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Judas Cradle

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twist - ouch! :eek:
a semi-serious thought occurs - any sharp blade or spike used in such a way
would run a serious risk of penetrating the femoral artery,
and the victim wouldn't last long :eek:
double ouch - and those spikes prevent any serious penetration by the central shaft, unless there is already a substantial portion inside?
Maybe they just mark the stopping point.

Some from me


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Eul, the six surrounding spikes have rounded heads to prevent you from suffering a fatal injury from the center shaft. We are here for your pain and discomfort, not your demise...

Phlebas, 2 & 3 is nasty!!!


...What, Ulrika... No I did not lubricate Eul's shaft. Did you read what I just wrote??? It doesn't look like Phlebas did either in his...
I don't think I've posted these before?


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Just look at the photo, Tree.

Top Cat
Tree plows pours another... wait... I have to take a leak... oh, yeah that's better... Ulrika, what picture is TC talking about???

...what??? OWWW!!! You fuckin' bitch!!! Why did you tell me to zip up my fly when my wheezer was hanging out???


...I think TC likes her...
(Phlebas goes back over old Tree posts to feed them into Google translator and see what comes out :D)
he he he

ok, what's this thread about? Oh yeah.
Not quite Judas cradle, but related (someone tap Yupar on the shoulder she likes these ones)


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There are a lot of nice pic´s and drawings. But I´m wondering why there is only one pic of the scene. Does anybody have the whole set of the picture story? There must be some more of the torture and not onla riding the wooden pony.
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