One thing I find psychologically interesting about the subject of impaling is that in many medieval wood representations the bodies are depicted perpendicular to the stake.
Yet almost all modern depictions the body is parallel with the insertion through the vagina or anus.
It seems modern folks are more interested in this form of execution as penetration (ie: sexual violation).
The body perpendicular to the stake limits the internal damage and prolongs suffering. For the female victim, penetration through the anus or vagina would seem to be a no-brainer if the intent is to impose sexual/rape/dominance humiliation as well as pain. The upright position of the female body on the stake is also far more visually stunning than when impaled perpendicular. Just look at the pics above.
The Quoom series above is very intense. I think having the women not completely naked adds to the visuals.
I suspect in bygone times it was simply easier to impale through the midsection than through a natural body opening. However, I can't imagine that thoughts of sexual violation were any less in the forefront of the minds of pillaging soldiers in ancient times as in the present. However, death would come fairly quickly for an upright impalement due to the inexorable puncturing of major organs as the stake slowly progressed through the body or body tissues tear at the point of impalement.
If the intent is prolong suffering and humiliating exposure the stake would be inserted in the anus with something attached at some distance from the tip that would stop the victim from sliding down further. Now you have the captured queen/priestesses/princesses/concubine/whomever essentially sitting on a stake that is well-inserted up her anus and into the abdomen, but no so deep as to punture her diaphragm and thoracic cavity. To provide stability and keep her torso as upright as possible her legs would be tied to the stake, preferably spread a bit, so that her vagina is displayed to the crowd. Her hands would be tied behind her back with the rope pulled down taut and secured to the stake or around her ankles. Her naked, sweat drenched torso would sway back and forth causing her breasts to, to -- well, do all the wonderful things exposed, sweaty, female breasts do. If her hips were at least 6 feet off the ground there'd be a good view for passersbye.
I'm no doubt thinking way, way too much about this. But, for a woman, if she's upright, naked (or nearly), impaled though the anus and with her exposed vagina showing sexual trauma you have all the elements for an extremely painful, lengthy, and humiliating death that satisfies all the perverse visual appetites of the crowd and the need to demonstrate the power of the state to impose the harshest and must humiliating punishments on the womenfolk of conquered peoples/rebels/criminals, etc.
Perhaps Barbaria could lend her considerable poetic talent to an impalement.