Obviously what's going on here isn't according to best practice of judicial punishment ...
interestingly, the whole bit about "
victim is fixed to the cross and then gets carried around / towards the place of suffering" is something that often appears in my imaginations and I've written it into stories here on CF too.
It turns the whole thing more into a ritual procession ...
it probably isn't what you'd do with a common criminal or runaway slave,
but if it's a more ritualistic/sacrifice thing, I think it can be emotionally very powerful.
It can also symbolize that the victim/sacrifice is literally '
carried over to the other side' by the people performing the ritual ...
away from the community, to the place of sacrifice.
Quite obviously ... but again there's an interesting component if you view it from the ritualistic side.
Obviously there is a lot more suffering going on when the cross is raised, than when it's lying flat on the ground.
Let's say you purposefully have a situation where the cross isn't seated in any kind of hole or socket,
but it has to be
continuously held up and balanced by a group of volunteers ...
all by their own strength, for as long as you want the ordeal to continue (a day and a night? till death?)
Obviously these '
Upholders of the Cross' will tire out after a while,
so you have to continuously switch them out to give them time to recover,
and bring in new ones.
That means a quite large group of people out of the community has to willingly participate in 'Upholding the Cross' until the end.
(in the film of course it's very short, and symbolic)
So it isn't something that's just done by a 'carnifex' and some assistants ... and then people just sit back and watch and the cross does its work ...
but it's a continuous volunteer effort out of a larger group.
Again, for a judicial punishment '
do it and then it runs its course' is what you want,
but for a ritualistic event this 'balancing the cross' in a way,
binds members of the cult community by having them all participating as 'Upholders of the Cross'
... it's an interesting idea from a symbolic perspective.
Here's some more info on the film ... if opened up full size the text should be readable
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