You wouldn't hemorrhage to death from ankle and wrist nail wounds. The biggest threat their is infection, which is easily treatable. The danger coming from shock can only be mediated by getting the girls intoxicated before removal. Other than that I am sure they would be willing to risk it given the situation.
The plan would be either men holding them in place by the torso to take the strain off the wrists, then doing the same for the feet. Or wrapping ropes around the shoulders and the cross in a make shift harness. Even if rescuers can't get nails out on scene, they can be removed more safely later, as long as they are freed from the wood of the crosses. That is the biggest thing. But given the fact that this is taking place in the middle of nowhere and their are only a couple of guards time is on the side of the rescuers, for now anyway.
All right. But getting the nails off the cross seems to me to be the biggest problem. They are sunk so deep into the wood. How to get them without mutilating the girls?