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Manips By Phlebas

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Some frontier fun, the last two are variations on General Bradock's Horse by Robert Griffing.


You'll notice my numbers have passed 500 - the actual ph500 is still to be posted
No matter how hard Barb tried,
To be a good Blue State Bride,
Her owner, a Cree,
Big Chief Hanging Tree,
Kept her naked and tightly tied.
Barb was strung up by the Cree,
Stark naked for all to see;
She’d entered Montana
In a chaotic manner,
And wrapped her mustang round a tree

And so, the native American population became acquainted with the Limerick! :roto2nuse:
Variations on a theme to mark passing the ph500 milestone

Vintage photo of a crucifixion event with unusually high authenticity and gender equality for the time, perhaps that is why it is performed under cover of darkness?

A clearer version for those who prefer it, with some variation in the figures

The sacrificial woman accepts the spear with dignity

The prophecy said that one among them must make the ultimate sacrifice
Variations on a theme to mark passing the ph500 milestone

Vintage photo of a crucifixion event with unusually high authenticity and gender equality for the time, perhaps that is why it is performed under cover of darkness?
View attachment 1268667

A clearer version for those who prefer it, with some variation in the figures
View attachment 1268660

The sacrificial woman accepts the spear with dignity
View attachment 1268659

The prophecy said that one among them must make the ultimate sacrifice
View attachment 1268658
Excellent art depicting the situation. The man on the middle cross must be in too much pain to be concerned over the women's loincloths...
Variations on a theme to mark passing the ph500 milestone

Vintage photo of a crucifixion event with unusually high authenticity and gender equality for the time, perhaps that is why it is performed under cover of darkness?
View attachment 1268667

A clearer version for those who prefer it, with some variation in the figures
View attachment 1268660

The sacrificial woman accepts the spear with dignity
View attachment 1268659

The prophecy said that one among them must make the ultimate sacrifice
View attachment 1268658
Excellent, Phlebas, and congratulations on the milestone! :)
Variations on a theme to mark passing the ph500 milestone

Vintage photo of a crucifixion event with unusually high authenticity and gender equality for the time, perhaps that is why it is performed under cover of darkness?

A clearer version for those who prefer it, with some variation in the figures

The sacrificial woman accepts the spear with dignity

The prophecy said that one among them must make the ultimate sacrifice
Congratulations on the milestone, Phlebas - and this is a sensational image in all variations! Darkness descends over the face of the earth in a composition which evokes the classic iconography of traditional crucifixion art. The use of Alex Bald's video star, 'CRY' on the left, also body doubling on the right, embraces the contemporary crux scene, whilst the 'vintage' interpretation acknowledges pioneers like Frantisek Drtikol.

I cannot identify the central male figure, but he is notably devoid of the concession to modesty which the women have been granted. Also, the lack of a titulus and thorns confirms that this is just a regular public execution of three condemned criminals. It is empowering for the women to be judged as dangerous as the male felon, and all three must be removed from the sphere of social influence, having been found guilty in the eyes of the law (now tell me it's actually a Passion Play...)

In the penultimate scene, it is CRY, and not the central male, who is dispatched with a spear thrust to the chest. Thus the ancient methods are employed, despite the evidence of the contemporary scene. The modern clothing and the spotlights, dramatically up-lighting the tall crucifixes, present disturbing details - and we wonder why, if this is not a re-enactment, a suitably modern method of execution is not being employed?

The answer, of course, is that we are witnessing a level of perfection in punishment which has rarely been excelled since Roman times. Nice work. :)
Variations on a theme to mark passing the ph500 milestone

Vintage photo of a crucifixion event with unusually high authenticity and gender equality for the time, perhaps that is why it is performed under cover of darkness?
View attachment 1268667

A clearer version for those who prefer it, with some variation in the figures
View attachment 1268660

The sacrificial woman accepts the spear with dignity
View attachment 1268659

The prophecy said that one among them must make the ultimate sacrifice
View attachment 1268658
Girl so nice, you had to nail her twice!
Congratulations on the milestone, Phlebas - and this is a sensational image in all variations! Darkness descends over the face of the earth in a composition which evokes the classic iconography of traditional crucifixion art. The use of Alex Bald's video star, 'CRY' on the left, also body doubling on the right, embraces the contemporary crux scene, whilst the 'vintage' interpretation acknowledges pioneers like Frantisek Drtikol.

I cannot identify the central male figure, but he is notably devoid of the concession to modesty which the women have been granted. Also, the lack of a titulus and thorns confirms that this is just a regular public execution of three condemned criminals. It is empowering for the women to be judged as dangerous as the male felon, and all three must be removed from the sphere of social influence, having been found guilty in the eyes of the law (now tell me it's actually a Passion Play...)

In the penultimate scene, it is CRY, and not the central male, who is dispatched with a spear thrust to the chest. Thus the ancient methods are employed, despite the evidence of the contemporary scene. The modern clothing and the spotlights, dramatically up-lighting the tall crucifixes, present disturbing details - and we wonder why, if this is not a re-enactment, a suitably modern method of execution is not being employed?

The answer, of course, is that we are witnessing a level of perfection in punishment which has rarely been excelled since Roman times. Nice work. :)

Thanks for the interesting analysis, Bob. I was pleased with the effect, but I forgot to add one thing. In my mind this was a ceremony taken to the extreme, a commemoratio in carne, a verum sacrificium. Whether the players are taking part willingly, or this an involuntary offering, I leave to the imagination. Crowns may have made that more obvious, but in this case the simplicity is

As to modesty, I felt the loincloths gave a nod to female decorum, without really hiding the goods. Likewise the male is completely exposed, but his manhood does not overwhelm us, it is a sign of his complete offering rather than an obscene distraction. Less is more, sometimes.

The central male figure is a composite. He appears in two forms in these manips, and further variations will appear in subsequent manips.

On the topic of modesty and decorum, this little manip explores what clothes can hide, and fail to hide. Sometimes it might be better to be completely bare?

Don't worry, I'm sure her captor will soon remove that horrible wet garment. Apologies to those offended by the subject matter.

Variations on a theme to mark passing the ph500 milestone

Vintage photo of a crucifixion event with unusually high authenticity and gender equality for the time, perhaps that is why it is performed under cover of darkness?

This set of pictures is fantastic ! Maybe because of beauty female models, maybe because I can imagine me at place of the young man in the middle ?
Very fast, almost at once I wrote little mini history for this scene - I don't know why this way - maybe because of movie of Polanski which I have seen some time ago ?
(sorry for not perfect English)

It was a group of rich and powerful people ... they met on their estates ... They were above the law ... They were united by their cult ... they called themselves the Ninth Gate ...

Many mediocre people wanted to join - not knowing anything about those at the top, the elite. And this one allowed only the chosen few from the outside ... but they were always the tools of their cult ...

Two students - twin sisters - very attractive, very fresh, innocent and sweet - very committed to the Faith ... They were accepted, entered their world ... they will get good jobs, high pay, care and career ... will be useful to them for many years ...

The girls had a task, one of the first - initiating! Find a boy, single, cool and nice.. who loves girls, your age or a little older.. one of those looking for partners on eg. Fetlife, wanting to worship the Cult of Queen like you do ... Which would do anything for a pretty girls, for our Queen ... such one easy to persuade … It will be a Board meeting … you will be cured after this, you will be fine, for sure .. .. ..

… … …

Yes, the meeting was very successful, as always. There was an additional attraction ... the ritual took place ...

The twins ended up in a private clinic ... they were useful ...

the boy, the young man ... well ... The ritual needs blood ... cutting with flogging, a crown of thorns and nails are a little to less ...

… sperm gush with breaking of legs and spear thrust – what a good climax for all ! …

who said that the members of the group shunned cruelty? oh they shunned it...they only liked spectacular endings ...
This set of pictures is fantastic ! Maybe because of beauty female models, maybe because I can imagine me at place of the young man in the middle ?
Very fast, almost at once I wrote little mini history for this scene - I don't know why this way - maybe because of movie of Polanski which I have seen some time ago

Thank you Wik, that's a very suitable interpretation which captures the sacramental/ritual aspect of it

I find myself doing variations on a theme these days. This set is based on and with permission of our member Roman334 with background by PhilX. (I can't do @member at the moment)

Other variations male and female to follow

PS who can tell me why the number 334 is significant?

Thank you Wik, that's a very suitable interpretation which captures the sacramental/ritual aspect of it

I find myself doing variations on a theme these days. This set is based on and with permission of our member Roman334 with background by PhilX. (I can't do @member at the moment)

Other variations male and female to follow

PS who can tell me why the number 334 is significant?

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Tree prefers the much more scenic version of the naked crucified woman. Her body is much more appealing and he likes the way her breasts sway as she suffers the torment of being displayed on the cross as she is slowly put to death...
crux group 002 c - Copy.jpg

...and Tree has no idea why 334 is important. Not any of her measurements Tree thinks...
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