I think a great deal of it has to do with the culture and society you live in.
We live in a modern society with some (by historical standards) liberal or progressive ideas.
But think about a society where life can be short and brutal. There are no social services so people starve to death on a regular basis. Diseases we easily survive kill thousands. As a woman you know that if the town falls you are going to be raped, maybe raped and enslaved or raped and killed. Executions are carried out in public and "entertainment" is bloody and often fatal. As a soldier taking a town you EXPECT to have your way with the women as a reward for surviving the battle.
There are no police so if you want protection as you walk the streets you carry (and know how to use) a bladed weapon or club.
Most of us here live in the technologically advanced first world or at worst second world nations. Take a look at the brutal acts that routinely happen in other parts of the world (and occasionally our part). How easily, mass executions, widespread rape, enslavement or torture happen.
Humans are just half a step removed from the animals we look down on. We have a very thin veneer of 'civilization' layered on top of millions of years of primitive animalistic biological evolution.
And then of course let's say your daughter was carried off and enslaved by say the Gauls or you found her horribly tortured to death because they did find her "entertaining" enough to bring all the way home. You'd probably think nothing of slaughtering every Gaul you could lay you hands on.
I have this wonderful girlfriend, who is helping me out with my stories. Even when she was younger, she faced trouble at school and had to see the schools psychologist because of her personality. In fact, she is the character for my "Female Executioner". She loves to hurt people, and sure doesn't have a problem whipping a person, or nailing somebody to a cross.
Since I'm more into humiliation, as the exhibition of the condemned and myself, it's extremely exciting when we are discussing the feelings that the attending people at a crucifixion site must have experienced.
But to say it like that, the perfect job for her would be executioner. Especially in the days of the Empire, when the crucifixions were part of the culture, and the executions have been staged to create emotional explosions......
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