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Hammerlock's crux pictures

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Let's try some more. The caption on the first one was supposed to read, "It's not nice to screw Hammerlock over." It's a fantasy about what I'd like to do (but never could do, even if the opportunity presented itself) to a certain ex-lady friend of mine. The next one: "A guy's entitled to step back and admire his handiwork." What do you think?
Oh, hey, look, I got this figured out! :D Here's the next one: "The scariest part of any crucifixion is when the uninvited guests show up for supper."
Oh, this is way too much fun....Let me know what you think, people--there's plenty more where these come :D :D :D from!

You wish to know what I think?



Further, you've got plenty more.

*choirs of angels*

Actually, that should be choirs of the aethereal beings who work for the Dark Side, but leave that lie.

Set up your own threads, Hammerlock. Go for it.
Superb stuff!
I appreciate the natural look vs. the ubiquitous bikini trim:
her idea or yours?
I'd like to see a lot more of your stuff, it's definitely pro material.
Well done and many, many thanks for posting it.
Here's Karyn carrying her cross (the entire thing--why make it easy for her?) to the hilltop where her destiny awaits. If she moves any slower, I'm going to have to start flogging her...
This is excellent work. And a nice series to boot, with lot of attention to details, like propping up the cross on the ground.
You´re right up there with the best.
Looking forward to whatever else you decide to share.
Hammerlock said:
Let's try some more. The caption on the first one was supposed to read, "It's not nice to screw Hammerlock over." It's a fantasy about what I'd like to do (but never could do, even if the opportunity presented itself) to a certain ex-lady friend of mine. The next one: "A guy's entitled to step back and admire his handiwork." What do you think?

Hammerlock, this is great stuff. Where have you been hiding?

phlebas said:
Hammerlock said:
Let's try some more. The caption on the first one was supposed to read, "It's not nice to screw Hammerlock over." It's a fantasy about what I'd like to do (but never could do, even if the opportunity presented itself) to a certain ex-lady friend of mine. The next one: "A guy's entitled to step back and admire his handiwork." What do you think?

Hammerlock, this is great stuff. Where have you been hiding?

Hammerlock,this is great artwork...show us more! :)
Actually, I've been hiding behind my insecurity. I look at the work of someone like Noble Vultur and there's no way my work can compare. He is the undisputed master of the genre.

But, from the comments you've all posted, I guess I'm okay. So here are some more:
cmeinsen said:
Hammerlock said:
Here's another one:
Did the Romans leave the victums hanging on the cross after death?[/quote

I repeat the chorus, Cmeinsen, "Nobody Really Knows."

And it probably depended on the When and Where. For a once-off mass crucifixion such as that done to the followers of Spartacus, they were probably left to rot in place. For crucifixions near an urban area, the Romans were keen on hygiene, and to mitigate nose pollution and spread of disease might have taken down the crucified and thrown them into garbage dumps.

Then there are cases like the capital-C Crucifixion, in which the followers of Jesus requested and got permission to take him down and give him a proper burial.

How common was that? Again, Nobody Knows. The circumstances of capital punishment in the Roman World are sufficiently vague that thee and me and anyone who wants to can just Make Stuff Up. Within limits, mostly dictated by physics.
cmeinsen said:
Hammerlock said:
Here's another one:
Did the Romans leave the victums hanging on the cross after death?

I repeat the chorus, Cmeinsen, "Nobody Really Knows."

And it probably depended on the When and Where. For a once-off mass crucifixion such as that done to the followers of Spartacus, they were probably left to rot in place. For crucifixions near an urban area, the Romans were keen on hygiene, and to mitigate nose pollution and spread of disease might have taken down the crucified and thrown them into garbage dumps.

Then there are cases like the capital-C Crucifixion, in which the followers of Jesus requested and got permission to take him down and give him a proper burial.

How common was that? Again, Nobody Knows. The circumstances of capital punishment in the Roman World are sufficiently vague that thee and me and anyone who wants to can just Make Stuff Up. Within limits, mostly dictated by physics.

For instance, Jedakk recently convinced me that nailing anybody through the heels almost certainly never happened. The nail would shatter the heel bone, the remaining tissues could not take the weight of the victim, and the feet would simply tear away from the nails, a "yuck" moment even by the standards of most of us crux pervs.

That's too bad. A scene in a story I'm working on now has to be re-worked.

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