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Fit, Lovely Ladies Crucified

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There, and I thought you were going to say that Kathy would already be suffering enough without Taylor Swift adding to the torture! :D
Is that so? Taylor Swift could make Kathy's crucifixion agony even worse?
Well, I don't know ... I'm not sure ... that could clearly go too far: Kathy will be suffering enough, that's for sure, I can guarantee it, Wragg.
And then to torture her additionally with the sounds of Swift's menstrual complaints that she's publicly screaming into the microphone might be overshooting the mark.
You know, Wragg, I usually torture the tits, backs, thighs and arses of my delinquents before I nail them to the cross. But acoustic torture and the possible destruction of hearing would be something completely new for me.

Once again and today for the last time, the magistrate of the city of Augusta Treverorum announces tomorrow's execution event in our amphitheatre :

- the crucifixion of the whore, adulteress and vagrant
- the public flogging of the lesbian messaline
- the public flogging of her friend, the lesbian Iudith and
- the public flogging of the rebellious slave

The executioners appointed by the magistrate are:
- Centurion Henricus Magnus, first officer of the third legion with special duties (Kathy and Messaline) and
- the lictores of the proconsul Flavius (slave Eileen)

* -special guest of honour in the proconsul's lodge: the Vestal Virgin Veronika, sent by the Pontifex Maximus in Rome

Admission is free for all Roman citizens and for all members of the honourable cruxforums.

Arrive tomorrow early to secure the best seats!

The clerk of the magistrate.
Last edited:
Ludi incipiant!
Let the games begin!


Crucifixio Catharinae et Messalinae et verbera flagellum Iudith et Eileen
ad Augusta Treverorum anno 226

The crucifixion of Kathy and Messaline and the flogging of Judith and Eileen

in Augusta Treverorum, 226 AD

Logo, klein.JPG

Written in May and June 2024 by Sir Henry,
dedicated to the honoured ladies
Messaline & Judith, Eileen and Veronika

Many thanks to Messa for proofreading!

Chapter I

They had picked her up late in the evening.
A troop of three men: an optio and two legionaries in full armour, i.e. with breastplate, helmet, dagger, sword and lance.
Catherine, called Kathy by her friends, had been tired that day, had gone to bed early and had just fallen asleep when the troop entered the room, waking half the hostel where she was sharing a room with two other women.
Her hands were tied behind her back with leather straps and the completely distraught young woman was led away and taken to the magistrate's office, where she was initially locked in a cell in the basement with a piece of bread and a jug of water.
The next morning she was brought before the iudex interrogatio, an interrogating officer, who accused her of illegal prostitution and vagrancy.
The manager of the hostel, which offered a total of fourteen beds in five rooms as well as an ientaculi, a simple breakfast, had seen a man hurriedly leave Kathy's room in the afternoon. As it was against the house rules for men to visit women's rooms and vice versa, he immediately checked and discovered Kathy, who was alone in the room. Because he had tried to make a crude pass at Kathy at lunchtime, whereupon she had given him harsh words in return, he had now taken revenge on her by accusing her of whoring in his house and reporting it to the magistrate.
In fact, the man in question was the brother of a woman who also lived in the hostel and whom he had come to pick up. He had only made a mistake about the floor and had even apologized to Kathy for the disturbance.
During the interrogation, she truthfully stated this and also that she had come to the Moselle to work for a winegrower.
“Confess that you offered your body for money and I might be able to make concessions to you in the sentence,” demanded the officer, who was incidentally a close friend of the hostel owner.
"No, I didn't do that! I can't confess to something I haven't done, o iudex, Sir,”
Kathy tried to defend herself.
“Oh of course, you're completely innocent, aren't you?” he shouted, “and you think we're going to believe a runaway tramp and just let her do her thing, don't you?”
"O iudex, I'm not a vagrant and I'm not just passing through. I came here to work in the vineyards and in the wine cellars. The worker's house of the vintner for whom I work and who wants me to stay with him, the honourable Octavius Glennus, burnt down shortly before my arrival due to an unattended oil lamp, as I'm sure you know. He has put me up in the inn until he and his wife have furnished a chamber for me. Octavius is so pleased with me and my work that he is even contributing some money for the hostel in addition to my daily wage."
"A very touching story. Still, I don't believe a word you say! But we have ways and means to make a whore like you confess!" - “Sir, my husband is ill and I want to earn some money by working in the vineyard...” - “Aha! So adultery too! This is getting better and better!” and addressing the two guards standing at the door, he shouted „Arrest her!“

And so Kathy ended up in a dark and damp dungeon cell deep beneath the magistrate's building, in utter despair.
Her pleas to inform friends and the vintner Octavius went unheard and she was told that she would not be allowed any visitors. But who would visit her if no one knew where she was? Octavius would perhaps look for her and report her missing...
That was her only hope and she clung to it.

During the afternoon of the following day, she was taken out of the cell and roughly dragged through the corridors and a narrow stairwell into an even deeper vault under the cell wing. Terrified, she quickly realized from the various objects scattered around the room that it was obviously some kind of torture chamber.
The two burly men removed her toga, the usual everyday dress for women, and also tore off her fascia, a simple band tied tightly around her breasts - the forerunner of today's bra. Finally, they removed Kath's linen petticoat.
Without a word, the men placed iron cuffs around her wrists and ankles, which were attached to chains. They spread Kathy's legs, fixed them to the chains in a large wooden frame and then pulled her arms vertically upwards by the chains until the poor petite woman was stretched to the maximum and fixed in the frame.
Naked, infinitely ashamed and trembling with fear, she stood or rather hung from the chains in the cool vaulted cellar and waited for what was to come. The two guards who had brought her here, had undressed her and chained her to the rack were now sitting at a small table and paying no further attention to their prisoner; they were talking quietly and drinking red wine.
After what felt like an eternity, a tall, lean man entered the chamber, briefly exchanged a few words with the two guards and then went to Kathy, who looked at him fearfully.
“Oh please, Sir, I am ...” - “Silence! You will only answer my questions. Do you understand that?” - “Yes, sir, but I would like to ...“ A fierce, painful blow with the flat of his hand on her left breast immediately cut her off. "Non placet me repetere! I don't like repeating myself! Shut your mouth, whore!"
He took a chair from the table, placed it right in front of Kathy, sat down and explored every square inch of her naked body with his gaze. Her left breast had turned bright red from his tit-slapping.
"Right, let's get down to business. I'll make it easy for you: I'll ask, you answer. And briefly and succinctly, without digressions. If you strain my hearing without being asked or refuse to answer or hesitate or give me the feeling that you're lying, you'll feel the lash. Understand?"
Kathy nodded silently.
"So, how long have you been offering pleasure services and what does your husband know about it? Does he perhaps even support it?" - "No, Sir, I'm not a whore or an adulteress. I love my husband; he is ill ..."
He jumped up from his chair, pulled a coiled whip from his waistband and struck Kathy with full force. After a bright hissing sound, the braided leather strap landed on her hip and wrapped around her body almost one and a half times. A stinging jolt coursed through Kathy, she jerked in her bonds and cried out shrilly. The two guards grinned broadly.
"But believe me! I've never ..." - Another lash landed slapping on her body, this time across her breasts, leaving a deep red stripe. She screamed again and tugged at the chains, which were so tight that they did not allow any significant freedom of movement.
"The first blow was for your lie, the second for unsolicited chatter, because I didn't ask you a second question. That comes now: What is the nature of your labours of love, eh?"
"None at all," she whispered resignedly.
"None at all? So you want me to believe that you don't sell your fossa1) for money?" - "No, I'm not selling myself!" - "I see. And who was the man who came out of your room?" - "Someone who wanted to pick up his sister and was on the wrong floor..." - And again his whip hissed and cracked across her stomach.
"AAAAAHH! Please, Sir, please..." - Another lash... and another...
This went on for almost ten minutes. Kathy's petite little body was covered in bright red welts that criss-crossed her back, breasts, stomach and hips. She screamed and cried and moaned.
The thought briefly crossed her mind to simply confess everything this beast wanted to hear, just so that this torture, this ordeal, would finally be over. But just as she was about to, he let go of her, rolled up his whip again, threw a few coins to the two men at the table with the patronising words "Totally guilty, that whore!" and left the room.
Kathy felt and saw thin threads of blood running down her body from several welts; she wept bitterly.
The two guards loosened her bonds - again without a word - and took her back to her cell, having to support her on both sides as her legs gave out.
The night was terrible, the searing pain made sleep impossible.
She was still naked because her toga and underwear had been left behind in the torture chamber. The rough blanket of the cot felt unbearable on her tortured skin, so she lay naked on the wood of the cot.
The next morning she was brought her toga and, as in the following days, once a day a jug of fresh water and a little food, usually oat or millet porridge, some dry fruit, a few slices of bread and a little dried meat.
The only toilet she had was a wooden bucket, at least with a lid.
Her cell was a larger communal cell with four cots, i.e. for four people, about five by six metres, but she was the only prisoner. The four wooden planks, which were attached to the wall by chains and could be folded down, served as her bed for the night, and she had also been given two blankets made of coarse sheep's wool.
A bundle of fresh hay was also thrown in every morning.
There was no fresh air, such as a guarded passage in the yard; she sat in her cell twenty-four hours a day. Lonely and alone.
One of the wounds that ran across her right breast was particularly bad:
The strap of the whip had almost torn off her nipple and left a deep cut at the junction with the areola. The wound was oozing and hurt like hell.
On the sixth day she was fetched early in the morning and taken to a balneum, a bathroom, where she had to wash and freshen up and where her now dirty and soiled toga was replaced with a coarsely woven prison gown.
When she was ready, she was shackled again and led into the courtroom on the first floor.

At the hora tertia mane, the ninth hour of the day, she was led into the almost full courtroom, where she was pressed onto the wooden chair of the prosecution and guarded by two legionaries on either side.
The iudex was different from her interrogator shortly after her arrest. However, he treated her just as harshly and even shouted at the completely intimidated Kathy several times when she answered his questions or those of the ecdicus, the prosecutor, too quietly or too hesitantly.
Finally, she burst into tears when it became clear that she no longer seemed to have any chance of being acquitted for lack of evidence.
And so it came to pass: after just twenty minutes of trial, which had consisted mainly of accusations and insults, the iudex and his three assessors withdrew to deliberate and reach a verdict.
During the consultation, which lasted just eight minutes, Kathy had to remain seated in her chair and was exposed to the curious and perplexed looks of the audience. She searched desperately for Octavius, but could see neither him nor his wife.
Resigned, she lowered her gaze to the floor.
Her public defender, a defensor named Tree, had demanded in vain that the vintner Octavius, Kathy's husband and her flatmates be summoned as witnesses. He had argued that there was no relevant evidence, but he could do practically nothing for Kathy and against the judge's preconceived opinion.

The judgement made Kathy's blood run cold:
"Defendant, rise!
In the name of the emperor Severus Alexander, the magistrate's court has found the offence of fornication in conjunction with adultery and vagrancy. For these offences, the following sentence is passed on the basis of the Twelve Tables Act2):
The accused is punished with death on the cross. No appeal is possible against the judgement, which takes immediate legal effect.
The Centurion Primus Pilus3) Henricus Magnus, first officer of the third legion4) with special duties, is charged with the execution, the date of which will be announced."
A murmur went through the audience, her defence lawyer Tree jumped up from his seat indignantly, Kathy began to tremble and her eyes went black for a moment. She had to be supported again as the two legionnaires took her back to the cellar and handed her over to the guards there.
Not only did she know that she was doomed, that her life was over, but she also knew that she was now deprived of all rights as a prisoner sentenced to death and virtually outlawed.
She couldn't even cry in despair - she just sat apathetically on her wooden plank in the cell and stared into nothingness.
On that fateful day, she didn't get a bite of bread down, only drank a little water and spent most of the time lying motionless on her cot.
Chapter II
Messaline & Iudith

Shortly after her daily ration, fresh water, some food and new hay had been brought to her the next morning, the cell door was unlocked again and the guards pushed two women into the cell with her; one of them stumbled and fell lengthways.
Kathy and the other woman helped her up and placed her on one of the bunks, which was hastily folded down.
"Who are you?" Kathy asked hesitantly. - "I'm Messaline. And this is Iudith, my friend. You must be Kathy, also condemned to the cross, right?" - "Yes, I am Kathy. And I'm innocent, but nobody here cares about that. I haven't actually done any of the things I've been accused of, I'm neither a whore nor a tramp and I haven't committed adultery either. But my lawyer couldn't do anything for me, nothing at all. They're going to crucify me and I..."
Kathy didn't get any further, she sobbed briefly and immediately burst into unrestrained weeping. It finally burst out of her!
Messaline immediately took her in her arms, "Yes, we've heard about you. Half the town is talking about you and the unjust judgement because they couldn't prove anything against you. Nobody understands, poor you!"
Iudith recovered quickly from the fall; she had bruised her forehead on impact, but when Kathy had calmed down a little, she saw that Iudith also had a bloodshot and swollen eye.
"What happened to you?" - "They tortured me and beat me up. They are beasts!" - "What are they accusing you of? What have you done?"
"What ’we‘ did: speak in the plural," Messaline laughed mockingly. "Basically, nothing bad either: we love each other and live together. Because I seduced her - it's true, I wooed her at the time - I was also sentenced to death on a cross and Iudith will be punished with whip lashes. Well, and we'll both die on the cross, Kathy." - Before Kathy could say anything in reply, Iudith shouted: "...which will also be the end of my life. I will go with you, Messa, my love!" - "You mustn't talk such nonsense, dear! I forbid it! You will go on living. Because that's what I want. I demand that of you," cried Messaline.
Kathy burst into tears again and both women took her into their midst, hugging and comforting her. But Messaline also had tears running down her cheeks.
The cell door was opened and two more daily rations were placed by the door.
"Ah, I see: The whore and the two lesbians are already getting closer. Well, go ahead, enjoy your last days. They're numbered anyway and you're worth nothing, less than a pile of dog shit," one of the guards raged and slammed the cell door shut.
After the women had calmed down, they sat together in silence for a long time until they finally began to talk.

Early the next morning, before the daily ration had been distributed, footsteps approached in the corridor and the cell door was unlocked. The women, lying in the dark, blinked in the bright light of the torches that the guards had plugged into wall brackets. Then a uniformed centurion entered the room and the two guards immediately left.
The visitor looked imposing in his shiny gold-polished brass breastplate, military toga, gleaming white leg dress, wraparound sandals, large sword hanging from his broad leather belt and the red velvet cloak around his shoulders.
Under his arm, he carried his shiny gold helmet with the red broomstick and handed it to his adjutant, who retreated into the corridor at his signal.
The centurion looked questioningly at the three women and said: "Kathy, please rise!" Kathy stood up, straightened her gown and quickly ran her fingers through her hair.
"Messaline, get up! And Iudith, please! Stand next to each other."
The three women stood fearfully in front of the powerful figure. The well-built, strong and well-trained man did indeed look menacing, but his voice was rather gentle and polite: "I am Centurion Henricus, Officer First Class of a Legion in the name of Emperor. I am charged with the... how shall I put it... with the execution of your judgements."
Messaline and Iudith were startled - Kathy seemed somehow strangely mesmerised and stared into his eyes.
Centurion Henricus took a firm stance (which is completely unusual for an officer in front of civilians, and female ones at that) and began his speech:
"Clarification and instructions for the course of your crucifixion or flogging I will give you in due course. I am here today to announce the following to you on behalf of the magistrate: Proconsul Flavius has decided to have your sentences executed together, that is, at the same time in the same place, within the framework of panem et circenses5) in our arena. However, as such a triple crucifixion has never before taken place here in Augusta Treverorum, Flavius has asked Rome whether this may take place here in the amphitheatre6) in our city or whether you three should be transferred to the Circus Maximums7) in Rome. A courier was sent that very night and until he returns with Rome's decision, the execution of your sentences has been suspended. So you have been given a certain reprieve. Have you understood that?"
The three answered his question in the affirmative and seemed relieved.
"Good. As I am now responsible for you, I ask you: is there anything I can do for you to make your last days in captivity easier? Speak up!"
The women hesitated at first, then all three of them started babbling at once.
"Hold on! That's not how it works: one after the other! You, start," he said, pointing at Iudith. "O centurion, men of the guard have beaten me, tortured me and announced that they will rape me. Please, Sir, can you please stop this? I am so afraid!"
"You're one of the two lesbians, right?" - "Yes, centurion." - "And you, you're the other one," he asked, looking at Messaline. "Yes, sir," she nodded.
"That's not what I meant: I belong to the military, whereas the magistrate's prison is under civil administration. I have no authority here to give instructions to the civilian day labourers on guard duty. I'm sorry, but I have no influence over such things. At best, I could organise more or better food for you, or ask for you to take walks in the fresh air, etc."
After the women had made one or two requests of him, Henricus bid the three of them a remarkably friendly and gentle farewell and was just about to leave the cell when Kathy asked freely: "Centurion, have you crucified many women?"
Messaline and Iudith flinched, Henricus stumbled for a moment, then turned back to her, scrutinised her briefly from top to bottom, looked her in the eye and replied: "A few, yes." - Kathy asked cheekily, "And do you enjoy hammering thick, long nails through a woman's hands and feet and nailing her to the beams?" Iudith gave her a warning tug on the arm. "Well, for one thing, the nails are not driven through the hands, but through the arms below the carpus wrists. And for another, I don't understand what the point of your question was supposed to be." - "I just wanted to know if you like it and if what they say is true." - "And what do people tell each other?"
Now Kathy hesitated briefly. "Well, they say there are women who ... er ... on the cross ... ... ... feel pleasure. Is that true?" - "Pleasures?" - "Yes, sexual feelings, an orgasm."
Henricus looked at her in disbelief, shaking his head, barely visible.
"Now tell me, centurion, is that so?"
He repeated the word incredulously, but cut it off abruptly, "An orgas... I still don't see where this is going. I think this is the end of our conversation." Kathy laughed, almost a little hysterically, and exclaimed, "Well, it's leading to where it affects me personally. That's why I'd like to know if it's true.
He looked at her sharply and all kindness was gone as he hissed, "I can promise you this, Kathy: your naughty laugh will die on the cross. From the very first nail, the first of four. And I guarantee you: even immediately after the very first hammer blow! You can count on it!"
With that, he left her standing there, turned round and left the cell, which was immediately locked again by one of the two guards.

In the days that followed, one of the women was repeatedly taken out of the cell and brought back after half an hour or an hour, in Iudith's case even after almost three hours. Their hair was always dishevelled or smeared with semen, their eyes wept and wordlessly they sank onto their bunks, where they usually assumed an embryonic protective posture under the blanket. The other two immediately took care of the victim - they knew only too well what had happened again.
None of them were spared the rapes at first, but soon Messaline and Iudith were increasingly favoured over the petite Kathy. She was relieved, but also full of pity for the other two.
Although it is beyond the capacity of men to comprehend how much and how many layers a woman has to suffer from rape, Henricus finally intervened. He spoke to the proconsul and actually managed to get Flavius to issue an immediate order forbidding the guards from abusing women on pain of punishment.
Until then, Messaline, Kathy and Iudith had been defencelessly at the mercy of the men for days; they had been raped vaginally and anally several times and also forced to perform fellatio. They were downright traumatised.
On the ninth day, a messenger, the 13th rider of an entire squadron, who had relieved themselves with other riders at 12 relay stations along the way, reached Augusta Treverorum and had himself brought to the proconsul.
Henricus was summoned and shortly afterwards he announced Rome's decision, which had come from the highest authority, to the three women.
Once again, they had to stand next to each other in front of him:
"I now read out the order which, concerning your punishment, has arrived from Rome and has been signed off by proconsul Flavius." He paused skilfully, took a deep breath and read from the scroll of parchment:
"The Supreme Roman Judicial Council, in the name of Emperor Severus Alexander, decides that it is too costly to transfer the three female criminals sentenced to death from Augusta Treverorum to Rome. The proconsul and the magistrate in Augusta Treverorum are therefore permitted to carry out the sentences in the Circus there, the amphitheatre at the foot of Monte Petri, but with the following revision of two of the three sentences:

I. The judgement of the Messaline is revised as follows:
The woman condemned to crucifixion by nails for lesbian fornication may indeed be crucified as stipulated in her judgement, but this is not to be done by nailing her to the beams as is customary; instead, she is reprieved to be crucified by rope, at the beginning of which she is to be administered 50 lashes. How long she is to hang on the cross is left to the decision of our esteemed and honourable procunsul Flavius.

II The judgement of Iudith, who was seduced into lesbian fornication by Messaline, is revised as follows:
Because the Iudith was seduced by the nefarious influence of the Messaline, her crucifixion is to be replaced by the following punishment: Iudith will thank her seductress with the aforementioned 50 lashes, which she must carry out with all her strength against Messaline, who is bound to the cross. The manner in which the Iudith is punished for any hesitation or weakness in wielding the whip is left to the discretion of the executioner, who has complete freedom to do so.
Furthermore, after whipping the Messaline, the Iudith shall be punished with 20 lashes for having allowed herself to be seduced.

III. the judgement against the Kathy remains unaffected on our part.

IV. There is a lack of understanding about the time of day set by the magistrate for the early morning punishments. We therefore recommend an appropriate time of day and recommend that the execution be moved to midday. It would be an honour to the Emperor if this were to be celebrated on his birthday.
Signed: Adrianus the Elder, Supreme Senator of Justice."

Iudith and Messaline breathed a sigh of relief. Kathy lowered her head powerlessly.
"So, ladies, a lot has changed for you. Two of you are lucky to stay alive. I'm sorry for you, Kathy. But Rome's word has absolute power and validity. Even just a recommendation from the Senate is an absolute order, even in the provinces."
Messa, as she was called by her two fellow prisoners, looked briefly at Iudith, who avoided her gaze bashfully. Henricus continued: "Very well, ladies, as I mentioned at the time, we will go through the execution of your sentences point by point, as the law stipulates. I think we'll do that tomorrow, when the magistrate has set the date."
With these words, he rolled up the parchment again and turned to leave. Kathy rushed forward again: "Centurion Henricus, may I speak to you in private?" - He stumbled again. "No. What for? We'll go through it tomorrow. If you have any questions, please ask me at the debriefing. I don't see any reason to have a private conversation with you now."
The guard locked the cell door after he had left.

At first Messa and Iudith sat on a cot, hugging each other and sobbing, while Kathy crouched on the floor, her face buried in her knees and crying quietly. Then the two of them lifted her up and comforted the unfortunate woman as best they could.
Somehow, now that only one of them was going to die, they were no longer companions in destiny - not in the previous sense anyway.
Chapter III
Path of suffering

Tuesday, on the eve of the execution day.

As prescribed, Henricus had explained the exact course of their sentences to the three women.
First, he had Messa and Iudith brought from their cell to a separate meeting room.
At the end of the conversation, he asked the two women a few questions, who were surprised at first, but answered his questions truthfully in the negative: Whether one of them was pregnant, whether one of them was ill, whether one of them was currently having her period and others.
After half an hour they were led back again and Kathy had to listen to the cruel way in which she would be taken out of life. When he placed one of the huge fifteen-centimetre-long nails on the table, she turned white as a sheet and broke down in tears. The centurion had his orderly bring him a cup of red wine, but didn't touch it, instead pushing it over to Kathy with an encouraging nod. She drank the wine gratefully.
"You know that you're not allowed to receive visits in prison. Well, I've managed to get an exception: Your lawyer would like to say goodbye to you." After signalling to the guard, he let him in. Tree rushed up to Kathy and hugged her tightly. The centurion was surprised by this heartfelt scene, as he had heard the lawyer Tree being mockingly referred to as "defensor thehangingtree". But now he made a very warm-hearted impression and he was visibly devastated and sad that he had not been able to go against the preconceived opinion of the court and that he had not been able to do anything for poor Kathy. Henricus gave them a few minutes in which her lawyer expressed his regret and offered words of comfort.

"Last meals" as we know them today were not yet customary at the time, but Henricus was ahead of his time and always made sure that women he crucified received an exquisite meal on the eve of their execution. In the afternoon, all three women were served ham, cheese, eggs, nuts, olives and figs .

Wednesday, the day of the execution, 6 o'clock in the morning.

None of the women had slept a wink during the night and even before dawn they could hear footsteps and lively conversations outside in the corridor. First, one of the guards came in with two torches, which he inserted into the wall brackets. Then two women entered the cell and asked Kathy, Iudith and Messa to stand up and take off their grey prison gowns.
The three had to turn round and the women tied their hands behind their backs with leather straps. The prisoners were ordered to step out of the cell into the corridor one by one and stand between two guards one behind the other. Then the man in front started moving with a harsh "Come along!" and the three unfortunate naked women followed him, a second and a third guard, both with spears in one hand and a cudgel in the other, followed and finally the two women led the group.
At the end of the corridor, they went up one floor to the ground floor, where the balneum was located, where the women had had to freshen up and change before their court trials some time ago.
Warm water had been poured into a bathing basin set into the floor and Messa, Kathy and Iudith had to step into the basin one by one, keeping their hands tied.
The guards, who had also entered the balneum without hesitation, lined up around the pool, gazed at the bathers and were not stingy with primitive comments such as "Messa has nice firm nipples", and the youngest added: "Yes, and they'll be softened up under the whip afterwards!" One of them said: "Look, the two lesbians are almost bare and that girl there... Man, she's got a bush down there!" and so on.
The impending punishments weighed far more heavily than the shame they felt and so none of the three reacted to these stupid comments; they didn't even look at the men.
"So, you there, get out! The rest of you stay in the pool!" ordered one of the women. Messa stood up and climbed awkwardly out of the pool. One of the women immediately dipped a long-handled brush briefly into the water, applied some soapy water to the bristles and began to scrub Messa's whole body roughly. She seemed to take particular pleasure in Messa's pubic area and her breasts, which she worked over for a remarkably long time and quite roughly with the brush. The men grinned broadly and cheekily.
While Iudith had been told to get out of the bath and her cleaning began, the other woman poured several buckets of cold water over Messa to wash off the soap scum. Then she put a bath towel on her and began to dry her off.
Kathy came last and her body wash began with the words: "so, our leading lady last!"
Despite the warm water, Kathy's whole body was shaking; her legs buckled as she climbed the four steps out of the bath. One of the guards caught her just in time.
"Well, don't pretend to be tired, little girl, you've got your big day today and you're going to be the centre of attention. And I'm going to give you an extra thorough cleaning," the woman with the brush sneered.
Kathy had to bend over with her legs spread and first her back was brushed and then her bum crack. When the woman had scrubbed her front, brushing Kathy's nipples particularly hard with the coarse brush, she had to sit on the mosaic floor and spread her legs wide. The bath attendant rubbed Kathy's crack with excessive care and for a moment Kathy feared that the woman wanted to push the brush head into her vagina. The guards, primitive day labourers with no education to speak of, couldn't get enough of her and gaped greedily.
When the three were finished, their hair was tied up and they were then asked to defecate over the large wooden bucket in the corner of the balneum. After they had pissed, the two women tied a thin loincloth around them to provide a makeshift covering for their private parts. All the while, Kathy's, Messa's and Iudith's hands remained tied behind their backs.

"There, that's it. Now you will soon begin your arduous journey to the arena. Until then, you'll be chained up in individual cells so you don't get any stupid ideas. There will be no more breakfast for you, but I strongly advise you to drink plenty of water: You'll be sweating profusely from the pain alone on the cross and you'll be very thirsty," explained one of the women, signalling the men to lead them away.

They were taken to tiny individual cells on the ground floor. Deep down in the basement, the cleaning of the damp cell, which now stank foul of sweat and human faeces, in which the women had been locked up for so long without fresh air, began.
After standing upright for almost three hours in the small, narrow individual cells on the ground floor and chained to the wall with an iron collar, they were taken out of the cells at the tenth hour and led into the courtyard of the magistrate's building.
The centurion, his personal orderly (a young centurion candidate), an optio and six legionaries were already waiting there for the women. Henricus was wearing his full military parade uniform except for the pilum, the spear.
As the three women were led into the courtyard, he shouted the orders "Milites, state! Oculos ad prosam!" - "Soldiers, stand still! Eyes straight ahead!"
The men reacted immediately and stood at attention.
When the women stood in front of them, of course most of the legionnaires gawped at their naked breasts. However, the men were quickly torn from their contemplation when their centurion instructed them to grab Messa and Kathy's patibula, the crossbars of the crosses, on their shoulders and tie them to the outstretched arms of the two women.
He ordered a smaller, short and light beam specially made for the petite Kathy, which weighed just over 25 kilograms. The delicately built woman would never have been able to carry the usual 35 to 40 kilograms over the almost two-kilometre distance from the courtyard of the magistrate's building to the amphitheatre. Kathy was already panting under the weight and the very tightly laced ropes that cut deep into the flesh of her arms.
As Henricus stood in front of her, checking the ropes and knots, she looked at him with a strange look; Henricus interpreted it as defiantly brave. After looking wordlessly into her eyes for a good half minute, he signalled to the Optio. The man took a braided crown of thorns, placed it on Kathy's head and pressed it down slowly and forcefully. It hurt her sensitive scalp terribly and immediately streaks of blood ran through Kathy's hair and down her face. She closed her eyes, from which a few tears mingled with the blood. The Optio then hung four massive wrought-iron nails on a string around her neck: she also had to wear the nails with which she would be nailed to her cross!


Fig. 01: Kathy with the patibulum and the four nails hanging around her neck

After Messa also had to stretch her arms out horizontally and the heavy wooden beam was placed on her shoulders and tied to her arms with ropes, it was Iudith's turn. But this poor woman was tied up in a particularly perfidious way: Her breasts were tied into round plump globes and a rope was finally knotted to the ropes between her two globes, the other end of this rope being passed between Messa's legs directly along her furrow and then knotted around her neck: Not only was Iudith tied and guided by her breasts in an extremely humiliating way - she also had to be constantly careful the long way round that the coarse rough rope did not tighten, as this would have caused severe pain to both her tits and Messa's vagina.
Iudith's hands were once again tied behind her back with new leather straps.
At least she and Messa were spared the painful crowns of thorns.

The centurion checked all the ropes and knots again and then addressed his team in a harsh tone of command: "Pila dorsum, parate vos ad iter! Ad dextram, aequatis passibus: pergite!" ("Spears up, get ready to march! Turn right, in step: march!")
Three legionaries, holding spears in one hand and a stick in the other, immediately began to beat the women's backs and buttocks to urge them on as they marched off.
The Optio led the way, followed by Kathy with the patibulum, behind her Messa with her patibulum, followed on the rope by Iudith. The three men with the sticks walked to the left of the women, the captain next to Kathy to the right, followed by his medic, and the last three legionnaires walked at the end.
In front of the magistrate's courtyard gate, four lictors from the proconsul's bodyguard were also waiting to lead the group, pushing aside curious residents in the alleyways and clearing the way for the group.

Although that Wednesday was a public holiday, the annual natalis imperatoris, the emperor's birthday, not all the interested citizens of Augusta Treverorum were able to enter the arena for various reasons. These people now stood in the alleyways and gawped at the three condemned women as they slowly passed by. Some spat at them and several children threw stones at them, which the lictors did their best to prevent.
Both Kathy and Messa stumbled again and again and it was visibly difficult for them to walk barefoot over the roughly cobbled alleyways with many small pointed stones; they also stepped in horse droppings several times.
After a short time, the two women began to sweat under the weight of the beams. Annoying flies buzzed around them, which they were unable to shoo away. Messa stumbled once halfway down and it was only thanks to the quick reaction of the legionnaires that she didn't fall lengthways: the heavy beam tied to her shoulders would have easily broken her neck or cracked her skull.


Fig. 02: the group on the path of suffering, from right: Kathy, Messa and Iudith

Apparently this incident infuriated the legionary accompanying her, because from then on he hit Kathy's bottom and back disproportionately often and hard. So hard, in fact, that she screamed and her loincloth came loose from one of the blows and fell to the ground. Naturally, this caused the surrounding spectators to cheer: "Well done, soldier!", "Keep it up, the other two too!" and similar shouts could be heard. The centurion had the whole troop stop until Kathy's loincloth, which was traditionally worn during the suffering march, was tied again and the other two women's loincloths were checked to ensure they were securely fastened.
Some older women and a few elderly men joined the procession in the obligatory "wailing group" and wailed, prayed or begged the gods for mercy for the three condemned women. They kept closing the distance to Iudith so that the soldiers had to constantly remind them to keep their distance.
After about three quarters of the way, Kathy and Messa began to pant and moan more and more. Their strength was clearly waning and Messa was now soaking wet with sweat. Kathy was crying quietly and could almost only see by blinking: Firstly, the crown of thorns was causing thin streaks of blood and drops of sweat to run from her forehead into her burning eyes; furthermore, she could barely suppress her tears and it was impossible for her to wipe her eyes with her arms tied to the beam. She could only drive away the parasitic flies for a short time by shaking her head.
As the group approached the amphitheatre of Augusta Treverorum, she began to sob and as they entered the arena through the south gate, she began to cry aloud in despair.
As soon as the first spectators came into view, the three legionaries began to beat the three women almost non-stop. Not that this was necessary to spur the resigned and apathetic-looking women on for the last few metres, but it was just a perverse show for the spectators in the arena.

Their so-called path of suffering had come to an end here.
In reality, however, their suffering was yet to really begin...
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Chapter IV

Carpenters and legionnaires had already been busy and active in the arena and had prepared everything: In the centre of the oval stood two stipes, the vertical beams of the crosses, and in the middle between them two frames, each consisting of two upright round beams to which a horizontal crossbeam had been attached high up. Ropes hung from the crossbeams and a small traverse was suspended from one of the ropes; in the background were two wooden stakes driven into the ground at an angle.Arena + Eileen.jpg

Fig. 03: Two stipes (outside) and two frames, guarded by 4 legionaries


Fig. 04: Messa's cross and the sentence frame for Iudith

Next to each structure stood a uniformed legionary guard with parade helmet, spear and shield.
The Optio was surprised: "Centurion? Well, what's that, O Henricus?" he asked his superior in view of the second frame for what was obviously a fourth person.
"That? Oh, didn't I mention that in our preliminary meeting? Then I must have forgotten, I'm sorry. Well, there's another delinquent about to be brought in, a female slave of our proconsul who seems to have somehow fallen out of favour with him and who will also be punished. Not by us, however, but by Flavius' own bodyguards. The woman was brought here to the dungeon cell in the arena early this morning. I think they'll bring her here shortly. But this matter is none of our business."
"Ah, I see. No, Henricus, you hadn't actually told me that. Who is the woman?" - "As far as I know, as I said, one of Flavius' slaves, and I've only just realised from the titulus that her name is Eileen. Like our Kathy, she probably also comes from the province of Britannia or from Caledonia8) on the island off our Gaul. She's obviously made some kind of mess," and with a grin, the centurion added in a whisper: "Maybe she doesn't blow so well or maybe she bit him, I don't know." The Optio laughed uproariously and slapped his thigh with the flat of his hand: "I can just imagine her biting Flavius in his cauda9)!" he exclaimed. - "Shh, not so loud, be careful! Flavius' ears are all over the place here."

The two stipes and the frames already had the obligatory wooden plates nailed to them, called "titulum", on which the names of the condemned and their offences were neatly painted:

On the stipes of Messa's cross: MESSA - LESBIS
on the stand for Iudith: IVDITH - LESBIS
on the stipes for Eileen: EILEEN - CANICULA (10)
on the stipes for Kathy's cross: KATHY - MERETRIX (11) and ADULTERA (12)

Two square recesses had been neatly sawn into the two beams in the intended crossing area of the stipes and patibulum.
The patibula would be inserted into these recesses, in the centre of which corresponding precisely fitting recesses had also been sawn.
A little lower, about one and a half metres above the ground, two cornua were attached to the stipes, two wooden "horns" each bent at 90°.
Some talented and skilful Roman furniture makers were skilled in the art of bending wood over hot steam. Valuable furniture decorated with bent wood was reserved for the wealthy upper classes. However, in the case of crucifixions, such cornua were not for visual enjoyment, but many executioners loved to insert a wooden cornu into one of the lower orifices of crucified women. The women on the cross were often forcibly placed or pressed onto such a torture device, which then drilled into them.

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Fig. 05: Example of a wooden cornu: "A wooden cornu for the vagina or anus", inscription: "May the horn cause you pleasurable agony"

Although the two women condemned to the cross knew exactly what they were in for, they still shuddered at the sight of these menacing and ominous wooden constructions.

When the group arrived in the centre of the arena, the accompanying lictors signed off and Henricus instructed his six legionaries to line up with the others in readiness around the scene of the action. He then left the ten soldiers standing 'at ease': "Movemini!"
Kathy, still with the patibulum on her shoulders, now felt the weight of the beam to be at least twice as heavy. The edges cut into her flesh and hurt her neck. She gasped and swayed menacingly on her knees.
Henricus and two of the legionnaires who had been summoned laid Messa and her patibulum on her back, placing two large stones to the left and right of the beam so that there was some space between the beam and the ground. Then the ropes were cut. However, their arms were held by the two men in the T-shaped spread position. With six new hemp ropes, which were somewhat thinner but softer and more flexible, their wrists were once again tied to the beam with seven tight coils, only this time very carefully, rope to rope. These bindings were not only attached to her wrists, but also to her forearms and upper arms, so that almost her entire body weight would hang only on her outstretched and tightly bound arms.
As soon as she was tied to the beam in this way, it was lifted up by a few soldiers and dragged to the stipes; Messa had to help with small tipple steps backwards, half hanging at an angle, if she didn't want to be dragged completely. Two legionaries on ladders lifted the patibulum upwards, supported from the ground by two comrades with long Y-shaped forks, who heaved the beam with Messa upwards. When the two recesses fitted exactly into each other, the stipes and patibulum were lashed together with ropes and nails were hammered in from both sides for safety.
The centurion, who had been watching the procedure carefully, walked over to the cross, tore Messa's wet and sweaty loincloth from her body and carelessly threw it on the ground.
Although Messa had an attractive, well-tailored figure and was not overweight, the ropes cut into her flesh due to her natural body weight despite careful lacing. This hurt her and a reflex controlled by her central nervous system caused her to wriggle her legs frantically.
But as soon as the patibulum was fixed and the ladders and forks of branches were put aside, the men grabbed Messa's legs and thighs and lifted the woman about twenty centimetres.
Her legs were spread and she was lifted into a position where her rectum was above the rounded tip of the cornu, which was thickly smeared with pork fat. Then they slowly lowered her again, whereupon the curved horn dug deeper and deeper into her anus. The sphincter was extremely stretched as the shaft of the cornu was a good sixty millimetres in diameter. Although the cornu penetrating her also caused a sexually stimulating sensation to a certain extent, Messa began to scream like a spit as the thick horn penetrated her deeper and deeper.
Completely unimpressed by this, her legs were closed again, i.e. they were placed parallel to each other again, pulled down vertically and finally tied to the stipes with ropes.
Fissures caused her anus to bleed and now several streaks of blood ran down her inner thighs. Soon the cornu was deep inside Messa's rectum. She whimpered and cried.
"Yes, you damned dyke, just sing us your song of suffering. We're listening to you!" shouted one of the legionnaires spitefully. Thick tears rolled down her cheeks. "Calm down and enjoy these few minutes," Henricus said to her, "because the much worse part is yet to come."
"Oh Clementia, goddess of forgiveness and mercy, be merciful to me!" Messa gasped desperately. "I'm afraid Clementia will hardly be able to help you here. You'll have to get through this without her," the Optio replied with a sneer. "But by the way: your name, Messaline, reminds me of the third wife of our former Emperor Claudius, that foolish Valeria Messalina. She was too cowardly to execute herself with a dagger for the crimes she had been convicted of, which is why she was pierced by a soldier's sword. The woman was sexually insatiable, just like you, but at least she wasn't a dyke," he added mockingly.
Iudith, who had had the ropes with which her breasts were bound removed, wept softly as she watched her dearest friend suffer.

Kathy, still with the patibulum on her shoulders, knelt on the ground like Iudith and, as best she could with the weight on her back, kept her eyes fixed on the centurion - who, for his part, had hardly given her a glance so far. She couldn't explain to herself why she was constantly seeking direct eye contact with the man who would kill her in a targeted and business-like manner...
Now that Messa had been crucified, he finally stood in front of Kathy. While signalling his men to come to him, he spoke to Kathy: "Nunc tua crux te expectat, o Kathy." - "Now your cross awaits you, Kathy".
"NO! Please, o centurion, is it not punishment enough for one who has done nothing wrong?" - "Kathy, I..." Henricus tried to retort, but she continued: "A helpless, weak woman, whom you have all mistreated and humiliated! What kind of beasts are you, that you've just taken a woman..." - Now he cut her off: "Hey, I was and am not your judge. You were convicted by a final judgement and I now have to execute that verdict. So shut up and don't argue with me!" Kathy lowered her head to her chest in resignation.
"Four men to me: Milo, Cato, Vitus and Casian! Put her on her back and cut the ropes. But hold their arms and legs tightly, one man on each leg and arm!" he instructed the men. Then he knelt down and took off Kathy's loincloth too, but he didn't throw it away as he had done with Messa before, instead he scrunched it up and pressed it in front of her vulva, between her legs. "O centurion, allow me to ask what you have just done this for," begged one of the men, a young legionary who was obviously taking part in a crucifixion for the first time. Henricus looked at him with a meaningful look and replied: "Would you like to be pissed on by her right away? When the nails are driven through their flesh, delinquents spasm so badly from the pain that they no longer have any control and their piss squirts out under pressure. It's quite a mess! I've just stopped that from happening."
When Kathy heard this, she whimpered heartbreakingly.
Henricus had the heavy hammer and a 15 centimetre long wrought iron nail handed to him and shouted to the legionnaire, who was pressing Kathy's left arm onto the beam: "Watch out: she's about to jerk wildly and spasm. So hold on tight now! Here we go, men!"
The legionnaire then knelt with both knees and his full weight on Kathy's arm and pressed it immovably onto the wooden beam. She cried out in pain and clenched her fist. "Don't clench your fist! Open your hand!" he commanded. Kathy hesitated. "Open your hand!" he ordered, and she reluctantly complied, spreading her fingers to form an open hand.
Kathy was pale as a sheet, her eyes wide open and she breathed in panic.
The centurion pressed the tip of his index finger into the area below the carpus, felt the groove between the ulna and radius and placed the nail tip at the right point next to the brachial artery.
"PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE DON'T!" she shouted as he swung the hammer wide, "I'm innocent and I don't have anything ..."
With a loud clanging bang, the hammer landed on the head of the nail, which was immediately driven all the way through Kathy's left arm by the powerful blow. Despite the metallic sound, the cracking could also be clearly heard as her wrist was destroyed by the ulna being blown out of its socket. The bone was displaced sideways, causing the carpus to deform grotesquely.
The young legionnaire became nauseous, choked and closed his eyes. "Don't you dare vomit!" warned the centurion.
As soon as the nail had shot through her arm, Kathy let out an almost animalistic, shrill cry of pain that echoed through the entire arena, which had become as quiet as a mouse. All eyes were now on her and her executioner; it was the first crucifixion carried out by Henricus in Augusta Treverorum.
Kathy jerked wildly and violently, just as the centurion had said, her whole body trying to rebel, which was prevented by the four strong men holding her down. She screamed and screamed and threw her head wildly back and forth.
Dark red blood oozed from the entry wound and from the exit wound between the skin and the wood of the beam as the nail was driven all the way through the arm and into the wood. "The art is not to hit the artery, but to hit past it. Because if you hit the main artery, the women bleed to death quickly. So you have to be careful when you're ready to crucify," Henricus explained to the legionary, whom he was training in the craft of crucifixion. They paid no attention to the horrific screams of the tortured woman.

The nailing of her right arm was similar, but with the difference that she was now screaming even more. Her screams no longer sounded human, but like the roar of a wild animal. Kathy's face was contorted into a grimace of pain and horror. The petite woman was now instinctively jerking so hard that all four men had to summon up a great deal of strength to hold her down and restrain her. The legionnaires were amazed that a petite woman like her could muster such enormous muscular strength.
As Henricus had predicted, the ball of cloth between her legs was now turning dark in colour as it became wet: Kathy had lost control of her body and was actually urinating because the auxotonic muscle contractions were also affecting her bladder in the form of hysterically induced seizures.
The reason why she reacted even more strongly to the second nail was that, unlike the first, the right nail had severed the median nerve, the middle arm nerve. Apart from the fact that any coordinated finger movement of the respective hand had become forever impossible, this caused an indescribably intense and stabbing pain that shot explosively through her arm, shoulder and neck into her brain. Kathy saw bright flashes in front of a red wall, then her eyes went black for a moment, but unfortunately she did not lose consciousness completely.
And a small pool of blood quickly formed under the beam on the right.
Dystonic muscle contractions were produced in the cerebral motor cortex, grotesquely distorting the position of the fingers and thumb of her right hand. Her hand and fingers were now deformed into the typical bizarre "monkey claw". Kathy screamed and screamed, shouted unintelligible sounds, cried and banged her head several times with full force on the wooden beam in a frenzy of pain. In response to the distraught and questioning looks of the two soldiers crouching by her arms, Henricus said in a calm, composed voice, "that's perfectly normal."
After their two spread arms were firmly and immovably pinned to the patibulum, the two legionaries stood up, took a step back and looked at each other sheepishly. They felt very sorry for the petite, pretty and pitiful woman, but of course they didn't dare to show it with a single syllable or expression.
After a short pause, Henricus stroked a few sweat-stained strands from Kathy's face and even wiped away her tears with his fingers, whereupon all the legionnaires looked at each other questioningly but remained silent.
Together they fixed the patibulum to the stipes, and the two who had been holding her feet now pressed and held the whole woman to the stipes so that the nails would not tear out of the roots of her hands until the woman was "seated" on the cornu. The crying and trembling woman was positioned over the cornu so that it penetrated deep into Kathy's vagina.
This cornu had also been thickly lubricated with fat, and it drilled through her uterine orifice far into the cervix and pushed her entire uterus deep into the abdominal cavity.
The centurion now knelt in front of the stipes, had her right foot held against the side of the beam and applied the nail. With powerful blows, he drove the third nail through the splintering bones between the calcaneus and talus, between the heel bone and the talus bone, deep into the crackling wood. Now the foot bones in the heel area were also irreparably shattered. From this point onwards, it would no longer have been possible to walk or stand with this foot. Kathy screamed like a banshee again, literally bellowing at the top of her lungs until her screams turned into hoarse, rattling grunts and gasps. Her vocal chords were now overstimulated.Henricus stood up, walked round the cross and did the same to Kathy's left foot. "Done," he shouted and murmured with satisfaction at the sight of the crucified woman: "Consummatum est" - "it is done".

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Fig. 06: Kathy on the cross
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Kathy's head hung forwards at first, then she pressed it upright against the head of the stipe. Her eyeballs were rolled upwards and her eyelids were half closed so that only the whites of her eyeballs could be seen.
Long strings of saliva dripped from her mouth. Snot dripped from her nose. Blood crusts lined her forehead and the places where the thorns had pierced her scalp.
She breathed in heavy, short and rapid successive breaths, her chest rising and falling every half-second.
Her breasts, glistening with sweat, were literally quivering.
And as far as she could still think clearly, she was amazed that her body reacted to this agony in its very own way, "without her" so to speak: an intense orgasm took hold of her and a bright, clear jet of squirt shot out of her and splashed into the sand in front of the cross.
And yet the maltreated woman now looked indescribably miserable, more like a dying woman than a living one.
After a prolonged orgasmic moan, no more sound escaped her lips - a redeeming swoon had temporarily released her.

Messa's and Iudith's eyes were filled with tears, Messa moaned on the cross. In addition to the pain, she now also felt an almost voluptuous tingling in her anus and a hot itch in her vagina. With the only small movements she could make in her position, she tried as best she could to move up and down on the cornu a little, to "ride" it, to fuck it. She finally succeeded, albeit with difficulty, but the piece of wood deep inside her had made her whole genital area much more sensitive despite the pain (or probably because of it).
Iudith knelt in front of the cross, her head bowed low, looking at the ground in front of her, not daring for a second to look over at Kathy's crucifixion.

Meanwhile, two lictors had brought the proconsul's captive slave. They had dragged the woman, who was obviously reeling from weakness after long imprisonment and torture, with a firm grip on her upper arms rather than leading her. She was completely naked, no loinchloth was given her.
"Ah, the Eileen," the centurion remarked. "Men, we're taking a break!"
The two lictors of the proconsul took her to one of the two racks and first tied Eileen's breasts by placing two slings around her tits, which could be closed by pulling. Both slings were then pulled tight. Her breasts immediately formed into round balls.
Then her legs were tied together with another rope just below her knee joints to prevent her legs from kicking. After tying her legs, the ropes of the two tit slings were knotted to the traverse and the poor woman was jerked upwards by her breasts and the traction rope was then tied to the peg driven a little further back. The slave, who had fallen out of favour with her master, now dangled freely in the air and moaned in fear and pain.
Hanging a woman by her breasts, known in today's fetish circles as "tit hanging", does not usually cause any real pain in the true sense of the word if it is done correctly, but is rather felt by the women concerned in the form of a slight but arousing pain of pleasure. Eileen's case was different, however, because on the one hand it was the first time for her to this kind of treatment, a brutal punishment, and because the slings had been tied far too tightly, unprofessionally, and also with unsuitable ropes to boot.
Furthermore they had pulled her up extremely roughly and with a strong jerk.
This naturally caused burning pain in both bags and Eileen began to scream louder and louder and it was clearly recognisable that she wanted to kick her legs reflexively and without brain control via spinal cord stimulation. But only her shins and feet were twitching wildly.

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Fig. 07: Eileen hangs on her breasts

In the meantime, one of the legionnaires had brought Kahty back to consciousness with a bucket of cold water from one of the two wells in the basement of the amphitheatre. Shortly afterwards she began to weep and wail again, which gradually turned into loud wailing. Three dark red bloodstains had appeared on the sandy ground under the affected areas of her cross, on the left, in the centre and on the right, although her nail wounds had now stopped bleeding. Nobody paid any further attention to the crucified woman; her "show" seemed to be over...

All eyes were now on the heavily built Negro slave who had been brought into the arena. A bull of a man. Pitch black. Naked. And equipped with an enormous phallus that dangled back and forth with every step - much to the delight of the female spectators.
The only thing this black, muscle-bound giant was wearing apart from his leather sandals were two long, thick leather cuffs tied around his forearms.
A lictor pressed a whip into his hand and instructed him to whip the slave girl Eileen with forty strong blows, which he was to administer to her entire body. Starting with ten blows to the front of her breasts, stomach and thighs, ten blows to the back and buttocks, then another ten to her front and another ten to the back. If he did not swing the whip with full force and strike, he was threatened with severe punishment. If the proconsul, who would be watching the procedure from his seat of honour, would be satisfied, he was promised a reward.
The bull slipped the almost two-metre-long leather whipcord through his left hand and delivered a few hissing test blows in the air with his right, pulling the whip back so skilfully immediately after the blow that the retreating tip of the cord made a loud bang in the air.
He then pranced back and forth, taking the measure between himself and his white female victim, then stood still and pulled the cord through his hand again.
The audience roared with excitement and pleasure.
There was indeed a very special falir in the air and it crackled with eroticism: a naked black man whipping a naked white woman who was defencelessly at his mercy on ropes!
He swung out, his right arm shot forwards in a flash, the cord whistled through the air and landed with a loud clap on the slave's naked body, where it wrapped around her body almost twice and then fell to the floor. Another shrill scream echoed through the entire arena. Eileen's body jerked violently.
The next blow struck her breasts and cut deep into the soft tissue of her milk sacs, leaving a long scarlet stripe.

Meanwhile, Iudith had been ordered to stand up and a whip had also been handed to her. She now had to flog her lover with fifty lashes - the woman she loved!
She administered the first lash hesitantly and very gently. A warning cough from the centurion produced a second lash that was only slightly firmer.
"Hey, woman! Are you joking? This is an execution of judgement, a punishment, not a popular amusement! For the two childish lashes, she'll get another five lashes on top of her fifty, which she owes to you. And for every further lash you administered too weakly, I'll charge her another ten! So?" Henricus shouted angrily.
Iudith cried, took a swing and delivered a much stronger blow, but still far too weak. The centurion leapt towards her and shouted, "By Jove, dyke! That's enough, it's not going to work! We'll do it differently," he shouted, pulling his dagger from the sheath on his belt and holding it directly under one of Messa's nipples, which he drew out between the thumb and forefinger of his other hand. Messa's eyes widened in panic. "Take a closer look: Do you want to see how sharp the blade is? Just one lash too weak and I'll cut off one of her nipples! A second lash that's too weak and her other nipple is history too! Next would be her tits, one after the other - snip - and gone! I'm sure she'll be eternally grateful to you for taking away her outer femininity. Do you understand that?" - "Yes." - "Excuse me? I don't hear anything!" - "Yes, I understand." - "Louder! My legionnaires are hard of hearing." - "Yes, O centurion, I heard you and I understood!" - "Well, go on then!"
Iudith gritted her teeth, shouted: "Forgive me, my love!", took a long swing and struck with all her might.
Messa jerked violently under the blow and gasped.
The next blow caused another audible clap, as did the next and the next but one. The maltreated woman twisted jerkily on the cross and jerked back and forth as far as the rope bindings would allow.

In the meantime, the Negro was working on Eileen's back, which was already covered in criss-crossing blood-red welts.
She screamed horribly after each blow and soon Eileen and Messa were performing arias of pain together as a duet.

It was an absurd and seemingly unreal image:
Two crosses in the centre of the arena.
Two naked women, one nailed to them, the other tied to them.
Two frames between the crosses.
One still empty, the other with a woman dangling from her breasts!
In front of the white woman a naked Negro, next to it in front of one of the crosses another naked white woman.
This bizarre scene was presented to the audience as if a naked white woman and a naked black man were competing with the whip with which they were flogging two other naked women.
Plus the arias of pain...
A truly absurd sight!

Indeed, Iudith now struck with the involuntary force of desperation, lashing blindly at Messa, who now cried out shrilly with each blow. Her last three or four screams, however, had a different tone colour, sounded distinctly different: they were orgasmic screams. The sensations of pain triggered her pleasure centre. When the strap of the whip wrapped around her and the tip cracked right on her clitoris, it gave her an orgasm. It lay numbingly over the actual agony, as if her body was generating a kind of protective barrier or "countermeasure"...

After the twenty-first blow she had brought down on her lover, the centurion called a halt, ordered a break and ordered that Iudith was to be hanged and whipped before the next twenty-five blows.

Messa + Iudith cross.4.jpg

Fig. 08: Iudith, shortly before she too is hanged, in front of the cross with Messa
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Iudith dropped the whip and sank to her knees. "I beg you, my love, forgive me, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry," she cried in a tear-choked voice, repeating a third time, "I'm so sorry!" - "I... know. I love... love... you," Messa stammered, still dazed by this paradoxical mix of real pain, pleasure and orgasm.
The front of her body was covered with the welts of the first twenty-five lashes, her breasts, her stomach, her thighs.
The rope with which her feet were tied to the stipes had been torn by Messa's wild and powerful twitching and was dangling from her feet. Messa was hanging by her tied arms and on the cornu in her bum, her hair was soaking wet, she hung her head powerlessly and Iudith knelt in despair before Messa's cross with pity and self-reproach. Then she too was hung by her wrists in the frame provided for her.
The Negro now had to whip her.

Eileen wird ausgepeitscht.jpg

Fig. 09: Iudith is whipped by the powerful black slave

The black man was just as brutal and harsh when flogging Iudith as he had been with Eileen. He beat her up with the whip and struck her mercilessly and without any inhibitions. Her pee shot out of her uncontrollably.

Eileen whipping5.jpg

Fig. 10: Iudith is whipped so hard that she loses control and pisses

The bull had left criss-cross marks on her stomach, pubic area and breasts and seemed to be beating the young woman with great pleasure - if his now erect huge cock was anything to go by. The ladies in the audience couldn't fail to notice.

By the eighth blow, Iudith had pissed with spasms and a few splashes landed on the black man's feet. One of the lictors didn't like this at all. He took a wooden stick, wrapped one end with a scrap of fabric from Messa's discarded loincloth and stuffed it deep into her vagina, obviously believing that this would stop and prevent the pissing - in vain, of course, as it turned out, proving that the guy was not familiar with the female anatomy. The Optio and Henricus, who had observed this, said nothing, just shook their heads and rolled their eyes.
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Chapter V

Proconsul Flavius, a stocky, fat man in the most powerful position, Rome's deputy in the province of Germania inferior based in Augusta Treverorum, was enthroned in his comfortable armchair and had so far followed the events in the arena attentively and with clearly recognisable interest from his lodge. His entourage, consisting of his two secretaries, his military advisor and his political advisor, all with their spouses, as well as the head of his guard and two lictors, were seated in a semi-circle behind him.
To his left sat his nineteen-year-old daughter Lucretia, who had been his mother's public representative on special occasions since her death.
At his right side was the vestal virgin Veronika in her long snow-white stole, her long blonde hair braided into six beautiful plaits as a sign of virginal purity, as was customary among the sacerdos vestalis, the priestesses of the Roman goddess Vesta.

Among many tasks, the main duty of the Vestal Virgins, appointed by the Pontifex Maximus for thirty years, was to tend the hearth fire in the Temple of Vesta in Rome, the chaste guardian of the sacred fire and keeper of home and hearth, which was never allowed to go out.
Now Augusta Treverorum was also to receive a Vesta temple and, for the time being, four virgin Vestal Virgins. Twenty-two-year-old Veronika, a vestal virgin since the age of nine, had been sent to the Roman city on the River Moselle almost a year ago with the task of organising this.
The Vestal Virgins had a special social status, enjoyed many special rights and even had their own festive lodge in the Circus Maximums in Rome. Here in Augusta Treverorum, Flavius insisted that Veronica, a truly stunningly beautiful woman, represented the priesthood of Vesta at his side in sporting competitions and fighting games in his lodge. This was also the case when the four women were punished on that memorable day.

Flavius and the dignitaries around him had not failed to notice that the Vestal Virgin's behaviour had changed strangely since she had learned of the sentences against one of the condemned women.
And since the beginning of today's punishment down in the arena, she had been visibly nervous and quiet. When Messa was tied to the cross, she was very agitated and when her flogging began, she became restless, nibbled on her lower lip and began to play violently with her pigtails. Flavius couldn't help but notice that she suddenly became very jittery.
Shortly before Messa passed out from the pain after screaming for so long, Veronika jumped up, pushed herself off the parapet of the lodge and cried out desperately: "Hold on, my love! Please hold on! I love you!"
All heads flew round to the Vestal Virgin, Flavius froze, but quickly regained his composure and asked distraught: "W... how... what did you just...?"
The proconsul, Veronika's only superior here in the province, was beside himself. All eyes were now on the lodge and on the Vestal Virgin, standing at the parapet and in tears.
"Did you just say you love her?" stammered Flavius quietly, "You called that bitch 'my love'? You're...?" He was speechless.
The amphitheatre had become as quiet as a mouse.
Iudith, who was hanging half-conscious in the rack after the ten blows, raised her head and looked towards the lodge, shocked and questioning. Then she looked at the stunned Messa hanging on the cross next to her. However, she now avoided any eye contact with Iudith.
Flavius had stood up. "You're a lesbian!" he exclaimed in horror.
"Yes, proconsul," Veronika whirled round to face him, "it's better to love a woman than to have to put up with your clumsy and persistent advances or to end up being raped by you!" Veronika shouted angrily at him - probably already suspecting that this would be the beginning of the end for her.
Flavius jumped up in a rage, pointed at her with an outstretched arm and a trembling index finger and thundered: "Guards! Seize her! Get this hypocritical woman out of my sight! I remove you from office with immediate effect! Take her to the dungeon, I'll judge her later!"

More than six thousand people were in the arena as spectators - and yet you could have heard a pin drop - it was so quiet. It seemed as if everyone in the amphitheatre was holding their breath.
Two lictors grabbed her by the arms, bent her over Veronika's back and led her away. Still furious, Flavius shouted after her: "You'll regret what you said!" - "Too late, proconsul, too late!" she screamed, laughing hysterically, "I am chaste, but no longer a virgin! This dream I have destroyed for you!“
He turned round and addressed the executioners in the arena:
"Hold it, stop!" he shouted, and with two other lictors now made his way down to the crosses and the frames.
Pointing to Kathy, he asked the centurion: "What about that one?" - "She is dead, o Flavius," replied Henricus, who stood in front of the proconsul in a strapping posture.
"Good," muttered Flavius, "no pity about her," and after a short pause he solemnly declared: "I hereby pardon the slave Eileen; give her two or three more strong strokes of the cane on her arse or on her tits, but she shall not be taken off the ropes before the middle of the night." - "Yes, o praefectus, as you command!" Henricus confirmed and saluted.

Meanwhile, Lucretia had gone over to Kathy and placed both her hands on the crucified woman's breasts. With half-closed eyes, she felt Kathy's tits. The centurion must have seen this, reacted briefly in bewilderment, but immediately turned his attention back to the proconsul.

"And now to you, messa dyke!" He stood right in front of her cross, literally licked the maltreated body with his eyes and then solemnly declared: "I can see that you are brave and have never once begged for mercy. A strong and proud woman! That impresses me. You are brave, aren't you?" - "Oh Sir, I'm trying to be," she gasped softly.
He dramatically pranced round once on his own axis and then said: "Very nice! Listen: I am prepared to pardon you and your little toy doll as well and waive the second half of the whip for you, but on one condition: Are you prepared to train as a gladiatrix so that you can fight here with shield, net and sword in future? You will have to fight hard to survive, but with every victory you win, you will advance and I will grant you five shares of the entrance fee for each of the first five fights. If you emerge victorious from a further twelve battles, one each for our gods Jupiter, Juno, Neptune, Minerva, Mars, Venus, Apollo, Diana, Vulcanus, Vesta, Mercury and Ceres, then you shall receive 10 shares each. If you both survive a total of twenty-four competitions, you can become a lanista, a gladiatrix trainer, perhaps even with your own gladiator school, which I would set up for you. You decide for yourself as well as for your playmate, who will share her fate at your side; if you die, she dies too. Decide until the middle of the night."
As he turned to leave, Messa called out: "No need, o proconsul! I accept your offer. It will be an honour for us to please you in the gladiaturae, the gladiator fights."
Flavius went to her, patted her naked shame and said in a patronising tone: "So be it." Turning to the legionaries, he said: "Take these two off the ropes and lead them to the baths, where they will be cared for and can recover. Make sure they are suitably clothed!" - "At your command, praefectus!" shouted Henricus and his legionaries.

After the authorities had left and the two women had been taken away, the spectators made their way to the two exits and Henricus and his legionaries were already at the eastern gate.
There was an excited shout from behind; one of the slaves who had been tasked with cleaning and tidying the arena and the rows of seats came running excitedly behind the group, waving his arms: "Centurion, centurion! You wait!" Breathlessly panting, the black lad from the Ivory Coast then stood in front of Henricus and stammered: "O centurion, you forgive me! But come, come quickly: Live, woman live!" - "What, who? What woman?" - "Woman on cross. Not dead. Woman on cross live!"

He ran off and although well trained, he stood panting in front of the cross with the supposedly dead woman. But Kathy was conscious, her lips were clearly moving, but she said nothing, her eyes were bloodshot and filled with tears and yet she looked him straight in the eye. For a moment, it seemed to him as if her eyes were really shining, emitting a kind of light... or was that just a reflection of light from a cloud that was just sneaking past in front of the sun?
Henricus froze at first, then sank to his knees in front of Stipes in the sand as if in slow motion, completely taken by her indescribable gaze, by the whole woman.

A gentle hand on his shoulder brought him back from an unreal state.
Lucretia stood behind him and breathed: "I need to talk to you about the Vestal Virgin Veronika. Come!"

* The End *

Chapter 5 "The terrible fate of the Vestal Virgin Veronika" to be continued...


1) Fossa:
vulgar Latin paraphrase for vagina = cunt

2) Twelve-table law
(lex duodecim tabularum) collection of laws on 12 tables compiled in Rome around 451/450 BC

3) centurio Primus Pilus:
Centurion 1st class = highest-ranking officer of a legion

4) Legion:
Roman army unit with 3,000-6,000 soldiers

5) panem et circenses:
"bread and circus games" = satire by the Roman poet Decimus Iunius Iuvenalis, who suggested to the people that they were only interested in the amusing performances of circuses

6) Amphitheatre in Trier, former Augusta Treverorum:
Like most Roman arenas, the Roman amphitheatre in Trier is a large oval open-air stage with tiered seating, where many infamous gladiator fights and also public executions took place. The building, which is embedded in a hill, was built in the 2nd century AD under Antoninus Pius and could seat around 20,000 spectators. It is the tenth largest surviving Roman amphitheatre and, as part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site "Roman Monuments", bears witness to the former importance of Trier as a major Roman city north of the Alps.

7) Circus Maximus in Rome:
With a total length of around 600 metres and a width of 140 metres, the Circus Maximus was the largest arena for sports and combat games as well as executions in ancient Rome. At the time of Emperor Augustus (63 BC - 14 AD), it could hold 150,000 spectators, later up to 250,000 under Pliny, and was used for chariot races until the 6th century. According to official estimates by renowned historians, around 400,000 people and around 1 million animals died in the Circus Maximus. If you consider that the circus was in operation for around 390 years, that means 1,026 people per year, 86 deaths per month and therefore at least 20 per week.

8) Caledonia:

9) Cauda:
Rump, tail, vulgar Latin paraphrase for vagina = penis

10) Canicula:
Bitch, slut, witch

11) Meretrix:
Prostitute, whore

12) Adultera:

"The crucifixion of Kathy and the Messaline and the flogging of Judith and Eileen in Augusta Treverorum, 226 AD"
is presentation no. 29 from the author's BDSM series. List of available presentations on request, see contact below.


Note from the author:

The actions described in this erotic crucifixion story are purely fictional in nature and have been written on the basis of literary licence.
They are intended solely for entertainment purposes and are in no way intended to glorify violence or the glorification or promotion of killing fantasies or the desire to kill!
The author emphatically distances himself from any form of actual violence and oppression as well as from any acts against sexual self-determination, especially of (also domestic) violence against women!

Sir Henry, Trier, June 2024


Idea, text and design © by Sir Henry 2024

Graphic 01 ("Kathy with the patibulum") © by Jucundus, modified by the author

all Silhouette graphics © by Sir Henry 2024

Contact: sir.henry.58@gmail.com
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