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In Another Early Life, Do You Think You Died Crucified?

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I don't really believe in reincarnation, or in existing as 'me' in any sense before or after this life,
'me' seems to me to be a physical organism with the temporary property of life,
and on top of that the intermittent property of consciousness,
both entirely dependent on that organism being in a particular condition: alive.
But who or what am 'I' that experiences being 'me'?

Still, maybe in my DNA there are inherited 'memories' of past experiences,
e.g. of being a female hunted, captured and impregnated,
and of the strange mixtures of pleasure and pain associated with them,
which might play some sort of part in my 'kink'.

And a friend of mine who does believe in reincarnation advises me
that if I feel strongly drawn to having some particular personality and/or experience
in my next life, I should start mentally preparing myself for it now -
so maybe my slavegirl and crucifixion fantasies and play are a sort of rehearsal,
maybe next time around it will all be for real? :devil:
I'm looking forward for such a furher reality ;-)
Still, maybe in my DNA there are inherited 'memories' of past experiences,
e.g. of being a female hunted, captured and impregnated,
and of the strange mixtures of pleasure and pain associated with them,
which might play some sort of part in my 'kink'.

We do no reincarnate, but our DNA continuously does. So there might be a common behaviour patterns with our ancenstors. On the other hand, we do not have to prepare or rehearse for a future life, it as already planned in our DNA.

So, the desire might be inherited, deep within the complexity of our characters and of our ancestor's characters.
interesting Thes. I am masochistic, in the sense of enjoying pain, to some extent.
But what I enjoy most is the thrill of anticipation, the rush of hormones that comes with the expectation of pain.
And, in a more general sense, I'm a submissive, a natural slavegirl, I get a lot of pleasure playing that role
with an understanding Master.
I guess you're more purely 'sub/ slavegirl'?
You're quite right to point out that sub and maso aren't the same,
you can be either without being the other.
I do not believe in reincarnation, but interesting theory carlikos.
Now this is what I think would be cool, to somehow enter another dimension where you would face countless tortures and executions, but never really die. In other words, you could be tortured, and then crucified, but after you die, you come back to face another torture and execution. l:devil::devil::devil::devil::devil::devil::devil::devil::devil::devil::devil::devil::devil::devil:..
Yes! Yes! Yessir! That´s exactly what I want!
Uhmmm ... Hondoboot2? I´m afraid that I have to steel your great idea. I´m afraid of beeing crucified for that robbery but I have to steel it.
Where is the entrance to that other dimension? Mabye around your neigborhood? Somewere in the forest? Inside a secret cave? Will I find it while having a canoe-tour at the weekend and wanna explore that little canal behind those downhanging plants?
Uhmmm ... Hondoboot2? I´m afraid that I have to steel your great idea. I´m afraid of beeing crucified for that robbery but I have to steel it.
Where is the entrance to that other dimension? Mabye around your neigborhood? Somewere in the forest? Inside a secret cave? Will I find it while having a canoe-tour at the weekend and wanna explore that little canal behind those downhanging plants?
I wish I knew where the entrance was Sassi. I would be there already:devil: If I knew I would tell you in a heartbeat, then you, and I could be tortured, and crucified over, and over:)
I´m sure you know exactly where the entrance is, but you don´t want to share it whit me. :(
Momma! Mooooommmaaaa! Hondoboot is a ugly boy. He has been ugly to me! Mommaaaa! *sob* *cry* *wail* *bawl* :( Buhuuuu! He doesn´t tell me where the entrance is! *howl
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I´m sure you know exactly where the entrance is, but you don´t want to share it whit me. :(
Momma! Mooooommmaaaa! Hondoboot is a ugly boy. He has been ugly to me! Mommaaaa! *sob* *cry* *wail* *bawl* :( Buhuuuu! He doesn´t tell me where the entrance is! *howl
The entrance is inside of your mind, it is a place everyone must find. Seek, and you will find.
I´m sure you know exactly where the entrance is, but you don´t want to share it whit me. :(
Momma! Mooooommmaaaa! Hondoboot is a ugly boy. He has been ugly to me! Mommaaaa! *sob* *cry* *wail* *bawl* :( Buhuuuu! He doesn´t tell me where the entrance is! *howl
The place is in your head!:)
You have to find the entrance and discover it yourself.:rolleyes:
But I think most of the CF members have already found the entrance.:cool:
We do no reincarnate, but our DNA continuously does. So there might be a common behaviour patterns with our ancenstors. On the other hand, we do not have to prepare or rehearse for a future life, it as already planned in our DNA.

So, the desire might be inherited, deep within the complexity of our characters and of our ancestor's characters.

Well now you are getting into the recently re-discovered area of epigenetics. Our DNA is not fixed; there are modifications that happen in our lifetime that do get passed down to offspring. The most significant studies were from the Dutch hunger winter of 1944-45. Effects on the hormonal response to stress were found even in second generation offspring who were born years later and grew up in the prosperous Holland of the 1960s. Some effected persist even into their children. This is linked with chemical changes to the DNA (not the base sequence).

Would such effect last 2000 years? Highly unlikely. And of course most here probably had no ancestor who was ever crucified. And the person crucified wouldn't be repproducing afterwards, so any change the crucifixion made to their DNA would die with them (unless they were taken down and survived).

Since I don't find crucifixion particularly erotic or even that interesting, what does that say about me?
I think it goes back a good bit further, to when (some of) our female ancestors found that hanging from a tree branch and writhing sensuously (a) was a pleasurable experience and (b) served to attract males - and (some of) our male ones did indeed find it attractive :D
Likewise, my fascination with being hunted, chased, captured seems to me to be programmed in my prehistoric past.
I suppose the strength of these tendencies varies from one individual to another, as do the ways they manifest in us.
I think it goes back a good bit further, to when (some of) our female ancestors found that hanging from a tree branch and writhing sensuously (a) was a pleasurable experience and (b) served to attract males - and (some of) our male ones did indeed find it attractive :D
Likewise, my fascination with being hunted, chased, captured seems to me to be programmed in my prehistoric past.
I suppose the strength of these tendencies varies from one individual to another, as do the ways they manifest in us.

Now I think you're projecting;) Females don't generally have to attract males, most males will mate with almost any female. The job of the female is more along the lines of rejecting most suitors in favor of those who can father the best offspring. That was recognized by Darwin, among others.
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