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:)A few pictures from vico deviantart-it's a master !!:)


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And something I found on the internet ...


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By Silvio Dante
tumblr_onokk8iGB01vf86pdo1_1280.jpg tumblr_onokk8iGB01vf86pdo2_1280.jpg tumblr_onokk8iGB01vf86pdo3_1280.jpg
This material was so kindly provided by Perro Loco.


Pomponio wrote:

Consider this purely an intellectual exercise (yeah, right!)...suppose
that a slave is to be snuffed via impalement (you mean like in those
Dolcett pic?)...yeah like in the Dolcett pics...what would be the best
approach...a sharp violent thrust or a slow continuous penetration?
should the victim be drugged in some manner (drooling: why?)...? how
about the shaft to use? bamboo poles? PVC pipe? hardwood? what would
be best...anal or vaginal rupture? how thick a shaft? should it be
constant girth or widening? if you wanted to achieve skewering...I
assume you have to miss the heart...how can one do that? is it just
takes lots of practice? is there a book on how to do it? is skewering
even possible? how long can the victim survive skewered? like, how
much of a mess would it be, you know, the rug...? etc. etc. that's
it...I have taken too much caffeine...from now on I promise I will
take my prozac) thanks...post your flames/responses...the above
address is bogus.

Dear Pomponio, Actually someone ought to respond to your question...
after all, you never know when you might find a willing playmate.

First off: Choosing the right instrument for impalement. We have found
that the best spits are made from iron (not steel) pipe about 1 1/2"
to 1 3/4" diameter. Iron conducts heat slightly slower, which is
important if you're going to barbecue, which I assume is a
possibility... otherwise, why impale your playmate. The spit should be
about 2 feet longer than the "impalee" and have an interchangeable
point, which can be withdrawn through the hollow shaft and replaced
with a blunt, rounded tip... this will prevent most damage to any
delicate internal organs by gliding around, rather than through, them.
The spit should also be well lubricated over it's entire length,
excepting the last eighteen inches or so of the butt end before you
begin... may seem strange but Crisco (the thick, white stuff - not the
oil) works very well.

The whole trick to impaling a woman and keeping her alive during and
after the fact is... it has got to be consensual! You mentioned, and
it's true, that the impaling spit must miss the heart or all the fun
is over. This requires some manipulation on the part of the "impalee"
as the spit is too rigid to be able to guide very well. Your playmate
should be able to feel the internal location of the spit and maneuver
a bit to guide it through her body.

Depending on your playmate's pain tolerance a bit of "anesthesia" may
come in handy... surprisingly, having the "impalee" smoke a few joints
before you start works well. If you have access to morphine or
mephedrine (Demerol) you might consider about 75 - 100mg IM Demerol or
5 - 8mg IM Morphine. Do not attempt any form of nerve block or spinal
anesthesia unless you have real expertise in this area or your
playmate will expire prematurely!

The best method is to have her slowly force the point up through her
vagina until it meets some resistance at the cervical os, then she
will be able to gently slide onto the point, forcing open the cervix
until, again, resistance is felt at the posterior cervical wall. After
piercing the posterior cervical wall the point of the spit should be
withdrawn, leaving the shaft just inside the abdominal cavity. Replace
the sharp, piercing point with the blunt, rounded tip. The "impalee"
should be able to tell you the internal location of the blunt tip.
Simply guide the spit up through the abdominal cavity to a location
just below her stomach. As the tip is rounded and not sharp, there
should be no danger of perforating the bladder, bowel, kidneys or
other organs. (Which can be pretty messy)

At this point, have the "impalee" assume a side laying position
keeping her legs spread as much as possible. If, for some reason, your
playmate can't identify the location of the tip of the spit at any
given time... simply have her lean backward while the external portion
of the spit is held firmly. You'll see the spit bulge out her belly
and you'll know the exact location of the tip.

One of the most difficult parts of impaling is accurately judging when
you have reached the inferior (bottom-most) part of the outside of the
stomach... which must be entered in order to guide the spit up through
the esophagus and out through your playmate's mouth.

We've found it helpful to have our "special girls" drink fairly large
quantities of liquids, usually about 2 liters, immediately before
impalement. Water is OK but a decent, inexpensive Chardonnay adds
flavor as it leaks from the stomach during roasting. When the tip of
the blunt spit "hits" the fluid filled stomach it will feel like
you've bumped into a large water balloon, and it will usually make a
"squishy" noise. Now is the time to change points again. Leaving the
shaft of the spit in place, withdraw the blunt tip and replace, for
the final piercing, with the sharp point and pierce the stomach.

You'll know you're in the right place as some Chardonnay should leak
out through the hollow shaft of the spit. There shouldn't be too much
blood as overall you've only actually caused 2 wounds, the first in
the posterior cervical wall and the second in the bottom of the
stomach. Neither of these should bleed excessively as the shaft of the
spit has a tendency to tamponade or self seal these wounds.

Now after piercing the stomach, the head of the shaft is in the
interior of your playmate's stomach. Change back to the blunt tip.
Simply "feel" your way to the top of her stomach where you'll find the
lower entrance to her esophagus. You must gently guide the spit into
the esophagus... it's important to know that the tip of the spit is
now just below your "impalee's" heart and any mistake here will have
serious consequences!

One thing that's messy but occasionally helpful is to induce vomiting
and have the spit "follow" any regurgitate up into the esophagus.
After that, just slide the spit up her throat (actually you're still
in the esophagus but I'm really getting tired of that word) and out
through her mouth. She should still be able to breathe as the spit
shouldn't cause any significant airway obstruction.

Well, there you have it. Your playmate all spitted, still alive, if
not exactly "kicking", certainly not screaming, with minimal blood
loss, and ready for whatever you two have planned. Hopefully that's
answered a few of your questions and will be of some help to you and
others who may be interested.

Please write if you have further question. The address is real. Any
women who are interested in becoming one of our "special girls" are
particularly encouraged to drop us a line.

Perro Loco and Spike

The One, True Prophet of the Church of Dolcett & His Chief Minion

On: 15 Jan 1996 00:34:24 GMT, In ASB, Perro Loco responded to Pomponio
regarding his questions about Female Impalement.

His response was a mastery of the craft!! Taking the mere act of
skewering to the fine art of impalement must be recognized. Such
subtle nuances and attention to detail warms one's heart (among other

Building on this ....... I want to make some comments ..... not in the
sense of "improvements" but merely small adjustments to suit personal

.... someone ought to respond to your question... after all, you never
know when you might find a willing playmate.

This is so true. So rare is the ultimate submission enjoyed that the
moment must be savored!!

Choosing the right instrument for impalement. We have found that the
best spits are made from iron (not steel) pipe about 1 1/2" to 1 3/4"
diameter. Iron conducts heat slightly slower, which is important if
you're going to barbecue

This is true. However, the heat-treatment of iron vs. steel must be
noted. If using iron rather than steel the Lass must be of comely
shape and light weight ..... otherwise the heft of the gal might bend
the spit ..... thus causing insertion problems on subsequent events.
When in doubt, go with a well tempered steel ....... you may lose some
conductivity but will avoid testy re-alignment of the shaft in
preparation for the next show.

The spit should be about 2 feet longer than the "impalee"

Another way to avoid bending the spit is to have one that is just 2
feet longer than the fems length from her tailbone to the top of her
head. Insertion of rod from the endpoints of larger diameter pipe on
the rotisserie, into the end of the spit will be effective. Attachment
of her legs to this larger diameter pipe is a minor issue ( I assume
you are binding the arms to her side).

Have an interchangeable point, which can be withdrawn through the
hollow shaft and replaced with a blunt, rounded tip...

This is sheer genius. We've been looking for a method of cutting down
on the premature expirations!! We thought about engineering a blunt
tip with a slot in it to accommodate an arrow that could be withdrawn
via a cable and spring but this is much simpler (and less expensive!)
than our complex arrangement.

The whole trick to impaling a woman and keeping her alive during and
after the fact is... it has got to be consensual!

How right you are. The non-consensual fem is so unruly that invariably
her antics completely destroys the ambiance of the party!! Not to
mention the high percentage of premature expirations!

... surprisingly, having the "impalee" smoke a few joints before you
start works well.

As well as the pot, we find that two or three glasses of an adequate
Cab Sav or Chardonnay (depending on the lady's tastes) makes a nice

The best method is ... slowly force the point up through her vagina
until it meets some resistance at the cervical os, ..... gently slide
onto the point, forcing open the cervix until, again, resistance is
felt at the posterior cervical wall. After piercing the posterior
cervical wall the point of the spit should be withdrawn, leaving the
shaft just inside the abdominal cavity.

The included angle on the sharpened tip is important!! If the included
angle is too narrow ....... the sharpened portion of the rod will be
too long (maybe even 4 to 6 inches) and thus, when you penetrate the
abdominal cavity, internal organs may be pierced. If the included
angle is too wide .... the rod may be too blunt to stretch the cervix
and penetrate the posterior cervical wall!! Different points can be
experimented with over time. A tip resembling a pencil point may be a
nice compromise between narrow and wide included angle. One might even
bevel the tip, hypodermic style, to create a very sharp point for ease
of penetration. Tapering the end of the spit can help as well ......
though you don't want to take off so much material that the wall of
the pipe is too thin on the end. I should think that removing half the
wall thickness would be adequate. Whether using the sharp or blunt
end, this will ensure a smooth transition zone between the tip and the
spit when impaling the Lass. It might also be a good idea to round off
any sharp edges on the end of the tube ...... don't want the end of
the spit to unnecessarily cut any internal organs!!

We've found it helpful to have our "special girls" drink fairly large
quantaties of liquids, usually about 2 liters, immediately before
impalement. Water is OK but a decent, inexpensive Chardonnay adds
flavor as it leaks from the stomach during roasting. You'll know
you're in the right place as some Chardonnay should leak out through
the hollow shaft of the spit.

What a wonderful addition!!

There shouldn't be too much blood as overall you've only actually
caused 2 wounds, .......

This will simplify clean-up tremendously!! In the simplest of changes
comes the most benefit!!

She should still be able to breathe as the spit shouldn't cause any
significant airway obstruction.

Hhhmmmmm ....! I wonder. Inch and a half to inch and three quarter
pipe is pretty large. Might we drill a few 1/4 inch holes in the upper
two feet of the spit to facilitate breathing ..... so that an airway
is open through the hollow of the pipe to the lungs?

Well, there you have it. Your playmate all spitted, still alive, if
not exactly "kicking",

With this more "humane" method of skewering your sub ...... how much
trauma would occur and how much consciousness could we expect?

certainly not screaming, with minimal blood loss,

The minimal blood loss I have no doubt. ...... but what of the nature
of nerve endings on internal organs? I understand they are not as
sensitive as nerve endings on the outside of our body? This would
facilitate the whole process a great deal if our playmate felt only
pressure rather than pain during the insertion process. Although
occasional screaming might add variety to the deliberations!! Don't
you think?

What about removal of appropriate organs prior to roasting? How might
that be facilitated? Especially with the spit in place!!

... will be of some help to you and others who may be interested.
Please write if you have further question.

That's mighty kind of you Mister Loco. Perhaps a dialog between us
exotic practitioners can be created on ASB or through email?

Thanks from the bottom of our hearts!!

Zak and the boys.
"The West's Best Barbecue"
E-mail: IBA6UAL...@AOL.COM
Dear Zak & Compadres,

Hola mi amigos... 'n other broken border Spanish stuff as that. I read
your comments most carefully and am grateful for the complements as
well as some of the suggestions.

You mention using stainless steel or tempered steel for the spit and
keeping it short... well, the reason I prefer iron is that while it is
fairly ductile... which makes it easier to cut and shape, it has
superior thermal "cuntduction"!!! Whenever one roasts a woman special
care should be exerted to ensure that her more "delicate parts" both
internal and external remain tender and juicy! There's no better way
to absolutely spoil a perfectly wonderful roast than by overcooking
the vagina and uterus...

As for the next use... hell, don't you guys think that any woman/girl
who's willing to let you roast her ALIVE is worth the trouble of
providing her with her "very own" spit!

As for finding the right kind of pipe and rod to make interchangeable
points. I live in a petroleum producing area of California and find
that oilfield pipe and cut down pump rod works great. It's also really
cheap! And, check it out... its iron, not steel. (causes fewer sparks
if shale or flint blow up through an oil well casing while working the
well head)

As for the spit bending while the "impalee" is roasting. You mention
that she should be of "comely shape and light weight." Why would you
even bother to roast a girl who was otherwise?

As example, I'm currently in contact with a young woman... girl
really, who is negotiating for placement on my menu rotation, probably
sometime in early June. She's about 5' 7", maybe 135# live weight,
firm but medium sized breasts and really cute! My preferences run
toward cute and innocent as opposed to beautiful. Can't deal with the
vanity, I suppose.

Anyway... given that this girl has lovely proportions, long legs etc.
Her weight of 135# isn't going to pretzel a 7 1/2 foot long, 1 3/4"
iron pipe... no way. But I do like the idea of using a shorter spit,
perhaps equal to her body length and attaching it afterwards to larger
diameter pipes designed for that purpose. Way cool! Going to try it
next time...

As for point shape... and here I've got to assume the sharp or
piercing point... The angle (included angle?... you guys must be
engineers) really isn't that important. I'm fond of a hand finished,
rounded taper but... the very tip (tenth of an inch or so) must be
needle sharp! This is what does the piercing. A ragged point can cause
unwanted tearing and laceration. The tip should literally glide
through a girl's flesh, like a surgeon's scalpel... not rip through!

The vaginal opening to the uterus or cervical os isn't a small as most
would think. However the normal post-pubscent female will have a small
mucus "plug" which normally occludes the cervical entrance... provides
a natural barrier to internal infections. Well, a sharp piece of iron
will poke through a little bit of mucus a lot easier than, say your
finger through a booger in your nose! Anyway... once the tip of the
spit is started up the cervix, even a small distance... it stretches
to easily accommodate the shaft of the spit. After all... babies come
out of this opening!

As far as pain... you're right about the nerves of the internal
organs, in general... but have you ever had a really bad case of food
poisoning or stomach flu or gastroenteritis? Bad, crampy pain!!! Muy
malo delor, mucho calambres!!! No nessicita malestar... es mucho delor
de estomago!

However... Demerol or Morphine works really well. IM injection is
sufficient. Up to 75 mg Demerol or 10mg Morphine. Pot and ethanol is
mostly useful for dulling the girl's natural anxieties just before
impalement! Of course you want her to drink that 2 liters of wine
before spitting anyway... if for no other reason than that of improved

Assuming that you've been careful up to this point there isn't any
reason that your playmate should feel much pain at all... as you
mentioned, more of a pressure sensation and a feeling of "fullness!"

The really delicate part of the impalement process is getting the spit
safely through the abdominal cavity to a location just below that
stomach. A well greased shaft will slide around, rather than through
the numerous loops of intestine and other internal organs, including
as mentioned in the initial FAQ... the renal arteries and descending
abdominal aorta!

Once in the stomach... well your real work is essentially done.
Finding the entrance to the lower esophagus is actually easier to do
than to describe.

Addressing any possible respiratory difficulties your playmate may
have. She really shouldn't have any problems. The posterior oropharynx
is fairly roomy and there's a lot of free airway in the nasophargeal
area as well. Any potential problem would be at the tracheal/
epiglottic junction. The shaft may sufficiently compress the larynx or
trachea to partially obstruct the "impalee's" airway, making breathing
difficult. During swallowing the epiglottis normally occludes the
trachea, preventing aspiration.

If your playmate has any difficulty breathing after the spit is passed
beyond the epiglottis, the spit should be withdrawn 2 or 3 inches and
a half- inch i.d. flexible plastic tube should be inserted orally to a
level just inside the trachea. Ideally a 7mm - 8mm cuffed endotracheal
tube could be used. The the spit may then be advanced as desired!

A flexible airway or cuffed endotracheal may be attached to a source
of low flow 40% oxygen it will certainly provide the "impalee" with
enough oxygen to meet all of her needs for the foreseeable future!

The idea of 1/4" holes drilled into the body of the hollow shaft of
the spit, while initially seeming to have some merit is not the
panacea it would, at first, seem. The interior of the shaft will,
because it has entered your girl's wine filled stomach, be at least
partially fluid filled. There will also be a fair amount of blood and
perhaps other bodily secretions in the shaft. Malo!

The other problem is heat... assuming that you're not going to roast
the girl's head... spoils the hair and ruins an otherwise fine
"trophy" mount! Superheated air will circulate from the "vaginal"
portion of the spit to the "oral" end.

Perhaps the best method is a combination of the two techniques.
Placing an airway or cuffed endotracheal tube through a relatively
large predrilled hole in the appropriate portion of the shaft! This
airway could then be connected to a source of cool, pure or 40%
oxygen. Of course, your "impalee" will be unable to scream or make
much sound at all, as the airway will interfere with the operation of
her vocal cords, which lay just inside the tracheal opening.

BTW, cuffed endotracheal tubes are normally placed with the help of a
stiff, soft plastic coated aluminum guide wire or stylet. The stylet
helps guide the tip of the tube to the appropriate location. This
could be accomplished through the hollow shaft of the spit easily

If hearing her scream and otherwise make a lot of whimpering noises is
important to you... I don't think I can help you out much. She's
either going to be able to breathe or she's going to be able to
scream... but not for very long!
This material was so kindly provided by Perro Loco.


Pomponio wrote:

Consider this purely an intellectual exercise (yeah, right!)...suppose
that a slave is to be snuffed via impalement (you mean like in those
Dolcett pic?)...yeah like in the Dolcett pics...what would be the best
approach...a sharp violent thrust or a slow continuous penetration?
should the victim be drugged in some manner (drooling: why?)...? how
about the shaft to use? bamboo poles? PVC pipe? hardwood? what would
be best...anal or vaginal rupture? how thick a shaft? should it be
constant girth or widening? if you wanted to achieve skewering...I
assume you have to miss the heart...how can one do that? is it just
takes lots of practice? is there a book on how to do it? is skewering
even possible? how long can the victim survive skewered? like, how
much of a mess would it be, you know, the rug...? etc. etc. that's
it...I have taken too much caffeine...from now on I promise I will
take my prozac) thanks...post your flames/responses...the above
address is bogus.

Dear Pomponio, Actually someone ought to respond to your question...
after all, you never know when you might find a willing playmate.

First off: Choosing the right instrument for impalement. We have found
that the best spits are made from iron (not steel) pipe about 1 1/2"
to 1 3/4" diameter. Iron conducts heat slightly slower, which is
important if you're going to barbecue, which I assume is a
possibility... otherwise, why impale your playmate. The spit should be
about 2 feet longer than the "impalee" and have an interchangeable
point, which can be withdrawn through the hollow shaft and replaced
with a blunt, rounded tip... this will prevent most damage to any
delicate internal organs by gliding around, rather than through, them.
The spit should also be well lubricated over it's entire length,
excepting the last eighteen inches or so of the butt end before you
begin... may seem strange but Crisco (the thick, white stuff - not the
oil) works very well.

The whole trick to impaling a woman and keeping her alive during and
after the fact is... it has got to be consensual! You mentioned, and
it's true, that the impaling spit must miss the heart or all the fun
is over. This requires some manipulation on the part of the "impalee"
as the spit is too rigid to be able to guide very well. Your playmate
should be able to feel the internal location of the spit and maneuver
a bit to guide it through her body.

Depending on your playmate's pain tolerance a bit of "anesthesia" may
come in handy... surprisingly, having the "impalee" smoke a few joints
before you start works well. If you have access to morphine or
mephedrine (Demerol) you might consider about 75 - 100mg IM Demerol or
5 - 8mg IM Morphine. Do not attempt any form of nerve block or spinal
anesthesia unless you have real expertise in this area or your
playmate will expire prematurely!

The best method is to have her slowly force the point up through her
vagina until it meets some resistance at the cervical os, then she
will be able to gently slide onto the point, forcing open the cervix
until, again, resistance is felt at the posterior cervical wall. After
piercing the posterior cervical wall the point of the spit should be
withdrawn, leaving the shaft just inside the abdominal cavity. Replace
the sharp, piercing point with the blunt, rounded tip. The "impalee"
should be able to tell you the internal location of the blunt tip.
Simply guide the spit up through the abdominal cavity to a location
just below her stomach. As the tip is rounded and not sharp, there
should be no danger of perforating the bladder, bowel, kidneys or
other organs. (Which can be pretty messy)

At this point, have the "impalee" assume a side laying position
keeping her legs spread as much as possible. If, for some reason, your
playmate can't identify the location of the tip of the spit at any
given time... simply have her lean backward while the external portion
of the spit is held firmly. You'll see the spit bulge out her belly
and you'll know the exact location of the tip.

One of the most difficult parts of impaling is accurately judging when
you have reached the inferior (bottom-most) part of the outside of the
stomach... which must be entered in order to guide the spit up through
the esophagus and out through your playmate's mouth.

We've found it helpful to have our "special girls" drink fairly large
quantities of liquids, usually about 2 liters, immediately before
impalement. Water is OK but a decent, inexpensive Chardonnay adds
flavor as it leaks from the stomach during roasting. When the tip of
the blunt spit "hits" the fluid filled stomach it will feel like
you've bumped into a large water balloon, and it will usually make a
"squishy" noise. Now is the time to change points again. Leaving the
shaft of the spit in place, withdraw the blunt tip and replace, for
the final piercing, with the sharp point and pierce the stomach.

You'll know you're in the right place as some Chardonnay should leak
out through the hollow shaft of the spit. There shouldn't be too much
blood as overall you've only actually caused 2 wounds, the first in
the posterior cervical wall and the second in the bottom of the
stomach. Neither of these should bleed excessively as the shaft of the
spit has a tendency to tamponade or self seal these wounds.

Now after piercing the stomach, the head of the shaft is in the
interior of your playmate's stomach. Change back to the blunt tip.
Simply "feel" your way to the top of her stomach where you'll find the
lower entrance to her esophagus. You must gently guide the spit into
the esophagus... it's important to know that the tip of the spit is
now just below your "impalee's" heart and any mistake here will have
serious consequences!

One thing that's messy but occasionally helpful is to induce vomiting
and have the spit "follow" any regurgitate up into the esophagus.
After that, just slide the spit up her throat (actually you're still
in the esophagus but I'm really getting tired of that word) and out
through her mouth. She should still be able to breathe as the spit
shouldn't cause any significant airway obstruction.

Well, there you have it. Your playmate all spitted, still alive, if
not exactly "kicking", certainly not screaming, with minimal blood
loss, and ready for whatever you two have planned. Hopefully that's
answered a few of your questions and will be of some help to you and
others who may be interested.

Please write if you have further question. The address is real. Any
women who are interested in becoming one of our "special girls" are
particularly encouraged to drop us a line.

Perro Loco and Spike

The One, True Prophet of the Church of Dolcett & His Chief Minion
@Eulalia I think that is interesting for you.
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