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Jedakk's Masterpiece

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What ever happened to Arria? Want to find what i can! Love this scene, I can almost taste the humiliation
Arria's story didn't work out well and I abandoned it. Sometimes it happens like that. I have several stories that I gave up on at some point because they simply weren't as interesting as I thought they would be when I started writing. I have one or two that I posted years ago I shouldn't have.
During the years I was away, I rethought and redid some scenes from "The Serpent's Eye" and added some new scenes that are intermediate, in between scenes I originally did. I gave Sabina and the other characters improved skins - sub-surface scattering to make them more translucent like real human skin. I have a hell of a lot of renders from every scene, but I'll try to pick out the best ones to post here. I began with the Carrying series of scenes at the point where Sabina has reached the Sessorium and can see where she's about to be crucified.

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The year is 2046. Jeddak has uploaded his conciousness to a cloud server and has begun the task of redoing a few old Serpent’s Eye renders. No longer content with a subsurface scattering algorithm that only approximates the physical properties of skin, he has developed his own rendering engine. Still disappointed with the results for being not realistic enough, he knows what he must do.

Unbeknowenst to the world, at 2100 hours gmt, a new universe is created within a long-since abandoned computer rack. The calculations are immense, but the payoff will be worth it. All of the physical properties are there, to as far as the standard model can determine. Over the next twelve billion simulated years, a planet with a climate suitable for life will emerge and begin the process from simple microbial life feeding on the temperature gradient of undersea vents to complex organisms with skeletons and lungs, and finally, humans.

Their Carthage was much like ours. And so to was their Rome. But there was one small calculation made, one tiny change to the fabric of this simulation. The simulation captures in extracting death every barbaric thing, every execution, every torture. From the first Phoenicians nailing bandits to trees, to the last true Roman crucifixions just before the reign of Constantine. It is compiled into a great psuedohistory of crucifixion. And that one small change that allowed Sabina to finally be captured as Jeddak wanted her to be seen? The one difference that brought the Greek Girls to their end? Well, her name was Jessica.
The year is 2046. Jeddak has uploaded his conciousness to a cloud server and has begun the task of redoing a few old Serpent’s Eye renders. No longer content with a subsurface scattering algorithm that only approximates the physical properties of skin, he has developed his own rendering engine. Still disappointed with the results for being not realistic enough, he knows what he must do.

Unbeknowenst to the world, at 2100 hours gmt, a new universe is created within a long-since abandoned computer rack. The calculations are immense, but the payoff will be worth it. All of the physical properties are there, to as far as the standard model can determine. Over the next twelve billion simulated years, a planet with a climate suitable for life will emerge and begin the process from simple microbial life feeding on the temperature gradient of undersea vents to complex organisms with skeletons and lungs, and finally, humans.

Their Carthage was much like ours. And so to was their Rome. But there was one small calculation made, one tiny change to the fabric of this simulation. The simulation captures in extracting death every barbaric thing, every execution, every torture. From the first Phoenicians nailing bandits to trees, to the last true Roman crucifixions just before the reign of Constantine. It is compiled into a great psuedohistory of crucifixion. And that one small change that allowed Sabina to finally be captured as Jeddak wanted her to be seen? The one difference that brought the Greek Girls to their end? Well, her name was Jessica.
I'll be 97 then if I'm still around!
The executioner's helpers drag and push Sabina closer to the base of her cross, where she will be crucified. She struggles desperately, digging in her feet and using all her strength to hold back. Hercules, the one holding her chain, reaches the spot, turns, and begins dragging her in toward him, reeling in her chain hand over hand.

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I actually did write the part that goes along with these pictures. This part is narrated by Balbus, the executioner. Here it is, beginning where Sabina left the road to walk to her cross:

Just then they came to the place where they left the road and headed toward the place of execution. Hercules, strong as a mule, was dragging Sabina by her chain and Ajax had a handful of the little slave girl’s ass, having himself a good feel and moving her along smartly. She balked and dug her heels in now that she could see the empty post where she was about to be crucified and Antius with his hammer and nails waiting for her. Then there was already a naked man hanging on a cross to the left of the one where she’d be hanging, screaming and writhing. The sight of him would have confirmed in her mind just how bad this was going to be.​
She was desperate to stave off what was coming. Just like nearly all the others. There weren’t many who made the last walk to their cross without a struggle, no matter how brave they thought they’d be. But she had less chance than a fart in a whirlwind of slowing Hercules and Ajax, who laughed along with the crowd at her puny efforts. Nothing she could do would delay her execution.​
Hercules and Ajax hustled the struggling, wide-eyed little slave girl between the rows of jeering assholes up to the place of execution. Antius stood on the opposite side of the cross from us, nails and hammer in hand, waiting for the two Nubians to get her ready for him.​
Hercules reached the place in front of her stipes where they would lay her on her back for nailing and stopped. The slave girl was still struggling and fighting, but he turned and began dragging her toward him hand over hand by the chain. She was quite a sight, digging in her feet, screaming and crying, arching her back, pulling with all of her puny strength now. Hercules was pulling her towards him, but her eyes were fixed on Antius with his hammer and nails.​

When Hercules dragged her up close, she lost her balance and collapsed in front of him, ending up on her knees leaning against her patibulum. She was breathing hard, chest heaving, trembling in terror. She stared at Antius, at his hammer and nails, her face a mixture of horror and exhaustion. If she had been quite a sight before, she was even more so now.​
She was quiet now, staring at the stipes in front of her where she’d be hanging in a few moments, probably too terrified to speak. A lot of them are when they suddenly find themselves with nothing left to do but die.​
I have 47 renders of this scene, which is typical for scenes I've done in the past few years. Once I finish with all the work of posing everyone, lighting, props, etc., I just move the camera around the 3D scene and take snapshots of any angles that look promising. That's generally around fifty renders. Then I go through those and select a few for illustrations - the rest are mostly never seen by anyone but me.

Sabina Carrying Scene 9b-86_0001.jpgSabina Carrying Scene 9b-92_0001.jpg
Sabina Carrying Scene 9b-7_0001.jpgSabina Carrying Scene 9b-10_0001.jpgSabina Carrying Scene 9b-54_0001.jpgSabina Carrying Scene 9b-56_0001.jpgSabina Carrying Scene 9b-57_0001.jpgSabina Carrying Scene 9b-62_0001.jpgSabina Carrying Scene 9b-80_0001.jpgSabina Carrying Scene 9b-87_0001.jpg
During the years I was away, I rethought and redid some scenes from "The Serpent's Eye" and added some new scenes that are intermediate, in between scenes I originally did. I gave Sabina and the other characters improved skins - sub-surface scattering to make them more translucent like real human skin. I have a hell of a lot of renders from every scene, but I'll try to pick out the best ones to post here. I began with the Carrying series of scenes at the point where Sabina has reached the Sessorium and can see where she's about to be crucified.

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Love it
Some samples of Sabina


  • 1 Sabina S4 PM IDL test 6 Pose 2 Lt Front Frame 1601.jpg
    1 Sabina S4 PM IDL test 6 Pose 2 Lt Front Frame 1601.jpg
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They left her kneeling while Ajax removed her shackles and Antius stood watching. Hercules lifted her patibulum off her shoulder. He hefted it easily then dropped it on the ground two paces in front of the stipes with the old nail holes on top. He nudged it with his foot a couple of times to get it squared up in front of the stipes, leaving plenty of room for Antius to work. I had to smile as I watched him double-check to make sure that the old blood drips were pointing toward, not away from, the victim the way I taught him.

Sabina Carrying Scene 10-52_0001.jpgSabina Carrying Scene 10-87_0001.jpgSabina Carrying Scene 10-7_0001.jpgSabina Carrying Scene 10-10_0001.jpgSabina Carrying Scene 10-56_0001.jpgSabina Carrying Scene 10-78_0001.jpgSabina Carrying Scene 10-81_0001.jpgSabina Carrying Scene 10-83_0001.jpgSabina Carrying Scene 10-86_0001.jpgSabina Carrying Scene 10-92_0001.jpg
The executioner's helpers drag and push Sabina closer to the base of her cross, where she will be crucified. She struggles desperately, digging in her feet and using all her strength to hold back. Hercules, the one holding her chain, reaches the spot, turns, and begins dragging her in toward him, reeling in her chain hand over hand.

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I want to see her during the whipping
They left her kneeling while Ajax removed her shackles and Antius stood watching. Hercules lifted her patibulum off her shoulder. He hefted it easily then dropped it on the ground two paces in front of the stipes with the old nail holes on top. He nudged it with his foot a couple of times to get it squared up in front of the stipes, leaving plenty of room for Antius to work. I had to smile as I watched him double-check to make sure that the old blood drips were pointing toward, not away from, the victim the way I taught him.

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Hello Master jedakk,

thank you for these further masterful images of Sabina as she driven to her crucifixion site. I had long thought that your previous superb portrayal of Sabina's terror as she nears the execution site, nearly naked before the expectant spectators could not ever be excelled. How wrong I was !!

For me, the potrayal of the female victim being made to carry her cross/patibulum through the crowd is one of the most erotic sequences of a female's crucifixion. Almost naked and bleeding from her scourging previously, she staggers under the weight of the cross, exacerbating her shame and suffering. She casts a pathetic figure in her agony as the procession continues towards the place where she will be nailed, writhing and obscenely exposing her feminine areas between her legs to the absorbed crowd. The lack of pity heightens the savagery of her public execution.

Thank you for your continuing brilliance!
For me, the potrayal of the female victim being made to carry her cross/patibulum through the crowd is one of the most erotic sequences of a female's crucifixion.

Thank you for your continuing brilliance!

There’s definitely something about being forced to actively participate in one’s own execution that makes cross-carrying so appealing.

Since I’m here, thanks for returning, Jedakk. I’ve admired your work for a long time!
There’s definitely something about being forced to actively participate in one’s own execution that makes cross-carrying so appealing.

Since I’m here, thanks for returning, Jedakk. I’ve admired your work for a long time!
I agree! Having to carry that beam, maybe one that's been used several times before, has old nail holes and is bloodstained, having to look at that the whole time and know your own blood will be added to it. The terror of anticipation had to be a form of torture too.

In Sabina's case, now they have taken the beam away, laid it in front of her, and they are removing her shackles. She knows the loincloth will come off, then the executioner will give the order to place her on the cross, and her agony will begin.
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