My last serious boyfriend was like this a wonderful man but wasn't into BDSM, a need I have so we went our separate ways.
Not sure I have ever heard a bigger crock of bull than "attacker" and "defender" sperm. Sperm is NOT white blood cells for heavens sake. It is testosterone not sperm which makes males (all male mammals) aggressive and YES it is there solely to ensure that superior genes (as designated by nature not humans) is passed on to succeeding generations. It is called 'survival of the fittest' (which unfortunately we use technology to cancel out).
Monogamy exists in very few other species exists in very few other species and for a good reason. A diversified gene pool allows for more adaptions thus a greater chance that the species will survive. The female of any species is a prize to be taken by a dominant male. However humans with a reasoning capability have the ability to make analytical deductions which can over ride biological instinct.
Let's take Arnold S as an example. Big, strong. always defeats the other men and gets the girls (thank you Hollywood). But let's look at this from the female perspective in a Neolithic society. Her breeding instinct is protective, I have to protect and raise my children who is the mate who gives them the best chance of that. Certainty Arnold as a protector fits that bill but how is he as a hunter? Can he follow game at a high speed for miles on end or do the lighter guys leave him behind so he gets less to bring home (none at all). And then is he demanding enough food to feed that massive body there might not be anything left over for her offspring. The last 2 make him a lousy option as a mate (however, point one gives him the ability to seize all the females he wants).
Why do you think rich guys get attention from massive numbers of women? They have the modern resources (foraging\hunting for survival being a passe skill) to take care of her and any offspring.
Or why the handsome guy (or beautiful girl) gets all the attention.? Plenty of studies have proved that people who are 'beautiful' (as designed by the time and place) are considered more desirable, trustworthy, and are generally more successful because the path is 'greased' for them by our biology. Those 3 things add up to providing offspring (and mom) with a better chance of survival than being with an ugly guy nobody wants around. We don't NEED that biological drive anymore to survive but a couple of hundred years of technology is not over-riding\wiping out millions of years of evolution.
As too your friend deciding that he was designed by evolution to be inferior he is making up things (which we humans excel at) to make himself feel better about his romantic failures. Every guy wants the Playboy Bunny in the room but you know what? In a modern society when the best guy with a sword can't kill his competitors and grab the chick and carry her off to his stronghold, she CONTROLS to options as to which male she thinks is best for her (which doesn't mean the guy she thinks is the best is going to agree with her but neither one has to look at the undesirables at all).
So his failures are on him, not evolution. He either doesn't bring enough to the table (or does a bad of presenting what he has) to make the women HE'S interested in think HE'S their best choice.
And that applies to women too, you don't always get the guy you want because he's not convinced you are his best option.
Now maybe in both cases the tools you have are not superior (say a prehensile tail) but that's because of inferior genes producing an inferior product.
Humans have turned sex into an Olympic sport, nature intended it for only one thing .................. procreation.
Oh my goodness! Have I touched a nerve? Good morning Willowfall.
As far as I know, all that bollocks (Ha Ha) about attacker and defender sperm is a real scientific theory. it's based on the idea that to achieve impregnation according to the principles of survival of the fittest, you don't need millions, most of which don't get anywhere near her egg or even try too. So what are they evolved for? Whales for example, produce gallons of ejaculate. They do this because when she's into it, males from miles around compete in impaling her on their dicks and usually more than one succeed. So who fathered her cow? Research suggests it was the last one in and he pumped her to overflowing because he expected to flush out all his competitors. Do we think evolutionary competition continues even after she's been fucked? Systems exist in nature to suggest this is possible.
At some points in my monthly cycle, apparently, I'm attracted to the alpha male because I want my child to be physically endowed, strong and confident. I'm impressed by his masculine swagger when I feel horny, but only for a few days. For the rest of my desperation to fuck, I want the commitment of a softer, caring, life partner to help me raise my child. Then I return to my opinion of Mr Muscly Mega Dick as a bit of a poncy twat and a poor investment of my time.
Rich guys gets lots of women because shed loads of us just love spending money! Really rich wives fuck the staff for fun.
To be serious for a moment, I've built a life with my boyfriend which is precious. He's my foundation and the base from which everything else I want is possible. Knowing I'm safe, I can log on here, amongst other places, and explore my kink to my wicked heart's desire. That is after all why I write, it's my kinky sex life. I have an on line Master who controls me sexually while I'm logged on. I have permission to write this. He needs to know when and how I become aroused and for me, that pushes my buttons. I'm even allowed to role play submission to other men, or women, with his consent and subject to his conditions. Like this, I explore the psychology of submission and feel it, although of course I'm limited in how far I can go physically.
Last night I was playing with someone who wanted me stripped to my knickers, collared and naked in front of my computer while we played. The "scene" was that I'd been shared with him by my master who handed me over in a car park to be driven away, stripped to my knickers and collared. I know I wasn't physically trained by this man, but we wrote it with him in command. It felt real enough to make obedience easy when he forced me to come. I should point out that my BF was away! He sometimes is, luckily.
The friend I mentioned originally, enjoys a cuckold fetish. It excites him to think of his wife in the manly grip of whichever alpha fuck she's chosen this time and his feelings of inferiority are powerfully erotic. As a couple, they really do play this game in RL. I wondered if the same submissive desires drive the passions in many of us, whichever kink we need to follow.
I've been fortunate enough to be able to split my life into two mutually exclusive halves and enjoy each separately. I need both.
I will say that it's occurred to me, from an evolutionary point of view, that women are the force of reason in the process and men are the careless, enthusiastic propagators. His best option as you call it, might simply boil down to availability. I joke that my BF is something of a cock on a stick and what he really needs is a mother. This is why I wash his socks.
I'm quite happy to accept that my sources are dodgy and I think this stuff simply because I want to. I just read it on the internet.
Kate XX