My favorite scenario goes some like this
A great evil has swept across the world. The brave Humans, the strong Amazons, the wise High Elves, the cunning Dark Elves and even the savage orcs were crushed utterly in battle after battle against the deathless, sorcery-bound legions of black armored warriors. Every city, town, and village that fell suffered the same fate. The old and the sick were killed, every man tough enough to be a warrior was tortured to death, made to scream so loud every village for miles could know what was coming. The women and sufficiently effeminate men were shackled, branded, and driven by the whip to one of the great fortress-factory-cities of the Dark Empire. From there the slaves are split up, some are sent to torture brothels and pain theaters, made to suffer for the entertainment of the Dark Empire's denizens. Others are sent to the mines, quarries, factories, and plantations to be worked to the point where they actively beg for death. Others still, are made the personal playthings of the Dark Empire's ruling elite, for many of them, their suffering makes all but the worst of the pain theaters seem like a sweet release. Some, a very select, very unlucky few, are made the personal pets and toys of the Dark King himself*