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Judicial Corporal Punishment Of Women: Stories And Novels

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Hello elephas and dear Lenchen fans!

Some time ago you expressed the fear "As far as 'Lenchen's Abschied' is concerned, I'm afraid that the chances of getting the text are not very high".
The two of us then exchanged PMs and I promised to put out all the feelers.

In fact, apparently not a single copy exists in Germany (the country of origin!); I couldn't track down any holdings in any archive, not even in the German National Library.
But I was finally able to locate the book "Lenchens Abschied" in five foreign archives, 1 in France, 1 in the UK and 3 in the USA, although these are university libraries to which only registered students or lecturers have access - not private individuals.

It took me a lot of effort, but I managed to get a copy from Stanford University through my office, the General Directorate for Cultural Heritage Rhineland-Palatinate (GDKE - Generaldirektion Kulturelles Erbe Rheinland-Pfalz).
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the archives of "Leland Stanford Junior University" ("The Farm") in Stanford, California !

I also informed tiredny immediately and sent him a copy. But since you've been looking for "Lenchen's Abschied" for years, and thankfully put me in touch with tiredny, I'd like to do you the honor of posting the copy here on CruxForums in the right place and send it to you via PM.
It is a 96-page PDF in German.

By the way:
I am also on the trail of the original of "Lenchen im Zuchthause", or to be more precise: after intensive research via our central server, I was able to track down the unabridged reprint of the censored original version from 1840, over 400 pages (!), but I will only be able to get hold of it through official channels and with the help of my state office.
But I'll stay on the ball and will announce any success here immediately...
Keep your fingers crossed for me (and Lenchen :kiss: )!
Dear friends, I am posting "Lenchens Abschied", a continuation of "Lenchen im Zuchthause". Indeed, there was very little chance of getting this text, but @Sir Henry succeeded, for which he is especially grateful. My mission in this case is purely technical. Let me remind you that in the original novel Lenchen, or Helena, ends up in prison on a false charge and faces the formal procedure of judicial corporal punishment, including the so-called “welcome”. In "Lenchens Abschied", she undergoes a "farewell" ceremony, including birching, before leaving prison.
Enjoy reading!

Reinhard W. Lenchens Abschied. Nachtrag zu Lenchen im Zuchthaus. Privatdruck, 1906. [Lenchen's Farewell. Addition to Lenchen in prison]
PDF, 18.73 MB
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I'm sorry to say Malwarbytes brings up a warning, and Chrome blocks the download, from 'pdfixers' as 'not secure' :(
I'm sorry to say Malwarbytes brings up a warning, and Chrome blocks the download, from 'pdfixers' as 'not secure' :(
I've never had any problems with Mediafire, but if this hosting is questionable, what other upload options would you suggest?
I'm afraid that's outside my range, I'm sure there are others here more expert in such things.
It is undisputed and historically proven that the author of "Lenchen im Zuchthause" is Wilhelm Reinhard, born on 1 September 1776 in Kirchberg, died on 26 November 1858 in Paris, lawyer, former Baden State Councillor, former Director of the Baden State Institutions, author of several books, who wrote the work at the age of 64 or at least published it under his name in Karlsruhe, one of his former places of work, in 1840. (The information in Wiki is also correct: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_Reinhard_(Jurist) )
The work can be attributed a very high degree of authenticity.

The alleged "addendum" ("postscriptum") "Lenchens Abschied" published 66 years later, in 1906 and 48 years after Reinhard's death, differs significantly from the original work in terms of style and the description of the far-reaching sexual (almost pornographic) offences. On closer inspection, the question arises as to whether "Lenchen im Zuchthause" may have been "puffed up" retrospectively and given all kinds of erotic fantasies. The suspicion at least arises.
My doubts are fuelled in particular by the incorrect spelling of the (alleged) author's name: Reinhardt instead of Reinhard !

Regardless of these questionable and still to be investigated adversities, I see "Lenchen's Abschied" in any case as an extremely vivid book, which, even if one or the other plot was actually invented, provides deep insights into German prison life at the time, especially that of the regrettable female prisoners.

As soon as I have the reprint of the original 1840 version, I will analyse all three editions and write an Official Book Review, which will then also be entered into the German National Library.
Please note the enclosed title page with the misspelled name!


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    Lenchens Abschied - Titelblatt.JPG
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While analysing documents made available to me by the Badisches Generalarchiv, where Reinhard's personal files are archived, I have just discovered an important reference in the "Augsburger Postzeitung" of 19 January 1841.
From the notice that Reinhard's book "Lenchen im Zuchthause" was indexed, i.e. confiscated, because of (quote: "obscene descriptions from the area of our former prison life"), it also emerges for the first time that he (by virtue of his offices) was also the director of Baden penal institutions (prisons)!so the director of Baden penal institutions (= Zuchthaus / Zuchthäuser) !

This of course contributes massively to the conviction that he was actually the author of the original work 1840 or that he handed over all the relevant facts and documents to a possible ghostwriter.
This also suggests, among other things, that these material could have been confiscated letters from Lenchen and also Marie's answers, which the prison administration (censorship) had retained and not passed on.
A completely new perspective that fits into the picture like a piece of a jigsaw puzzle...


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    Augsburger Postzeitung (1) - 19.1.1841 - Buchbelegung.jpg
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    Augsburger Postzeitung (2) - 19.1.1841 - Buchbelegung - Kreis.jpg
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    Augsburger Postzeitung (3) - 19.1.1841 - Auszug, gerahmt.jpg
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    Augsburger Postzeitung (4) - 19.1.1841 - Auszug, Text D und E.jpg
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It is undisputed and historically proven that the author of "Lenchen im Zuchthause" is Wilhelm Reinhard, born on 1 September 1776 in Kirchberg, died on 26 November 1858 in Paris, lawyer, former Baden State Councillor, former Director of the Baden State Institutions, author of several books, who wrote the work at the age of 64 or at least published it under his name in Karlsruhe, one of his former places of work, in 1840. (The information in Wiki is also correct: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_Reinhard_(Jurist) )
The work can be attributed a very high degree of authenticity.

The alleged "addendum" ("postscriptum") "Lenchens Abschied" published 66 years later, in 1906 and 48 years after Reinhard's death, differs significantly from the original work in terms of style and the description of the far-reaching sexual (almost pornographic) offences. On closer inspection, the question arises as to whether "Lenchen im Zuchthause" may have been "puffed up" retrospectively and given all kinds of erotic fantasies. The suspicion at least arises.
My doubts are fuelled in particular by the incorrect spelling of the (alleged) author's name: Reinhardt instead of Reinhard !

Regardless of these questionable and still to be investigated adversities, I see "Lenchen's Abschied" in any case as an extremely vivid book, which, even if one or the other plot was actually invented, provides deep insights into German prison life at the time, especially that of the regrettable female prisoners.

As soon as I have the reprint of the original 1840 version, I will analyse all three editions and write an Official Book Review, which will then also be entered into the German National Library.
Please note the enclosed title page with the misspelled name!
Thanks for noticing the different spelling of the author's last name, it may indeed indicate a different author. As for style, unlike "Lenchen im Zuchthause", in "Lenchens Abschied" there are no ethical and philosophical discussions, only Lenchen’s correspondence with her friend Marie, where each of the girls talks about her experience of birching, Marie about school, and Lenchen about prison.
I'm sorry to say Malwarbytes brings up a warning, and Chrome blocks the download, from 'pdfixers' as 'not secure' :(
Unfortunately most of the files hosters now unsafe, most of them pushing downloading unwanted apps while downloading our wanted files
I believe we all owe much to Sir Henry, who is advancing the study of "Lenchen im Zuchthaus" and Wilhelm Reinhard far beyond what anyone else has done. Indeed, that newspaper article that talks about "obscene descriptions of prison life" brings two thoughts to mind:

1. It clears up confusion about the date of the original publication. 1840 now looks to be highly accurate, with 1872 as the most likely 2nd printing

2. "obscene" to my mind means the government wants to suppress publication. Could it be that they don't want the public to know what's going in in their women's prisons?

Next, on the issue of file hosters, I claim no expertise. Nevertheless, I have a huge preference when hosting the written word and that is Library Genesis. I have used this service a number of times and it has always worked for me. "Lenchens Abschied" is now available in Library Genesis. Below are links and instructions. What I'd ask is that you please let us know if you encounter any problems. (I'm particularly interested in finding out if there are country specific issues.)

Click on the link below to get "Nell's Farewell" (in the original German printed in 1906):

Lenchens Abschied

You should be immediately taken to the Library Genesis catalog entry for this work. At this point in the download options, you select: Libgen.rs

At the very top of the next page, click on the link for "Get"

Now sometimes I get a "privacy error" message (something about an invalid certification date). Anyhow just go around it (sometimes you ask for Advanced browsing), and you should be prompted for where to store the file.

It's a big file! Close to 20 megs and that's because each page is treated as an image.

Now, I'd like to explain why I like Library Genesis. First off, like a library, LG has a searchable catalog. If you go in the front door and search the FICTION catalog for Lenchens or Lenchen, you'll find both books. Next, often times people will upload works in multiple formats, so frequently you get to choose the format you want to download.

Again, please let us know, if it does NOT work for you and what country you are in.

It's interesting that, out of 16 who 'are reading' or intending to read it, at least 6 are women, 2 or 3 more could well be.

Geoffrey Pimm is a fairly serious historian, I've seen 'The Dark Side of Samuel Pepys - Society's first Sex Offender' reviewed reasonably favourably, and I see he's also written 'The Violent Abuse of Women in 17th and 18th century Britain' - 'Corporal Punishment of Women' is on offer on all the mainstream internet dealers' sites, it's evidently not just under-the-counter-porn. I guess Praefectus Praetorio would have enjoyed them - though he seemed pretty knowledgeable about the subject anyway, I think he could have written them!

We had a discussion about Geoffrey Pimm a while ago, who has (self-)published a book on "The Corporal Punishment Of Women". I don't have a copy of that one, but have just noticed that Library Genesis has another of his books, "The Violent Abuse of Women in 17th and 18th Century Britain". Haven't read it yet, but there is a chapter on public flogging, and more chapters on just about any other form of public or private punishment .

Dear Lenchen friends,

Here is the latest news:

Although I was able to track down the unabridged reprint of Reinhard's original manuscript (the 1st book edition), I still searched for possible further sources of supply and actually found one: In a non-public archive in Belgium, this reprint exists as a microfiche; more on this below.

My enquiry to the first source as to whether the book (the reprint of the 1st edition) could be sent to the local library via interlibrary loan, if necessary with the proviso that it could only be consulted in the reading room and not taken out of the library, was answered with the remark that this is generally not possible for reasons of stock protection.
However, there is the possibility that the entire work can be digitised on behalf of a customer and then sent to me as a PDF. With over 400 pages, this would involve enormous costs, but I would be prepared to invest them, because the work as a PDF would of course also be interesting here for the CF and for Library Genesis.
I was told that the digitisation would take about 4 weeks.

But before I commission the expensive digitisation, I will first find out whether a PDF can somehow be created from the above-mentioned microfilm in Belgium (sorry, this is absolutely not my area of expertise and I have no idea of the technical possibilities in this regard).
However, I should have found out by the end of next week (by 16 February at the latest), after which I will make a decision and then announce it here.
So we have no choice but to be patient...
We had a discussion about Geoffrey Pimm a while ago, who has (self-)published a book on "The Corporal Punishment Of Women". I don't have a copy of that one, but have just noticed that Library Genesis has another of his books, "The Violent Abuse of Women in 17th and 18th Century Britain". Haven't read it yet, but there is a chapter on public flogging, and more chapters on just about any other form of public or private punishment .

Partially available here:
Not actually the entire book - a preview, that allows you to see a limited number of pages.
Let me post my link again. This is the entire book:

We had a discussion about Geoffrey Pimm a while ago, who has (self-)published a book on "The Corporal Punishment Of Women". I don't have a copy of that one, but have just noticed that Library Genesis has another of his books, "The Violent Abuse of Women in 17th and 18th Century Britain". Haven't read it yet, but there is a chapter on public flogging, and more chapters on just about any other form of public or private punishment .


The Google Books link posted by @ees001 is only a web-based preview, the Library Genesis link in my post is the full book in epub format. Just click on the word "link". Apologies if there was any confusion on this point.
The Google Books link posted by @ees001 is only a web-based preview, the Library Genesis link in my post is the full book in epub format. Just click on the word "link". Apologies if there was any confusion on this point.

nsur, you are 100% correct. Library Genesis has the entire Geoffrey Pimm book in the non-fiction part of the library. Since I use the fiction part most of the time, the non-fiction can be a tad confusing. Anyhow, your link below takes you to the non-fiction catalog entry:


What I find works the best is just click on the book name at the very top of the screen. At the download screen hit the "GET" (again at the very top of the screen).

While I really like Library Genesis, Z-Library has some interesting features for members.

If you do a search for Geoffrey Pimm in Z-Library the book is listed as well. When you go to download, members can request a conversion to other formats such as pdf. It takes a minute of two, but you can get it in a number of different formats.

Happy hunting...
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In my opinion: An absolutely recommendable book for all who are interested in the local core topic!

First published in Great Britain in 2019 by

ISBN 978 1 52673 954 4
eISBN 978 1 52673 955 1
Mobi ISBN 978 1 52673 956 8

A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library (https://www.bl.uk/)

312 pages, data volume PDF: 6.26 MB


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    Pimm, Geoffrey - ''THE VIOLENT ABUSE OF WOMEN'' - cover title.jpg
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Okay, folks, away from all the serious and intensive historical research (it's a very dry and gruelling activity!) now something for a change, for relaxation.

Since I have nothing to do with carnival and its highly strange and alienating excesses anyway, I'm going to treat myself to a nice varied fantasy:

I'm flying first class to the USA. Let's say... to Montana. Or Utah. Two states that impress me.
Okay, I visit a large prison there, pick out a couple of pretty young spoilt sluts who have lost their place in society. Their crimes are murder, child abduction, grand theft, espionage/national treason and blackmail.
They all are orphans or illegals that no one will ask about, that no one will miss.

I quickly come to an agreement with the prison operators, the price is right. Well, the little witches are expensive, between 5000 and 7500 $USD each, but they are worth the money.
The National Prisoner Transportation System of the U.S. Marshals Service (today: JPATS or popularly "Con Air") even delivers them.
Landing next Tuesday, 9.25 am at Frankfurt/Main airport.
My lorry will be waiting there to pick up the eight bitches.

Then, here with me in the vaults of my old abandoned wine cellar: flogging a la carte, flagellation at its finest! Working on their backs, arses, tits...!
As in my real-life BDSM sessions, I use the leather whip for the backs, the Spanish cane for the arses and my Scottish tawse for the milkless bags.
One month convalescence, then flogging again, four weeks recovery, and so on and so forth... In between, occasionally a ride on one of them.

I picked two attractive chickens to start with: Fanny Fee (#6691) and Yolanda (#6284). But a total of 140 strokes (70 per witch)... huh, I'm going to reach my limits in terms of strength; it's really exhausting. Mega-awesome, but also exhausting! It tires your right arm quickly, believe me.
Well then, friends, my question, my appeal: Who wants to take part? Whip-wielders or rod-wielders please contact me!

Nice fantasy, isn't it?

mug xx, komp..JPG


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We had a discussion about Geoffrey Pimm a while ago, who has (self-)published a book on "The Corporal Punishment Of Women". I don't have a copy of that one, but have just noticed that Library Genesis has another of his books, "The Violent Abuse of Women in 17th and 18th Century Britain". Haven't read it yet, but there is a chapter on public flogging, and more chapters on just about any other form of public or private punishment .

This book and its table of contents looks like a manual for every dominant how a submissive woman should be treated in accordance with tradition. I would like it to be available here in a format that allows it to be transferred to Word and then translated into my native language. I would have a lot of pleasure in reading it.
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