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Iconic Movie Whipping Scenes That Shaped My Fascination Over The Years

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There was another recent movie called "The Institute," which I very much think is worth a look. James Franco is the big name in it. Lori Singer, putting on a really bad German accent also appears in a relatively small part (remember her from "Footloose?") and an attractive actress I've never heart of, named Allie Gallerani plays the main character, Isabel Porter. View attachment 551489 Isobel, (third from left) is a young woman of good family living in Baltimore USA in the late 1800's, who has voluntarily committed herself in the Rosewood Institute so she can be treated for melancholy. James Franco is the psychiatrist (or alienist, I think they were called back then) who has some bizarre ideas on how to treat her condition. Treatments include whipping and full frontal nudity. Come to think of it, what's so bizarre about that? Early on, Isobel is given a simple shift to wear in place of her rich clothing.

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And is shortly afterward treated with her first dose of medicine (if you consider a riding crop to be a medicine for melancholy)
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Isobel later whips another patient as her therapy progresses.
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After that, things get weird. Isobel gets naked and offers up a human sacrifice in a pagan ritual. Well, sometimes you have to accept side effects as a cost of medical progress! Let the lawyers sort it out!

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Unfortunately the acting throughout is at the level of high school theatrics, IMO. However the the scenario is so compelling it definitely pushed my buttons. As are all Hollywood movies these days, supposedly it is based on a True Story. Sorry about the low quality scans. If anyone can provide scans in HD, I'd be willing to reward you with an all expense paid vacay at Rosewood Institute.
Hmmm .. this is a film I totally missed... intriguing... thanks for posting.
For me, this is the sexiest scene. I checked YouTube but only turned up some commentary on the movie with a few short scenes including a second or two of this shot. I think the actress is Sylvia Kristel. Unfortunately, it's described as a comedy, which does not bode well.
Yes, that's Sylvia Kristel, of Emmanuelle fame. I think Robbe-Grillet's idea of comédie was rather different from Hollywood's notion of comedy -
more playing with us, our expectations, reactions, the secret feelings he mischievously brings to the surface, hardly trying to be uproariously funny. But le jeu may have fallen between his more avant-garde style and an attempt to be more mainstream, following the success of glissements - at any rate, to judge from the absence of comment on the net, it seems to have sunk without much trace.
It has a number of 10 star reviews and quite a few 1 star ones, so there is obviously a divergence of opinion.

As usual with films of this type, I like it more for what it could have been, and the ideas it inspired in me. For that, I would give it a ten. And there is much to be said for it. There are naked ladies, and a couple of whippings, so actually it comes a lot closer to fulfilling its perverted potential than the vast majority of movies in this vein. I would have loved it if the whipping scenes had been better lit, and if Isobel had been stripped of her shift for her whipping. After all, she's willing to go full frontal later on, so why be coy at the whipping scene? What gets it a 1 star for me is the acting, which is unconvincing, to put it mildly. And I think all the actors in this must have graduated from the Boris Badunov Foreign Accent Institute. Even the Americans don't speak with American accents, but put on what I guess is supposed to be an American upper class accent? Maybe? I don't know, I've never heard one like it before. A nurse puts on a British accent that comes and goes, and Lori Singer's German accent is just comical.
I don't know why I obsess about accents. It still bothers me that Tony Montana and Alejandro Sosa spoke (heavily accented) English when they talked to each other.

But I digress. The theme is whipping scenes, not movie or accent criticism. I'd give the whipping scenes in the Institute a solid 6.
Good anticipation, good preparation, good victim response, attractive victim. Poor lighting, unconvincing follow through, and the whipping is only five or six strokes, not enough to earn a high score.
Yes, that's Sylvia Kristel, of Emmanuelle fame. I think Robbe-Grillet's idea of comédie was rather different from Hollywood's notion of comedy -
more playing with us, our expectations, reactions, the secret feelings he mischievously brings to the surface, hardly trying to be uproariously funny. But le jeu may have fallen between his more avant-garde style and an attempt to be more mainstream, following the success of glissements - at any rate, to judge from the absence of comment on the net, it seems to have sunk without much trace.

I bow to your knowledge of Robbe-Grillet. Actually, I have read many of your posts, and I just have to bow to your intellect in general. As far as Le Jeu goes, you've stirred my interest. I may have to hunt this movie down. On one hand I have tried to sit through some French avant garde films but I'm afraid my coarse American brain just don't get 'em. On the other hand I do recall enjoying a movie in which a couple of attractive French women were traipsing around dressed in clown outfits. But I think that was a French vampire movie, so it probably doesn't count.
Some scenes from me to add to this list:

Sword of the Barbarian
Il Figlio del Corsaro Rosso
Hispania le Leyenda (scenes from season 2)
Marion du Faouet
Requiem por Granada
Die Wanderhure
La Monaca del Peccato
Flavia the Heretic
House that Screamed
Isabel, Duchess of the Devils
Lady Jane
Land of the Pharaohs
Love Camp (both from this title without numbers)
Nightmare in Badham County
One Russian Summer
Samson and the Seven Miracles
Sinful Nuns of St Valentine
Tai Pan
Terminal Island
Triumph of the Spirit
At last I have lured others into my hopeless vortex of obsession! (with accents)

Join me in singing with Marlene Dietrich:

Fallink in luf again
Vhat am I to do. . .
Nothink I cahn do,
I cahnt help it.
And by Lieut. Gruber

A few more screencaps of movie whippings (or almost whippings, or coulda, shoulda been whippings)

"Rani" is a miniseries about India or Pakistan I guess. I haven't seen it, and know next to nothing about it. There doesn't seem to be a lot of information about it. It was listed in the GIMP and I followed the link and screencapped these pics from xHamster.

rani 1.JPGrani 2.JPGrani 3.JPG I think this scene is of a prostitute being whipped in a bordello, because there is an older woman, who I take to be a madam leading a group of younger women, who I take to be newly arrived prostitutes, into this courtyard where the whipping is going on. The young women seem dismayed but not really shocked, and the older woman says something to them in a language I don't even recognize, but I believe would translate into English as "Fuck up and this is what you get."

"Joseph Andrews" is a classic English novel by Henry Fielding. A movie version came out in the 1970's. I haven't seen the movie (or read the book, for that matter.) In this particular scene Joseph Andrews and his lady love, Fanny Goodwill, have been framed for larceny and Fanny is about to be whipped. I believe Fanny gets a last minute reprieve, so she doesn't feel the lash, but in my mind some acquaintances of hers have come to the prison to watch the whippings. They recognize her and express a great deal of dismay and sympathy to her. Out of her hearing however, they call the bailiff over, and offer him money. He assumes it's a bribe to go easy on poor Fanny, but instead they tell him that they want him to strip her entirely naked and whip her with all his strength. He's only too happy to accept the commission.


I have seen "Black Book," and thought the following scene was dynamite. Carice Van Houten plays Rachel, a young Jewish woman living in the Netherlands during the Nazi occupation. She joins the Dutch resistance and infiltrates Gestapo HQ. With Allied victory, Dutch collaborators are rounded up and subjected to humiliation, abuse and imprisonment. Since the only man who knew of Rachel's mission is dead, she is imprisoned as a collaborator as well. In this scene the prisoners are forced to strip and sing patriotic songs. Rachel refuses to sing. The main guard is incensed by her attitude and cudgels her (I figure that's close enough to a whipping to include here) then has a vat of human waste dumped on her. That last bit I could have done without. But I agree with the guard that a refusal to sing is a serious offence and should earn her not just a beating, but a severe whipping as well, and then a few hours in the parrot's perch,carice1.jpg where it is presumed she will learn to sing like a bird.

The last screencap is from the miniseries "Borgia," on Netflix. There was another miniseries called "The Borgias" which was released the same year, but the two are unrelated. Anyway I saw this screencap somewhere and assumed, or hoped, that it involved a public punishment of some type. Only in my dreams. The scene really has Cesare Borgia removing the clothing from a quite willing woman as a way of thumbing his nose (or whatever he was thumbing) at Savonarola. The series is pretty entertaining, even if I did feel a bit cock teased about the (non) public whipping. There are some brutal executions, but of dudes: one poor guy in full frontal is broken at the wheel. Definitely not my bag of tea.

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"Rani" is a miniseries about India or Pakistan I guess. I haven't seen it, and know next to nothing about it.
'Rani' is a French TV miniseries based on a script by the Belgian scenario writer Jean Van Hamme. The production of the miniseries was retarded, so the scenario was first used for a series of comic strips. Afterwards, the miniseries has as yet been made for the French network France 2.
It is about a young woman in the middle of the 18th century. She is falsely accused of a crime, hides among brigands, but finally gets caught and condemned for deportation to the French Indies. There, she is sold to a brothel owner.

(in French) :

'Rani' is a French TV miniseries based on a script by the Belgian scenario writer Jean Van Hamme. The production of the miniseries was retarded, so the scenario was first used for a series of comic strips. Afterwards, the miniseries has as yet been made for the French network France 2.
It is about a young woman in the middle of the 18th century. She is falsely accused of a crime, hides among brigands, but finally gets caught and condemned for deportation to the French Indies. There, she is sold to a brothel owner.

(in French) :

I have it on my NAS, but never time to seeing it.
I should start with looking slowly.

and "Borgia" also....
'Rani' is a French TV miniseries based on a script by the Belgian scenario writer Jean Van Hamme. The production of the miniseries was retarded, so the scenario was first used for a series of comic strips. Afterwards, the miniseries has as yet been made for the French network France 2.
It is about a young woman in the middle of the 18th century. She is falsely accused of a crime, hides among brigands, but finally gets caught and condemned for deportation to the French Indies. There, she is sold to a brothel owner.

(in French) :


Interesting. The plot, that of the innocent woman condemned and deported into what would be, essentially, slavery, pretty much ticks my boxes. I suppose it's too much to hope for that our heroine ever steps out of line at the bordello and and gets a whipping. You know, I think any madam worth her salt would turn the whipping of one of her girls into a money making opportunity by stripping the prostitute stark naked, and charging customers to watch the whipping.

I assumed "Rani" was set in India or Pakistan because it's a Hindu word. But West Indies, even better. I know from reading a smidge of history about the West Indies that it was a brutal place for a slave to be. I seem to recall that life expectancy for a slave working in the cane fields (and the vast majority of black African slaves in the West Indies did) was just a few years. But sugar production was so profitable that it was more cost effective for the plantation owners to constantly replace African slaves than to feed, clothe, and shelter them adequately, or work them reasonably. I'm guessing that life expectancy for whites in penal servitude, and especially prostitutes, would have been significantly lower than average as well.

Odd that I didn't recognize the language. I don't understand French but I recognize it, or at least I thought I did. I've even tried to learn it a few times because I think it is such a beautiful tongue (some of the most beautiful expressions in the English language are inspired by French: French kissing, French fries) but unfortunately it's not a simple language like English.

This puts me in mind of a movie called "Dragonard," and its sequel "Master of Dragonard Hill," that was set in the same time--mid 1700's--and also in the West Indies. There's whippings and nudity. I'll see if I can't scare up screencaps. Having watched them many years ago though, I recall they are pretty awful films, and the female whipping scenes aren't that great. The main event is the whipping of a man, who gets 100 strokes with the horrific and dreaded Dragonard whip. Cringe, cringe. Once again, my imagination fills in where the movie falls short.

dragonard2.jpg Honore Juno (Annabel Schofeld) is in love with the man who is to be whipped, Richard Abdee (played by Patrick Warburton of "Tick" fame.) Her husband, Pierre, knows this and is forcing her to watch. As the whipping proceeds Honore can not bear it, breaks away from her husband and rushes to the platform to plead with the governor (played by Oliver Reed) to spare the lash. The Governor offers her a deal. He'll spare the lash if Honore is willing to strip to the waist and take a half dozen of the dragonard herself. The crowd laughs and mocks her. She becomes incensed and denounces the Governor, her husband and the crowd, and confesses her love for Richard. The Governor has her arrested for slander, and Pierre, now that the she has publicly disgraced him, has her charged with adultery. These are very serious crimes, and Honore is given her own appointment with the Dragonard.

Yeah, I know, has a lot in common with my story "Mina Berkeley's Voyage." I guess like all great writers, I have only one story to tell, lol.
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I'd like to see in a mainstream film the whipping of
Bridget Regan and Viva Bianca.
Both gorgeous and untamable women.
They both have risked in many occasions but still, they are untouched by the whip. :)
Great collection and many that also shaped my erotic fascination with whipping of women (and men). Fair Wind to Java started me off. I was watching TV with my mother (!) and uncontrollably I came in my pants. I covet it up pretty well I think, but that was the beginning. I was about 14 years old. Never left me for second, but was always too embarrassed to discuss with any of my 6 therapists over the years. I especially love the expressions on the faces of women whipped/ See my avatar. Would love to engage in discussions about this topic.
Great collection and many that also shaped my erotic fascination with whipping of women (and men). Fair Wind to Java started me off. I was watching TV with my mother (!) and uncontrollably I came in my pants. I covet it up pretty well I think, but that was the beginning. I was about 14 years old. Never left me for second, but was always too embarrassed to discuss with any of my 6 therapists over the years. I especially love the expressions on the faces of women whipped/ See my avatar. Would love to engage in discussions about this topic.
Fair Wind To Java was my the film that started me down this road also. I was maybe 10 years old at the time. My mother also had a couple of paper backs that depicted a woman flogged. Rampart Street and, I think The Red World. The latter was back cover art with a woman stripped to the waist and tied to a post. being whipped with a cat while the mistress looked on. Very erotic to my young mind.
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