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In praise of the pillory

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Good news,fellow Crux Forumers.....
I have finally rebuilt my awesome Pillory !!
(Here's a few crummy pics,to keep you amused.)
All that's needed,now is an (un)willing Volunteer....to try it out. ;) :devil:
Any questions, or rude remarks,please go ahead....
(For the benefit of those who aren't sure what my Pillory refit entailed....)

A new Head/Wrist lock that's made with thinner depth planks,compared to before.
(2 × 11.5 cm as opposed to 2 × 19 cm)
A big difference in weight, & safety. ;)

Entirely new Uprights that have roughly 12 × Bolt holes all drilled 9 cm. equidistant to facilitate a degree of height-adjustment.
One Upright side measures 2.7 cm. by 7 cm. wide by 120 cm. height.*
The other side is thicker at 3.2 cm. by 7 cm. wide by approx 120 cm. high.

The Uprights also incorporate fittings to facilitate the use of Whips,Chains 'n' other BDSM stuff...if so required. :devil:

A new Central Brace fitted part way across the Uprights. Again can be Height-adjusted.

The base is pretty much as before with a new Bench at one end which can be switched
to an Ankle/Wrist lock,if so desired... :) ;)

To be honest,it took a lot of trial and error,not to mention numerous trips to,either Wickes, or B & Q. for Wood, Fittings,Nuts & Bolts etc....
Blood Sweat and Tears involved,as well...lol.
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