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Happy Easter

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Wednesday :

"Dont try to escape, Messaline ! See Him, like He's submitted !..." Says Judith .

Judith turns away. She longed for this moment, to see her beautiful Messaline on the cross, but the sight is too much for her. Her lover writhes and fights her cross, pain written in her face, animal sounds marking her agony. Judith turns away, looking for the strength within herself to give Messa comfort.

Submit? It is not Messa's way, to hang meek and quiet on her cross. But there is no escape, the instrument of her torture and death will not go away. It cannot be defeated, only resisted. Messa draws inner strength from the struggle, but ultimately her body will tire.

It is all the same one way or the other. The man in the background, Messa, both will meet the same end. Each goes to meet it in a way fitting their own needs.
Thanks Phlebas, your comment is great !

It's in this way that I've made this triptych ; I think that if I was condemned to this execution, I could be not submitted , I'ld need of to show that I'm a proud amazon , able to fight till the end ...
Often I'm wondering how I could react in front of what I could do, comfronted to the worst in my life ...
Even if sometimes I can be overwhelmed by some difficulties, I think that I always have , now, the volition to re-start , to fight against all the vicissitude of the life ...even if , for that, I need of some support of my friends ...
I'd already done a pic about this topic but , in this time of Easter, I wanted to do again this meeting in a park of Angers ...

Thursday :
Here is a place where some women, attracted by crucifixion, can come to live this fantasy ; so, together, they can share their deep trip ...
When I was arriving there and when the photo was taken:D, some of them were already living their fantasy, only carrying the patibulum or more wishing the crucifixion, we'll be soon sharing, in a same delight, this deep ecstasy !

I hope that you'll enjoy the scene and , who knows, perhaps that you, members'women, could constitute this place in your own town ?!

4 Easter'crucifixion.JPG
...and tomorrow, the last one ...;)
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I think I recognise some of you girls there.
That must be Barb, with her hands on her hips :)
Messa in the middle. Sis one of those on our left?
Thess coming along in the background, reluctant, but she has no choice :D
Who else? Roxie? Malins?
Easter 2016 - Some Manips Revisited - Male And Female

Nothing very new from me this year, so here are some past manips by me on the Easter theme, I think it's important to mark the event.


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