On: 15 Jan 1996 00:34:24 GMT, In ASB, Perro Loco responded to Pomponio
regarding his questions about Female Impalement.
His response was a mastery of the craft!! Taking the mere act of
skewering to the fine art of impalement must be recognized. Such
subtle nuances and attention to detail warms one's heart (among other
Building on this ....... I want to make some comments ..... not in the
sense of "improvements" but merely small adjustments to suit personal
.... someone ought to respond to your question... after all, you never
know when you might find a willing playmate.
This is so true. So rare is the ultimate submission enjoyed that the
moment must be savored!!
Choosing the right instrument for impalement. We have found that the
best spits are made from iron (not steel) pipe about 1 1/2" to 1 3/4"
diameter. Iron conducts heat slightly slower, which is important if
you're going to barbecue
This is true. However, the heat-treatment of iron vs. steel must be
noted. If using iron rather than steel the Lass must be of comely
shape and light weight ..... otherwise the heft of the gal might bend
the spit ..... thus causing insertion problems on subsequent events.
When in doubt, go with a well tempered steel ....... you may lose some
conductivity but will avoid testy re-alignment of the shaft in
preparation for the next show.
The spit should be about 2 feet longer than the "impalee"
Another way to avoid bending the spit is to have one that is just 2
feet longer than the fems length from her tailbone to the top of her
head. Insertion of rod from the endpoints of larger diameter pipe on
the rotisserie, into the end of the spit will be effective. Attachment
of her legs to this larger diameter pipe is a minor issue ( I assume
you are binding the arms to her side).
Have an interchangeable point, which can be withdrawn through the
hollow shaft and replaced with a blunt, rounded tip...
This is sheer genius. We've been looking for a method of cutting down
on the premature expirations!! We thought about engineering a blunt
tip with a slot in it to accommodate an arrow that could be withdrawn
via a cable and spring but this is much simpler (and less expensive!)
than our complex arrangement.
The whole trick to impaling a woman and keeping her alive during and
after the fact is... it has got to be consensual!
How right you are. The non-consensual fem is so unruly that invariably
her antics completely destroys the ambiance of the party!! Not to
mention the high percentage of premature expirations!
... surprisingly, having the "impalee" smoke a few joints before you
start works well.
As well as the pot, we find that two or three glasses of an adequate
Cab Sav or Chardonnay (depending on the lady's tastes) makes a nice
The best method is ... slowly force the point up through her vagina
until it meets some resistance at the cervical os, ..... gently slide
onto the point, forcing open the cervix until, again, resistance is
felt at the posterior cervical wall. After piercing the posterior
cervical wall the point of the spit should be withdrawn, leaving the
shaft just inside the abdominal cavity.
The included angle on the sharpened tip is important!! If the included
angle is too narrow ....... the sharpened portion of the rod will be
too long (maybe even 4 to 6 inches) and thus, when you penetrate the
abdominal cavity, internal organs may be pierced. If the included
angle is too wide .... the rod may be too blunt to stretch the cervix
and penetrate the posterior cervical wall!! Different points can be
experimented with over time. A tip resembling a pencil point may be a
nice compromise between narrow and wide included angle. One might even
bevel the tip, hypodermic style, to create a very sharp point for ease
of penetration. Tapering the end of the spit can help as well ......
though you don't want to take off so much material that the wall of
the pipe is too thin on the end. I should think that removing half the
wall thickness would be adequate. Whether using the sharp or blunt
end, this will ensure a smooth transition zone between the tip and the
spit when impaling the Lass. It might also be a good idea to round off
any sharp edges on the end of the tube ...... don't want the end of
the spit to unnecessarily cut any internal organs!!
We've found it helpful to have our "special girls" drink fairly large
quantaties of liquids, usually about 2 liters, immediately before
impalement. Water is OK but a decent, inexpensive Chardonnay adds
flavor as it leaks from the stomach during roasting. You'll know
you're in the right place as some Chardonnay should leak out through
the hollow shaft of the spit.
What a wonderful addition!!
There shouldn't be too much blood as overall you've only actually
caused 2 wounds, .......
This will simplify clean-up tremendously!! In the simplest of changes
comes the most benefit!!
She should still be able to breathe as the spit shouldn't cause any
significant airway obstruction.
Hhhmmmmm ....! I wonder. Inch and a half to inch and three quarter
pipe is pretty large. Might we drill a few 1/4 inch holes in the upper
two feet of the spit to facilitate breathing ..... so that an airway
is open through the hollow of the pipe to the lungs?
Well, there you have it. Your playmate all spitted, still alive, if
not exactly "kicking",
With this more "humane" method of skewering your sub ...... how much
trauma would occur and how much consciousness could we expect?
certainly not screaming, with minimal blood loss,
The minimal blood loss I have no doubt. ...... but what of the nature
of nerve endings on internal organs? I understand they are not as
sensitive as nerve endings on the outside of our body? This would
facilitate the whole process a great deal if our playmate felt only
pressure rather than pain during the insertion process. Although
occasional screaming might add variety to the deliberations!! Don't
you think?
What about removal of appropriate organs prior to roasting? How might
that be facilitated? Especially with the spit in place!!
... will be of some help to you and others who may be interested.
Please write if you have further question.
That's mighty kind of you Mister Loco. Perhaps a dialog between us
exotic practitioners can be created on ASB or through email?
Thanks from the bottom of our hearts!!
Zak and the boys.
"The West's Best Barbecue"