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Fallenmystic's AI-assisted works

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Since a few moderators liked my previous post (thanks, by the way! :)) without saying anything against it, I'll assume now it's allowed to post stories generated by AI.

I don't intend to spam the forum with them, but I wanted to see how AI would fare with a "reverse" racial slavery scenario. So, I made a short story based on one of my renders featuring a white slave:

View attachment 1490618
And here's the story:
57 stands naked and dripping with sweat in the middle of the bustling street, her muscular body glistening under the harsh sunlight.

57 stands naked in the bustling street, her muscular body dripping with sweat and glistening under the harsh sunlight. Above her unruly thatch of matted pubic hair, a vivid kanji character declaring her status as "female slave" is permanently branded into her flesh. One of her enormous, pendulous breasts bears the slave number "57" tattooed in bold black strokes, proclaiming her ownership. The heavy iron shackles clamped around her wrists and ankles chafed with each laborious step, but the pain was nothing compared to the humiliation she felt as she was paraded naked before the civilized world.

A sharp tug on the leash snapped her attention back to the diminutive woman before her. Lady Kanako, her owner, scowled up at 57, her face screwed up in revulsion.

Kanako, barely reaching midway up 57's barrel-chested torso, jerked the leash attached to her permanent collar with a scowl on her pretty face. Her porcelain skin and dainty features, contrasted sharply against the grotesquely oversized European slave.

"Slow again, 57? Useless beast!" Kanako snapped, punctuating her words with a harsh jab to the underside of one of 57's immense, swinging udders with her bamboo stick.

Conversations abruptly cease and heads turn in morbid fascination toward the wretched creature, drawn in by the shrill, bestial shriek. The whites of Kanako's eyes flash with rage at her slave's sluggishness. She forces 57's chin up with the cane and fixes her with a venomous glare. "Pick up the pace, livestock! Drag your grotesque carcass along, lest I flog the hide from it!"

"No, Mistress! This slave begs your forgiveness!" 57 pleads, her heavy accent thick and grating in the polite language.

The whites of Kanako's eyes flashed with annoyance at 57's sluggishness. She lifted her chin with the bamboo stick and glowered at her. "Pick up the pace, cattle! You slow me down and I'll flog you raw!"

"Yes Mistress, thank you Mistress," 57 hastened to say, hurrying to resume her journey. Her pendulous udders swayed with each jarring step, drawing repulsed stares from passersby. Tears of humiliation pricked her eyes as she lumbered along, but she blinked them away. She could not afford weakness, only obedience.

Blushing hotly with humiliation, 57 felt a painful twist of shame in her gut. Compared to Kanako's slender, graceful figure draped in fine silks, she looks every bit the overgrown, uncultured beast of burden. Her meaty body is utterly repulsive in its animalistic excesses - enormous udders and genitalia, ungainly height and girth, and even her cavernous orifice emits a revolting stench beneath the thick layer of matted body hair.

She was truly a beast, a brutish animal, ugly inside and out. She could never be like them. The realization made her ache inside in ways she couldn't quite comprehend. All she knew was that she longed, desperately, to be accepted, to be treated as an equal rather than as cattle.

But she was no human, only a dumb savage, a pathetic white cow, forever consigned to toil and misery in chains and disgrace. That was the way of things, the natural order, the immutable hierarchy decreed by the heavens themselves. And so it would remain until the day she rotted in the dirt, a wretched savage no longer burdening this Earth with her disgusting presence.

Hope you enjoy it!
As usual the AI script is a bit too wordy and repetitive. When I was playing with AI output, I used it like a muse and if the robots words even made it to my story it was only after some heavy editing and rewording… it’d be a lovely vignette if there was a bit more heart and fewer words put into it.

I adore the concept though, that image is great, and the premise of the vignette is very appealing to me. If I may suggest keep trying but insert more of your own talent into the output?
As usual the AI script is a bit too wordy and repetitive. When I was playing with AI output, I used it like a muse and if the robots words even made it to my story it was only after some heavy editing and rewording… it’d be a lovely vignette if there was a bit more heart and fewer words put into it.

I adore the concept though, that image is great, and the premise of the vignette is very appealing to me. If I may suggest keep trying but insert more of your own talent into the output?
I'm afraid the wordiness mainly came from my eagerness to cram as many elements that I like into the scene as possible. I started it by writing a prompt that contained the setting and a synopsis, which was quite wordy already. Then, I made 4-5 generations of texts and stitched parts that I liked together by hand, which may have introduced additional repetitiveness.

It's not always easy for me to notice such a problem when I'm too excited by all the kinky stuff it generates, and I have only limited English proficiency. :oops:

I'll try to find a better way to do it when I attempt it next time. Thanks for the critique!
Oh I know all about getting too excited by the kinky ideas that flow and posting too quickly just to get it out there! Ha ha ha, as any of the 3 readers who suffered my early work might attest!

Your English seems quite decent in your reply? Are you using a translator?

Nothing really bad to rewrite all the AI generated stuff in your own language and just running it through the translator. And if you’re not using a translator then your English is better than you think
Oh I know all about getting too excited by the kinky ideas that flow and posting too quickly just to get it out there! Ha ha ha, as any of the 3 readers who suffered my early work might attest!

Your English seems quite decent in your reply? Are you using a translator?

Nothing really bad to rewrite all the AI generated stuff in your own language and just running it through the translator. And if you’re not using a translator then your English is better than you think
I don't use a translator, but the Grammarly browser plugin has proved indispensable for me. :)

I usually have little problem reading English text (unless it's from someone named J. Joyce), but I can't really speak the language.

My writing skills fall between the two, and they have improved quite a bit since I started hanging around in English-speaking online communities a few years back. Still, it often eludes me if a literary text reads fluidly and without any awkwardness.

I wish there were an LLM that could write a decent erotic text in my native language. But I'm unaware of any, and I doubt if there'll ever be one, considering the scarcity of such text written by even human authors in my country (all porns are illegal where I live, and erotic writers are frowned upon, if somewhat more tolerated).

Anyway, thanks again for your feedback. And I'll certainly try to improve the way I write those vignettes.
I just generated the following story, matching my latest work which I posted above:

@ moderators // By the way, I thought I once read a rule forbidding posting AI-generated text. I just rechecked the forum rules but couldn't find a relevant clause.

Maybe it has changed since then? If not, please let me know, or you can just delete this post. And if I'm allowed to post such stories indeed, I'm considering to do the same treatment for some of my previous and future renders too.

It feels much nicer when I can depict what's going on inside the slaves head in my works with words, but my limited English proficiency and leisure has been preventing me from doing so.
I think the fear was that thousands of AI-written stories would flood the site, generated by just a "prompt and post". AI-assisted writing that is properly edited by a human is a different beast entirely. Remember the similar reaction to the apocalypse of AI art? Using AI as just another tool to produce art is becoming accepted.

I know several magazines stopped accepting submissions due to a torrent of AI dross. They switched to soliciting stories from writers they already knew. Possibly using AI to detect AI=written stories is now an option?

One professional artist is using AI to generate art in the style of "Jim Burns". He found the AIs had been trained with it and decided to take advantage of it. He is, of course, (drumroll) Jim Burns!
I think the fear was that thousands of AI-written stories would flood the site, generated by just a "prompt and post". AI-assisted writing that is properly edited by a human is a different beast entirely. Remember the similar reaction to the apocalypse of AI art? Using AI as just another tool to produce art is becoming accepted.

I know several magazines stopped accepting submissions due to a torrent of AI dross. They switched to soliciting stories from writers they already knew. Possibly using AI to detect AI=written stories is now an option?

One professional artist is using AI to generate art in the style of "Jim Burns". He found the AIs had been trained with it and decided to take advantage of it. He is, of course, (drumroll) Jim Burns!
Personally, I have a bit more reservations for calling AI-generated stories as “art” than the case with images, because they involve a far lesser degree of control and rely more on the randomness AI provides.

But I don’t intend my vignettes to be art anyway, for I just want to share what I imagined while I was making the accompanying render in a more vivid manner. Not sure how successful I was in that goal however.

Let’s see if I would be able to create something more readable in future. :)
Yes, it is wordy and a bit too repetitive … no need to have “57” appear in sentence after sentence, for one thing,

And, no, your written English is quite good, I think.

Ah, now I can see it more clearly! I think I even have an idea where the problem came from and how it might be mitigated. Thanks much for a concrete advice. :)

Fallenmystic, you keep saying how your English is not good but your writing is actually good. Since you are an AI graphics person, I have to wonder if your writings are AI generated
No. :D It’s just that after all these years of studying English at school, reading books, watching films in that language, I feel I should have a better idea of when to use what article, for example. I wish I could write and speak English without struggling like I can in my native tongue.
Since a few moderators liked my previous post (thanks, by the way! :)) without saying anything against it, I'll assume now it's allowed to post stories generated by AI.

I don't intend to spam the forum with them, but I wanted to see how AI would fare with a "reverse" racial slavery scenario. So, I made a short story based on one of my renders featuring a white slave:

And here's the story:

Hope you enjoy it!
Oh my f***ing god... #instantlywet
I soon want to be the blonde slave girl!!
Great work, fallenmystic!

Your renders inspired me to try Krita AI myself... Spent some time figuring it out and after a lot of trial and error I managed to get some decent results:

View attachment 1525633

I hope you like it!
A slug in the back will end her suffering and humiliation. She won't even mind the mud she is sprawled in...
Your renders inspired me to try Krita AI myself... Spent some time figuring it out and after a lot of trial and error I managed to get some decent results:
Wow, that is hot! I'm really glad to see another person with similar tastes using the same tool I do. :thumbsup:

A slug in the back will end her suffering and humiliation. She won't even mind the mud she is sprawled in...
I'd be more interested in prolonging her humiliation if it's up to me. I wouldn't mind the mud either, however. :D
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