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Iconic Movie Whipping Scenes That Shaped My Fascination Over The Years

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Whipping was my first great love when it comes to Kink. I recall seeing a scene on TV when I was quite young, probably too young to fully appreciate the sexual element, but old enough to sense the vulnerability and helpless humiliation of the victim. Even today the helplessness and exposure of the girl, the chains or rope tight against her delicate limbs is what really turns me on.

When it comes to 'whipping scenes' I want to see, but will have to create in order to so, then the Book Series "Fever" contains a young heroine by the name of Dani O'Malley. She is wild, fiery, sleek and stunning and deserves to be taken, stripped and publicly whipped! And so in my creation she was ... and is!

Making no apologies for the shameless plug, you can see the full narrative (with many photo-manipulated pics) here

A couple of sample pics are attached ...


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    Please Master.jpeg
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View attachment Cathedral_of_the_Sea_Season_1_Episode_1_Watch_online-.mp4
Cathedral of the Sea (Season 1, Episode 1)

Cathedral of the Sea (Season 1, Episode 1)
A blasphemy! A woman must always be whipped while facing the audience because watching her breasts jiggling or hip gyrating with each strike is a big part of the fun, when it comes to the public punishment of females :p
A blasphemy! A woman must always be whipped while facing the audience because watching her breasts jiggling or hip gyrating with each strike is a big part of the fun, when it comes to the public punishment of females :p
I agree, of course, but I wouldn't want to neglect the back and buttocks either, as they don't here. And how many times have you seen a completely naked, fully suspended woman whipped in a mainstream film? Something like this could never, ever be shown on American TV.
I agree, of course, but I wouldn't want to neglect the back and buttocks either, as they don't here.
It was just a joke, but I didn't mean they should have done a frontal whipping instead (which I vastly prefer though). Even in a good old back whipping, I found it much more satisfying if the victim is facing the audiences.

The conflicted expression of fear and shame becomes all the more intense, when she could sense the many eyes gazing her exposed body while waiting for the first blow from behind. And each blow to her back would make her breasts jiggle to arouse the excitement of unsympathetic members of the audience, or shock those innocent girls to make them blush themselves. And being whipped that way, she'll make a lewd dance with each blow upon her buttocks, pushing her womanhood towards the glaring eyes and gyrating it for a show.

Those standing or sitting close to her may even observe how her feminine muscles tensing and her opening gaping as she desperately tries to endure the pain. And occasional under handed blows could shoot her hip upward, providing an even better view of her shameful body part for the audiences.

She needs to be able to see them watching her performance and feel their excitement, lust, pity, or shock between every pittiful dance move she makes. It's part of the fun for the audiences, and also a crucial part of the humiliation she must feel for her punishment.
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I'd never heard of 1983’s "The Wicked Lady"

starring all kinds of distinguished actors, among them the Faye Dunaway and Martina Sirtis having a whipping match with the latter topless.

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It was just a joke, but I didn't mean they should have done a frontal whipping instead (which I vastly prefer though). Even in a good old back whipping, I found it much more satisfying if the victim is facing the audiences.

The conflicted expression of fear and shame becomes all the more intense, when she could sense the many eyes gazing her exposed body while waiting for the first blow from behind. And each blow to her back would make her breasts jiggle to arouse the excitement of unsympathetic members of the audience, or shock those innocent girls to make them blush themselves. And being whipped that way, she'll make a lewd dance with each blow upon her buttocks, pushing her womanhood towards the glaring eyes and gyrating it for a show.

Those standing or sitting close to her may even observe how her feminine muscles tensing and her opening gaping as she desperately tries to endure the pain. And occasional under handed blows could shoot her hip upward, providing an even better view of her shameful body part for the audiences.

She needs to be able to see them watching her performance and feel their excitement, lust, pity, or shock between every pittiful dance move she makes. It's part of the fun for the audiences, and also a crucial part of the humiliation she must feel for her punishment.
I see what you're saying. :devil:
A few more screencaps of movie whippings (or almost whippings, or coulda, shoulda been whippings)

"Rani" is a miniseries about India or Pakistan I guess. I haven't seen it, and know next to nothing about it. There doesn't seem to be a lot of information about it. It was listed in the GIMP and I followed the link and screencapped these pics from xHamster.

View attachment 551917View attachment 551918View attachment 551919 I think this scene is of a prostitute being whipped in a bordello, because there is an older woman, who I take to be a madam leading a group of younger women, who I take to be newly arrived prostitutes, into this courtyard where the whipping is going on. The young women seem dismayed but not really shocked, and the older woman says something to them in a language I don't even recognize, but I believe would translate into English as "Fuck up and this is what you get."

"Joseph Andrews" is a classic English novel by Henry Fielding. A movie version came out in the 1970's. I haven't seen the movie (or read the book, for that matter.) In this particular scene Joseph Andrews and his lady love, Fanny Goodwill, have been framed for larceny and Fanny is about to be whipped. I believe Fanny gets a last minute reprieve, so she doesn't feel the lash, but in my mind some acquaintances of hers have come to the prison to watch the whippings. They recognize her and express a great deal of dismay and sympathy to her. Out of her hearing however, they call the bailiff over, and offer him money. He assumes it's a bribe to go easy on poor Fanny, but instead they tell him that they want him to strip her entirely naked and whip her with all his strength. He's only too happy to accept the commission.

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I like your alternative version of "Joseph Andrews." When I saw it, I was disappointed that they didn't go through with the whipping.
I'd never heard of 1983’s "The Wicked Lady"

starring all kinds of distinguished actors, among them the Faye Dunaway and Martina Sirtis having a whipping match with the latter topless.

I seem to remember Michael Winner, in an interview in the 1980s, saying that the whipping scene in The Wicked Lady was part of an ongoing battle he was having with the British Board of Film Censors,and that he wanted to see just how far he could go and what he could get away with.
In the "Joseph Andrews" prison scene, the whipping post on which Fanny is about to be flogged consists of a flat board that allows her to maintain her modesty by pressing against it. She was lucky that this prison didn't use a flogging pillory, which was in vogue in England during the eighteenth century. This consisted of two sliding boards that fitted together with holes for the hands but not the head, as in a conventional pillory. Often times, there were several holes of varying sizes to accommodate wrists of different sizes.

After stripping to the waist for punishment, the prisoner would step into a waist-high box, with a large opening in the top, that stood right behind the pillory. Once she was inside the box, the door would be locked. The box was apparently to keep the prisoner from kicking the whipper or from leaning against the post in an attempt to maintain her modesty. Then she would stretch out her arms and her wrists would be imprisoned in the pillory. So now she was naked to the waist, immobile, and ready to start screaming under the lash, which would likely be a bull's pizzle, a whip made from a bull's penis that was stiff and supple, like a Singapore cane.
So now she was naked to the waist, immobile, and ready to start screaming under the lash, which would likely be a bull's pizzle, a whip made from a bull's penis that was stiff and supple, like a Singapore cane.

Books I would like to see made into movies

Bonded Heart by Jane Jackson

The daughter of a prominent politician finds that her social prominence will not save her save her from a painful and degrading punishment when she is sentenced to be publicly whipped at the cart’s tail through an English market town in the 1700s. The author provides a graphic description as she is led out from the jail, stripped to the waist, shackled to the cart, and then whipped.

Lady Good-For-Nothing by Q

The daughter of one of colonial New England’s leading families learns a painful lesson that no one is above the law when she commits an infraction and finds herself naked from the waist up and her hands tied to the tail of a cart as she is whipped through the streets in front of a howling mob. Following her whipping, she must spend five hours in the stocks.

Savage Eden by Constance Gluyas

A young English Lady learns that her title of nobility will not protect her from the sort of painful and humiliating punishments meted out to commoners when she is falsely convicted of manslaughter and theft and whipped at the cart’s tail, stripped to the waist and barefoot, in along a London street as thousands of onlookers shower her with taunts, insults, salacious comments, and spittle.

To Fame Unknown by Clifford Lindsay Alderman

In colonial Massachusetts, a young man and his girl friend are caught red-handed making love and each is sentenced to 15 lashes for adultery. Although it’s the middle of winter, both must strip to the waist. Their punishment has been well-publicized and the town square is jammed with onlookers who watch as the prisoners are led to a whipping post that sits on a raised platform that allows for everyone to see them brought to justice.
Books I would like to see made into movies

Bonded Heart by Jane Jackson

The daughter of a prominent politician finds that her social prominence will not save her save her from a painful and degrading punishment when she is sentenced to be publicly whipped at the cart’s tail through an English market town in the 1700s. The author provides a graphic description as she is led out from the jail, stripped to the waist, shackled to the cart, and then whipped.

Lady Good-For-Nothing by Q

The daughter of one of colonial New England’s leading families learns a painful lesson that no one is above the law when she commits an infraction and finds herself naked from the waist up and her hands tied to the tail of a cart as she is whipped through the streets in front of a howling mob. Following her whipping, she must spend five hours in the stocks.

Savage Eden by Constance Gluyas

A young English Lady learns that her title of nobility will not protect her from the sort of painful and humiliating punishments meted out to commoners when she is falsely convicted of manslaughter and theft and whipped at the cart’s tail, stripped to the waist and barefoot, in along a London street as thousands of onlookers shower her with taunts, insults, salacious comments, and spittle.

To Fame Unknown by Clifford Lindsay Alderman

In colonial Massachusetts, a young man and his girl friend are caught red-handed making love and each is sentenced to 15 lashes for adultery. Although it’s the middle of winter, both must strip to the waist. Their punishment has been well-publicized and the town square is jammed with onlookers who watch as the prisoners are led to a whipping post that sits on a raised platform that allows for everyone to see them brought to justice.

They sound as though they were all written by the same person. Psuedonyms?
I refuse to respond to that insinuating remark, on the grounds that it is undoubtedly true.
I’ll suspend my judgement until I read a chapter in which one of those protagonists tries to drive a cart and crashes into something, not just being tied to one and get whipped :p
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