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Fit, Lovely Ladies Crucified

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For internal reasons, the crucifixion of
Kathy, originally scheduled for the day after tomorrow, Sunday, 6 a.m., will probably be postponed by one week.
The court judgement against K. retains its legal force and remains unchanged.
As soon as the new date of her execution has been fixed, it will be announced here well in advance.

The clerk of the magistrate.
"No, Kathy, I did not win your case. I still have a perfect record. It must be some bureaucratic B.S. that is saving you from the cross for a week."
crux kathy 009.jpg
"No, Kathy, I did not win your case. I still have a perfect record. It must be some bureaucratic B.S. that is saving you from the cross for a week."
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As Kathy's authorised executioner, I suspect that this is no bureaucratic nonsense. Even when I asked for the reason, the answer was evasive.
As I have learnt unofficially from confidants, two other death row inmates could be the reason and the magistrate may want to wait for the relevant verdicts before possibly organising a triple crucifixion. That would, of course, be something of a public festival again and flush money into the magistrate's coffers.
But that's my personal opinion and I shouldn't really be talking about it in public. We'll just have to wait and see...
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These are a few representations of the young novice Michaela early in her novitiate training, as she develops the devotion and discipline she will need to complete her crucifixion ordeal. She poses with several representations of the cross, which will be her ultimate fate, and the most significant event of her young life. As one can see, she is eager, pious, devoted, and quite beautiful
From 10.30, Nun Michaela went to the chapel together with other novices to say the morning prayer (Tertium) for half an hour. The next half hour of kneeling on the hard floor with folded hands in prayer was difficult and painful for Nun Michaela, but she knew that this was what the rest of her life would be like. She knew that the real suffering would be her crucifixion in a few months, after which she would be a full member of the Order of the Living Passion of Christ, vowed to Christ. However, Michael's sister knew that by then she would be physically and mentally prepared.
After prayers, Sister Michaela worked from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., washing the floors in the novices' cells together with three other nuns. The goals of the novices were the same as those of the other nuns, i.e. modest. They had dimensions of 2 by 1.66 m (area 3.33 m2). There was a modest wooden bed, an image of the crucified Christ on the wall under which Michael's sister prayed, a small cabinet (in which there were spare robes, a rosary, a crown of thorns and a book for devotions in Latin and a Latin textbook. There was no toilet in the cell, novices had a common toilet at their disposal in a separate part of the monastery (each toilet was separated by a stone wall so that a nun could not accidentally see another nun's intimate parts. The nuns took a bath only three times a year: Easter, Christmas and on the anniversary of admission to the Order (and on the day of before their wedding with Christ before the crucifixion and the day before their ascension - crucifixion to death). In this way, by sacrificing their corporeality, they were to come closer to the Christ ideal by avoiding sin, and the corporeal body was to be dirty.
The nuns took baths in their cells and were given a large bowl and a sponge, a cloth and a bucket of water. First, they went several times to one of the wells to collect water in a bucket so that they could pour it into a bowl. After filling the bowl full and filling the bucket, they would strip naked and take a bath. While bathing (or changing clothes or undressing), they were supposed not to look at their naked breasts and intimate places, so as not to be tempted to masturbate, erotic or even sexual desire, which was punished with heavy penance. There were no mirrors in the monastery, and the sisters were not supposed to look at the clothes (loincloths and breast bands) of their fellow nuns, so as not to feel tempted to the sin of carnal lust, but they should look at their faces. Sister Michael knew these rules, her mind was to focus only on prayer, work and fighting the temptations of sin.
@Hadrianus127 story of the Order of the Living Passion of Christ continues. The young novices must observe the sacrifices of more senior nuns, attend their crucifixions, and bear witness to their sacrifice. They internalize the ritual, its ceremonies and behaviors, and learn to suffer quietly with dignity, accepting their pain as an offering to Christ. When their turn on the cross comes in some future season, they will know exactly what is expected of them, having seen with their own eyes. This is how the order and its rituals are propagated throughout the ages. Art by buffalor5.

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@Hadrianus127 story of the Order of the Living Passion of Christ continues. The young novices must observe the sacrifices of more senior nuns, attend their crucifixions, and bear witness to their sacrifice. They internalize the ritual, its ceremonies and behaviors, and learn to suffer quietly with dignity, accepting their pain as an offering to Christ. When their turn on the cross comes in some future season, they will know exactly what is expected of them, having seen with their own eyes. This is how the order and its rituals are propagated throughout the ages. Art by buffalor5.

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Almost identical stained glass windows can be found in the monastery's stained glass windows. The difference is that the woman hanging on the cross has her wrists and feet usually pierced with three nails from which blood flows, and she wears a crown of thorns on her head. Similarly, the young women standing under the cross are not naked, but wear monastic robes (a brown band around the hips and breasts, a crown of thorns (without thorns on the inside) and a wooden cross with the image of the crucified Christ. For example, in the chapel of the main monastery church there are stained glass windows with stations The Way of the Cross of a young woman (member of the Order). The nuns themselves, seeing these images and many others throughout the monastery, identify with them, knowing that their destiny is to die on the cross like Christ. The youngest of the nuns who die on the cross are 18 years old, the oldest 36 years old (they do not believe that Jesus' age was 33 years old, but that it was about 36 years old), but for some reason, none of them is aging.
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Dreamy crucified girls, made to look like pen and ink drawings, by buffalor5. Could they be members of the Order?
Well, that's it. To top it off, the golden sash had completely twisted, with a crown of thorns on the head. The whole thing was two-fold, crossed, almost as if by magic, as if "we were with Chrystus", and the others, when we were wept, we swept our winter souls away, but the wind shook us from the wind, and we were glad to see the cross.
Well, that's it. To top it off, the golden sash had completely twisted, with a crown of thorns on the head. The whole thing was two-fold, crossed, almost as if by magic, as if "we were with Chrystus", and the others, when we were wept, we swept our winter souls away, but the wind shook us from the wind, and we were glad to see the cross.
Small correction. Instead of, “Well, that's it. In addition, the golden sash was completely twisted, and on his head was a crown of thorns. The whole thing was double, crossed, almost as if by magic, as if we "were with Christ" and others, as we cried, carried away our winter souls, but the wind blew us away, and we were glad to see the cross" it should have been written, "Definitely. The difference is that the nuns of the Order of the Living Passion of Christ were always crucified naked, with a crown of thorns on their heads. In the Order of the Living Passion of Christ, nuns are crucified twice, the first time after completing their novitiate as a form of the so-called marriage with Christ. and the second time, when they were to end their earthly life, being ready for the so-called ascension, being free from sin, dying on the cross.
This is entitled "Sister Agnes prays for a quick end," by Spinelli. She has a unique device attached to her breasts, two hooks placed in each nipple which are wrapped around her neck and shoulders and tightened. With each movement of her struggle her breasts are tortured and stimulated. Also, this provides an uplifting display of her beautiful assets for spectators!
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