Meanwhile, no one expects the Spanish Inquisition.
Especially not on my attic.
In an old trunk, I found some engravings, depicting a 16th century trial and execution of three female scholarsn, because they had spread ideas, that, for some reason, were dangerous to spread during the Inquisition era. So the scholars got arrested.
Their followers were rounded up too. They were publically whipped, and branded as heretics.
The three scholars were subjected to the standard inquisition interrogation practices.
Then, they were brought to trial.
"Thou shall be brought to a hilltop, along the road, just outside the city, and stripped naked..."
"Then, thou shall be put an a stake, and left there, so that you can contemplate your heresy, while the stake will slowly take possession of your bodies, and chase away the devil in you..."
"Thou shall be left there, in all weather, day and night, until the Lord will bring His mercy to you."