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Meeting Anastasia

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Emily enjoys her work
She has a reputation to uphold … it’s all about nails and hair, and seeing that her best friends do their time on the cross.


Notice how her self-satisfaction is evident, not to mention where she’s placing her right hand ;):rolleyes:
Barb&EulCrux22_09_4.jpg The sky's growing darker, it's feeling damp and humid, maybe there'll be a soothing shower of rain to cool my burning breasts ...
but this weather just attracts tormenting insects to my sweaty skin, all I can do is shake my hair in vain - even Barb has better hair for fly-whisking than I do - as for Emily, wow!
Barbaria & Eulalia
Gun01_2.jpg Oh no! What's happening?
Is it a slave-trader come to steal us from our crosses?
I've heard of that happening, but I never dreamt it would happen to me!
Maybe I can distract the villain? Not easy when I'm nailed up here,
but it might give Emily a chance ...
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