then? If not, please let me know, or you can just delete this post. And if I'm allowed to post such stories indeed, I'm considering to do the same treatment for some of my previous and future renders too.

It feels much nicer when I can depict what's going on inside the slaves head in my works with words, but my limited English proficiency and leisure has been preventing me from doing so.
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