#3 : "Are you sure the end of the pole will not hit the wall or the ceiling"?.
I especially like #5. Thank you.More
that looks great fun -
that looks great fun -
the weirdest thing though is the telephone box in #1,
I've seen many curious things in torture chambers on the Forums,
but that's certainly a new one for me
the weirdest thing though is the telephone box in #1,
I've seen many curious things in torture chambers on the Forums,
but that's certainly a new one for me
#3 : "Are you sure the end of the pole will not hit the wall or the ceiling"?.
A very imaginative & cruel method.
A very imaginative & cruel method.
Bamboo can grow up to 91cm (3ft) in 24 hours. 4cm (1.5 in) per hour. Slow enough it will take at least a day to pass through her, but fast enough she will feel it pushing up.