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Hammerlock's crux pictures

Go to CruxDreams.com
No, she wasn't--but I have to admit, the resemblance is remarkable. Just one of those interesting coincidences that pop up from time to time...
Hammerlock said:
No, she wasn't--but I have to admit, the resemblance is remarkable. Just one of those interesting coincidences that pop up from time to time...
Hi Hammerlock,welcome back!
Well, thank you all for the warm welcome. Didn't know anyone out there missed me. Here's a scene of one of my luckless, muscular women en route to her own personal Golgotha. Boy, if Karyn only knew how much she inspired me--or how much I'd actually like to do this stuff to her...!
One of the most favorite features about a public crucifixion was the popular "Five For Five" program. For five dollars, any of the spectators could line up and give the victim five lashes with a whip. Karyn learned very quickly that the "Five For Five" program brought in a lot of money for her crucifiers, and that there was little she could do but scream and struggle futilely as the long line of spectators got their money's worth...
An improbably hot scenario, Hammerlock. But I have two recommendations, which you can dismiss out of hand with my good will.

First, draw her whole body! ;-)

Second, give your images unique labels. When I download the ones labled "Pictures.jpg" my Mac balks, and I have to re-label them. Which is not that much of a problem, and sometimes I come up with something more descriptive. The one below I called, which has the virtue of giving an idea of what's going on. And is what might well have gone down at a Roman crucifixion, at least at a "private punishment."

So it's not that much of an "issue."

A truly twisted fellow once said, "Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." I bid you do the same.

And I await further drawings with baited breath.
Thanks Hammerlock for these excellent drawings. Makes me want to whip up a few scenes of my own again :)

apostate630 said:
First, draw her whole body! ;-)
An understandable wish but sometimes perspective,dynamics and harmony work out better in a cropped view. I think this drawing would lose quite a bit if expanded to a standard full body shot.
algabal said:
An understandable wish but sometimes perspective,dynamics and harmony work out better in a cropped view. I think this drawing would lose quite a bit if expanded to a standard full body shot.

I bow to the aesthetics of an artist. ;-)

But I still enjoy a full body shot.
I understand the interest in full-body depictions okay, however, not all scenarios lend themselves to that. In this case, to depict a full-body scene would necessarily require a "pull back" perspective, and we would lose some of the details that I think make or break a picture, such as the way the breasts are depicted--for example, swaying back and forth as the victim struggles, or bouncing as the whip lashes across them--or the look on the victim's face, or the working of the muscles as they stretch and contract across the underlaying skeletal framework. I noticed the change to a Roman caption, and if that's what floats your boat, go for it...however, this is a scene from a story I wrote (and am in the process of depicting as a graphic comic novel) about a 40-something lady named Karyn who, in a future society where public executions are commonplace, voluntarily replaces someone else on the cross--she's incredibly depressed about her life (children dead, husband ran off with another woman) and in her depression sees voluntary crucifixion as the route to redemption. Hence the "Five For Five" aspect of this picture. But, what the heck, as long as everyone enjoys it....
Here's a depiction of what I always thought was an interesting scenario: You're a woman who has been crucified, and your executioners have been working you over all day. As is usual with crucifixions, you have a raging thirst, and you ask for water.

Now, the executioners are trying to kill you as slowly and painfully as possible, but they also have a vested interest in keeping you alive as long as possible, to prolong the agony. So of course they're going to give you some water, be it with a sponge impaled on a spear or a wet rag wrapped around a pole. It may or may not be laced with a stimulant.

Greedily, you suck the water down, and realize you're in a strange position. These people are trying to kill you. Yet, you are grateful for the water they've given you. Gratitude towards those who are torturing you to death? Hmmm....you hate them, and you thank them. How's that for an interesting take on the mental aspects of crucifixion?
Hammerlock said:
Here's a depiction of what I always thought was an interesting scenario: You're a woman who has been crucified, and your executioners have been working you over all day. As is usual with crucifixions, you have a raging thirst, and you ask for water.

Now, the executioners are trying to kill you as slowly and painfully as possible, but they also have a vested interest in keeping you alive as long as possible, to prolong the agony. So of course they're going to give you some water, be it with a sponge impaled on a spear or a wet rag wrapped around a pole. It may or may not be laced with a stimulant.

Greedily, you suck the water down, and realize you're in a strange position. These people are trying to kill you. Yet, you are grateful for the water they've given you. Gratitude towards those who are torturing you to death? Hmmm....you hate them, and you thank them. How's that for an interesting take on the mental aspects of crucifixion?
Your pics are really good Hammerlock,you are a good artist!
Hammerlock, I've often considered this dilemma. The victim wants her torments to end, but fears thirst more than death. I know I would.

On another tangent, damn, you're good. ;-)
Here's another way of looking at it: Suffering on the cross was not about simply hanging motionless for hours or days until death finally came, it was about dealing with a multitude of agonies as each one became beyond the victim's capacity to bear. A victim danced on the cross because she could no longer bear the pain of the nails in her wrists, cramps in her shoulders, or felt herself unable to breathe. She sagged down to hang by her wrists when the pain in her nailed feet was beyond bearing or her exhausted legs would no longer hold her up and began to cramp. Eventually, her pain would drive her do anything to ease that suffering, even endure the pain and humiliation of the cornu between her legs for a chance to rest.

While she might wish for death even before the first nail pierced her body, it was impossibly far out of reach for a long time. Many victims would have thanked the executioner gladly for the mercy of a spear between the ribs, not so much to avoid suffering for days, but to end the agony she was experiencing right now. She might even have been temporarily grateful had he replaced her cornu with a sedile that was more comfortable, relatively speaking, to rest on.

Now her thirst was one more aspect of her suffering that she would have been grateful to have relief from, no matter whence that relief came. That the relief was actually intended to prolong her suffering would not have mattered at that point. One of her unbearable torments of the moment would have been lessened or removed, and she would be grateful for that. She knew this was only a temporary relief, and her thirst would return. But she had nowhere else to turn for mercy other than the same people who put her there, and she would probably curse them for crucifying her and thank them for these brief shows of "mercy".

Then to you have a survival instinct that can sometimes be more powerful than you will to die. Thirst is brutal and terrible and you think that as long as you are alive there is a chance of a reprieve.

Sometimes in your delierium something wet is pressed to your lips and your body automatically reacts.

Just one more cruelty to be inflicted.

Imagine pressing the wet rag to her lips and the pulling it away before she can drink.. She struggles to get the life giving water. Your formerly quiet victim now has an additional torment, maybe she screams in frustration, she certainly dances in and effort to get the water. Finally you give it to her knowing it will help her survive until tomorrow when you can torment her some more.


I've always thought that a crucifixion victim, naked except for a crown of thorns (or barbed wire), was incredibly sexy....
In the mid-21st century, public executions were carried out by a shadowy group of monks known as the Brotherhood of the Redemption. Clad in thick brown robes and wearing skull masks, these mysterious, silent men "assisted" their victims by inflicting the agony with which the sufferers earned their "redemption" for their sins and their crimes. These are the men whom Karyn will meet and be turned over to at the crucifixion site...they will spend the rest of the day assuring her salvation through the administration of agony.
The procession to her own personal Golgotha is ready, except for one last detail. Karyn's hair is pulled back and secured behind her head, so that she cannot hide her face in it and so escape the gaze of the waiting crowds. And then, carrying her crossbeam to which she is bound, she begins the first step on the Journey of the Penitent....
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